Nashville school shooter

Folks, for you edification, Adolph Hitler had a friend named "Ernst Rohm," a notorious homosexual deviant, indeed most of the Nazi Brown Shirts were homosexual deviants, you understand? In ancient days long passed, Viking warriors employed homosexual deviants as an especially murderous sort of "shock troops" history refers to them as "Berserkers!" These are a subset of people capable of perpetrating horrifying acts of violence, most of these homosexuals do not fit the culturally popularized effeminate perception, do you understand?

The Frankfurt School, specifically "Herbert Marcuse," became frustrated in their mission to subvert the United States into a socialist utopia due to the cultural focus upon rugged individualism, family, God, and country, so Marcuse identified a subset collective, much more conducive to reception of the Marxist messaging, these groups were/are, feminist women, college students, black's, and homosexuals, The Frankfurt School then went after them exclusively, this resulted in what we refer to as the 60's counter-culture!

We are all of us, simply on the back end of the Marxist initiative to subvert the United States and the western world, its sailing along nicely, don't you think?
Lots of strange things happening in society. I saw a woman I attended high school with that is almost unrecognizable now.
The anti Christian cult radicalized this sick fuck to murder children at a Christian school. We need to get rid of the cult, not guns.

I'd have more respect for your opinion if you said we should post an armed guard at every door... a steel door will not save lives all a shooter has to do is wait for school to let out and wipe kids out at the bus stop... wake up....
You're too stupid to talk to

Locked steel doors would have prevented the last several school shootings.
You're too stupid to talk to

Locked steel doors would have prevented the last several school shootings.
Why do you accept cowering behind walls before you will accept solving the problem once and for all?....
And you calling me stupid only tells me I've beaten you...
You're too stupid to talk to

Locked steel doors would have prevented the last several school shootings.
Should we also put in steel windows too?... and what happens when school lets out into the parking lot?... do you know why glass doors and windows are in schools churches and other buildings?... to save money and energy fool.... aren't you worried about carbon emissions?... do you have any idea how much this would cost and do you know or have any idea what it would be like for the kids behind trapped steel doors and windows.... you don't care because you are more concerned of the schools teaching morality and ethics and Gods word... so this sad tragic event is all on folks like you....
My bad…It was a chick PRETENDING to be a dude. I got to tell you, I still get confused about all these gender terms being thrown around. Hell, I still am not quite sure what the Nashville shooter’s gender status was supposed to be exactly. All I KNOW is that it was one fucked up puppy!
Who was taught to hate Christians by demofks ideology
Folks, for you edification, Adolph Hitler had a friend named "Ernst Rohm," a notorious homosexual deviant, indeed most of the Nazi Brown Shirts were homosexual deviants, you understand? In ancient days long passed, Viking warriors employed homosexual deviants as an especially murderous sort of "shock troops" history refers to them as "Berserkers!" These are a subset of people capable of perpetrating horrifying acts of violence, most of these homosexuals do not fit the culturally popularized effeminate perception, do you understand?

The Frankfurt School, specifically "Herbert Marcuse," became frustrated in their mission to subvert the United States into a socialist utopia due to the cultural focus upon rugged individualism, family, God, and country, so Marcuse identified a subset collective, much more conducive to reception of the Marxist messaging, these groups were/are, feminist women, college students, black's, and homosexuals, The Frankfurt School then went after them exclusively, this resulted in what we refer to as the 60's counter-culture!

We are all of us, simply on the back end of the Marxist initiative to subvert the United States and the western world, its sailing along nicely, don't you think?
Hitler had Rohm murdered. He did not like the fact that Rohm was a little too independent. The homosexual stuff may have played a role to, IDK. I DO know that Hitler looked at trannyism in the Weimar Republic as inconsistent with a moral nation. As a result, he took action to rid Germany of its malignancy, just as he did with other communist actions infiltrating his country.
Why do you accept cowering behind walls before you will accept solving the problem once and for all?....
And you calling me stupid only tells me I've beaten you...
Because it is an immediate and proven way to increase safety not something that will take years to achieve if ever.

Why do you ignore a good and effective pragmatic action to focus on the perfect solution?
Should we also put in steel windows too?... and what happens when school lets out into the parking lot?... do you know why glass doors and windows are in schools churches and other buildings?... to save money and energy fool.... aren't you worried about carbon emissions?... do you have any idea how much this would cost and do you know or have any idea what it would be like for the kids behind trapped steel doors and windows.... you don't care because you are more concerned of the schools teaching morality and ethics and Gods word... so this sad tragic event is all on folks like you....

Actually there are products available right now that will increase the strength of windows. And again it is an immediate action to take that will increase safety.

Actually there are products available right now that will increase the strength of windows. And again it is an immediate action to take that will increase safety.

And as the kids leave the school?.... what then?... what about churches stores theaters?... the cause of this craziness must be addressed and the cause is not glass doors.... and its not guns....
Because it is an immediate and proven way to increase safety not something that will take years to achieve if ever.

Why do you ignore a good and effective pragmatic action to focus on the perfect solution?
No its not... to increase safety we must fix the mental health issues and stop being in denial that not knowing what sex you are is a mental disorder... that needs to be number one in fixing this....

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