
He would have certainly lived if killcop had got off his neck. Even if the OD theory were true you can't give Narcan to someone while you are choking them to death.
He wasn't being choked to death.

You don't administer Narcan (naloxone) to someone unless you know they are overdosing on an opioid.

What Narcan does is offset the effect of narcotics. And narcotic junkies don't like that because they know they will go into withdrawal, and get very sick.

Usually when a person ODs on a narcotic they just go unconscious, they don't go into some bizarre psychotic episode like Floyd did.

Because of the toxicology report, in retrospect, we now know that Floyd wasn't merely taking a narcotic. He was also on methamphetamine. He took fentanyl and methamphetamine. AKA a goofball, which is similar to a speedball, the shit that killed John Belushi, only much deadlier by an order of magnitude.

Floyd ate what appeared to be Percocet tablets. But they were counterfeit. The active ingredients of Percocet are oxycodone and Acetaminophen. What he took was fentanyl and methamphetamine.

The cops asked him several times but he wouldn't tell the cops what he took. And neither did his so-called "friends" that were in the vehicle with him.

For all we know, one of them gave him the counterfeit drugs to murder him. After all, a guy like that who would rob a pregnant woman no doubt tends to make a lot of enemies who would want him dead.
Saint Floyd, the new BLM martyr of manufactured outrage might have lived if Chauvin had the foresight to inject dumbass aforementioned drug addict with Narcan. Live and learn. How was he to know this particular drug addict was 'special"? Floyd was passing counterfeit money. Floyd was resisting arrest
in the midst of overdose and having a manic attack caused by fentanyl. In the end, China killed George Floyd, they are the major exporters of fentanyl. Chauvin was caught in the middle. Murder? Hardly.

The autopsies both said drugs were not at all even related to the cause of death.
The cause of death was asphyxiation from pressure on the esophagus.

No one has ever even remotely shown that Floyd was passing counterfeits.
And a single $20 bill, even if counterfeit, is not an offense you can arrest anyone over any more.
And I watched all the video, and saw ZERO resisting by Floyd.
He would have certainly lived if killcop had got off his neck. Even if the OD theory were true you can't give Narcan to someone while you are choking them to death.
He wasn't being choked to death.

You don't administer Narcan (naloxone) to someone unless you know they are overdosing on an opioid.

What Narcan does is offset the effect of narcotics. And narcotic junkies don't like that because they know they will go into withdrawal, and get very sick.

Usually when a person ODs on a narcotic they just go unconscious, they don't go into some bizarre psychotic episode like Floyd did.

Because of the toxicology report, in retrospect, we now know that Floyd wasn't merely taking a narcotic. He was also on methamphetamine. He took fentanyl and methamphetamine. AKA a goofball, which is similar to a speedball, the shit that killed John Belushi, only much deadlier by an order of magnitude.

Floyd ate what appeared to be Percocet tablets. But they were counterfeit. The active ingredients of Percocet are oxycodone and Acetaminophen. What he took was fentanyl and methamphetamine.

The cops asked him several times but he wouldn't tell the cops what he took. And neither did his so-called "friends" that were in the vehicle with him.

For all we know, one of them gave him the counterfeit drugs to murder him. After all, a guy like that who would rob a pregnant woman no doubt tends to make a lot of enemies who would want him dead.

The robbery Floyd was involved in was 40 years ago, and therefore irrelevant.

The drugs he might have take or not are irrelevant since both autopsies said he died of asphyxiation due to pressure on the esophagus.
And I watched all the video, and saw ZERO resisting by Floyd.
That's what I thought at first. And I was outraged. But my opinion changed after seeing the unedited body camera and surveillance camera videos and the results of the toxicology report.

Perhaps you merely saw an extremely edited fake news video of the incident. He was bucking and screaming. Four police officers couldn't even get him strapped into the fucking car because he was resisting so vigorously.

