Nasty Attacking Antifa Girl Who Got Punched In The Face By Heroic Pro-Trumper Seeks $80K On GoFundMe

I'm telling you, 5 organized crackers in enfilade positions and we wouldn't be discussing this.

1-2 green

1-2 green

1-2 green

The End.
Mass murder? Seriously?

Their parents and the schools failed them. They're actively fighting against American principles and America.

If it keeps up like this, it's not a question of "if" It's a question of when.

The first time they use arms in a crowd, the next time will be like I said.
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You keep harping on Nazis and defending the little commie whore. You can say you aren't biased but you do seem to prefer commies over nazis for some reason.

I will flat out admit, I don't like nazis but Id side with them over internationalist marxist swine any day.
Quote me where I'm defending the "little commie whore" against your Aryan hero? $25 Gold membership bet that I can prove I've spoken against the fucking commies as well as the fucking Nazis.

Puss out if you like on the bet, since I know, and can prove, you haven't spoken out against the fucking Nazis like you do the fucking commies. Bet or puss out? Your call.
90% of your criticism on this thread has been towards neo nazis and you really haven't been nearly as critical of thw commie bitch.

That's a fact you can't deny.
So why didn't you take the bet? Can you prove 90%? I'll bet on that too!
It's probably more than 90% of the time on this thread, you even basically said communism is not a bigger problem than neo Nazism.
Awesome! Go for it. I'll be the guy you never see and the death of all fucking Nazis will be clean as I can make them
LOL. Agreed! True Americans will not worry about the fucking Nazis. In fact, I, for one, will be pissing and/or shitting on their graves. They are scum and death is too good for them.

Glad you think fucking Nazis are scumbags too, Rambunctious!
General Patton had thought we should team up with the Nazis and fight the Russians to Moscow. He realized we had fought the wrong enemy. Was he a true American?
Awesome! Go for it. I'll be the guy you never see and the death of all fucking Nazis will be clean as I can make them
LOL. Agreed! True Americans will not worry about the fucking Nazis. In fact, I, for one, will be pissing and/or shitting on their graves. They are scum and death is too good for them.

Glad you think fucking Nazis are scumbags too, Rambunctious!
General Patton had thought we should team up with the Nazis and fight the Russians to Moscow. He realized we had fought the wrong enemy. Was he a true American?
That's what I believe. We should've teamed up with the Nazis first, taken down the commies and then taken out the NS.
She's a self admitted anarchist and from the red and black she signifies that she's a communist anarchist. You lefties are literally supporting someone /openly/ communist while calling those on the other side fascist nazi's... Ya'll are brainless zombies.

A sucker punch by a man twice the size of his female victim is apolitical - it is a cowardly act by a bully who will be prosecuted and if convicted will be lucky if he only gets a one year commitment to the county jail, five years probation and terms which prevent his ownership or possession of a firearm, a fine, restitution to the victim and counseling.

If I were the prosecutor I would charge him with a felony (Aggravated Battery) and seek an aggravated prison commitment (See: CA Penal Code Sec. 243(d).
Reuters took a picture of her attacking Nathan Damigo first with a large liquor bottle (a weapon) in her right hand. She was the aggressor! Nathan Damigo who defended himself will not be arrested.

Photoshopped....the video shows no bottle in her right hand. The RussianW has no honor, no shame.
That's because they are caught on video seconds after she loses the bottle and her hat. All of this took place in probably 20 seconds.
Nope....nice try. You or one of your poor scared white "supremists" photoshopped it. Badly too.

You have no honor/no shame. What a surprise.

Photoshopped a film clip?

Check out @BakedNorwegian's Tweet: Viva Europa on Twitter

Awesome! Go for it. I'll be the guy you never see and the death of all fucking Nazis will be clean as I can make them
LOL. Agreed! True Americans will not worry about the fucking Nazis. In fact, I, for one, will be pissing and/or shitting on their graves. They are scum and death is too good for them.

Glad you think fucking Nazis are scumbags too, Rambunctious!
General Patton had thought we should team up with the Nazis and fight the Russians to Moscow. He realized we had fought the wrong enemy. Was he a true American?
That's what I believe. We should've teamed up with the Nazis first, taken down the commies and then taken out the NS.

The Russian people really weren't Communist.

No, I think the right thing was done. Communism collapsed on its own.
Warning: NSFW


Sorry dude, no link.

Ees Twitter hashtags, mang.

#moldylocks - Twitter Search
1) Thanks, but video is different than a photoshopped picture.

2) Not a fan of commies, anarchists or other assholes like fucking Nazis.

3) From the video, Nathan rushes and punches her. He's a fucking moron. Choose your side on this, but I think he's wrong. Him being a fucking Nazi doesn't make me love him any more.....and certainly a lot less.

