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Narcissists' Niche & US Demise: How Political Witch-hunts Damage the Union


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
First, the witch hunting:

Inspired from this thread and a blip I posted there.. 44 AGs Back Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell s Appeal US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Logic behind the AG's support, and probably why you should be on board too. How will we entice our best and brightest into public service when this is what they know they will be facing (remember, they're bright and can figure it out before). All that will be left in public offices are dull and dysfunctional narcissists. Actually, probably because of this very type of witch hunting, it is why we are already about 15/16ths of the way there...

“Public officials must now go about their days wondering whether a fundraising lunch at a downtown eatery or dinner reception at the local university might end up in the pages of an indictment,” the attorneys general argue. “And when they ask their legal advisers, ‘Does this violate the law?,’ too often the reply will be, ‘We really don’t know.’ ” 44 former AGs file brief supporting McDonnell appeal - Richmond.com Virginia Politics

...someone strapped a false carrot on McDonnell's nose and put a pointed hat on him and dragged him before the magistrate on trumpted up charges..

Then, the narcissism:

The AGs have a good point. This appeal may not be of benefit to McDonnell so much as it will be for the United States political system, and by extrapolation, the integrity of the Union itself. (Dull narcissists don't care about anyone but themselves and as a result would gladly take bribes on the down low even from foreigners bent on destroying us)

Narcissists are probably the least patriotic people you can find on the earth. Sure, they'll be the ones wearing red white and blue top hats, waving the flag and even wearing red white and blue underwear (they're good at passive aggression too), but underneath there is only one person or thing on the earth they care about and devote every waking minute to the tending of: THEMSELVES.

They aren't cute or funny or quirky. They are capable of murder. At the very least they will murder the spirits of anyone in their crosshairs. They do it for fun while gaslighting their victims and convincing everyone it's the victim's fault. They excell at corruption while looking blameless. They even believe that they are not corrupt even as the prison bars slam in front of their face. "Someone has made a terrible mistake" is all they would be thinking at that point. Beware.. Sociopaths are obvious. Their first cousin is the last one you would suspect.

This handily explains all the scandals and "shocking" situations when we find our leaders selling out the country to big industry and to foriegn foes even. You should expect them. In fact you should expect them to be mundane. And when you think about it, you realize they are. I'm not saying Governor McDonnell taking pet vitamins as a gift qualifies here. There is a compelling need to look away from trivial revelling in one's position vs outright treason. For instance, using free speech to witch hunt someone on trivial charges would be something a narcissist would do. Especially if that someone was keeping the narcissist from something he or she had her mind set on.

I guess the issue is: know the symptoms of true malignant narcissism. They are not the ones with their head hanging upon the indictment. They will stare their accuser directly in the eyes and insist they are innocent without appearing flustered at all. Sometimes we need to look at the indictors for signs of narcissism. The component of the witch hunt by political special interest groups functions to carve the Union into (insert fascist/oligarchy interest here).

You've probably wondered "why the hell would anyone go into politics??!" You're right, normal people won't. Especially as witch hunting escalates. But narcissists have a funny personality quirk that makes them line up for the job like kids at a free Big Mac giveaway at McDonalds. It's called "narcissistic supply". They CRAVE it. And since they can never be wrong about anything ever in their minds, they never calculate beforehand that their bacchanalic "me me me" lifestyle will ever stick to them. So in they go.

What you should also know though about narcissists is that they are generally very stupid or dysfunctional people. They often will only learn part of a trade or an area of knowledge just enough to make it look good externally; to convince you they're quick and on the ball. While inside they harbor resentments that they even had to go that far, because you should admire them for their grandeur without their having to lift a finger. The net result is that they are not the brightest or the best people for the job. Not by a longshot. Not by a furlong even. When the chips are down they will not be able to perform. But they will be able to blame it on someone else, extremely efficiently. The question is though, in these troubled times is this what we want?

What malignant narcissists are really good at is climbing ladders and ass-kissing until they can get to the top and shine, while resting their stilettos on the bodies strewn about that had to go down so they could be at the top. Not to run the place efficiently, screw that. They just want the world to be able to have a better view of themselves.

