Yes, There Is A Border Crisis, And Democrats Created It

And they send all their money back to their homeland rather than spending it here in America.
Can you tell me why that fucks us over or are you to much of a partisan asshole?
They send money back so their family can eat. Does that offend you? USA corporations have made big profits exploiting Central American labor and resources, with the USA govt installing "friendly" dictators to keep the profits flowing. We OWE those people. Take responsibility for the actions of our govt and corporations. They made this mess. Stop whining like a bitch over immigrants. THEY are not our problem.
Funny how the estimate number of illegal immigrants stays at 11 million, year after year.
Notice how Republiscum constantly whine about "open borders" when we haven't had an open border now for generations? Why is that? I must conclude that they are either,
1. stupid
2. evil, or
3. crazy

Some are all 3.
You've got that right. By all counts there are more than 25 million illegal aliens within America today and it's rising expodentially daily....
By all counts? Care to specify a few of these "counts"?

Well, their illegality is designed by the system to keep their labor cheap. Aliens? Not to me, since I speak their language and know their culture. Nothing alien about any of it.

You racist immigrant-haters, however, seem very alien to me, not even human, in fact.
Yes, people migrate here, then become citizens, then vote. That's what our white ancestors did.

Oh but if they're brown, you have a problem with it, eh? Well, then, you have revealed that you're a mindless and despicable racist whose words are feces and should be ignored if not simply scooped up and removed

I have a problem with a political party letting in people for more votes which is obviously whats happening.
So tell me,why wont Xiden and his henchmen let Cubans immigrate to the US?
They send money back so their family can eat. Does that offend you? USA corporations have made big profits exploiting Central American labor and resources, with the USA govt installing "friendly" dictators to keep the profits flowing. We OWE those people. Take responsibility for the actions of our govt and corporations. They made this mess. Stop whining like a bitch over immigrants. THEY are not our problem.

Yes I do have a problem with it.
That money should be spent here not in beanerville.
The only thing that makes more money in Mehico than remittance from the US is PEMEX
Thats a shit ton of money that should be spent here to support the local economies and the tax base.
Yes I do have a problem with it.
That money should be spent here not in beanerville.
The only thing that makes more money in Mehico than remittance from the US is PEMEX
Thats a shit ton of money that should be spent here to support the local economies and the tax base.
That money can be spent where they like, and I invite you to repeat those ethnic slurs in my presence, incel cracker trash ill-raised traitor boy.

Money should be spent here which is acquired from proper taxes on billionaires/corporations. You demonstrate abject ignorance of USA fiscal issues if you think immigrants are our problem financially.

Local economies and the tax base! LOL... care to expound on that? I know you'll just spew more gibberish. You white-rights aren't capable of rational discussion of anything. Pinche gabacho menso
I have a problem with a political party letting in people for more votes which is obviously whats happening.
So tell me,why wont Xiden and his henchmen let Cubans immigrate to the US?
There is nothing obvious at all such as you state. You are only repeating white-right propaganda from Faux, et al.

For far too long every Cuban was let in simply because the USA didn't like Castro, so you RepubliKKKlan types can now shut up about how immigrants vote when they are naturalized.

The USA is largely responsible for the refugee crisis involving Central Americans, and so racist Yanks can shut up about it when they appear at the border. Take responsibility for your own evil policies, gringotes.
If you think someone calling you something means that's what you are, you're in bad trouble, moron.
That money can be spent where they like, and I invite you to repeat those ethnic slurs in my presence, incel cracker trash ill-raised traitor boy.

Money should be spent here which is acquired from proper taxes on billionaires/corporations. You demonstrate abject ignorance of USA fiscal issues if you think immigrants are our problem financially.

Local economies and the tax base! LOL... care to expound on that? I know you'll just spew more gibberish. You white-rights aren't capable of rational discussion of anything. Pinche gabacho menso

Shut the fuck up beaner boy.
I never said they were the main problem Jr. you did.
Whats to expound on? The money leaves our economy plain and simple.
Oh....and lets not forget that drinking and driving is the favorite mesican pastime.
There is nothing obvious at all such as you state. You are only repeating white-right propaganda from Faux, et al.

For far too long every Cuban was let in simply because the USA didn't like Castro, so you RepubliKKKlan types can now shut up about how immigrants vote when they are naturalized.

The USA is largely responsible for the refugee crisis involving Central Americans, and so racist Yanks can shut up about it when they appear at the border. Take responsibility for your own evil policies, gringotes.

Face it...the only reason dementia addled Xiden and the dems want you for is votes.
Which of course is why Xiden and dems dont want to let in Cubans....they know where communism leads so they vote accordingly.

Here's an idea,go back to mexico and fix your own country.
I realize it's a shithole but it's not Americas job to hold your hand because you dont have the guts to kick out your corrupt government and the cartels.
Although I wouldnt have a problem with invading said shithole and cleaning it up so you wouldnt have to come to America with your disease riddled selves.
Funny question... Unlike you and the many like you, I've traveled to the U.K, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Brazil, Columbia and the Caribbean Islands...
When returning to America you must pass through U.S. Immigration and Customs at entry points.
Yes I do have a problem with it.
That money should be spent here not in beanerville.
The only thing that makes more money in Mehico than remittance from the US is PEMEX
Thats a shit ton of money that should be spent here to support the local economies and the tax base.
The last time they checked, 94% of male adult illegal people work, 65% pay taxes and 35% on homes. You are a brainwashed functional moron. And racist, super duper....
The last time they checked, 94% of male adult illegal people work, 65% pay taxes and 35% on homes. You are a brainwashed functional moron. And racist, super duper....

I have to assume you dont live in a border state.
The illegals dont buy homes you nitwit they rent and pack in as many other wetbacks as they can to save money so they can send it back to mexico where the wife holds the money until they return.
They then build nice homes and live a very nice lifestyle. All on the backs of the American worker who cant afford to live in his own country because the beaners have undercut them.
You fucken imbeciles always cry about low wages yet you support the very reason they're low.
Then again the people who'd complain about this will then turn around and criticize homeless people for being homeless people and demand no money be spent on them because "they made their choices".

You only pretend to care about them now because it serves a purpose.

There again another Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat fiasco. They closed asylums for the mentally disturbed and set them free in America creating an instant 'Homeless' population.
Funny question... Unlike you and the many like you, I've traveled to the U.K, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Brazil, Columbia and the Caribbean Islands...
When returning to America you must pass through U.S. Immigration and Customs at entry points.

Yes. I know.. I have traveled the world and lived overseas for more than 20 years.. LOLOL

You are an ass.

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