Nasty Attacking Antifa Girl Who Got Punched In The Face By Heroic Pro-Trumper Seeks $80K On GoFundMe

It only matters to racists. Most Americans don't care about skin tone. Fucking racists? Oh, yeah, they care a lot. Why? My theory is because they are weaklings. Fuckwads who'd have been killed or left to die in more primitive cultures because they are demented, retarded and, otherwise, worthless to the tribe.

What's your theory on why some fuckwads are racist assholes who judge their fellow human beings on skin tone?
You can call people racist all day....let me know when you have an actual argument. Because "Racistsexistbigothomophobexenophobetransphobe' aint an argument.

Of course it's not an argument, it's a 21st century conservative.
LOL. You strike me as equally biased, and wrong, as OffensivelyOpenMinded.

Am I wrong? Why do you believe my comment wasn't an argument but a "21st century conservative"?
Only a liar claims to be unbiased.
Only a biased person claims others can't be unbiased.
What a stupid statement. And that statement proves you have a bias.
We have the numbers, we are organized, antifa can't run, they can't hide, we are legion, we have her name, she will burn along with everything she stands for, she will watch her boyfriends head removed from his body and know that she is next.
Looking forward to seeing you and all your fellow Nazi fuckwads in the news.

So when do you plan on murdering all these people? Got a date? A place? A plan? Or are you too cowardly to say? Nazi fuckwads, cowards to the end. That's why they need to be shot first in the Zombie Apocalypse!

No negotiations, total annihilation of the enemy, scorched earth, the time for talking is over, victory or death. Come see us in the streets.
Awesome! Go for it. I'll be the guy you never see and the death of all fucking Nazis will be clean as I can make them.
You're talking like a clown who needs attention.
We have the numbers, we are organized, antifa can't run, they can't hide, we are legion, we have her name, she will burn along with everything she stands for, she will watch her boyfriends head removed from his body and know that she is next.
Looking forward to seeing you and all your fellow Nazi fuckwads in the news.

So when do you plan on murdering all these people? Got a date? A place? A plan? Or are you too cowardly to say? Nazi fuckwads, cowards to the end. That's why they need to be shot first in the Zombie Apocalypse!

No negotiations, total annihilation of the enemy, scorched earth, the time for talking is over, victory or death. Come see us in the streets.
Awesome! Go for it. I'll be the guy you never see and the death of all fucking Nazis will be clean as I can make them.
Why are you such a fan of commies?
Why are you a fucking liar? My posts have said commies are bad. Care to make a $25 Gold membership bet that I can prove that fact or will you spinelessly dodge the bet because you know I'm right?

Fuck as Nazis and commies. Happy now? '

Now that we've settled that, why do you support these Nazi fuckwads? You harp about me, but don't say anything negative about the Nazis. Why?
We have the numbers, we are organized, antifa can't run, they can't hide, we are legion, we have her name, she will burn along with everything she stands for, she will watch her boyfriends head removed from his body and know that she is next.
Looking forward to seeing you and all your fellow Nazi fuckwads in the news.

So when do you plan on murdering all these people? Got a date? A place? A plan? Or are you too cowardly to say? Nazi fuckwads, cowards to the end. That's why they need to be shot first in the Zombie Apocalypse!

No negotiations, total annihilation of the enemy, scorched earth, the time for talking is over, victory or death. Come see us in the streets.
Awesome! Go for it. I'll be the guy you never see and the death of all fucking Nazis will be clean as I can make them.
Why are you such a fan of commies?
Why are you a fucking liar? My posts have said commies are bad. Care to make a $25 Gold membership bet that I can prove that fact or will you spinelessly dodge the bet because you know I'm right?

Fuck as Nazis and commies. Happy now? '

Now that we've settled that, why do you support these Nazi fuckwads? You harp about me, but don't say anything negative about the Nazis. Why?

It was a free speech rally you lying piece of shit, the only Nazi's in this scenario were the antifa fascists armed to the teeth surrounding peaceful demonstrators who were disarmed by the Berkeley police who stood down and did not protect them.
Not the same height. Easy to see not the same weight. This fucker is coward. If he's not, then he'd stand up like a man, turn himself in and speak for himself in court.


Never underestimate a girls ability to fight.....



Here it is in the video bitch: Check out @BakedNorwegian's Tweet: Viva Europa on Twitter

Hopefully next time the bottle is shoved up her diseased snatch then smashed.

She has a bottle in a different altercation. Not when she was sucker punched by the tall blonde guy. In that video, she wasn't "swinging" on the man, she saw him comes from and put her hands up because she saw HIM swinging.

