Nancy Pelosi's foible on Birth Control: As Explained by Megyn Kelly

Here's a question for Joe. One half in, one half out. So which is it, a baby or a fetus? It can't be both, now can it? Is it a baby when the feet come out, or is it when the head comes out? A knee? A toe? A finger? An eyelash? Joe has no background in biology, neither do I, but I study it as a hobby. But I can use his twisted logic against him. His hypocrisy about children, born or in the womb has been on display for weeks now. He whines about compassion for those children at the border, but oh, doesn't give a damn about the ones they kill in the womb. The hypocrisy is stark, mind you. He would subsidize their parents, keep them in relative poverty and dependence on almighty government, give these children a sub par education if they are indeed born and grow up... he'll even have the guts to call it compassion.

So, how is "taking the food from the mouths of children" worse than taking the life from ones in the womb? Food... or life. Oooh, thats a tricky one. What good is food to a child when they're dead?

Chew on that one, Joe.

It is a baby when it is born.

Human Biology disagrees. When you see a dog in the womb, do you not see it as a dog? A cat a cat? So why not the same distinction for human beings?

I asked him to prove that a fetus is not a baby. Still waiting.
You gotta love this guy. "Backwards states". What an asshole you are. Hell, why not just disallow those "backward states" from even voting? Hell, after all, they ARE "backwards". What an American you are......

Again, come back and talk shit to me after November. I suggest, however, that you will magically disappear from sites like this one; sitting, instead in a basement somewhere, planning your revenge on those "backward states" that kicked your ass.

Randall has a point. And at least then, I won't be the only one sitting in a basement!



Seriously though, you have to ask yourself this question: Why is it, that nearly as soon as the SCOTUS ruling for Hobby Lobby that the Nazi Left went into full frontal attack - not against policy or even law, nope. It was directed at the low information, stupid women voters who have somehow been "attacked" by the SCOTUS - those dirty rotten old men.

The Nazis have nothing to run AGAINST the republicans so they invent bullshit lies in an attempt to wage this bullshit "war" on women. It's actually pitiful.

Nearly 6 years of nothing. NOTHING. the most "Transparent administration in history". and this is all they have. 6 years of wasted time from a party that doesn't have a damned clue. 6 years. They are going to get their asses kicked in November. We know it and THEY know it.

Again, if you aren't in one of those "backwards states" - stay away from the downtown area of those "big cities" that (I guess) actually count. Keep your eyes to the skies, Democrats will be falling from buildings like rainwater. Remember, Safety first!

I would take being called backwards as a compliment. It shows just how insecure liberals like Joe and Laughable are. If they don't have your vote, they'll have your head. Vicious they can be at times. The only good ruling is one where they win, and all else is of no consequence to them. Religious freedom be damned.
TK logic coming your way. Duck if you are allergic to stupid.

If a fetus is a baby, then why don't we ever hear the following?

"My, what a lovely fetus! How old is he?"
It is a baby when it is born.

Human Biology disagrees. When you see a dog in the womb, do you not see it as a dog? A cat a cat? So why not the same distinction for human beings?

I asked him to prove that a fetus is not a baby. Still waiting.

Well, they like claiming how well versed in the sciences they are... when it comes go time, they scatter when they are confronted with actual science.
I can already tell how Joe is typing up a lengthy nonsensical response. So predictable.
Here's a question for Joe. One half in, one half out. So which is it, a baby or a fetus? It can't be both, now can it? Is it a baby when the feet come out, or is it when the head comes out? Joe has no background in biology, neither do I, but I study it as a hobby.

Seriously, guy, you study law as a hobby. You study biology as a hobby.


Here's the problem with this argument, moron. Less than 1% of abortions are performed after 21 weeks. (No fetus younger than 21 weeks has survived outside the womb, ever.) When these types of procedures are performed, it is almost always because some medical issue has come up where the fetus is horribly deformed. Yet you ghouls will harp on this procedure because a drawing of it looks kind of like a baby.

