Nassau Cops: PTA Mom, Boy Found Half Naked In Car

Let me give you an example of why your big giant bluff and name dropping orgasm is less impressive than you'd think it is.

Do you notice a big difference between young teenagers and older teenagers, for instance, or adults?

Yes. Our data suggested that the younger teenagers were significantly different in how they responded compared to adults. And we did see an age-dependent or age-related change between the ages of 11 and 17, with the most dramatic difference being in the earlier teen years.

One aspect of our work has been to look at the frontal part of the brain, which has been known to underlie thought and anticipation and planning and goal-directed behavior, and try to understand the relationship of this part of the brain to the more inferior or lower part of the brain which has been associated with emotion and gut responses. It's quite well known that, in adults, there's a relationship between these two parts of the brain, and we wanted to understand what that relationship would be in adolescent subjects.

frontline: inside the teenage brain: interviews: deborah yurgelun-todd | PBS

yadda yadda yadda. We can both sling names around from people who support our respective positions. This is the nature of the soft sciences, you silly little girl. Not to mention, that your link amounted to some dude's bookselling homepage. Gimme a break.

Like I said, your tell is obvious.
Let me give you an example of why your big giant bluff and name dropping orgasm is less impressive than you'd think it is.

Do you notice a big difference between young teenagers and older teenagers, for instance, or adults?

Yes. Our data suggested that the younger teenagers were significantly different in how they responded compared to adults. And we did see an age-dependent or age-related change between the ages of 11 and 17, with the most dramatic difference being in the earlier teen years.

One aspect of our work has been to look at the frontal part of the brain, which has been known to underlie thought and anticipation and planning and goal-directed behavior, and try to understand the relationship of this part of the brain to the more inferior or lower part of the brain which has been associated with emotion and gut responses. It's quite well known that, in adults, there's a relationship between these two parts of the brain, and we wanted to understand what that relationship would be in adolescent subjects.

frontline: inside the teenage brain: interviews: deborah yurgelun-todd | PBS

yadda yadda yadda. We can both sling names around from people who support our respective positions. This is the nature of the soft sciences, you silly little girl. Not to mention, that your link amounted to some dude's bookselling homepage. Gimme a break.

Like I said, your tell is obvious.

Indeed? Well, since the link to an article in Scientific American Mind by the former editor of Psychology Today apparently didn't satisfy you, (and I don't know why I'm spending my time rebutting your articles and studies when you still haven't rebutted mine), perhaps this will satisfy you.

It's an article in a quaint little journal called the New York Times.

Incidentally, our "positions" aren't opposite sides of the same coin; the articles that I have cited were formed as direct rebuttals to the studies that you have cited after they were conducted.
Here, make your fantasy come to life, this is her:

Yeah, I don't get it either. How can this happen unless a guy wills it? Can someone explain the phsyiological phenomenon.
Male Survivors of Sexual Assault
What are some of the feelings a male survivor may experience?
Any survivor of sexual assault may experience the following feelings, but male survivors may experience these feelings in a different way:

* Guilt -- as though he is somehow at fault for not preventing the assault because our society promotes the misconception that men should be able to protect themselves at all times.
* Shame -- as though being assaulted makes him "dirty," "weak," or less of a "real man."
* Fear -- that he may be blamed, judged, laughed at, or not believed.
* Denial -- because it is upsetting, he may try not to think about it or talk about it; he may try to hide from his feelings behind alcohol, drugs, and other self-destructive habits.
* Anger -- about what happened; this anger may sometimes be misdirected and generalized to target people who remind the him of the perpetrator.
* Sadness -- feeling depressed, worthless, powerless; withdrawing from friends, family, and usual activities; some victims even consider suicide.

If a male victim became sexually aroused, had an erection, or ejaculated during the sexual assault, he may not believe that he was raped. These are involuntary physiological reactions. They do not mean that the victim wanted to be sexually assaulted, or that the survivor enjoyed the traumatic experience. Just as with women, a sexual response does not mean there was consent.
Overblown - this is really getting overblown. The kid said he was 18 at first. Hello? We are not talking overborne vicitm here, the kid wanted to get laid.

Jeez, the PC is stifling. The kid wanted to fuck her.

Now blow your fucking pc fuses.
The concept of him as an unwitting "victim" is also tarnished by his willing duplicity in regards to his age. I've let my feelings as to the prosecution of consensual relationships be known in the past, and what have I gotten for it? Accusations of pedophilia.

So, if you had a 13 year old female niece that "consented" to sex with a 50 year old man, you'd be okay with it?

That's laughable.

