Nasty Attacking Antifa Girl Who Got Punched In The Face By Heroic Pro-Trumper Seeks $80K On GoFundMe

She swung at him first, clearly self defense on his part.

LMAO. In your tiny hypocritical and lying mind that is a use of reasonable force. He's a coward, like Trump and most of his supporters. A sucker punch on another man is cowardice, on a women it is an example of a cowardly bully.
Misogynist much? Why would a sucker punch on a woman be any different than a sucker punch on a man? Seriously? Are you implying that a woman is less capable of dealing with a defensive punch than a man would be?
It's cowardly to go after someone smaller and weaker than you are. Nathan, like all Nazi bullies, is a spineless coward who chose to go after a woman then fade back into the crowd. If he was proud of what he did, why hasn't he come forth and said so?

That said, if you're going to confront fucking Nazi scumbags, you should be smart enough to know they'll lie, cheat, suckerpunch and do other things fucking Nazi scumbags do. You know, much like the LWLs on this forum. :)
Again, Reuters took a picture of her attacking Nathan Damigo first with a large liquor bottle in her right hand. He took action and neutralized the attacker in swift fashion.

Look in her right hand!
Maybe she was thirsty? Maybe she was simply offering him a sip of her wine?

Lets be honest about what was going on with the bottle here. When you're sticking M80s in them they're called "bombs"
I'm telling you, 5 organized crackers in enfilade positions and we wouldn't be discussing this.

1-2 green

1-2 green

1-2 green

The End.
Mass murder? Seriously?

Their parents and the schools failed them. They're actively fighting against American principles and America.

If it keeps up like this, it's not a question of "if" It's a question of when.

The first time they use arms in a crowd, the next time will be like I said.
So you'll be sniping students who carry bottles? Sorry, but I disagree with that course of action.

Let the courts handle it. That's the American way.

Apparently you missed what I said. I said after the 1st time an Antifa thug uses a firearm.

Then more than 10 of them will die within a period of 1 minute, and the rest will scatter into the wind, rightfully fearing for their lives.
They're too wimpy to use guns, so it's a useless argument. Fucking lefties are idiots.

It's the fucking Nazis who'll bring out the guns first. Will you be equally willing to snipe them? Honest answer, please sir.
Lefties might be but ANTIFA is already discussing bringing guns.

Again lefties, ANTIFA is not your friend, they will violently attack and kill you regardless. Supporting them, joining them, isn't an option.
A sucker punch by a man twice the size of his female victim is apolitical - it is a cowardly act by a bully who will be prosecuted and if convicted will be lucky if he only gets a one year commitment to the county jail, five years probation and terms which prevent his ownership or possession of a firearm, a fine, restitution to the victim and counseling.

If I were the prosecutor I would charge him with a felony (Aggravated Battery) and seek an aggravated prison commitment (See: CA Penal Code Sec. 243(d).

That you have no grasp of the law and are bitter and violent scumbag is why you are not and will never be a prosecutor.

She attacked him, Adolf.
Lol....I like how he gets all emotional and starts making shit up. "A man twice her size!"...lulz.

That guy is like the same height!
Not the same height. Easy to see not the same weight. This fucker is coward. If he's not, then he'd stand up like a man, turn himself in and speak for himself in court.

He isn't twice her size though. That is evident. If you disagree, you need glasses.
Agreed. Not "twice here size". Still, in that fracas he goes for the woman? WTFO? Notice there is no bottle as the False News assholes claimed.

I seek the truth. Do you?
Looked like "in that fracas" he "went for" the sub-human that was coming for him first. Makes one question her intelligence, attacking a man twice her size. Oh, wait, there are no female Trump supporters, are there? All the women were for (S)Hrillary.
No negotiations, total annihilation of the enemy, scorched earth, the time for talking is over, victory or death. Come see us in the streets.
Awesome! Go for it. I'll be the guy you never see and the death of all fucking Nazis will be clean as I can make them.
You're talking like a clown who needs attention.
Why do you think so?
Because you're parroting the same stupid shit we've been hearing since Trump kicked Hillarys ass.
Prove it. Quote me.

I love it when RWNJs accuse be of being a fucking lefty and I love it when LWLs accuse me of being a fucking righty. They're all scumbags, just like the fucking Nazis and the fucking Commies. If our nation ever falls into anarchy, I'll be happy to shoot all those dumbass motherfuckers because, IMHO, they truly are too fucking stupid to live. It's also the reason why I support abortion. Some people should have abortions because they are just too fucking stupid to breed.
I'm telling you, 5 organized crackers in enfilade positions and we wouldn't be discussing this.