But I can use his twisted logic against him. His hypocrisy about children, born or in the womb has been on display for weeks now. He whines about compassion for those children at the border, but oh, doesn't give a damn about the ones they kill in the womb. The hypocrisy is stark, mind you. He would subsidize their parents, keep them in relative poverty and dependence on almighty government, give these children a sub par education if they are indeed born and grow up... he'll even have the guts to call it compassion.

I think the vast majority of these kids at the border right now need to be sent back to their own countries, after their parents have been located and identified. So I'm not sure why you want to discuss with me an argument I really didn't make or even had that much interest in.

That said, fetuses aren't children. I honestly wish poor people had more access to abortion and birth control, because that would be the best route out of poverty for them.

So, how is "taking the food from the mouths of children" worse than taking the life from ones in the womb? Food... or life. Oooh, thats a tricky one. What good is food to a child when they're dead?

Chew on that one, Joe.

Again, you are working on the faulty premise that a fetus, which at 8-12 weeks is an inch long and could not survive outside the womb under any circumstances, is anything like a child.

Now, here's the thing. I'm not about "morality", because that's subjective, especially when talking to mopes like you who believe in imaginary sky pixies. I'm about policy. What policies bring about the desired results.

If you guys were truly serious about reducing the number of abortions, you'd want us to be like France, which has half the abortions per capita that the United States has. They have socialized medicine, paid family and medical leave, and when a woman has a baby, they send a government worker around for the first couple months to help her get on with chores.

But it isn't really about the "babies' with you guys. It's about imposing your beliefs on women, because deep down, a lot of you are serious misogynists. The thing is, your policies don't really prevent abortions.

I give you the counter-example. In the Philippines, abortion is illegal. Yet is is estimated that 500,000 to 800,000 illegal abortions are performed every year, and 4200 Filipinas die every year due to botched abortions. Per capita, they have more abortions than the US. But those manly men got their Godly laws, that was the important thing.
Tell you what.....remind me of your bullshit argument AFTER the November elections, when you lose the Senate. :lol:

Guy, the fact that you are going to win a few senate seats in backwards states with less population than some cities, doesn't mean the country has fallen back in love with you.

It's like the Special Olypmics. Even if you win, you are still retarded.

You won't win the big states, and you won't win the presidency in 2016.

I'm really sorry you guys don't seem to understand this.

You gotta love this guy. "Backwards states". What an asshole you are. Hell, why not just disallow those "backward states" from even voting? Hell, after all, they ARE "backwards". What an American you are......

Again, come back and talk shit to me after November. I suggest, however, that you will magically disappear from sites like this one; sitting, instead in a basement somewhere, planning your revenge on those "backward states" that kicked your ass.

Well, now that you mention it, the fact that Alaska, where almost no one lives, having as many Senators as California with 30 million or so people is kind of silly.

I'll be here long after you are gone, trust me.

That said, winning the Senate in 2014 would be the worst thing that could happen to the GOP. First, because they'll lose it again in 2016 when all those crazy Teabaggers who got elected in 2010 come up for a vote again. (A couple like Rubio and Paul will eliminate themselves by running for president and failing.)

Second, because they won't address the biggest problems the GOP has.

They've mostly alienated women, and have completely alienated minorities. Winning a few white people in Montana doesn't make up for that.
Here's a question for Joe. One half in, one half out. So which is it, a baby or a fetus? It can't be both, now can it? Is it a baby when the feet come out, or is it when the head comes out? A knee? A toe? A finger? An eyelash? Joe has no background in biology, neither do I, but I study it as a hobby. But I can use his twisted logic against him. His hypocrisy about children, born or in the womb has been on display for weeks now. He whines about compassion for those children at the border, but oh, doesn't give a damn about the ones they kill in the womb. The hypocrisy is stark, mind you. He would subsidize their parents, keep them in relative poverty and dependence on almighty government, give these children a sub par education if they are indeed born and grow up... he'll even have the guts to call it compassion.