So what we have today is a frustration with the American populace, the voters, without even realizing the root of the problem: Narcissism and witch hunting. The two function like clockwork to keep our best and brightest away from running our country. And believe me you, your enemies have noticed and are waiting..

Another thing you should know about the pathological narcissist: they never get better, even when dragged kicking and screaming into therapy. And they get worse as they age. Their numbers are epidemic and now we have a generation of "the me generation" raising grandkids. We are in big trouble.

[Expect this thread to be put in the dungeon...by *someone* :eusa_snooty: ]
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Dressing someone up to be a witch when they're not leaves the not best and brightest in charge...Monty Python nailed it..

This is about the office space but High Offices are not immune:

From this link: Office narcissists make life difficult for everyone

You may have observed some or all of the eight following characteristics in your co-worker or boss:

"Separateness for a narcissist or an individual with these traits is viewed as threatening and as a result they have difficulty respecting others boundaries. For example, at work this can manifest in the much touted idea that everyone at the office is "family." Describing a workplace as a family environment creates diffuse boundaries where workers may be asked to stay later and later for no pay, or endure probing questions about their private lives. At other times, subordinates may be asked to do favours for the narcissistic boss that are difficult to refuse.

They will often fail to observe boundaries you have set and require constant "reminding" that you don't want them to stand over your shoulder while you work, ask for details about your weekend or borrow your stapler, record book or office manual. You may field constant invitations to get together after work even after you have said you'd rather not. Or, they may constantly "give" you help, reload your paper tray, dump your trash and the like, when you really don't need or want them to. By ignoring your boundaries, the narcissist ensures that you continue to supply whatever he needs, whether it is work-related or emotional.

Narcissists experience a great deal of shame but hide it. It comes out in belittling or humiliating behaviour towards others. It can be shown in cutting putdowns disguised as jokes, nasty looks or dismissive comments if you've made a mistake that might make the narcissist look bad or subtle deflation of your confidence by insinuating that you need the narcissist's help to achieve your goals. Remaining one-up is key to the narcissist's mindset.

Narcissists can be seen striving for perfection in everything they do to the point that they create new standards of adequacy. Anything below the narcissist's "perfect" standards is considered lacking. Yet living up to these unmanageable expectations is arduous. The narcissist will drive herself and others to hit these unrealistic standards in pursuit of the narcissist's personal goal of perfection. Some narcissists will create an inspirational vision that others are supposed to assist him with requiring long hours and dedication to cause.

Narcissists are adept at playing favourites. They have a need to be special and in so doing, surround themselves with "special" people. Sometimes these people are other narcissists in the office; at other times they are chosen by the narcissist because their talents or admiring attitude shed a positive light on him or her. Sometimes the individual with narcissistic traits will choose a mediocre worker for special status because the narcissist isn't threatened by these individuals.

Those with narcissistic tendencies experience a sense of entitlement: they believe they deserve recognition, special treatment, benefits, appreciation or attention. If they don't receive these "goodies" in amounts they consider their due, they can be sulky, self pitying and display a "what about me?" attitude. Conversely, they can fly into a temper tantrum as they demand better treatment. Those with these traits may use others, driving them mercilessly, criticizing, demeaning or dismissing those who fall short of the mark by making a mistake (and subsequently embarrassing the leader) or firing them when they are no longer needed.

Narcissists experience a great deal of envy and although much of it is buried, they privately or subconsciously wish to undermine, spoil, destroy or reduce anything that evokes feelings of inferiority. They have difficulty sharing the limelight, appreciating colleagues' talents or honouring others' achievements, especially if they cannot share in the triumph or benefit from the reflective glow.

They experience a reduction in confidence, feel inferior and strive to restore the perceived imbalance by devaluing the talented co-worker (making them feel bad for exercising their unique skill), competing for attention, putting the envied individual down or insinuating themselves into the unlucky colleague's achievement.

