Nancy Pelosi Vacationing In Hawaii During Shutdown.

Yup yup...

President Donald Trump didn’t go to Mar-a-Lago for his Christmas vacation. In fact, he didn’t have a Christmas vacation. Since the partial government shutdown over the funding for the border wall, it’s every Congressman’s job to say put in Washington, D.C. until it can be resolved. And it can’t be resolved without Nancy Pelosi. Now, the California Congresswoman has just been caught red-handed on a tropical island ditching her duty to the American people. However, Trump is making her pay.

Nancy Pelosi is one of three politicians who are needed to resolve the government shutdown. President Trump and Senator Chuck Schumer are the other two. Before any voting can happen in Congress, Trump, Pelosi, and Schumer must be available to work out the details.

And it’s the Democrats who are screaming and yelling that this government shutdown is such a catastrophe. So where in the hell is Pelosi?

Well, the eagle-eyed reporters at the Free Beacon just busted the California Congresswoman. “Democratic House leader Nancy Pelosi is spending the government shutdown at a luxury resort in Hawaii, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.”


Four Season Resort where Nancy Pelosi is currently vacationing. (Photo Credit: FOUR SEASONS HAWAII)
“Pelosi, who has put blame squarely on President Donald Trump for the current government shutdown, was spotted Thursday vacationing in Hawaii at the Fairmont Orchid resort, where room accommodations range from $899-a-night for a standard room to $4,899-a-night for the presidential suite,” the Free Beacon reported.

Oh, and Nancy is working out her stress with expensive massages while the Democrats blame Trump. The oceanfront resort boasts six restaurants, a golf course and a “Spa Without Walls” where a couple’s massage runs as high as $569, reported the Daily Caller.

The House passed a stopgap funding bill on Dec. 20 that included $5.7 billion to construct a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, however, with a 51-seat majority, Republicans fell short of the necessary 60 votes needed to send it to President Donald Trump’s desk for signature.

But then Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer vowed to kill the legislation on arrival in the Senate, and consequently, a government shutdown has been in effect since funding expired December 21. Trump Learns Pelosi Is In Hawaii During Gov’t Shutdown, Makes Her Pay

Pelosi thought she could stealthily sneak away from D.C. after she and Chucky issued a joint statement on Christmas Eve accusing Trump of “plunging the country into chaos.” They are holding the president solely responsible for the shutdown.

“Trump canceled his Christmas trip to Florida and remained in the White House, saying on Christmas Eve that he was “waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal.” The president left the White House on Christmas to travel to Iraq and meet with American troops stationed overseas,” added the Free Beacon.​
Way to go Nancy!

Pelosi will come back refreshed ad ready to kick some Trump ass

Crooked Donnie will be his grumpy old self
The guy says poor Trump canceled his trip to Florida because of working on shutdown negotiations. Poor baby, has to work because of the shutdown that he, the lying little crybaby created. Mexico was supposed to pay for the wall, remember? Guys need to start tweeting him and remind him of this fact.

It’s been fun watching the idiot Democrat commit political suicide for Illegal Aliens, Human Traffickers, Drug Smugglers and the racist Aztlan Nationalist
Democrats are Communists. They simply want to tear down American society.
They know how destructive their policies are.
They don't care, because it allows them to afford to take vacations in Hawaii whenever they want.
How 1950s
Nancy Pelosi has made it clear that she doesn't give a shit about anyone other than illegals.
Trump cancelled his trip to Florida over the Christmas Holiday to work on negotiations on reopening the government, but he has nobody to negotiate with because Democrats are on vacation. Nancy Pelosi is in Hawaii right now. Meanwhile she's on Twitter accusing Trump of "plunging the country into chaos".

Trump Cancels Florida Christmas Trip Over Shutdown – Nancy Pelosi Vacations in Hawaii

House Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was spotted Thursday vacationing in Hawaii at the Fairmont Orchid resort during the government shutdown.

