Nancy Pelosi Sides With Communitst China Puts Forth Bill That Free Market Capitalism Cannot Support.

What an incompetent nincompoop
When Trump signs it and takes credit for it like he did that last one, you will celebrate him.
What an incompetent nincompoop

The Ivans' overthrowing their Soviet tyranny left our leftists distracted and distraught. How could that have happened, they cried? They were indoctrinated from birth, snitched on neighbors harboring fantasies of freedom, had no guns or a free press...HOW? So now they've moved on to China as the leaders of the grand design to enslave the impoverished and ignorant while they live like commissars in the houses on the hills. Looking down on us, eating their gourmet ice cream and calling our forced business closures, "inconvenient". Pelousy is an old-school communist in designer clothes and jewelry.

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