Nasty Attacking Antifa Girl Who Got Punched In The Face By Heroic Pro-Trumper Seeks $80K On GoFundMe

You need to answer my question before asking me one.

You need to put up or shut up on your accusation before you ask anything.
You just proved it in your respond to M. You support fag pride parades....where they perform sex acts and simulated sex acts half naked in front of children.

So quit acting like you give a shit about Ivanka having a nip slip.

Care to quote the part where I said I support real and simulated sex acts in front of children?
That's what happens at fag pride parades...and you said if they want to have pride parades then they should be able to. The whole point of fag pride parades is to celebrate faggotry and to act like fags.
How many have you been to to make such an observation?
Already have answered this question for you like 10 times by now in various threads. Take some ginko biloba.
We have the numbers, we are organized, antifa can't run, they can't hide, we are legion, we have her name, she will burn along with everything she stands for, she will watch her boyfriends head removed from his body and know that she is next.
Looking forward to seeing you and all your fellow Nazi fuckwads in the news.

So when do you plan on murdering all these people? Got a date? A place? A plan? Or are you too cowardly to say? Nazi fuckwads, cowards to the end. That's why they need to be shot first in the Zombie Apocalypse!

No negotiations, total annihilation of the enemy, scorched earth, the time for talking is over, victory or death. Come see us in the streets.
Awesome! Go for it. I'll be the guy you never see and the death of all fucking Nazis will be clean as I can make them.
Why are you such a fan of commies?

Hating fascists, which I do, is not an indication that I like Commies. In fact, the left occupies BOTH those positions at present. Like Josef Stalin, the democrats are fascist socialists - which is actually redundant, since fascism is a type of socialism.
Disagreed they are the same, albeit fascism certainly incorporporates some facets of socialism. What both certainly have in common is being authoritarian assholes.


...more simply


I'm with the Right Libertarians. :)
Looking forward to seeing you and all your fellow Nazi fuckwads in the news.

So when do you plan on murdering all these people? Got a date? A place? A plan? Or are you too cowardly to say? Nazi fuckwads, cowards to the end. That's why they need to be shot first in the Zombie Apocalypse!

No negotiations, total annihilation of the enemy, scorched earth, the time for talking is over, victory or death. Come see us in the streets.
Awesome! Go for it. I'll be the guy you never see and the death of all fucking Nazis will be clean as I can make them.
Why are you such a fan of commies?

Hating fascists, which I do, is not an indication that I like Commies. In fact, the left occupies BOTH those positions at present. Like Josef Stalin, the democrats are fascist socialists - which is actually redundant, since fascism is a type of socialism.
Disagreed they are the same, albeit fascism certainly incorporporates some facets of socialism. What both certainly have in common is being authoritarian assholes.


...more simply

I once took this quiz and answered it exactly how I thought Hitler would have....every time the result is tip top left corner authoritarian. These folks at are disingenuos and left biased. They refuse to claim Hitler as one of their own.
My favorite is Atomic Commie Wedgie Man! He gave the Antifa Pussies what they deserved.

That does not qualify for atomic wedgie.

Everybody knows that for a wedgie to be atomic, the waistband must be looped over the head.

No negotiations, total annihilation of the enemy, scorched earth, the time for talking is over, victory or death. Come see us in the streets.
Awesome! Go for it. I'll be the guy you never see and the death of all fucking Nazis will be clean as I can make them.
Why are you such a fan of commies?

Hating fascists, which I do, is not an indication that I like Commies. In fact, the left occupies BOTH those positions at present. Like Josef Stalin, the democrats are fascist socialists - which is actually redundant, since fascism is a type of socialism.
Disagreed they are the same, albeit fascism certainly incorporporates some facets of socialism. What both certainly have in common is being authoritarian assholes.


...more simply

I once took this quiz and answered it exactly how I thought Hitler would have....every time the result is tip top left corner authoritarian. These folks at are disingenuos and left biased. They refuse to claim Hitler as one of their own.
So you fake your answers on a quiz then complain about the results?
Awesome! Go for it. I'll be the guy you never see and the death of all fucking Nazis will be clean as I can make them.
Why are you such a fan of commies?

Hating fascists, which I do, is not an indication that I like Commies. In fact, the left occupies BOTH those positions at present. Like Josef Stalin, the democrats are fascist socialists - which is actually redundant, since fascism is a type of socialism.
Disagreed they are the same, albeit fascism certainly incorporporates some facets of socialism. What both certainly have in common is being authoritarian assholes.


...more simply

I once took this quiz and answered it exactly how I thought Hitler would have....every time the result is tip top left corner authoritarian. These folks at are disingenuos and left biased. They refuse to claim Hitler as one of their own.
So you fake your answers on a quiz then complain about the results?
No fucktard, the results I got when answering the quiz as Hitler would have were totally different than the one they present in the graph you posted.