Rooms at this posh resort range from $899-a-night for a standard room to $4,899-a-night for the presidential suite, reported the Free Beacon.

President Trump canceled his Christmas trip to Mar-a-Lago to work during the shutdown, but Pelosi jet-setted to Hawaii while 800,000 government employees are currently not working.

Pelosi blamed President Trump for the shutdown after he refused to sign a stopgap funding bill that excluded $5 billion for the border wall.

The House revamped the bill and added the border wall funding Trump asked for and passed in a 217-185 vote — once again proving Pelosi wrong.

The Senate, however, refused to pass the bill after it got bounced back from the House, resulting in a Schumer shutdown.

Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Hawaii during Christmas seems to be a tradition.

In 2009, 2010 and 2011, Pelosi spent Christmas at the Four Seasons Resort Hualalai at Historic Ka’upulehu on Hawaii and stayed in the $10,000 a night presidential suite even though Americans were suffering during the Great Recession.

Doesn't matter what Pelosi is doing during the Trump shutdown. Republicans control all three branches of government.

Until Wednesday. That's when Pelosi bitch slaps Republicans up one side Pennsylvania Ave. and back down the other.
Nancy Pelosi has made it clear that she doesn't give a shit about anyone other than illegals.
Trump cancelled his trip to Florida over the Christmas Holiday to work on negotiations on reopening the government, but he has nobody to negotiate with because Democrats are on vacation. Nancy Pelosi is in Hawaii right now. Meanwhile she's on Twitter accusing Trump of "plunging the country into chaos".

Trump Cancels Florida Christmas Trip Over Shutdown – Nancy Pelosi Vacations in Hawaii

House Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was spotted Thursday vacationing in Hawaii at the Fairmont Orchid resort during the government shutdown.

Rooms at this posh resort range from $899-a-night for a standard room to $4,899-a-night for the presidential suite, reported the Free Beacon.

President Trump canceled his Christmas trip to Mar-a-Lago to work during the shutdown, but Pelosi jet-setted to Hawaii while 800,000 government employees are currently not working.

Pelosi blamed President Trump for the shutdown after he refused to sign a stopgap funding bill that excluded $5 billion for the border wall.

The House revamped the bill and added the border wall funding Trump asked for and passed in a 217-185 vote — once again proving Pelosi wrong.

The Senate, however, refused to pass the bill after it got bounced back from the House, resulting in a Schumer shutdown.

Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Hawaii during Christmas seems to be a tradition.

In 2009, 2010 and 2011, Pelosi spent Christmas at the Four Seasons Resort Hualalai at Historic Ka’upulehu on Hawaii and stayed in the $10,000 a night presidential suite even though Americans were suffering during the Great Recession.

/----/ Meanwhile

Your post isn't clear.
Are you saying Trump is acting appropriately or are you whining about his actions?
/—-/ I’m pointing out while self-serving, elitist democRATs are vacationing, Trump is at work securing our border. I should have been more precise.
Nancy Pelosi has made it clear that she doesn't give a shit about anyone other than illegals.
Trump cancelled his trip to Florida over the Christmas Holiday to work on negotiations on reopening the government, but he has nobody to negotiate with because Democrats are on vacation. Nancy Pelosi is in Hawaii right now. Meanwhile she's on Twitter accusing Trump of "plunging the country into chaos".

Trump Cancels Florida Christmas Trip Over Shutdown – Nancy Pelosi Vacations in Hawaii

House Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was spotted Thursday vacationing in Hawaii at the Fairmont Orchid resort during the government shutdown.

Rooms at this posh resort range from $899-a-night for a standard room to $4,899-a-night for the presidential suite, reported the Free Beacon.

President Trump canceled his Christmas trip to Mar-a-Lago to work during the shutdown, but Pelosi jet-setted to Hawaii while 800,000 government employees are currently not working.

Pelosi blamed President Trump for the shutdown after he refused to sign a stopgap funding bill that excluded $5 billion for the border wall.