Narcissists require admiration, they pull attention onto themselves and strive to keep it. They tend to "hold court," seek appreciative comments, engage in "displays" of all sorts including demonstrating superior knowledge, lofty opinions or other shows of cleverness or superior intellect. Or, they may engage in ostentatious behaviour such as shows of wealth or athletic prowess. It can be relatively easy to express adulation for narcissists, since they are often extremely talented people (a result of their need for perfection) and they need the attention to bolster underlying feelings of inadequacy or fears of not being good enough."
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Bitter political climate cited for the majority of the public talking their kids out of running for office. Just think of the potential T. Jeffersons, A. Hamiltons & G. Washintons out there saying "screwwwwwwww that!"...

(CNN) - Parents often dream about their child's future, but a career in politics seems more like a nightmare to many.
Nearly two-thirds–64%–of Americans would not like their child to pursue a political career, compared to 31% who think that would be a good path, according to a Gallup survey released Friday. That number has remained relatively consistent since Gallup began asking about sons and daughters in 1993. Those who approved of a career in politics for their child have fluctuated between 61% and 71%....With the country recovering from a bitter presidential campaign and with the approval ratings of Congress hovering just above 10%, it's no surprise that parents want their children to avoid one of the least-liked professions among Americans. Poll Parents want kids to avoid political careers CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

"Narcissist" is a word I use regularly to describe politicians, politicos, pundits and partisans.

They're causing us great damage. But of course, being narcissists, they don't care.


"Narcissist" is a word I use regularly to describe politicians, politicos, pundits and partisans.

They're causing us great damage. But of course, being narcissists, they don't care.

Yes, exactly. So the aim of this thread is to educate people how to spot them. And not vote for them. And to discourage witch-hunting so that the only people who line up for political office are not just malignant narcissists.

The witch hunting combined with the limelight-seeking of narcissists is the perfect storm for this country's demise. Narcissists are terrible at running anything and all they ever succeed in doing is running whatever entity they are in charge of right into the ground.
The witch-hunt continues...who will be left? Has anyone at this point failed to draw correlations between the Nazi tribunals for "failing to promote party values" and this?

A chaplain who once ministered to Navy SEALs could be thrown out of the military after he was accused of failing “to show tolerance and respect” in private counseling sessions in regards to issues pertaining to faith, marriage and sexuality, specifically homosexuality and pre-marital sex, according to documents obtained exclusively by Fox News.
Lt. Commander Wes Modder, who is endorsed by the Assemblies of God, has also been accused of being unable to “function in the diverse and pluralistic environment” of the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command in Goose Creek, S.C. Former SEALs Chaplain Could be Kicked Out of Navy for Christian Beliefs

"Narcissist" is a word I use regularly to describe politicians, politicos, pundits and partisans.

They're causing us great damage. But of course, being narcissists, they don't care.

Yes, exactly. So the aim of this thread is to educate people how to spot them. And not vote for them. And to discourage witch-hunting so that the only people who line up for political office are not just malignant narcissists.

The witch hunting combined with the limelight-seeking of narcissists is the perfect storm for this country's demise. Narcissists are terrible at running anything and all they ever succeed in doing is running whatever entity they are in charge of right into the ground.
The problem to me is that the narcissism doesn't end with those who are running for office. It has metastasized far beyond that into our culture, to the point where everyone thinks they're a mini Limbaugh or a mini Maddow. Too many people are pointing the finger and screaming, very few are listening.

It's exacerbating the political divide all the way through this country and making it damn near impossible to even have an honest conversation.

You can't even begin to address a problem if communication has broken down.

The problem to me is that the narcissism doesn't end with those who are running for office. It has metastasized far beyond that into our culture, to the point where everyone thinks they're a mini Limbaugh or a mini Maddow. Too many people are pointing the finger and screaming, very few are listening

The fact that you would attempt to equate Rush Limbaugh with Rachel Maddow is just one of the reasons the "both sides do it" folks are insane.

One side kills a fly while the other side slaughters newborn lambs but "both sides do it".

