Nasty Attacking Antifa Girl Who Got Punched In The Face By Heroic Pro-Trumper Seeks $80K On GoFundMe

Oman, I see leg hair.


You shave your legs, Marion?

No ma'am. I've known pretty girls that never shaved their legs, too.

The hair did not look like that.


The girl I knew that never shaved her leg hair, well, it was like blonde bunny fuzz. There really was no need.

She was very pretty.

I wonder whatever happened to her?

Her friend down the block was a friend of mine, maybe someday I ask her on FB.
Why are you asking me this dumb question?

Never mind. I didn't think you would have an answer any way. Too busy accusing others of shit that never happened, I guess.
You need to answer my question before asking me one.

You need to put up or shut up on your accusation before you ask anything.
You just proved it in your respond to M. You support fag pride parades....where they perform sex acts and simulated sex acts half naked in front of children.

So quit acting like you give a shit about Ivanka having a nip slip.

Care to quote the part where I said I support real and simulated sex acts in front of children?
That's what happens at fag pride parades...and you said if they want to have pride parades then they should be able to. The whole point of fag pride parades is to celebrate faggotry and to act like fags.
ANOTHER NEW FINDING ON little Miss whore

The Antifa facist that is making the rounds saying she was just hit from out of nowhere , seems to forget about the Wine bottle she had in her hand that she was gonna clock the Trump supporter with. .

Please share this photo to end the Laim stream media narrative. . Self Defence 100% justified..

Never mind. I didn't think you would have an answer any way. Too busy accusing others of shit that never happened, I guess.
You need to answer my question before asking me one.

You need to put up or shut up on your accusation before you ask anything.
You just proved it in your respond to M. You support fag pride parades....where they perform sex acts and simulated sex acts half naked in front of children.

So quit acting like you give a shit about Ivanka having a nip slip.

Care to quote the part where I said I support real and simulated sex acts in front of children?
That's what happens at fag pride parades...and you said if they want to have pride parades then they should be able to. The whole point of fag pride parades is to celebrate faggotry and to act like fags.

Perhaps at some, but every parade isn't San Francisco. Actual sex and simulated sex in front of kids was the part I was accused of supporting. There are family oriented parades where the entire family marches, Kiddies and all. Family picnics, BBQ and games and rides for the kids. Here's some of whats planned at LA.
A Family Rainbow: Celebrate LA Gay Pride
Some parts of the celebration will no doubt be what you describe, but all gay pride isn't total debauchery, and G rated celebrations happen all over the country.
I never claimed I did. When did you first realize that when someone agrees with you but thinks your comments are asinine, that they are your enemy forever and that you'd put hate before justice?
Then how do you know if I lust after anyone, or my opinion of models?
Your comments on your avatar speak for themselves.

I think her proudly letting her titty flop without even doing anything to pull the dress back over it more telling.
A nip slip is one thing. It's common among models, actresses and other Lefty females. Why do you have such a problem with this particular nip slip?

Do you have proof that she just let "her titty flop without even doing anything to pull the dress back over it"?

What is your problem with female breasts being exposed? Are you one of those fucking assholes who has a conniption when a woman breastfeeds at McDonald's while you're serving fries?

I love titties. Big ones, little ones, only I don;t really care for the really long ones that they can tuck in their belt. The right has always claimed moral superiority, and even used modesty as a club to attack our previous first lady for exposing her shoulders. Now we have a first lady who proudly poses in nude lesbian scenes, a president's daughter who has a little nip slip as she starts a runway walk, but doesn't even bother to cover herself until after she has gone all the way to the end, titty exposed and flopping all the way, and back to the starting point. No indication she even bothered there. That is the same president's daughter who the president agreed was a nice piece of ass. Does it bother you to be reminded of the prurient behavior of the first family?
Nope, but obviously it bothers you. Why?

FWIW, most misogynists have "mommy issues": 12 Ways to Spot a Misogynist
Misogyny is typically an unconscious hatred that men form early in life, often as a result of a trauma involving a female figure they trusted. An abusive or negligent mother, sister, teacher or girlfriend can plant a seed deep down in their brain’s subcortical matter.

Boys will be misogynists: Men's hatred of women begins in infancy.
the genesis of misogyny lies in what happens, early on, between boys and their mothers
Almost everything in that little list describes a Dom JS

Dom's don't hate women, they actually worship them, and dominating them is a power trip [typically] because they hold women in such high esteem.

Ya'll lefty idiots can't even understand the mentality you supposedly "support" buhahahaha
He asshole, I spent 32 years as an officer of the court, and as a sworn LE Officer.

That's nice Adolf. I assume you did your "work" on behalf of the Crips or Bloods, assisting violent drug dealers and gang members in thwarting and escaping justice.

The evidence posted above, to which I questioned, was this:

In the still picture the female victim of the attack was holding a bottle, in the video, she did not have a bottle in her hand.

I smell bullshit, and make the claim that the still was captured from the video and photoshopped. I also realize the willfully ignorant and damn liars will never look objectively at the two images.