They had to radio for an emergency rescue squad to attempt to save his life.
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Saint Floyd, the new BLM martyr of manufactured outrage might have lived if Chauvin had the foresight to inject dumbass aforementioned drug addict with Narcan. Live and learn. How was he to know this particular drug addict was 'special"? Floyd was passing counterfeit money. Floyd was resisting arrest
in the midst of overdose and having a manic attack caused by fentanyl. In the end, China killed George Floyd, they are the major exporters of fentanyl. Chauvin was caught in the middle. Murder? Hardly.

The autopsies both said drugs were not at all even related to the cause of death.
The cause of death was asphyxiation from pressure on the esophagus.

No one has ever even remotely shown that Floyd was passing counterfeits.
And a single $20 bill, even if counterfeit, is not an offense you can arrest anyone over any more.
And I watched all the video, and saw ZERO resisting by Floyd.
Actually, the coroner admitted that his findings wasn't based on his findings. No instead he's a movie critic like Sisklel and Ebert instead of looking at his findings. Floyd died of asphyxia which is more likely caused by a pre existing heart condition coupled with the fact fentanyl affects the heart and blood flow, A knee to the neck during drug OD isn't murder. George Floyds "friend' sold him the fentanyl that he OD' on, on why not not go after him?
Saint Floyd, the new BLM martyr of manufactured outrage might have lived if Chauvin had the foresight to inject dumbass aforementioned drug addict with Narcan. Live and learn. How was he to know this particular drug addict was 'special"? Floyd was passing counterfeit money. Floyd was resisting arrest
in the midst of overdose and having a manic attack caused by fentanyl. In the end, China killed George Floyd, they are the major exporters of fentanyl. Chauvin was caught in the middle. Murder? Hardly.

The autopsies both said drugs were not at all even related to the cause of death.
The cause of death was asphyxiation from pressure on the esophagus.

No one has ever even remotely shown that Floyd was passing counterfeits.
And a single $20 bill, even if counterfeit, is not an offense you can arrest anyone over any more.
And I watched all the video, and saw ZERO resisting by Floyd.
Really? No. we must live on 2 different planets and 2 different universes. George Floyd was in the middle of a fentanyl induced metldown where his heart and internal organs where shutting down and he was having a health crisis. Narcan might have saved him. Chauvin's knee wasn't the cause of death here.
He would have certainly lived if killcop had got off his neck. Even if the OD theory were true you can't give Narcan to someone while you are choking them to death.
Well, given Floyd already had overdosed on Fentanyl a month before and he had a heart condition that affected his breathing. I rather doubt Chauvin's knee had anything to do with anything. Couple that with the mere fact the coroner ignored ACTUAL psychical findings and instead found Homicide : based on a video! Not his actual findings which where inconclusive...
If Chauvin's knee wasn't on his (Floyd's) neck the OP wouldn't exist, now would it?
He would have certainly lived if killcop had got off his neck. Even if the OD theory were true you can't give Narcan to someone while you are choking them to death.
Well, given Floyd already had overdosed on Fentanyl a month before and he had a heart condition that affected his breathing. I rather doubt Chauvin's knee had anything to do with anything. Couple that with the mere fact the coroner ignored ACTUAL psychical findings and instead found Homicide : based on a video! Not his actual findings which where inconclusive...
If Chauvin's knee wasn't on his (Floyd's) neck the OP wouldn't exist, now would it?
At base, Chauvin didn't kill Floyd, his addiction to fentanyl did. He wasn't exactly just happily jogging with his toy poodle innocently through down town Minneapolis and set upon by evil KKK Nazi white supremacists bent on harming innocent blacks out of malice and used his knee as a weapon. You have to admit, that sounds rather crazy.
Saint Floyd, the new BLM martyr of manufactured outrage might have lived if Chauvin had the foresight to inject dumbass aforementioned drug addict with Narcan. Live and learn. How was he to know this particular drug addict was 'special"? Floyd was passing counterfeit money. Floyd was resisting arrest
in the midst of overdose and having a manic attack caused by fentanyl. In the end, China killed George Floyd, they are the major exporters of fentanyl. Chauvin was caught in the middle. Murder? Hardly.
Two separate autopsies found that Floyd died by homicide because his heart stopped as officers compressed his neck and chest.