So, how is "taking the food from the mouths of children" worse than taking the life from ones in the womb? Food... or life. Oooh, thats a tricky one. What good is food to a child when they're dead?

Chew on that one, Joe.

It is a baby when it is born.

Human Biology disagrees. When you see a dog in the womb, do you not see it as a dog? A cat a cat? So why not the same distinction for human beings?

Because i don't see puppies or kittens before they are born, either. and people take their pets to the vet all the time to have pet abortions, and no one says a thing about it.
Birth Control decisions are between a woman, her husband, her doctors and her faith

Her employer has no business inserting himself into that decision
TK logic coming your way. Duck if you are allergic to stupid.

If a fetus is a baby, then why don't we ever hear the following?

"My, what a lovely fetus! How old is he?"

Here's a bit of reality for you. When you see a fully developed fetus in the womb, does he look like a fetus or a baby? It's called the human face recognition process. The moment it looks like a human, it is one. There are dozens of neuroanatomical processes in the cortical gyri (lateral fusiform, inferior occipital) that take place in recognition of a human being, one includes facial recognition.

Try to keep up.
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TK logic coming your way. Duck if you are allergic to stupid.

If a fetus is a baby, then why don't we ever hear the following?

"My, what a lovely fetus! How old is he?"

Here's a bit of reality for you. When you see a fully developed fetus in the womb, does he look like a fetus or a baby? It's called the human face recognition process. The moment it looks like a human, it is one. There dozens of neuroanatomical processes in the cortical gyri (lateral fusiform, inferior occipital) that take place in recognition of a human being.

Try to keep up.

The internet is cool. It has lots of info for those who "study" biology.

Now....which of the birth control methods that Hobby Lobby objects to has anything to do with aborting a fully developed fetus?
Human Biology disagrees. When you see a dog in the womb, do you not see it as a dog? A cat a cat? So why not the same distinction for human beings?

I asked him to prove that a fetus is not a baby. Still waiting.

Well, they like claiming how well versed in the sciences they are... when it comes go time, they scatter when they are confronted with actual science.

Indeed. I guess though, it's much better to claim that a fetus is NOT a baby in order to soothe their souls.

Makes it easier to justify millions of deaths, I suppose. What the hell, whatever gets you through the night.

I remember what it was like in Viet Nam, the first person I shot. It's a bitch. I justified it by telling myself that after all, he was trying to kill me. Got a little easier each time after that. I can only imagine what a pregnant woman must feel - knowing that she has killed her own baby.

It must be hell, living with that the rest of your days......I know that I still wake up in a "death sweat" from time to time. I can only imagine how it MUST affect that "mother" who wasn't woman enough to do the "right" thing.....
TK logic coming your way. Duck if you are allergic to stupid.

If a fetus is a baby, then why don't we ever hear the following?

"My, what a lovely fetus! How old is he?"

Here's a bit of reality for you. When you see a fully developed fetus in the womb, does he look like a fetus or a baby? It's called the human face recognition process. The moment it looks like a human, it is one. There dozens of neuroanatomical processes in the cortical gyri (lateral fusiform, inferior occipital) that take place in recognition of a human being.

Try to keep up.

Except the vast majority of abortions are performed well before the fetus is 'fully developed".

The ones that are aborted late term are usually so deformed that they would have a horrible quality of life even if they were viable.

This did come up when you were studying your "Hobby", right?

Indeed. I guess though, it's much better to claim that a fetus is NOT a baby in order to soothe their souls.

Makes it easier to justify millions of deaths, I suppose. What the hell, whatever gets you through the night.

I remember what it was like in Viet Nam, the first person I shot. It's a bitch. I justified it by telling myself that after all, he was trying to kill me. Got a little easier each time after that. I can only imagine what a pregnant woman must feel - knowing that she has killed her own baby.