Children can't consent to sex, anymore than they can consent to alcohol consumption.
bunch of fucking pervs is all they are...let me guess would it be hard to resist a blow job from a 5 yr old....if you can do 13 yr olds where the hell do you draw the line?
ok, so maybe her punishment should NOT be the harshest, for this....he said he was 18, and i don't know what he looked like or how mature he was physically but he must have really been mature looking BEYOND reality for a 13 year for me personally, then let's say it is could she not try to find out before hand, unless this was just a wam bam thank you MAN, type of situation for her and the thrill of the risk kind of thing, therefore, the research type of thing, would be like a cold shower for her?

And if this really was the case with her, then Diuretic...she actually could be a "danger" to young boys....even if it is the young boy that approached her, as you are saying, then I can assure you, that SHE DREW HIM ON, and that he would NEVER had done what he did, if he hadn't been lured in the FIRST least in my opinion!

I think this whole thing goes deeper than Deep Dish is more complicated than we may all think....or than what is on the surface, including you....!!!! LOL :lol:

NOTING that none of us really know the true circumstance behind all of this and really are EACH on their own, arguing different possible scenarios!

Indeed? Well, since the link to an article in Scientific American Mind by the former editor of Psychology Today apparently didn't satisfy you, (and I don't know why I'm spending my time rebutting your articles and studies when you still haven't rebutted mine), perhaps this will satisfy you.

It's an article in a quaint little journal called the New York Times.

Incidentally, our "positions" aren't opposite sides of the same coin; the articles that I have cited were formed as direct rebuttals to the studies that you have cited after they were conducted.

an OP-ED from the NYT?



Overblown - this is really getting overblown. The kid said he was 18 at first. Hello? We are not talking overborne vicitm here, the kid wanted to get laid.

Jeez, the PC is stifling. The kid wanted to fuck her.

Now blow your fucking pc fuses.

your daughter might ALSO just want me to buy her some shoes after she sucks my cock at the mall too, yo... If making a distinction that is not steeped in a rank double standard about the sexual abuse of kids is POLITICALLY CORRECT then send me my fucking patch and tshirt.

After all, your daughter with my cum in her mouth sure isn't a victim after she EARNED the shoes I bought her, eh?
Male Survivors of Sexual Assault
What are some of the feelings a male survivor may experience?
Any survivor of sexual assault may experience the following feelings, but male survivors may experience these feelings in a different way:

* Guilt -- as though he is somehow at fault for not preventing the assault because our society promotes the misconception that men should be able to protect themselves at all times.
* Shame -- as though being assaulted makes him "dirty," "weak," or less of a "real man."
* Fear -- that he may be blamed, judged, laughed at, or not believed.
* Denial -- because it is upsetting, he may try not to think about it or talk about it; he may try to hide from his feelings behind alcohol, drugs, and other self-destructive habits.
* Anger -- about what happened; this anger may sometimes be misdirected and generalized to target people who remind the him of the perpetrator.
* Sadness -- feeling depressed, worthless, powerless; withdrawing from friends, family, and usual activities; some victims even consider suicide.

If a male victim became sexually aroused, had an erection, or ejaculated during the sexual assault, he may not believe that he was raped. These are involuntary physiological reactions. They do not mean that the victim wanted to be sexually assaulted, or that the survivor enjoyed the traumatic experience. Just as with women, a sexual response does not mean there was consent.

Great explanation. Perhaps I mistook this incident at first blush.
bunch of fucking pervs is all they are...let me guess would it be hard to resist a blow job from a 5 yr old....if you can do 13 yr olds where the hell do you draw the line?

for MINIMUM, you draw the line, where the line is legally drawn, within your state. PERIOD!

And of course, circumstance and motive and all those things do come in to the "picture" when sentencing comes along....all wrong, but some even more offensive than others....AS WITH ALL laws, there are degrees.
Overblown - this is really getting overblown. The kid said he was 18 at first. Hello? We are not talking overborne vicitm here, the kid wanted to get laid.

Jeez, the PC is stifling. The kid wanted to fuck her.

Now blow your fucking pc fuses.

bunch of fucking pervs is all they are...let me guess would it be hard to resist a blow job from a 5 yr old....if you can do 13 yr olds where the hell do you draw the line?

How about elf molestation? :lol:
strollingbone's avatar:
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your daughter might ALSO just want me to buy her some shoes after she sucks my cock at the mall too, yo... If making a distinction that is not steeped in a rank double standard about the sexual abuse of kids is POLITICALLY CORRECT then send me my fucking patch and tshirt.

After all, your daughter with my cum in her mouth sure isn't a victim after she EARNED the shoes I bought her, eh?

Who is talking like a perv now?
for MINIMUM, you draw the line, where the line is legally drawn, within your state. PERIOD!

And of course, circumstance and motive and all those things do come in to the "picture" when sentencing comes along....all wrong, but some even more offensive than others....AS WITH ALL laws, there are degrees.

That's the basic truth. but I think people might be discussing what the law should be. It's hard to tell with so many red herrings being tossed about.

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