The vicious and violent leftist attacked a person who fought back. She expected a passive victim, as you of the left always do.
Agreed. What about the weight difference? Why are you so evasive of the facts? At first I trusted you to speak honestly, now I'm thinking you are dishonest. Please be honest.

I bet she isn't bullet proof either, next time I hope she gets her throat slit abs that bottle shoved up her diseased snatch then smashed.
$1000 says it won't be by a spineless "all talk" idiot like you.

All members of antifa are legitimate targets, we will burn them alive screaming.
We? You need your fellow Nazi pricks to back you up? You can't act alone because you are a fucking coward? I'm interested. Please tell me more.

We have the numbers, we are organized, antifa can't run, they can't hide, we are legion, we have her name, she will burn along with everything she stands for, she will watch her boyfriends head removed from his body and know that she is next.

You sound as insane as the ANTIFA scum.
Well if I'm not mistaken @Call_Sign_Chaos is an anarchist as well (Apologies if I'm wrong there.)
Never mind. I didn't think you would have an answer any way. Too busy accusing others of shit that never happened, I guess.
You need to answer my question before asking me one.

You need to put up or shut up on your accusation before you ask anything.
You just proved it in your respond to M. You support fag pride parades....where they perform sex acts and simulated sex acts half naked in front of children.

So quit acting like you give a shit about Ivanka having a nip slip.

Care to quote the part where I said I support real and simulated sex acts in front of children?
That's what happens at fag pride parades...and you said if they want to have pride parades then they should be able to. The whole point of fag pride parades is to celebrate faggotry and to act like fags.
How many have you been to to make such an observation?
He asshole, I spent 32 years as an officer of the court, and as a sworn LE Officer.

That's nice Adolf. I assume you did your "work" on behalf of the Crips or Bloods, assisting violent drug dealers and gang members in thwarting and escaping justice.

The evidence posted above, to which I questioned, was this:

In the still picture the female victim of the attack was holding a bottle, in the video, she did not have a bottle in her hand.

I smell bullshit, and make the claim that the still was captured from the video and photoshopped. I also realize the willfully ignorant and damn liars will never look objectively at the two images.

The vicious and violent leftist attacked a person who fought back. She expected a passive victim, as you of the left always do.
The court cases on this would be fun, but I'm guessing everyone takes a plea deal. :(
Of course it's not an argument, it's a 21st century conservative.

It's 21st century demagoguery from you 21st century fascists.

You were a cop for 32 years? You must have socked away millions from the gangs and drug lords you served.
ANOTHER NEW FINDING ON little Miss whore
View attachment 122301

The Antifa facist that is making the rounds saying she was just hit from out of nowhere , seems to forget about the Wine bottle she had in her hand that she was gonna clock the Trump supporter with. .

Please share this photo to end the Laim stream media narrative. . Self Defence 100% justified..
Nice, point out the bottle in the actual video of the ex-con thug attacking her.
She has a bottle in a different altercation. Not when she was sucker punched by the tall blonde guy. In that video, she wasn't "swinging" on the man, she saw him coming and put her hands up because she saw HIM swinging.

Bottle or no bottle, she attacked another person. When you do that, retaliation is warranted. She started a fight, then got her ass kicked. Don't start fights and you won't have to worry about getting your ass kicked.
We have the numbers, we are organized, antifa can't run, they can't hide, we are legion, we have her name, she will burn along with everything she stands for, she will watch her boyfriends head removed from his body and know that she is next.
Looking forward to seeing you and all your fellow Nazi fuckwads in the news.

So when do you plan on murdering all these people? Got a date? A place? A plan? Or are you too cowardly to say? Nazi fuckwads, cowards to the end. That's why they need to be shot first in the Zombie Apocalypse!

No negotiations, total annihilation of the enemy, scorched earth, the time for talking is over, victory or death. Come see us in the streets.
Awesome! Go for it. I'll be the guy you never see and the death of all fucking Nazis will be clean as I can make them.
Why are you such a fan of commies?

Hating fascists, which I do, is not an indication that I like Commies. In fact, the left occupies BOTH those positions at present. Like Josef Stalin, the democrats are fascist socialists - which is actually redundant, since fascism is a type of socialism.
We have the numbers, we are organized, antifa can't run, they can't hide, we are legion, we have her name, she will burn along with everything she stands for, she will watch her boyfriends head removed from his body and know that she is next.
Looking forward to seeing you and all your fellow Nazi fuckwads in the news.

So when do you plan on murdering all these people? Got a date? A place? A plan? Or are you too cowardly to say? Nazi fuckwads, cowards to the end. That's why they need to be shot first in the Zombie Apocalypse!

No negotiations, total annihilation of the enemy, scorched earth, the time for talking is over, victory or death. Come see us in the streets.
Awesome! Go for it. I'll be the guy you never see and the death of all fucking Nazis will be clean as I can make them.
Why are you such a fan of commies?

Hating fascists, which I do, is not an indication that I like Commies. In fact, the left occupies BOTH those positions at present. Like Josef Stalin, the democrats are fascist socialists - which is actually redundant, since fascism is a type of socialism.
Fair enough. I was actually replying to D.W though. I already know you aren't a fan of commies and fascists.

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