Do you deny he had lethal doses of drugs in his system?
denied, yes:

Blood tests conducted as part of Floyd's post-mortem autopsy revealed 11 nanograms per milliliter, or ng/ml, of fentanyl present. According to expert witnesses, this wasn't enough to be considered fatal
Sorry, but wee pressure on Floyds neck and the fact he had a previous overdose week earlier coupled with fynenatlyl's side effects effects oxygen in the flow and breathing. sorry.
Dr. Daniel Isenschmid, a forensic toxicologist at NMS Labs in Pennsylvania, testified and presented data showing the levels of methamphetamine found in Floyd's system were lower than the average amount found in 94% of DUI cases in 2020.

Cardiologist Jonathan Rich told the court: "I can state with a high degree of medical certainty that George Floyd did not die from a primary cardiac event, and he did not die from a drug overdose."

He would have certainly lived if killcop had got off his neck. Even if the OD theory were true you can't give Narcan to someone while you are choking them to death.
Well, given Floyd already had overdosed on Fentanyl a month before and he had a heart condition that affected his breathing. I rather doubt Chauvin's knee had anything to do with anything. Couple that with the mere fact the coroner ignored ACTUAL psychical findings and instead found Homicide : based on a video! Not his actual findings which where inconclusive...
If Chauvin's knee wasn't on his (Floyd's) neck the OP wouldn't exist, now would it?
At base, Chauvin didn't kill Floyd, his addiction to fentanyl did. He wasn't exactly just happily jogging with his toy poodle innocently through down town Minneapolis and set upon by evil KKK Nazi white supremacists bent on harming innocent blacks out of malice and used his knee as a weapon. You have to admit, that sounds rather crazy.
You avoided my simple question.
Another question for the OP:

Was Floyd breathing before Chauvin put his knee on his neck?
Saint Floyd, the new BLM martyr of manufactured outrage might have lived if Chauvin had the foresight to inject dumbass aforementioned drug addict with Narcan. Live and learn. How was he to know this particular drug addict was 'special"? Floyd was passing counterfeit money. Floyd was resisting arrest
in the midst of overdose and having a manic attack caused by fentanyl. In the end, China killed George Floyd, they are the major exporters of fentanyl. Chauvin was caught in the middle. Murder? Hardly.
Two separate autopsies found that Floyd died by homicide because his heart stopped as officers compressed his neck and chest.

Do you deny he had lethal doses of drugs in his system?
denied, yes:

Blood tests conducted as part of Floyd's post-mortem autopsy revealed 11 nanograms per milliliter, or ng/ml, of fentanyl present. According to expert witnesses, this wasn't enough to be considered fatal
Sorry, but wee pressure on Floyds neck and the fact he had a previous overdose week earlier coupled with fynenatlyl's side effects effects oxygen in the flow and breathing. sorry.
Dr. Daniel Isenschmid, a forensic toxicologist at NMS Labs in Pennsylvania, testified and presented data showing the levels of methamphetamine found in Floyd's system were lower than the average amount found in 94% of DUI cases in 2020.

Cardiologist Jonathan Rich told the court: "I can state with a high degree of medical certainty that George Floyd did not die from a primary cardiac event, and he did not die from a drug overdose."

Nice try. Why are you even doing this? Floyd was a fentanyl addict and clearly had issues before. An OD. Its preposterous to believe in the middle of a overdose and the his pre existing heart condition, SUDDENLY a white cop that complied with his request to be put on the ground touched his body KILLED him? Fentanyl couldn't have remotely in a million years even possibly killed George Floyd?
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