Nashville school shooter

Doors are not fool proof... People inside the school must be able to see outside of the school... blocking and blinding them like cattle headed for slaughter is a stupid idea....

Foolproof is not the goal for fucking asshat. Armed guards aren't foolproof either as Parkland illustrated but a locked steel door would have kept the shooter out
How many armed people were inside the school at Uvalve while the psycho was killing kids ?
OK quote any post where I have mentioned disarming anyone.

When you can't do that will you admit you are a lying sack of shit?
I can read you like a book... that's exactly where you are going....
I can read you like a book... that's exactly where you are going....
Quote the post where I said anything about disarming anyone.

Better yet go find any of my PRO SECOND AMENDMENT posts that I have written there are literally hundreds of them here.

You're a lying sack of shit.
Foolproof is not the goal for fucking asshat. Armed guards aren't foolproof either as Parkland illustrated but a locked steel door would have kept the shooter out
How many armed people were inside the school at Uvalve while the psycho was killing kids ?
Its about giving out notice that there are cops with guns on campus... this shooter had two other schools in mind but abandoned that idea because they had cops on campus... she went to the unguarded campus....
You don't leave it up to children to lock the door Moron.
There are 10 times the amount of kids on campus as there are adults... kids will be coming and going all day long... the only way your steel door idea will work is with an armed guard at every steel door.... you can't lock kids inside a building for fire safety reasons fool....
Its about giving out notice that there are cops with guns on campus... this shooter had two other schools in mind but abandoned that idea because they had cops on campus... she went to the unguarded campus....
Until you quote the post where I called for disarming anyone or admit you're a lying sack of shit

I'm done with you.
Until you quote the post where I called for disarming anyone or admit you're a lying sack of shit

I'm done with you.
You are too stupid to continue to argue with so I'm done with you too Mr goalpost mover....
There are 10 times the amount of kids on campus as there are adults... kids will be coming and going all day long... the only way your steel door idea will work is with an armed guard at every door.... you can't lock kids inside a building for fire safety reasons fool....

How fucking stupid are you?

You control where and when people come and go.

You alram the doors so of they are opened people know.

There is no reason other than a fire for any child to be leaving the school during the day and if they have to leave all that needs to be done is designate one door that is easily monitored.
You are too stupid to continue to argue with so I'm done with you too Mr goalpost mover....
Hey ASSHOLE YOU are the one who said I want to disarm everyone.

So now prove that's what I said or admit you are a lying sack of shit.
How fucking stupid are you?

You control where and when people come and go.

You alram the doors so of they are opened people know.

There is no reason other than a fire for any child to be leaving the school during the day and if they have to leave all that needs to be done is designate one door that is easily monitored.
Maybe you are so old that your school was a one room school house where the teacher rings the bell at recess and folks tie up their horses out front... today's schools are huge and people come and go all day long... you can't lock them inside... its dangerous....
Hey ASSHOLE YOU are the one who said I want to disarm everyone.

So now prove that's what I said or admit you are a lying sack of shit.
I never said to disarm anyone... I predict that's really your motive here...
That's not what you said you lying sack of shit.

You said I was hellbent on disarming America

You quoted that from my post dummy... I just copied my exact words that you even quoted... LMAO I said my prediction is that your real motive is disarming America... its right there in black and white...
I'm not denying anything... what is it you say I'm denying?...

You said I was
"hell bent on disarming America"

Now FUCKING PROVE IT or admit you are a lying sack of shit.

The fact is I never once even mentioned gun laws or the 2nd Amendment and I am one of the better known pro 2nd Amendment people on this fucking board

So prove your assertion or admit you're nothing but a fucking liar.

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