Liar, this is the same incident, she has a bottle in hand which she drops when getting smashed she is also wearing weighted gloves, we are not here for antifa hearts and minds except to use as target practice, there will be no negotiations just antifa corpses littering the pavement. Get some!

Then where is the bottle when the man punches her????
We have the numbers, we are organized, antifa can't run, they can't hide, we are legion, we have her name, she will burn along with everything she stands for, she will watch her boyfriends head removed from his body and know that she is next.
Looking forward to seeing you and all your fellow Nazi fuckwads in the news.

So when do you plan on murdering all these people? Got a date? A place? A plan? Or are you too cowardly to say? Nazi fuckwads, cowards to the end. That's why they need to be shot first in the Zombie Apocalypse!

No negotiations, total annihilation of the enemy, scorched earth, the time for talking is over, victory or death. Come see us in the streets.
Awesome! Go for it. I'll be the guy you never see and the death of all fucking Nazis will be clean as I can make them.
You're talking like a clown who needs attention.
Why do you think so?
Looking forward to seeing you and all your fellow Nazi fuckwads in the news.

So when do you plan on murdering all these people? Got a date? A place? A plan? Or are you too cowardly to say? Nazi fuckwads, cowards to the end. That's why they need to be shot first in the Zombie Apocalypse!

No negotiations, total annihilation of the enemy, scorched earth, the time for talking is over, victory or death. Come see us in the streets.
Awesome! Go for it. I'll be the guy you never see and the death of all fucking Nazis will be clean as I can make them.
Why are you such a fan of commies?
Why are you a fucking liar? My posts have said commies are bad. Care to make a $25 Gold membership bet that I can prove that fact or will you spinelessly dodge the bet because you know I'm right?

Fuck as Nazis and commies. Happy now? '

Now that we've settled that, why do you support these Nazi fuckwads? You harp about me, but don't say anything negative about the Nazis. Why?

It was a free speech rally you lying piece of shit, the only Nazi's in this scenario were the antifa fascists armed to the teeth surrounding peaceful demonstrators who were disarmed by the Berkeley police who stood down and did not protect them.
Are you a Nazi? A White Supremacist?
You can call people racist all day....let me know when you have an actual argument. Because "Racistsexistbigothomophobexenophobetransphobe' aint an argument.

Of course it's not an argument, it's a 21st century conservative.
LOL. You strike me as equally biased, and wrong, as OffensivelyOpenMinded.

Am I wrong? Why do you believe my comment wasn't an argument but a "21st century conservative"?
Only a liar claims to be unbiased.
Only a biased person claims others can't be unbiased.
What a stupid statement. And that statement proves you have a bias.
Do you ever look in a mirror? I do. I try very hard to be a good, honest person. I try very hard, as the saying goes, to be the person my dog thinks I am. :)

Although not as religious as my wife and her family, I try very hard to live up to the words of Jesus.

Nazis? I see nothing Christian in them or other haters. Now I'm seeing nothing but hate in you. Who do you hate? Those who don't fit your definition of "white"? Liberal chicks? Anyone who disagrees with you? Who do you hate and why?
She swung at him first, clearly self defense on his part.

LMAO. In your tiny hypocritical and lying mind that is a use of reasonable force. He's a coward, like Trump and most of his supporters. A sucker punch on another man is cowardice, on a women it is an example of a cowardly bully.
Misogynist much? Why would a sucker punch on a woman be any different than a sucker punch on a man? Seriously? Are you implying that a woman is less capable of dealing with a defensive punch than a man would be?
It's cowardly to go after someone smaller and weaker than you are. Nathan, like all Nazi bullies, is a spineless coward who chose to go after a woman then fade back into the crowd. If he was proud of what he did, why hasn't he come forth and said so?

That said, if you're going to confront fucking Nazi scumbags, you should be smart enough to know they'll lie, cheat, suckerpunch and do other things fucking Nazi scumbags do. You know, much like the LWLs on this forum. :)
No bottle in her hand there....
She's a self admitted anarchist and from the red and black she signifies that she's a communist anarchist. You lefties are literally supporting someone /openly/ communist while calling those on the other side fascist nazi's... Ya'll are brainless zombies.

A sucker punch by a man twice the size of his female victim is apolitical - it is a cowardly act by a bully who will be prosecuted and if convicted will be lucky if he only gets a one year commitment to the county jail, five years probation and terms which prevent his ownership or possession of a firearm, a fine, restitution to the victim and counseling.

If I were the prosecutor I would charge him with a felony (Aggravated Battery) and seek an aggravated prison commitment (See: CA Penal Code Sec. 243(d).
Reuters took a picture of her attacking Nathan Damigo first with a large liquor bottle (a weapon) in her right hand. She was the aggressor! Nathan Damigo who defended himself will not be arrested.

