Nassau Cops: PTA Mom, Boy Found Half Naked In Car

That's the basic truth. but I think people might be discussing what the law should be. It's hard to tell with so many red herrings being tossed about.

Having sex with red herrings is just so wrong.

Unless you're a consenting adult red herring yourself, of course.

Then it's okay.

At least that's how this liberal rolls on that subject.
Having sex with red herrings is just so wrong.

Unless you're a consenting adult red herring yourself, of course.

Then it's okay.

At least that's how this liberal rolls on that subject.

LOL! How do you feel about flings with eels?
i am pretty sure i could tell the difference in a 13 yr old males body and that of an 18 yr old males body...but hey that is just me.

Good point. As a bartender, however, I carded everyone who looked under 30. I was surprised at how young some 21 years olds look.
Good point. As a bartender, however, I carded everyone who looked under 30. I was surprised at how young some 21 years olds look.

i do a brew thru and card...but guess what..we aint talking about 13 yr olds in the drive thru...i am sorry if you cant tell a 13 yr old boy from an 18 yr old boy you are just plain ass sad

People actually making jokes and excusing pedophelia and child abuse.

It has already been explained that this is not pedophilia.

So, if you had a 13 year old female niece that "consented" to sex with a 50 year old man, you'd be okay with it?

That's laughable.

I have detailed studies that indicate that adolescents ought to be treated as the biological adults that they are. What are your objections to these studies?

Children can't consent to sex, anymore than they can consent to alcohol consumption.

Not another good topic to bring up with me if you want your politically correct fantasies preserved.

an OP-ED from the NYT?




I see you have attempted to bypass addressing the rebuttals themselves. What is your response to them, and in what manner do they not provide a sufficient basis for rebutting the "evidence" you posted?
i do a brew thru and card...but guess what..we aint talking about 13 yr olds in the drive thru...i am sorry if you cant tell a 13 yr old boy from an 18 yr old boy you are just plain ass sad

Who said I said I can't tell the diff between a 13 year old boy and an 18 year old boy???

I'd also defy you to tell the age of my friend's daughter at that age. Taller than me, deep voice like her mother, fully developed figure, chiseled model's features, a fashion sense that beats any 30 year old's I know. Since English is not her native language what little she says in English can be construed as language difficulty rather than immaturity.
You are the one talking lewdly and specifically about Diuretic's daughter.

which, AGAIN, if one cannot denote the most basic idea of my position then why would it be any more lewd than if the parties involved were both of age?
It has already been explained that this is not pedophilia.

I have detailed studies that indicate that adolescents ought to be treated as the biological adults that they are. What are your objections to these studies?

Not another good topic to bring up with me if you want your politically correct fantasies preserved.

I see you have attempted to bypass addressing the rebuttals themselves. What is your response to them, and in what manner do they not provide a sufficient basis for rebutting the "evidence" you posted?

Hey, DUDE.. this is the fucking internet. There is no shortage of OPINION EDITORIALS!



fucking christ.. hows that usmb forum reputation coming along? Gathering much support for your retarded fucking posts?
Anybody trying to claim that it isn't is an idiot.

That shouldn't have to be explained.

Really? So the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and the International Classification of Diseases and Other Health Related Disorders are "idiots" for defining pedophilia as a sexual attraction to prepubescent children rather than adolescents? Do I have that right?

Hey, DUDE.. this is the fucking internet. There is no shortage of OPINION EDITORIALS!



fucking christ.. hows that usmb forum reputation coming along? Gathering much support for your retarded fucking posts?

Hmmm...there's another failure by you to rebut any of the evidence presented in the New York Times or the Scientific American Mind pieces.

So, it would seem that your posts are the most retarded around here.
a NYT OP ED piece and a page that amounts to a soft science theorist trying to SELL BOOKS?




like I said, penis licker, maybe you should go work on your new found local rep instead of crying about how I EVISCERATED your retarded fucking utilitarian ethical standard. For real, you are not getting any less boring.
It doesn't matter if the 13 year old boy "wanted" sex.

That's beside the point. Of course teenage boys are walking hormone factories. That doesn't matter.

Children are emotionally and mentally undeveloped. They are sucsceptible to control and manipulation. That's why we have laws against adults manipulating them, controlling them, or taking advantage of them.

We don't allow adults to manipulate mentally under developed people. People who aren't in a position to make clear headed choices.

This lady could have easily found a 20 year old to screw. Leave children, the mentally handicapped, and the developmentally disabled out of it. Manipulation is never cool, and its should be against the law with respect to children.
a NYT OP ED piece and a page that amounts to a soft science theorist trying to SELL BOOKS?




like I said, penis licker, maybe you should go work on your new found local rep instead of crying about how I EVISCERATED your retarded fucking utilitarian ethical standard. For real, you are not getting any less boring.

You sad piece of shit...I amost feel sorry for your pathetic ass at this point. :lol:

Your piece of shit "study" gets rebutted by a piece in Scientific American Mind by the former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today, and the op-ed piece from a sociologist who's devoted years of study to the issue, and your pathetic little ass is still trying to pretend that you've got a FUCKING LEG TO STAND ON?!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes really.

I bet you are a NAMBLA member, who else would be so hot to defend the undefendable.

Yes, of course. Anyone advocating that adolescents be treated as adults, as they are biologically and mentally, must be a member of a homosexual pedophile organization attracted to prepubescent children.

The definition of "pedophilia" has already been very clearly stated for you. It is a prolonged sexual attraction to prepubescent children, not to adolescents.

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