Have you ever watched or listened to either pundit?
You cannot begin to understand Obama's appeal to the left until you can first grasp that narcissism, megalomania and sociopathy are NOT mutually exclusive.
The problem to me is that the narcissism doesn't end with those who are running for office. It has metastasized far beyond that into our culture, to the point where everyone thinks they're a mini Limbaugh or a mini Maddow. Too many people are pointing the finger and screaming, very few are listening

The fact that you would attempt to equate Rush Limbaugh with Rachel Maddow is just one of the reasons the "both sides do it" folks are insane.

One side kills a fly while the other side slaughters newborn lambs but "both sides do it".

Have you ever watched or listened to either pundit?
Both of them are partisans and advocates. They both maximize/highlight that information which supports their partisan agenda and minimize/avoid that information that is contrary to their agenda. In that way alone they are quite similar and very destructive, because they inspire their "fans" to do precisely the same thing, which leads to the breakdown in communication that I describe.

Maybe you really think you're getting the whole story from Maddow. That would not surprise me at all.

You cannot begin to understand Obama's appeal to the left until you can first grasp that narcissism, megalomania and sociopathy are NOT mutually exclusive.
Look, this is a bipartisan phenomenon. The GOP are not above witch hunts, though they seem to employ it on about a 1:5 ratio to democrats these days. Remember how they burned this nation's most popular president in recent history (Clinton) at the stake of "that which should be left private to the President and his wife" for purposes of political expediency. As if Bill Clinton was the first and only male on either side of the aisle to cheat sexually on his wife! Same as if Bob McDonnell was the first and only public official to accept chump-change gratuities because of his position!

I'll bet there was a narso or three sitting at the control booth on the Clinton political "hit"...

...the Russians and Chinese and pals must be sitting around drooling at the spectacle...like wolves watching a moose stagger around losing blood from self-inflicted wounds..
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The problem to me is that the narcissism doesn't end with those who are running for office. It has metastasized far beyond that into our culture, to the point where everyone thinks they're a mini Limbaugh or a mini Maddow. Too many people are pointing the finger and screaming, very few are listening

The fact that you would attempt to equate Rush Limbaugh with Rachel Maddow is just one of the reasons the "both sides do it" folks are insane.

One side kills a fly while the other side slaughters newborn lambs but "both sides do it".

Have you ever watched or listened to either pundit?
Both of them are partisans and advocates. They both maximize/highlight that information which supports their partisan agenda and minimize/avoid that information that is contrary to their agenda. In that way alone they are quite similar and very destructive, because they inspire their "fans" to do precisely the same thing, which leads to the breakdown in communication that I describe.

Maybe you really think you're getting the whole story from Maddow. That would not surprise me at all.


Both the fly killer and the lamb slaughterer are "killers".

Again, have you watched or listened to either pundit? (Post Obama Limbaugh)
The problem to me is that the narcissism doesn't end with those who are running for office. It has metastasized far beyond that into our culture, to the point where everyone thinks they're a mini Limbaugh or a mini Maddow. Too many people are pointing the finger and screaming, very few are listening

The fact that you would attempt to equate Rush Limbaugh with Rachel Maddow is just one of the reasons the "both sides do it" folks are insane.

One side kills a fly while the other side slaughters newborn lambs but "both sides do it".

Have you ever watched or listened to either pundit?
Both of them are partisans and advocates. They both maximize/highlight that information which supports their partisan agenda and minimize/avoid that information that is contrary to their agenda. In that way alone they are quite similar and very destructive, because they inspire their "fans" to do precisely the same thing, which leads to the breakdown in communication that I describe.

Maybe you really think you're getting the whole story from Maddow. That would not surprise me at all.


Both the fly killer and the lamb slaughterer are "killers".

Again, have you watched or listened to either pundit? (Post Obama Limbaugh)
Yes, both, more than a few times.

I know that, in both cases, I'm getting only one caricatured side of the story.

You don't know that?

The problem to me is that the narcissism doesn't end with those who are running for office. It has metastasized far beyond that into our culture, to the point where everyone thinks they're a mini Limbaugh or a mini Maddow. Too many people are pointing the finger and screaming, very few are listening

The fact that you would attempt to equate Rush Limbaugh with Rachel Maddow is just one of the reasons the "both sides do it" folks are insane.