The House revamped the bill and added the border wall funding Trump asked for and passed in a 217-185 vote — once again proving Pelosi wrong.

The Senate, however, refused to pass the bill after it got bounced back from the House, resulting in a Schumer shutdown.

Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Hawaii during Christmas seems to be a tradition.

In 2009, 2010 and 2011, Pelosi spent Christmas at the Four Seasons Resort Hualalai at Historic Ka’upulehu on Hawaii and stayed in the $10,000 a night presidential suite even though Americans were suffering during the Great Recession.

Doesn't matter what Pelosi is doing during the Trump shutdown. Republicans control all three branches of government.

Until Wednesday. That's when Pelosi bitch slaps Republicans up one side Pennsylvania Ave. and back down the other.
Yeah. Pelosi is making a fool of herself. Sniping at Trump from Hawaii while she's shirking her responsibilities.

Problem with you Democrats is you're not real. You accept any despicable action by a Democrat while criticizing everything a Republican does. You're not honest. You're not worth listening to.
Nancy Pelosi has made it clear that she doesn't give a shit about anyone other than illegals.
Trump cancelled his trip to Florida over the Christmas Holiday to work on negotiations on reopening the government, but he has nobody to negotiate with because Democrats are on vacation. Nancy Pelosi is in Hawaii right now. Meanwhile she's on Twitter accusing Trump of "plunging the country into chaos".

Trump Cancels Florida Christmas Trip Over Shutdown – Nancy Pelosi Vacations in Hawaii

House Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was spotted Thursday vacationing in Hawaii at the Fairmont Orchid resort during the government shutdown.

Rooms at this posh resort range from $899-a-night for a standard room to $4,899-a-night for the presidential suite, reported the Free Beacon.

President Trump canceled his Christmas trip to Mar-a-Lago to work during the shutdown, but Pelosi jet-setted to Hawaii while 800,000 government employees are currently not working.

Pelosi blamed President Trump for the shutdown after he refused to sign a stopgap funding bill that excluded $5 billion for the border wall.

The House revamped the bill and added the border wall funding Trump asked for and passed in a 217-185 vote — once again proving Pelosi wrong.

The Senate, however, refused to pass the bill after it got bounced back from the House, resulting in a Schumer shutdown.

Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Hawaii during Christmas seems to be a tradition.

In 2009, 2010 and 2011, Pelosi spent Christmas at the Four Seasons Resort Hualalai at Historic Ka’upulehu on Hawaii and stayed in the $10,000 a night presidential suite even though Americans were suffering during the Great Recession.

/----/ Meanwhile

Your post isn't clear.
Are you saying Trump is acting appropriately or are you whining about his actions?
/—-/ I’m pointing out while self-serving, elitist democRATs are vacationing, Trump is at work securing our border. I should have been more precise.
What has Trump done to resolve the crisis he created?

Sitting at a desk pretending to sign papers is not working
Nancy Pelosi has made it clear that she doesn't give a shit about anyone other than illegals.
Trump cancelled his trip to Florida over the Christmas Holiday to work on negotiations on reopening the government, but he has nobody to negotiate with because Democrats are on vacation. Nancy Pelosi is in Hawaii right now. Meanwhile she's on Twitter accusing Trump of "plunging the country into chaos".

Trump Cancels Florida Christmas Trip Over Shutdown – Nancy Pelosi Vacations in Hawaii

House Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was spotted Thursday vacationing in Hawaii at the Fairmont Orchid resort during the government shutdown.

Rooms at this posh resort range from $899-a-night for a standard room to $4,899-a-night for the presidential suite, reported the Free Beacon.

President Trump canceled his Christmas trip to Mar-a-Lago to work during the shutdown, but Pelosi jet-setted to Hawaii while 800,000 government employees are currently not working.

Pelosi blamed President Trump for the shutdown after he refused to sign a stopgap funding bill that excluded $5 billion for the border wall.