1-2 green

1-2 green

1-2 green

The End.
Mass murder? Seriously?

Their parents and the schools failed them. They're actively fighting against American principles and America.

If it keeps up like this, it's not a question of "if" It's a question of when.

The first time they use arms in a crowd, the next time will be like I said.
So you'll be sniping students who carry bottles? Sorry, but I disagree with that course of action.

Let the courts handle it. That's the American way.

Apparently you missed what I said. I said after the 1st time an Antifa thug uses a firearm.

Then more than 10 of them will die within a period of 1 minute, and the rest will scatter into the wind, rightfully fearing for their lives.
They're too wimpy to use guns, so it's a useless argument. Fucking lefties are idiots.

It's the fucking Nazis who'll bring out the guns first. Will you be equally willing to snipe them? Honest answer, please sir.
Breaking News Update

Antifa group selling concealed knives to slice Trump supporters.

Wrong, faggot. She took a swing.

Not in that video.

Check out @BakedNorwegian's Tweet: Viva Europa on Twitter
The fact they named their fucking Nazi group Europa shows these assholes are not pro-American. I look forward to a revolution where I can snipe fuckers like this in the lower spine.
Europa describes more than the land mass, it also describes the people of europe. Nothing sinister about the name itself. Im no nazi, and I don't support neo nazism....but come on guy, calm down and think before you type.
Fuck Europe. There's a reason many of our ancestors left that fucked up land. There's also reasons why many of our ancestors, including some of mine, were thrown out. Fuck them. Fuck European thought. Sure, they're our allies, but that doesn't mean we have to suck their dicks. There's a reason why We, the People had to save their asses in two, count'em TWO, fucking World Wars. There's a reason why the United States of America is a superpower and the Europeans rely on us for protection. There's a reason why the Soviet Union collapsed. If you don't understand why, then I humbly suggest you take a few college-level history courses.
I disagree with that suggestion about college-level history courses. Most of those have been re-written to better represent the leftist narrative of "history". Maybe reading some high school history texts from the 70's?
I'm telling you, 5 organized crackers in enfilade positions and we wouldn't be discussing this.

1-2 green

1-2 green

1-2 green

The End.
Mass murder? Seriously?

Their parents and the schools failed them. They're actively fighting against American principles and America.

If it keeps up like this, it's not a question of "if" It's a question of when.

The first time they use arms in a crowd, the next time will be like I said.
So you'll be sniping students who carry bottles? Sorry, but I disagree with that course of action.

Let the courts handle it. That's the American way.

Apparently you missed what I said. I said after the 1st time an Antifa thug uses a firearm.

Then more than 10 of them will die within a period of 1 minute, and the rest will scatter into the wind, rightfully fearing for their lives.
They're too wimpy to use guns, so it's a useless argument. Fucking lefties are idiots.

It's the fucking Nazis who'll bring out the guns first. Will you be equally willing to snipe them? Honest answer, please sir.

It'll be Americans who bring guns first.

They probably won't be the ones to use them first.
But it's perfectly OK for a woman (small, or otherwise) to take a swing at a man (small, large, right- or left-winged)? That's "normal" in your world?
Does your avatar represent what you wish you could be? Or is that what you wish you could lay?

No, actually it's the first daughter, you know, the one Trump agrees is a nice piece of ass, walking down a model runway with her titty flopping.
Because you lust after her and believe all models are sluts?

Really? When did you first realize you could read people's minds over the internet? Can you tell what I'm thinking about you right now?
I never claimed I did. When did you first realize that when someone agrees with you but thinks your comments are asinine, that they are your enemy forever and that you'd put hate before justice?
Then how do you know if I lust after anyone, or my opinion of models?
Your comments on your avatar speak for themselves.
Not in that video.

Check out @BakedNorwegian's Tweet: Viva Europa on Twitter
The fact they named their fucking Nazi group Europa shows these assholes are not pro-American. I look forward to a revolution where I can snipe fuckers like this in the lower spine.
Europa describes more than the land mass, it also describes the people of europe. Nothing sinister about the name itself. Im no nazi, and I don't support neo nazism....but come on guy, calm down and think before you type.
Fuck Europe. There's a reason many of our ancestors left that fucked up land. There's also reasons why many of our ancestors, including some of mine, were thrown out. Fuck them. Fuck European thought. Sure, they're our allies, but that doesn't mean we have to suck their dicks. There's a reason why We, the People had to save their asses in two, count'em TWO, fucking World Wars. There's a reason why the United States of America is a superpower and the Europeans rely on us for protection. There's a reason why the Soviet Union collapsed. If you don't understand why, then I humbly suggest you take a few college-level history courses.
I disagree with that suggestion about college-level history courses. Most of those have been re-written to better represent the leftist narrative of "history". Maybe reading some high school history texts from the 70's?