Photoshopped....the video shows no bottle in her right hand. The RussianW has no honor, no shame.
I've always said 5 crackers from key enfilade positions would stop that shit with 3 volleys.

We have the numbers, we are organized, antifa can't run, they can't hide, we are legion, we have her name, she will burn along with everything she stands for, she will watch her boyfriends head removed from his body and know that she is next.
Looking forward to seeing you and all your fellow Nazi fuckwads in the news.

So when do you plan on murdering all these people? Got a date? A place? A plan? Or are you too cowardly to say? Nazi fuckwads, cowards to the end. That's why they need to be shot first in the Zombie Apocalypse!

No negotiations, total annihilation of the enemy, scorched earth, the time for talking is over, victory or death. Come see us in the streets.
Awesome! Go for it. I'll be the guy you never see and the death of all fucking Nazis will be clean as I can make them.
Why are you such a fan of commies?
Why are you a fucking liar? My posts have said commies are bad. Care to make a $25 Gold membership bet that I can prove that fact or will you spinelessly dodge the bet because you know I'm right?

Fuck as Nazis and commies. Happy now? '

Now that we've settled that, why do you support these Nazi fuckwads? You harp about me, but don't say anything negative about the Nazis. Why?
You keep harping on Nazis and defending the little commie whore. You can say you aren't biased but you do seem to prefer commies over nazis for some reason.

I will flat out admit, I don't like nazis but Id side with them over internationalist marxist swine any day.
No negotiations, total annihilation of the enemy, scorched earth, the time for talking is over, victory or death. Come see us in the streets.
Awesome! Go for it. I'll be the guy you never see and the death of all fucking Nazis will be clean as I can make them.
Why are you such a fan of commies?
Why are you a fucking liar? My posts have said commies are bad. Care to make a $25 Gold membership bet that I can prove that fact or will you spinelessly dodge the bet because you know I'm right?

Fuck as Nazis and commies. Happy now? '

Now that we've settled that, why do you support these Nazi fuckwads? You harp about me, but don't say anything negative about the Nazis. Why?

It was a free speech rally you lying piece of shit, the only Nazi's in this scenario were the antifa fascists armed to the teeth surrounding peaceful demonstrators who were disarmed by the Berkeley police who stood down and did not protect them.
Are you a Nazi? A White Supremacist?

I've always said 5 crackers from key enfilade positions would stop that shit with 3 volleys.
My favorite is Atomic Commie Wedgie Man! He gave the Antifa Pussies what they deserved.

She's a self admitted anarchist and from the red and black she signifies that she's a communist anarchist. You lefties are literally supporting someone /openly/ communist while calling those on the other side fascist nazi's... Ya'll are brainless zombies.

A sucker punch by a man twice the size of his female victim is apolitical - it is a cowardly act by a bully who will be prosecuted and if convicted will be lucky if he only gets a one year commitment to the county jail, five years probation and terms which prevent his ownership or possession of a firearm, a fine, restitution to the victim and counseling.

If I were the prosecutor I would charge him with a felony (Aggravated Battery) and seek an aggravated prison commitment (See: CA Penal Code Sec. 243(d).
Reuters took a picture of her attacking Nathan Damigo first with a large liquor bottle (a weapon) in her right hand. She was the aggressor! Nathan Damigo who defended himself will not be arrested.

Photoshopped....the video shows no bottle in her right hand. The RussianW has no honor, no shame.
Agreed about no bottle, but slipping in "Russian" just makes you look as big a fucking biased asshole as the fucking Nazis. Please stick to the facts. I guarantee you it truth works out better in the end.
She's a self admitted anarchist and from the red and black she signifies that she's a communist anarchist. You lefties are literally supporting someone /openly/ communist while calling those on the other side fascist nazi's... Ya'll are brainless zombies.

A sucker punch by a man twice the size of his female victim is apolitical - it is a cowardly act by a bully who will be prosecuted and if convicted will be lucky if he only gets a one year commitment to the county jail, five years probation and terms which prevent his ownership or possession of a firearm, a fine, restitution to the victim and counseling.

If I were the prosecutor I would charge him with a felony (Aggravated Battery) and seek an aggravated prison commitment (See: CA Penal Code Sec. 243(d).
Reuters took a picture of her attacking Nathan Damigo first with a large liquor bottle (a weapon) in her right hand. She was the aggressor! Nathan Damigo who defended himself will not be arrested.

Photoshopped....the video shows no bottle in her right hand. The RussianW has no honor, no shame.
That's because they are caught on video seconds after she loses the bottle and her hat. All of this took place in probably 20 seconds.

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