It must be hell, living with that the rest of your days......I know that I still wake up in a "death sweat" from time to time. I can only imagine how it MUST affect that "mother" who wasn't woman enough to do the "right" thing.....

I know women who've had multiple abortions, and they were just fine with what they had to do. I think you need to quit projecting.

It's a baby if she wants it. it's "that thing I need to take care of" if she doesn't.

either one take a pretty heavy level of commitment.

Indeed. I guess though, it's much better to claim that a fetus is NOT a baby in order to soothe their souls.

Makes it easier to justify millions of deaths, I suppose. What the hell, whatever gets you through the night.

I remember what it was like in Viet Nam, the first person I shot. It's a bitch. I justified it by telling myself that after all, he was trying to kill me. Got a little easier each time after that. I can only imagine what a pregnant woman must feel - knowing that she has killed her own baby.

It must be hell, living with that the rest of your days......I know that I still wake up in a "death sweat" from time to time. I can only imagine how it MUST affect that "mother" who wasn't woman enough to do the "right" thing.....

I know women who've had multiple abortions, and they were just fine with what they had to do. I think you need to quit projecting.

It's a baby if she wants it. it's "that thing I need to take care of" if she doesn't.

either one take a pretty heavy level of commitment.

Jesus Christ - I am so grateful that I'm not you........I have nothing but pity for your soul.

Indeed. I guess though, it's much better to claim that a fetus is NOT a baby in order to soothe their souls.

Makes it easier to justify millions of deaths, I suppose. What the hell, whatever gets you through the night.

I remember what it was like in Viet Nam, the first person I shot. It's a bitch. I justified it by telling myself that after all, he was trying to kill me. Got a little easier each time after that. I can only imagine what a pregnant woman must feel - knowing that she has killed her own baby.

It must be hell, living with that the rest of your days......I know that I still wake up in a "death sweat" from time to time. I can only imagine how it MUST affect that "mother" who wasn't woman enough to do the "right" thing.....

I know women who've had multiple abortions, and they were just fine with what they had to do. I think you need to quit projecting.

It's a baby if she wants it. it's "that thing I need to take care of" if she doesn't.

either one take a pretty heavy level of commitment.

Jesus Christ - I am so grateful that I'm not you........I have nothing but pity for your soul.

I don't spend time worrying about imaginary spirits. I deal with cold hard facts, dude.

Personally, I'd love it if we had a lot less abortions. But you don't get there by shaming women or otherwise acting like misogynistic assholes or calling them vile names.

You get there with sane educational and social policies. Again, the Europeans and Japanese have already figured this out.
We humans have 46 genetic markers specific to our species. When they are all united via sperm and ovum, you have what will become a human fetus. Note how we call the fetus human, not just a clump of cells. When it develops, it becomes recognizable, legs, feet, head, toes, fingers, facial features, etc...

If you genetically tested a developing fetus (child), you would find 46 distinct genetic markers unique to the human species, 23 from the mother, 23 from the father. The fact that this 'clump of cells' possesses all the genetic information it needs to become a human, it is therefore human. No way around it.
This is all to easy. Sitting here being fat and jobless has it's benefits. I can educate myself.
We humans have 46 genetic markers specific to our species. When they are all united via sperm and ovum, you have what will become a human fetus. Note how we call the fetus human, not just a clump of cells. When it develops, it becomes recognizable, legs, feet, head, toes, fingers, facial features, etc...

If you genetically tested a developing fetus (child), you would find 46 distinct genetic markers unique to the human species, 23 from the mother, 23 from the father. The fact that this 'clump of cells' possesses all the genetic information it needs to become a human, it is therefore human. No way around it.

That could also be used to describe the 2/3rds of fertilized zygotes that never attach themselves to the uterine wall and wash out with menstruation. Yet we don't hold funerals over tampons.

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