I need to preserve all the history books I ever had.
Mass murder? Seriously?

Their parents and the schools failed them. They're actively fighting against American principles and America.

If it keeps up like this, it's not a question of "if" It's a question of when.

The first time they use arms in a crowd, the next time will be like I said.
So you'll be sniping students who carry bottles? Sorry, but I disagree with that course of action.

Let the courts handle it. That's the American way.

Apparently you missed what I said. I said after the 1st time an Antifa thug uses a firearm.

Then more than 10 of them will die within a period of 1 minute, and the rest will scatter into the wind, rightfully fearing for their lives.
They're too wimpy to use guns, so it's a useless argument. Fucking lefties are idiots.

It's the fucking Nazis who'll bring out the guns first. Will you be equally willing to snipe them? Honest answer, please sir.
Breaking News Update

Antifa group selling concealed knives to slice Trump supporters.


^That's it right there, they done brought a knife to a gunfight.
Check out @BakedNorwegian's Tweet: Viva Europa on Twitter
The fact they named their fucking Nazi group Europa shows these assholes are not pro-American. I look forward to a revolution where I can snipe fuckers like this in the lower spine.
Europa describes more than the land mass, it also describes the people of europe. Nothing sinister about the name itself. Im no nazi, and I don't support neo nazism....but come on guy, calm down and think before you type.
Fuck Europe. There's a reason many of our ancestors left that fucked up land. There's also reasons why many of our ancestors, including some of mine, were thrown out. Fuck them. Fuck European thought. Sure, they're our allies, but that doesn't mean we have to suck their dicks. There's a reason why We, the People had to save their asses in two, count'em TWO, fucking World Wars. There's a reason why the United States of America is a superpower and the Europeans rely on us for protection. There's a reason why the Soviet Union collapsed. If you don't understand why, then I humbly suggest you take a few college-level history courses.
I disagree with that suggestion about college-level history courses. Most of those have been re-written to better represent the leftist narrative of "history". Maybe reading some high school history texts from the 70's?

I need to preserve all the history books I ever had.
I have boxes of them. Amazing, the difference between history before PC and "history" after PC.

This is rich!

"I have seen quite a bit of media that has come out of Berkeley today, including watching some of a live stream, and it is very troubling.

The right was able to hold their own to a large degree against antifascists, in one of the most radical metropolitan areas in the country. They gave as good as they got, and they were able to keep a presence in the streets for hours.

Everything that we have vocalized about the Trump presidency, that it has mobilized racists and fascists, that it emboldens them, that it allows them to present their bigotry as simply another political opinion, is coming true.

In the aftermath of this event, It is time for some serious reflection. Now is not the time to sugar coat the truth, to revel in the feeling of success of a clean punch to a Nazi's face, but rather to take a step back and ask what organizational steps can take place to stop this from happening again. What tactics can we use to disrupt their events, even when there are similar numbers to our own? What differences must we put down, and alliances we need to create, in the resistance to fascism?

My thoughts are with our comrades in the Bay who were injured today. The highest level of respect to you.

Bash the Fash.

Now more than ever."

The troubling implications of the conflict in Berkley today. • r/Anarchism
Mass murder? Seriously?

Their parents and the schools failed them. They're actively fighting against American principles and America.

If it keeps up like this, it's not a question of "if" It's a question of when.

The first time they use arms in a crowd, the next time will be like I said.
So you'll be sniping students who carry bottles? Sorry, but I disagree with that course of action.

Let the courts handle it. That's the American way.

Apparently you missed what I said. I said after the 1st time an Antifa thug uses a firearm.

Then more than 10 of them will die within a period of 1 minute, and the rest will scatter into the wind, rightfully fearing for their lives.
They're too wimpy to use guns, so it's a useless argument. Fucking lefties are idiots.

It's the fucking Nazis who'll bring out the guns first. Will you be equally willing to snipe them? Honest answer, please sir.
Breaking News Update

Antifa group selling concealed knives to slice Trump supporters.