Lying scum, it's in this clip:

Check out @BakedNorwegian's Tweet: Viva Europa on Twitter
We have the numbers, we are organized, antifa can't run, they can't hide, we are legion, we have her name, she will burn along with everything she stands for, she will watch her boyfriends head removed from his body and know that she is next.
Looking forward to seeing you and all your fellow Nazi fuckwads in the news.

So when do you plan on murdering all these people? Got a date? A place? A plan? Or are you too cowardly to say? Nazi fuckwads, cowards to the end. That's why they need to be shot first in the Zombie Apocalypse!

No negotiations, total annihilation of the enemy, scorched earth, the time for talking is over, victory or death. Come see us in the streets.
Awesome! Go for it. I'll be the guy you never see and the death of all fucking Nazis will be clean as I can make them.
You're talking like a clown who needs attention.
Why do you think so?
Because you're parroting the same stupid shit we've been hearing since Trump kicked Hillarys ass.
A sucker punch by a man twice the size of his female victim is apolitical - it is a cowardly act by a bully who will be prosecuted and if convicted will be lucky if he only gets a one year commitment to the county jail, five years probation and terms which prevent his ownership or possession of a firearm, a fine, restitution to the victim and counseling.

If I were the prosecutor I would charge him with a felony (Aggravated Battery) and seek an aggravated prison commitment (See: CA Penal Code Sec. 243(d).
Reuters took a picture of her attacking Nathan Damigo first with a large liquor bottle (a weapon) in her right hand. She was the aggressor! Nathan Damigo who defended himself will not be arrested.

Photoshopped....the video shows no bottle in her right hand. The RussianW has no honor, no shame.
That's because they are caught on video seconds after she loses the bottle and her hat. All of this took place in probably 20 seconds.
Nope....nice try. You or one of your poor scared white "supremists" photoshopped it. Badly too.

You have no honor/no shame. What a surprise.

Photoshopped a film clip?

Check out @BakedNorwegian's Tweet: Viva Europa on Twitter


Two different videos, two different punches. Who kept following whom?
"big bad right winger hitting little girls" Is kinda the point. That big guy hitting that small woman like that is a little beyond normal conflicts.
But it's perfectly OK for a woman (small, or otherwise) to take a swing at a man (small, large, right- or left-winged)? That's "normal" in your world?
Does your avatar represent what you wish you could be? Or is that what you wish you could lay?

No, actually it's the first daughter, you know, the one Trump agrees is a nice piece of ass, walking down a model runway with her titty flopping.
Because you lust after her and believe all models are sluts?

Really? When did you first realize you could read people's minds over the internet? Can you tell what I'm thinking about you right now?
I never claimed I did. When did you first realize that when someone agrees with you but thinks your comments are asinine, that they are your enemy forever and that you'd put hate before justice?
Then how do you know if I lust after anyone, or my opinion of models?
Reuters took a picture of her attacking Nathan Damigo first with a large liquor bottle (a weapon) in her right hand. She was the aggressor! Nathan Damigo who defended himself will not be arrested.

Photoshopped....the video shows no bottle in her right hand. The RussianW has no honor, no shame.
That's because they are caught on video seconds after she loses the bottle and her hat. All of this took place in probably 20 seconds.
Nope....nice try. You or one of your poor scared white "supremists" photoshopped it. Badly too.

You have no honor/no shame. What a surprise.

Photoshopped a film clip?

Check out @BakedNorwegian's Tweet: Viva Europa on Twitter


Two different videos, two different punches. Who kept following whom?

Lying scum, the bottle is clearly in her hand when she is punched by Nathan, same fucking incident!
Check out @BakedNorwegian's Tweet: Viva Europa on Twitter
Not in that video.

Check out @BakedNorwegian's Tweet: Viva Europa on Twitter
The fact they named their fucking Nazi group Europa shows these assholes are not pro-American. I look forward to a revolution where I can snipe fuckers like this in the lower spine.
Europa describes more than the land mass, it also describes the people of europe. Nothing sinister about the name itself. Im no nazi, and I don't support neo nazism....but come on guy, calm down and think before you type.
Fuck Europe. There's a reason many of our ancestors left that fucked up land. There's also reasons why many of our ancestors, including some of mine, were thrown out. Fuck them. Fuck European thought. Sure, they're our allies, but that doesn't mean we have to suck their dicks. There's a reason why We, the People had to save their asses in two, count'em TWO, fucking World Wars. There's a reason why the United States of America is a superpower and the Europeans rely on us for protection. There's a reason why the Soviet Union collapsed. If you don't understand why, then I humbly suggest you take a few college-level history courses.
Are you white?

Not sure what color he is, but he's nuts.
She swung at him first, clearly self defense on his part.

