Nasty Attacking Antifa Girl Who Got Punched In The Face By Heroic Pro-Trumper Seeks $80K On GoFundMe

You just earned this:

There is no way to know which side had the first person to throw a punch at the other side. We know antifa pussies showed up to start shit though.

What do you think Antifa means?
Why are you asking me this dumb question?

Never mind. I didn't think you would have an answer any way. Too busy accusing others of shit that never happened, I guess.
You need to answer my question before asking me one.

You need to put up or shut up on your accusation before you ask anything.
Well it is coming, might as well start practicing yoga, meditation, mind checks or whatever or your "stray" thoughts might be getting you into some hot water in the very near future.


Scientists invent mind-reading machine that turns your thoughts into words

A device that can read people’s minds by detecting their brainwaves has been developed in a breakthrough that could eventually enable people with “locked-in syndrome” to communicate.

The system was only partially effective with a 90 per cent success rate when trying to recognise numbers from zero to nine and a 61 per cent rate for single syllables in Japanese, the researchers said.

But, nonetheless, a statement about the research issued by the Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan said it showed that an effective device to read people’s thoughts and relay them to others was possible in the “near future”.

They even suggested an “easily operated” device with a smartphone app could be ready in just five years.​

Women already read our minds. Why would they buy a phone to do the same thing?


There is no way to know which side had the first person to throw a punch at the other side. We know antifa pussies showed up to start shit though.

What do you think Antifa means?
Why are you asking me this dumb question?

Never mind. I didn't think you would have an answer any way. Too busy accusing others of shit that never happened, I guess.
You need to answer my question before asking me one.

You need to put up or shut up on your accusation before you ask anything.
Do you BULLDOG support PRIDE parades or not?

Yes or No.

They most definitely flaunt gay sex in front of children.

So do you support that or no? I personally do not.

Matter of fact the last pride parade day the minister's sermon was against faggotry. :badgrin:
You just earned this:

There is no way to know which side had the first person to throw a punch at the other side. We know antifa pussies showed up to start shit though.

What do you think Antifa means?
Why are you asking me this dumb question?

Never mind. I didn't think you would have an answer any way. Too busy accusing others of shit that never happened, I guess.

Do you BULLDOG support PRIDE parades or not?

Yes or No.
Never gave them much thought. If they want a parade, let them have a parade.
Did you see the article of her whoring herself out too LMFAO

WHITE SHARIA RISING: Nathan Damigo’s “Punch Heard Round the World”
OMG....I literally dry-heaved when I saw that first picture of her. I immediately saw her armpit hair. Between that and her filthy dreads, that bitch is so unsanitary.

What a shame - looked like a cute little girl when she was younger. Well groomed. Well dressed. Now she looks part biker, part dyke, all unsanitary.
She is a perfect example of what happens to your brain on Marxist brainwashing.
There is no way to know which side had the first person to throw a punch at the other side. We know antifa pussies showed up to start shit though.

What do you think Antifa means?
Why are you asking me this dumb question?

Never mind. I didn't think you would have an answer any way. Too busy accusing others of shit that never happened, I guess.
You need to answer my question before asking me one.

You need to put up or shut up on your accusation before you ask anything.
You just proved it in your respond to M. You support fag pride parades....where they perform sex acts and simulated sex acts half naked in front of children.

So quit acting like you give a shit about Ivanka having a nip slip.
Did you see the article of her whoring herself out too LMFAO

WHITE SHARIA RISING: Nathan Damigo’s “Punch Heard Round the World”
OMG....I literally dry-heaved when I saw that first picture of her. I immediately saw her armpit hair. Between that and her filthy dreads, that bitch is so unsanitary.

What a shame - looked like a cute little girl when she was younger. Well groomed. Well dressed. Now she looks part biker, part dyke, all unsanitary.
She's a prime candidate that Charles Manson would have taken in to be a member of his family back in the late 60's.
What do you think Antifa means?
Why are you asking me this dumb question?

Never mind. I didn't think you would have an answer any way. Too busy accusing others of shit that never happened, I guess.
You need to answer my question before asking me one.

You need to put up or shut up on your accusation before you ask anything.
You just proved it in your respond to M. You support fag pride parades....where they perform sex acts and simulated sex acts half naked in front of children.

So quit acting like you give a shit about Ivanka having a nip slip.
Who's to blame here? The perverts on parade, or the parents who would bring their kids to such an event to begin with?
Why are you asking me this dumb question?

Never mind. I didn't think you would have an answer any way. Too busy accusing others of shit that never happened, I guess.
You need to answer my question before asking me one.

You need to put up or shut up on your accusation before you ask anything.
You just proved it in your respond to M. You support fag pride parades....where they perform sex acts and simulated sex acts half naked in front of children.

So quit acting like you give a shit about Ivanka having a nip slip.
Who's to blame here? The perverts on parade, or the parents who would bring their kids to such an event to begin with?
What do you think Antifa means?
Why are you asking me this dumb question?

Never mind. I didn't think you would have an answer any way. Too busy accusing others of shit that never happened, I guess.
You need to answer my question before asking me one.

You need to put up or shut up on your accusation before you ask anything.
You just proved it in your respond to M. You support fag pride parades....where they perform sex acts and simulated sex acts half naked in front of children.

So quit acting like you give a shit about Ivanka having a nip slip.

Care to quote the part where I said I support real and simulated sex acts in front of children?

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