The House revamped the bill and added the border wall funding Trump asked for and passed in a 217-185 vote — once again proving Pelosi wrong.

The Senate, however, refused to pass the bill after it got bounced back from the House, resulting in a Schumer shutdown.

Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Hawaii during Christmas seems to be a tradition.

In 2009, 2010 and 2011, Pelosi spent Christmas at the Four Seasons Resort Hualalai at Historic Ka’upulehu on Hawaii and stayed in the $10,000 a night presidential suite even though Americans were suffering during the Great Recession.

/----/ Meanwhile

Your post isn't clear.
Are you saying Trump is acting appropriately or are you whining about his actions?
/—-/ I’m pointing out while self-serving, elitist democRATs are vacationing, Trump is at work securing our border. I should have been more precise.
What has Trump done to resolve the crisis he created?

Sitting at a desk pretending to sign papers is not working
/----/ Oh you mean, why hasn't Trump caved into the democRATs and abandoned the wall? is that what you mean?
/—-/ I’m pointing out while self-serving, elitist democRATs are vacationing, Trump is at work securing our border. I should have been more precise.

What are the 293 Repbus members of Congress doing while Trump is at work securing our border? Are they all in DC working with him?
Recently released pictures of Pelosi’s Hawaiian vacation

Nancy Pelosi has made it clear that she doesn't give a shit about anyone other than illegals.
Trump cancelled his trip to Florida over the Christmas Holiday to work on negotiations on reopening the government, but he has nobody to negotiate with because Democrats are on vacation. Nancy Pelosi is in Hawaii right now. Meanwhile she's on Twitter accusing Trump of "plunging the country into chaos".

Trump Cancels Florida Christmas Trip Over Shutdown – Nancy Pelosi Vacations in Hawaii

House Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was spotted Thursday vacationing in Hawaii at the Fairmont Orchid resort during the government shutdown.

Rooms at this posh resort range from $899-a-night for a standard room to $4,899-a-night for the presidential suite, reported the Free Beacon.

President Trump canceled his Christmas trip to Mar-a-Lago to work during the shutdown, but Pelosi jet-setted to Hawaii while 800,000 government employees are currently not working.

Pelosi blamed President Trump for the shutdown after he refused to sign a stopgap funding bill that excluded $5 billion for the border wall.

The House revamped the bill and added the border wall funding Trump asked for and passed in a 217-185 vote — once again proving Pelosi wrong.

The Senate, however, refused to pass the bill after it got bounced back from the House, resulting in a Schumer shutdown.

Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Hawaii during Christmas seems to be a tradition.

In 2009, 2010 and 2011, Pelosi spent Christmas at the Four Seasons Resort Hualalai at Historic Ka’upulehu on Hawaii and stayed in the $10,000 a night presidential suite even though Americans were suffering during the Great Recession.

/----/ Meanwhile

Your post isn't clear.
Are you saying Trump is acting appropriately or are you whining about his actions?
/—-/ I’m pointing out while self-serving, elitist democRATs are vacationing, Trump is at work securing our border. I should have been more precise.
What has Trump done to resolve the crisis he created?

Sitting at a desk pretending to sign papers is not working
/----/ Oh you mean, why hasn't Trump caved into the democRATs and abandoned the wall? is that what you mean?

What has Trump offered in return?
He can start with DACA
Nancy has no power. Republicans are in charge of the entire government. Who doesn’t know that?
Your post isn't clear.
Are you saying Trump is acting appropriately or are you whining about his actions?
/—-/ I’m pointing out while self-serving, elitist democRATs are vacationing, Trump is at work securing our border. I should have been more precise.
What has Trump done to resolve the crisis he created?

Sitting at a desk pretending to sign papers is not working
/----/ Oh you mean, why hasn't Trump caved into the democRATs and abandoned the wall? is that what you mean?

