NASA's First Samples Land On Earth After Release From Spacecraft.


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2022
My Happyi Place
NASA’s first asteroid samples fetched from deep space parachuted into the Utah desert Sunday to cap a seven-year journey.

In a flyby of Earth, the Osiris-Rex spacecraft released the sample capsule from 63,000 miles (100,000 kilometers) out. The small capsule landed four hours later on a remote expanse of military land, as the mothership set off after another asteroid.

“We have touchdown!” Mission Recovery Operations announced, immediately repeating the news since the landing occurred three minutes early. Officials later said the orange striped parachute opened four times higher than anticipated — around 20,000 feet (6,100 meters) — basing it on the deceleration rate.
They hit a remote military expanse from 63,000 miles out?


They dug up some sand on the beach and call it asteroid dust.

Look up the asteroid. In a hundred years its forecast to potentially hit us. This is sampling what its made to better deflect it.

Actually, asteroid Bennu has a small chance of hitting us in 159 years. Thing is, Bennu is 1600 feet across, made of loose rubble, and is affected by heat from the sun pushing it in a way that is impossible to calculate precisely, so, in 159 years, we might be way off. Bennu passes us every 6 years. The 1/2 pound soil sample landed in western Utah and is being analyzed to better understand the asteroid in the hopes of dealing with it.
Look up the asteroid. In a hundred years its forecast to potentially hit us. This is sampling what its made to better deflect it.
Possibly. I've often wondered if trying to deflect or worse yet, to destroy, one of these bodies could cause even worse problems. Bennu is in a known orbit today. Hit it with an explosive or kinetic strike to deflect it into a different orbit and what's to say it might not then collide with something else and trigger other unknown objects INTO a collision with Earth?
Possibly. I've often wondered if trying to deflect or worse yet, to destroy, one of these bodies could cause even worse problems. Bennu is in a known orbit today. Hit it with an explosive or kinetic strike to deflect it into a different orbit and what's to say it might not then collide with something else and trigger other unknown objects INTO a collision with Earth?

The orbit is not precisely understood. Bennu is too loose an aggregate full of empty pockets to push. It might be affected by a nuclear blast to the one side that, at the right time, would shatter the asteroid and push most or all of the material further away from us to where it is no longer a risk.
The orbit is not precisely understood. Bennu is too loose an aggregate full of empty pockets to push. It might be affected by a nuclear blast to the one side that, at the right time, would shatter the asteroid and push most or all of the material further away from us to where it is no longer a risk.
Lets hope these guys are as good and shooting pool in the real universe as they are on paper, at least for my great grandkids sake. I figure you and I are pretty safe from Bennu.
Why not wait a hundred years or so to first determine whether or not it will hit us?

1). Because, by then, it might be too late to do anything about it.
2). Because sooner or later, if Bennu doesn't hit us, something else will and we better learn how to deal with it.

If Bennu hit the Earth, it would leave a crater 6 miles across with an immediate area of total devastation 30 miles across, possible earthquakes and tsunamis, and a cloud of dust that would block the sun for a year causing millions to starve.

Bigger, it could wipe out most life on the planet like the dinosaurs did.
Hit it with an explosive or kinetic strike to deflect it into a different orbit

Wouldn't work very well if it's an aggregate of many smaller asteroids held together by mutual gravitational attractions.

They would just move apart then come back together again.
Possibly. I've often wondered if trying to deflect or worse yet, to destroy, one of these bodies could cause even worse problems. Bennu is in a known orbit today. Hit it with an explosive or kinetic strike to deflect it into a different orbit and what's to say it might not then collide with something else and trigger other unknown objects INTO a collision with Earth?
The , If, argument is for fools unless backed up by probabilities from research or top modelling work .
Am surprised you did not bring huge red tomatoes and Superman into your attempt at speculation .
Have never understood why any intelligent person would believe anything said by NASA .
Run by the emergent Nazis and a front misinformation site ever since .
The only aspect of their news releases worth consideration is what they are deflecting from , and what their real narrative might be .

But naturally that is complete BS . And as unprovable as the real source of their mystery packet . Imho
Apparently, no one ever read "Andromeda Strain"

Actually, they have. Stupid movie. Real life is much more interesting.

Utah Test and Training Range. Recovery teams in four helicopters raced to the landing site in a carefully rehearsed effort designed to bag the capsule quickly to lower the risk of contamination.

They found the capsule on the desert floor, intact and sitting perfectly upright, as if it had taken pains to be presentable. A helicopter hauled the capsule on a 100-foot line to a specially prepared “clean room” in a military hangar. It will be flown Monday to the NASA Johnson Space Center in Texas for scientific study.

Why did NASA send a spacecraft to sample the asteroid Bennu?​

First, there’s the scientific reason. This is a small step toward answering a fundamental question: “Why are we here?”

Bennu contains rocks that date to the earliest epoch of the solar system. The mission is designed to give scientists samples of these “fossils” that date back 4 billion years. The molecular makeup of the material brought back to Earth could provide clues to how it became an ocean planet, with the kind of environment where life could appear (and eventually evolve into complex organisms such as astrobiologists).
this is quite astounding
Would make a good Topic but you probably need to go back to Operation Paper Clip to look at whom the US brought over , the positions they were given and reached .
You need to add in the evidence that Germany tested two A bombs during the war and America’s need to use all the top scientists and technicians and certainly within the Manhattan project Most were ex SS .
All rather complex and detailed with huge DYOR needed . Way beyond casual chat room
Discussion and insults . Imho

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