NANCY? Pelosi slurs words, praises ‘President Butch,’ claims there are ‘three coasts’

I live on the gulf coast and in 50 years I have never heard it called the third coast. Liberal apologists are so busy rewriting the past, they don’t even know what they are saying. And remember, democratic women are so much smarter than anyone else in the country that it is our fault if we don’t understand their special language.

We do have southern coasts.

We know that, right?

Please describe where the "North Coast" is.
And don't hand anyone the bullshit explanation that the Oregon coast is the "North Coast".
It's called: 'The Pacific West Coast' BTW.
Nancy will be shitting herself in a sun-room within a year.

There are more miles of American shoreline along the great lakes and the St. Lawrence then there is along the Gulf.

Except going to "The North Coast" is something said by no lucid American adult ever. Pilousy is just as retarded as Hank Johnson, but still not as much of a fucking moron as YOU. Then again you're a freak of nature as far as stupidity goes. Usually a doctor would have certified you as brain dead on the delivery table, so I can only assume you crawled out of the dumpster behind a Planned Unparenthood and was raised by racoons.

I wonder if Pelosi is aware that Guam hasnt fully collapsed into the Atlantic Ocean and all 9 million residents have been eaten by sharks and dolphins
im giving it another month when Pelosi will start suggesting that we start proceedings to Impeach President Lincoln

I think they dated.
worse case scenerio, her dementia gets worse and she inadervtantly brings up Hillary doing something very naughty with Huma on live television {nearly x-rated}

I could see her accidentally saying something self indicting.

The stupid bitch wanted Bush and Cheney to go to prison for torture, then THE ROLES SHOWED THAT SHE WAS IN THE FUCKING MEETINGS WHEN THE TORTURE WAS DISCUSSED.

that topic was dropped REALLY qucikly by the old bag. :21::21::21::21:
i still dont know how Pelosi did the math and 500 Million people were losing their jobs a month when Obama was President

And this is going to be our next Speaker of the House of Representatives, 3rd in line to the presidency? God help us.

We have a responsibility, all of us, to secure our borders, North, South, and coming in by plane on our coasts, three coasts–North, South and West–and that’s the responsibility we honor. But we do so by honoring our values as well,” she bizarrely claimed.

More @ NANCY? Pelosi slurs words, praises ‘President Butch,’ claims there are ‘three coasts’ | | Media Equalizer


And this is going to be our next Speaker of the House of Representatives, 3rd in line to the presidency? God help us.

We have a responsibility, all of us, to secure our borders, North, South, and coming in by plane on our coasts, three coasts–North, South and West–and that’s the responsibility we honor. But we do so by honoring our values as well,” she bizarrely claimed.

More @ NANCY? Pelosi slurs words, praises ‘President Butch,’ claims there are ‘three coasts’ | | Media Equalizer

How many coasts do you imagine there are?

I know exactly how many there are.
You obviously don't.

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