What has Trump offered in return?
He can start with DACA
Too many Hispanics. Republicans hate Hispanics. They’re like third on the list of hate after gays and blacks.
Your post isn't clear.
Are you saying Trump is acting appropriately or are you whining about his actions?
/—-/ I’m pointing out while self-serving, elitist democRATs are vacationing, Trump is at work securing our border. I should have been more precise.
What has Trump done to resolve the crisis he created?

Sitting at a desk pretending to sign papers is not working
/----/ Oh you mean, why hasn't Trump caved into the democRATs and abandoned the wall? is that what you mean?

What has Trump offered in return?
He can start with DACA
Wasn't that already in the works when trump turned it down ,,,after listening to his 3 top advisers hannity ,coulter and limpaw?
If Dems fold, and give the Republican Trump Regime one dime... they will NEVER be seen as serious again... by Republicans or by voters. STAND OUR GROUND. The Only Wall That should be built is the Wall we nail Trump to - along with everyone that’s been complicit!
Your post isn't clear.
Are you saying Trump is acting appropriately or are you whining about his actions?
/—-/ I’m pointing out while self-serving, elitist democRATs are vacationing, Trump is at work securing our border. I should have been more precise.
What has Trump done to resolve the crisis he created?

Sitting at a desk pretending to sign papers is not working
/----/ Oh you mean, why hasn't Trump caved into the democRATs and abandoned the wall? is that what you mean?

What has Trump offered in return?
He can start with DACA
Wasn't that already in the works when trump turned it down ,,,after listening to his 3 top advisers hannity ,coulter and limpaw?
Trump claimed to support it....before he didn’t
So ALL the Democrats in Washington that their stupid zombies worship and feel are God's gift to humanity, tell their worshippers to go F themselves while they run off to expensive vacations while still receiving their pay...laughing at the stupidity of said worshippers.

Meanwhile, the one they want dead, forgoes his vacation and holiday and remains in Washington working FOR the benefit of America.

I swear, if Democrats and Leftists weren't such a low Intelligence Pool of Imbeciles, the Democrat Elites would be seen for what they really are, a group of America hating, self indulgent, manipulative, mean meaningless Imbeciles.
So ALL the Democrats in Washington that their stupid zombies worship and feel are God's gift to humanity, tell their worshippers to go F themselves while they run off to expensive vacations while still receiving their pay...laughing at the stupidity of said worshippers.

Meanwhile, the one they want dead, forgoes his vacation and holiday and remains in Washington working FOR the benefit of America.

I swear, if Democrats and Leftists weren't such a low Intelligence Pool of Imbeciles, the Democrat Elites would be seen for what they really are, a group of America hating, self indulgent, manipulative, mean meaningless Imbeciles.
They didn’t shut down Government
Why shouldn’t they enjoy a nice vacation?

Where are all the Republicans?
What has Trump done to resolve the crisis he created?
Sitting at a desk pretending to sign papers is not working

Apparently, as usual, you missed the memo.

This is DEFINITELY Obama's crisis. He created it. Like a bad infection, his wounds fester and linger.

And as usual, A Republican is the only one around when times get tough, repairing the damage done by the left. As ALWAYS
So ALL the Democrats in Washington that their stupid zombies worship and feel are God's gift to humanity, tell their worshippers to go F themselves while they run off to expensive vacations while still receiving their pay...laughing at the stupidity of said worshippers.

Meanwhile, the one they want dead, forgoes his vacation and holiday and remains in Washington working FOR the benefit of America.

I swear, if Democrats and Leftists weren't such a low Intelligence Pool of Imbeciles, the Democrat Elites would be seen for what they really are, a group of America hating, self indulgent meaningless Imbeciles.
how is the piece of dog crap working for the benefit of anyone else except for his enormous ego ? 100's of 1000's no jobs no pay is working for the people ?That lazy ill read shithead has more vacation time than he accused obama for taking What he's doing now is a gangster style of blackmail plain and simple ,,,,THAT he knows all about

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