The fact they named their fucking Nazi group Europa shows these assholes are not pro-American. I look forward to a revolution where I can snipe fuckers like this in the lower spine.
Europa describes more than the land mass, it also describes the people of europe. Nothing sinister about the name itself. Im no nazi, and I don't support neo nazism....but come on guy, calm down and think before you type.
Fuck Europe. There's a reason many of our ancestors left that fucked up land. There's also reasons why many of our ancestors, including some of mine, were thrown out. Fuck them. Fuck European thought. Sure, they're our allies, but that doesn't mean we have to suck their dicks. There's a reason why We, the People had to save their asses in two, count'em TWO, fucking World Wars. There's a reason why the United States of America is a superpower and the Europeans rely on us for protection. There's a reason why the Soviet Union collapsed. If you don't understand why, then I humbly suggest you take a few college-level history courses.
I disagree with that suggestion about college-level history courses. Most of those have been re-written to better represent the leftist narrative of "history". Maybe reading some high school history texts from the 70's?

I need to preserve all the history books I ever had.
I have boxes of them. Amazing, the difference between history before PC and "history" after PC.
No, actually it's the first daughter, you know, the one Trump agrees is a nice piece of ass, walking down a model runway with her titty flopping.
Because you lust after her and believe all models are sluts?

Really? When did you first realize you could read people's minds over the internet? Can you tell what I'm thinking about you right now?
I never claimed I did. When did you first realize that when someone agrees with you but thinks your comments are asinine, that they are your enemy forever and that you'd put hate before justice?
Then how do you know if I lust after anyone, or my opinion of models?
Your comments on your avatar speak for themselves.

I think her proudly letting her titty flop without even doing anything to pull the dress back over it more telling.
The fact they named their fucking Nazi group Europa shows these assholes are not pro-American. I look forward to a revolution where I can snipe fuckers like this in the lower spine.
Europa describes more than the land mass, it also describes the people of europe. Nothing sinister about the name itself. Im no nazi, and I don't support neo nazism....but come on guy, calm down and think before you type.
Fuck Europe. There's a reason many of our ancestors left that fucked up land. There's also reasons why many of our ancestors, including some of mine, were thrown out. Fuck them. Fuck European thought. Sure, they're our allies, but that doesn't mean we have to suck their dicks. There's a reason why We, the People had to save their asses in two, count'em TWO, fucking World Wars. There's a reason why the United States of America is a superpower and the Europeans rely on us for protection. There's a reason why the Soviet Union collapsed. If you don't understand why, then I humbly suggest you take a few college-level history courses.
I disagree with that suggestion about college-level history courses. Most of those have been re-written to better represent the leftist narrative of "history". Maybe reading some high school history texts from the 70's?

I need to preserve all the history books I ever had.
I have boxes of them. Amazing, the difference between history before PC and "history" after PC.

I was educated before leftists gained control of education.

I know I have many textbooks, not sure where all of them are..

I have..a library. I thank God and a certain relative that had foresight for that..

$2-4K just in Brittanica.
Mass murder? Seriously?

Their parents and the schools failed them. They're actively fighting against American principles and America.

If it keeps up like this, it's not a question of "if" It's a question of when.

The first time they use arms in a crowd, the next time will be like I said.
So you'll be sniping students who carry bottles? Sorry, but I disagree with that course of action.

Let the courts handle it. That's the American way.

Apparently you missed what I said. I said after the 1st time an Antifa thug uses a firearm.

Then more than 10 of them will die within a period of 1 minute, and the rest will scatter into the wind, rightfully fearing for their lives.
They're too wimpy to use guns, so it's a useless argument. Fucking lefties are idiots.

It's the fucking Nazis who'll bring out the guns first. Will you be equally willing to snipe them? Honest answer, please sir.

It'll be Americans who bring guns first.

They probably won't be the ones to use them first.
Probably? So you claim Americans will not only bring guns first but be the first to shoot? Nazis against Left Wing assholes?
Because you lust after her and believe all models are sluts?

Really? When did you first realize you could read people's minds over the internet? Can you tell what I'm thinking about you right now?
I never claimed I did. When did you first realize that when someone agrees with you but thinks your comments are asinine, that they are your enemy forever and that you'd put hate before justice?
Then how do you know if I lust after anyone, or my opinion of models?
Your comments on your avatar speak for themselves.

I think her proudly letting her titty flop without even doing anything to pull the dress back over it more telling.
A nip slip is one thing. It's common among models, actresses and other Lefty females. Why do you have such a problem with this particular nip slip?

Do you have proof that she just let "her titty flop without even doing anything to pull the dress back over it"?

What is your problem with female breasts being exposed? Are you one of those fucking assholes who has a conniption when a woman breastfeeds at McDonald's while you're serving fries?

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