I asked them to provide me with the answers to the questions that put him in the center right authoritarian category.....they never responded. I don't think that's too much to ask of them. Because when I answered the quiz, and I've read Mein Kampf and studied Nazism and fascism extensively, he was way on the other side.
Reuters took a picture of her attacking Nathan Damigo first with a large liquor bottle (a weapon) in her right hand. She was the aggressor! Nathan Damigo who defended himself will not be arrested.

Photoshopped....the video shows no bottle in her right hand. The RussianW has no honor, no shame.
That's because they are caught on video seconds after she loses the bottle and her hat. All of this took place in probably 20 seconds.
Nope....nice try. You or one of your poor scared white "supremists" photoshopped it. Badly too.

You have no honor/no shame. What a surprise.

Photoshopped a film clip?

Check out @BakedNorwegian's Tweet: Viva Europa on Twitter


Two different videos, two different punches. Who kept following whom?

Why didnt she drop the bottle and run?
She was in the mix willingly and intended to hit someone with that bottle.....she's fair game.

How many have you been to to make such an observation?

We know you've been to zero. Thought you would stand proud with the Anarchist Fascists attacking America, you can't waddle that far....
Been to NYC, San Francisco, LA, Long Beach, Rochester, and San Diego several times. But thank you for the personal attack. Pretty much covers your competency.
Photoshopped....the video shows no bottle in her right hand. The RussianW has no honor, no shame.
That's because they are caught on video seconds after she loses the bottle and her hat. All of this took place in probably 20 seconds.
Nope....nice try. You or one of your poor scared white "supremists" photoshopped it. Badly too.

You have no honor/no shame. What a surprise.

Photoshopped a film clip?

Check out @BakedNorwegian's Tweet: Viva Europa on Twitter


Two different videos, two different punches. Who kept following whom?

Why didnt she drop the bottle and run?
She was in the mix willingly and intended to hit someone with that bottle.....she's fair game.
She didn't even have a bottle, watch the video of his sucker punching her and point out any bottle.
That's because they are caught on video seconds after she loses the bottle and her hat. All of this took place in probably 20 seconds.
Nope....nice try. You or one of your poor scared white "supremists" photoshopped it. Badly too.

You have no honor/no shame. What a surprise.

Photoshopped a film clip?

Check out @BakedNorwegian's Tweet: Viva Europa on Twitter


Two different videos, two different punches. Who kept following whom?

Why didnt she drop the bottle and run?
She was in the mix willingly and intended to hit someone with that bottle.....she's fair game.
She didn't even have a bottle, watch the video of his sucker punching her and point out any bottle.

Does being a dyke cause mental issues?
That's because they are caught on video seconds after she loses the bottle and her hat. All of this took place in probably 20 seconds.
Nope....nice try. You or one of your poor scared white "supremists" photoshopped it. Badly too.

You have no honor/no shame. What a surprise.

Photoshopped a film clip?

Check out @BakedNorwegian's Tweet: Viva Europa on Twitter


Two different videos, two different punches. Who kept following whom?

Why didnt she drop the bottle and run?
She was in the mix willingly and intended to hit someone with that bottle.....she's fair game.
She didn't even have a bottle, watch the video of his sucker punching her and point out any bottle.
This why you leftists need to be physically removed from society, so to speak. You people will lie your asses off even when the evidence proves you're lying. There is video of her attacking a different guy with a bottle(this guy has long blonde hair), that's when Nathan "Mighty Mouse" Damigo comes in and hits her.

Let me grab that video for you...
Nope....nice try. You or one of your poor scared white "supremists" photoshopped it. Badly too.

You have no honor/no shame. What a surprise.

Photoshopped a film clip?

Check out @BakedNorwegian's Tweet: Viva Europa on Twitter


Two different videos, two different punches. Who kept following whom?

Why didnt she drop the bottle and run?
She was in the mix willingly and intended to hit someone with that bottle.....she's fair game.
She didn't even have a bottle, watch the video of his sucker punching her and point out any bottle.

Does being a dyke cause mental issues?
It is a mental issue.
Photoshopped a film clip?

Check out @BakedNorwegian's Tweet: Viva Europa on Twitter


Two different videos, two different punches. Who kept following whom?

Why didnt she drop the bottle and run?
She was in the mix willingly and intended to hit someone with that bottle.....she's fair game.
She didn't even have a bottle, watch the video of his sucker punching her and point out any bottle.

Does being a dyke cause mental issues?
It is a mental issue.

Was wondering how fast the connection would be made..:biggrin:
That's because they are caught on video seconds after she loses the bottle and her hat. All of this took place in probably 20 seconds.
Nope....nice try. You or one of your poor scared white "supremists" photoshopped it. Badly too.

You have no honor/no shame. What a surprise.

Photoshopped a film clip?

Check out @BakedNorwegian's Tweet: Viva Europa on Twitter


Two different videos, two different punches. Who kept following whom?

Why didnt she drop the bottle and run?
She was in the mix willingly and intended to hit someone with that bottle.....she's fair game.
She didn't even have a bottle, watch the video of his sucker punching her and point out any bottle.
She had a bottle seconds before.

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