One side kills a fly while the other side slaughters newborn lambs but "both sides do it".

Have you ever watched or listened to either pundit?
Both of them are partisans and advocates. They both maximize/highlight that information which supports their partisan agenda and minimize/avoid that information that is contrary to their agenda. In that way alone they are quite similar and very destructive, because they inspire their "fans" to do precisely the same thing, which leads to the breakdown in communication that I describe.

Maybe you really think you're getting the whole story from Maddow. That would not surprise me at all.


Both the fly killer and the lamb slaughterer are "killers".

Again, have you watched or listened to either pundit? (Post Obama Limbaugh)
Yes, both, more than a few times.

I know that, in both cases, I'm getting only one caricatured side of the story.

You don't know that?


I know false equivalency when I see it. The "both sides do it" folks are full of it (and usually belong to the losing party)
The problem to me is that the narcissism doesn't end with those who are running for office. It has metastasized far beyond that into our culture, to the point where everyone thinks they're a mini Limbaugh or a mini Maddow. Too many people are pointing the finger and screaming, very few are listening

The fact that you would attempt to equate Rush Limbaugh with Rachel Maddow is just one of the reasons the "both sides do it" folks are insane.

One side kills a fly while the other side slaughters newborn lambs but "both sides do it".

Have you ever watched or listened to either pundit?
Both of them are partisans and advocates. They both maximize/highlight that information which supports their partisan agenda and minimize/avoid that information that is contrary to their agenda. In that way alone they are quite similar and very destructive, because they inspire their "fans" to do precisely the same thing, which leads to the breakdown in communication that I describe.

Maybe you really think you're getting the whole story from Maddow. That would not surprise me at all.


Both the fly killer and the lamb slaughterer are "killers".

Again, have you watched or listened to either pundit? (Post Obama Limbaugh)
Yes, both, more than a few times.

I know that, in both cases, I'm getting only one caricatured side of the story.

You don't know that?


I know false equivalency when I see it. The "both sides do it" folks are full of it (and usually belong to the losing party)
I would certainly expect you to be very defensive of your "side", as are the dittoheads.

You asked me questions, I answered.

OK, flame war aside...

..I think this phenomenon is behind the chronic nihilism in the populace of the US. Nihilism breeds apathy. Apathy is bad for unity, for productivity and for overall wellbeing. Apathy leads to indigency, crime and expensive behaviors of all kinds. Will we continue to nurture a malignant culture of narcissism and calculated career-sabotage? Or will be be a nation of altruism, common sense, decency and due process?

It isn't an exaggeration to say then, that if we made avid attempts to eradicate political witch hunts, forbid them in the media until after the accused has gone through a trial and been convicted, or severly limit any speech that insinuates guilt or grave wrongdoing until after a trial, AND we learn to spot and weed out narcissists early in the political process, we could cure most of the ills currently plaguing this country.
OK, flame war aside...

..I think this phenomenon is behind the chronic nihilism in the populace of the US. Nihilism breeds apathy. Apathy is bad for unity, for productivity and for overall wellbeing. Apathy leads to indigency, crime and expensive behaviors of all kinds. Will we continue to nurture a malignant culture of narcissism and calculated career-sabotage? Or will be be a nation of altruism, common sense, decency and due process?

It isn't an exaggeration to say then, that if we made avid attempts to eradicate political witch hunts, forbid them in the media until after the accused has gone through a trial and been convicted, or severly limit any speech that insinuates guilt or grave wrongdoing until after a trial, AND we learn to spot and weed out narcissists early in the political process, we could cure most of the ills currently plaguing this country.
It's certainly a nice thought, but I don't know how it's done. When you say "forbid" them, how would that be done, precisely?

The only way I see this happening, or for the narcissists to be marginalized, is if enough leaders (from all walks of life) lead a charge in demanding more honest, principled behavior from the media and from politicians. How would THAT be done? Beats the hell out of me.

So much of the night soil dumped on Comrade Obama was inspired by the works of leftish pundits one presidency before. To break the cycle is to surrender.

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