NASA declares 2017 the hottest year ever in 4 billion years

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Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Yup I just read it , so it must be true, what your cold as hell?

You just imagining it ..
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Oh Gawd...........they say that every year. If the temp goes up 0.18 degree's, its "hotter". Still a lot of people who fall for the loose association shit, as we see with the Russia "collusion" investigation reporting.......fucking suckers!:coffee:

Nobody cares about climate change in 2018..........ball busting cold for 220 million people makes them even more apathetic.
Oh Gawd...........they say that every year. If the temp goes up 0.18 degree's, its "hotter". Still a lot of people who fall for the loose association shit, as we see with the Russia "collusion" investigation reporting.......fucking suckers!:coffee:

Nobody cares about climate change in 2018..........ball busting cold for 220 million people makes them even more apathetic.
/-----/ Ever notice that Libs never define the correct temperature the Earth should be at? They just say it's getting warmer by fractions since 1881.
I usually always ask the libs what was the temperature in 1376 AD but that makes them mad.
I usually always ask the libs what was the temperature in 1376 AD but that makes them mad.
/----/ And all those SUVs and air conditioners drove climate change in the Cretaceous Period, a geologic period and system that spans 79 million years from the end of the Jurassic Period 145 million years ago (mya) to the beginning of the Paleogene Period 66 mya. It is the last period of the Mesozoic Era. The Cretaceous Period is usually abbreviated K, for its German translation Kreide (chalk).
early enviroment.jpg
I usually always ask the libs what was the temperature in 1376 AD but that makes them mad.

You don't even have to go that far ask them the temperature in 1595 before Galileo Galilei invented the thermoscope

Who invented the thermometer
Thanks for the link. I remember a book I read at the prison given to me by a convict about early scientists. I can't recall the name of it though. In the book it was explaining how they were trying to pin point the speed of light, and damned if I can recall how they did it! This was like back in the 1600's (maybe) and astonishingly enough they came very close to what todays experts claim the speed of light actually is!
Yup I just read it , so it must be true, what your cold as hell?

You just imagining it ..
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If only you could read properly.

Can you read / fucking comprehend what your reading? It's obvious you can't .

Cook’s 97% climate consensus paper crumbles upon examination

Cook’s 97% climate consensus paper crumbles upon examination
Anthony Watts
4 years ago

Bjørn Lomborg writes on hisFacebook Page

Ugh. Do you remember the “97% consensus”, which even Obama tweeted?

Turns out the authors don’t want to reveal their data.

It has always been a dodgy paper (Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature - IOPscience). Virtually everyone I know in the debate would automatically be included in the 97% (including me, but also many, much more skeptical).

The paper looks at 12,000 papers written in the last 25 years (see here, the paper doesn’t actually specify the numbers, Watch The Pea). It ditches about 8,000 papers because they don’t take a position.

They put people who agree into three different bins — 1.6% that explicitly endorse global warming with numbers, 23% that explicitly endorse global warming without numbers and then 74% that “implicitly endorse” because they’re looking at other issues with global warming that must mean they agree with human-caused global warming.

Voila, you got about 97% (actually here 98%, but because the authors haven’t released the numbers themselves, we have to rely on other quantitative assessments).

Notice, that *nobody* said anything about *dangerous* global warming; this meme simply got attached afterwards (by Obama and many others).

Now, Richard Tol has tried to replicate their study and it turns out they have done pretty much everything wrong. And they don’t want to release the data so anyone else can check it. Outrageous.

Read Tol’s letter to the Peter Høj, University of Queensland: “the main finding of the paper is incorrect, invalid and unrepresentative.” (Professor Peter Høj, Vice-Chancellor and President - About UQ - The University of Queensland, Australia)

It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad.

I usually always ask the libs what was the temperature in 1376 AD but that makes them mad.
/----/ And all those SUVs and air conditioners drove climate change in the Cretaceous Period, a geologic period and system that spans 79 million years from the end of the Jurassic Period 145 million years ago (mya) to the beginning of the Paleogene Period 66 mya. It is the last period of the Mesozoic Era. The Cretaceous Period is usually abbreviated K, for its German translation Kreide (chalk).
View attachment 168790

Yes, it was a very different world. Continents in very different locations, no Andes or Himalayas, Atlantic Ocean opening, North and South America separated. Gosh, and we marvel at the different climate we have now.
I usually always ask the libs what was the temperature in 1376 AD but that makes them mad.
/----/ And all those SUVs and air conditioners drove climate change in the Cretaceous Period, a geologic period and system that spans 79 million years from the end of the Jurassic Period 145 million years ago (mya) to the beginning of the Paleogene Period 66 mya. It is the last period of the Mesozoic Era. The Cretaceous Period is usually abbreviated K, for its German translation Kreide (chalk).
View attachment 168790

Yes, it was a very different world. Continents in very different locations, no Andes or Himalayas, Atlantic Ocean opening, North and South America separated. Gosh, and we marvel at the different climate we have now.
/----/ So Mother Nature drives the climate far beyond anything puny man could do. Got it.
Yup I just read it , so it must be true, what your cold as hell?

You just imagining it ..
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Got a link? No? Thought so.

What do I need a link for you poor ass child just hop on a bus and go to Niagara falls right now


Btw NASA admits they were unsure about 2014..

Nasa climate scientists: We said 2014 was the warmest but we're only 38% sure | Daily Mail Online

Nasa climate scientists: We said 2014 was the warmest year on record... but we're only 38% sure we were right
I usually always ask the libs what was the temperature in 1376 AD but that makes them mad.
/----/ And all those SUVs and air conditioners drove climate change in the Cretaceous Period, a geologic period and system that spans 79 million years from the end of the Jurassic Period 145 million years ago (mya) to the beginning of the Paleogene Period 66 mya. It is the last period of the Mesozoic Era. The Cretaceous Period is usually abbreviated K, for its German translation Kreide (chalk).
View attachment 168790

Yes, it was a very different world. Continents in very different locations, no Andes or Himalayas, Atlantic Ocean opening, North and South America separated. Gosh, and we marvel at the different climate we have now.
/----/ So Mother Nature drives the climate far beyond anything puny man could do. Got it.

Can't disagree with that. Over million year time scales.
I usually always ask the libs what was the temperature in 1376 AD but that makes them mad.
/----/ And all those SUVs and air conditioners drove climate change in the Cretaceous Period, a geologic period and system that spans 79 million years from the end of the Jurassic Period 145 million years ago (mya) to the beginning of the Paleogene Period 66 mya. It is the last period of the Mesozoic Era. The Cretaceous Period is usually abbreviated K, for its German translation Kreide (chalk).
View attachment 168790

Yes, it was a very different world. Continents in very different locations, no Andes or Himalayas, Atlantic Ocean opening, North and South America separated. Gosh, and we marvel at the different climate we have now.

And five times the C02 in the atmosphere then we have today..

The plants and animals were huge coincidence?
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