LMAO. In your tiny hypocritical and lying mind that is a use of reasonable force. He's a coward, like Trump and most of his supporters. A sucker punch on another man is cowardice, on a women it is an example of a cowardly bully.
Misogynist much? Why would a sucker punch on a woman be any different than a sucker punch on a man? Seriously? Are you implying that a woman is less capable of dealing with a defensive punch than a man would be?
It's cowardly to go after someone smaller and weaker than you are. Nathan, like all Nazi bullies, is a spineless coward who chose to go after a woman then fade back into the crowd. If he was proud of what he did, why hasn't he come forth and said so?

That said, if you're going to confront fucking Nazi scumbags, you should be smart enough to know they'll lie, cheat, suckerpunch and do other things fucking Nazi scumbags do. You know, much like the LWLs on this forum. :)
Again, Reuters took a picture of her attacking Nathan Damigo first with a large liquor bottle in her right hand. He took action and neutralized the attacker in swift fashion.

Look in her right hand!
Maybe she was thirsty? Maybe she was simply offering him a sip of her wine?
Photoshopped....the video shows no bottle in her right hand. The RussianW has no honor, no shame.
That's because they are caught on video seconds after she loses the bottle and her hat. All of this took place in probably 20 seconds.
Nope....nice try. You or one of your poor scared white "supremists" photoshopped it. Badly too.

You have no honor/no shame. What a surprise.

Photoshopped a film clip?

Check out @BakedNorwegian's Tweet: Viva Europa on Twitter


Two different videos, two different punches. Who kept following whom?

Lying scum, the bottle is clearly in her hand when she is punched by Nathan, same fucking incident!
Check out @BakedNorwegian's Tweet: Viva Europa on Twitter

Could you fuck off with the "lying scum" talk? I'm trying to have a discussion.

There are two videos. They do not show the same time period. In the twitter video her hat is on, and she is holding a bottle. She is also practically up against a wall.

In the video that is embedded in this thread, her hat is off, there's no bottle in her hand, and I don't see any wall. She's being punched in both videos, but I don't see her connect on him in either.
I'm telling you, 5 organized crackers in enfilade positions and we wouldn't be discussing this.

1-2 green

1-2 green

1-2 green

The End.
Mass murder? Seriously?

Their parents and the schools failed them. They're actively fighting against American principles and America.

If it keeps up like this, it's not a question of "if" It's a question of when.

The first time they use arms in a crowd, the next time will be like I said.
So you'll be sniping students who carry bottles? Sorry, but I disagree with that course of action.

Let the courts handle it. That's the American way.
The Reuters picture is copyrighted and not altered.

She attacked him first with the bottle in front of that car as the Reuters picture shows. Now if you watch the video after he hits her the filmer pans back to the right and you see the same car meaning the altercation between the two was in two places feet apart.




Here she is with the bottle holding it in a position to hit the blond dude in maroon shirt.
Now we have the white supremacist sucker punching a white woman in the face at Berkeley.

He just thought he was at home and she was his wife and dinner was late. Normal day for this worthless POS. What is it with drumpf supporters, they have a need to punch women. Locally when these bugwits try mixing it up with a crowd of protesters the drumpf losers get their faces painted red, with their own blood.
I'm telling you, 5 organized crackers in enfilade positions and we wouldn't be discussing this.

1-2 green

1-2 green

1-2 green

The End.
Mass murder? Seriously?

Their parents and the schools failed them. They're actively fighting against American principles and America.

If it keeps up like this, it's not a question of "if" It's a question of when.

The first time they use arms in a crowd, the next time will be like I said.
So you'll be sniping students who carry bottles? Sorry, but I disagree with that course of action.

Let the courts handle it. That's the American way.

Apparently you missed what I said. I said after the 1st time an Antifa thug uses a firearm.

Then more than 10 of them will die within a period of 1 minute, and the rest will scatter into the wind, rightfully fearing for their lives.
Looking forward to seeing you and all your fellow Nazi fuckwads in the news.

So when do you plan on murdering all these people? Got a date? A place? A plan? Or are you too cowardly to say? Nazi fuckwads, cowards to the end. That's why they need to be shot first in the Zombie Apocalypse!

No negotiations, total annihilation of the enemy, scorched earth, the time for talking is over, victory or death. Come see us in the streets.
Awesome! Go for it. I'll be the guy you never see and the death of all fucking Nazis will be clean as I can make them.
You're talking like a clown who needs attention.
Why do you think so?
Because you're parroting the same stupid shit we've been hearing since Trump kicked Hillarys ass.
Prove it. Quote me.

I love it when RWNJs accuse be of being a fucking lefty and I love it when LWLs accuse me of being a fucking righty. They're all scumbags, just like the fucking Nazis and the fucking Commies. If our nation ever falls into anarchy, I'll be happy to shoot all those dumbass motherfuckers because, IMHO, they truly are too fucking stupid to live. It's also the reason why I support abortion. Some people should have abortions because they are just too fucking stupid to breed.

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