Nasty Attacking Antifa Girl Who Got Punched In The Face By Heroic Pro-Trumper Seeks $80K On GoFundMe

ANOTHER NEW FINDING ON little Miss whore
View attachment 122301

The Antifa facist that is making the rounds saying she was just hit from out of nowhere , seems to forget about the Wine bottle she had in her hand that she was gonna clock the Trump supporter with. .

Please share this photo to end the Laim stream media narrative. . Self Defence 100% justified..

THERE IS NO BOTTLE in her gloved hand IN ALL OF THE VIDEOS....

HOW can YOU and the others agreeing with you, not know this? YET you encourage people to pass this FAKE photo around???

WHAT kind of human being does that make you and your friends?

SHAME ON YOU and your ilk!

We should at least be able to argue and debate this ob FACTS and NOT THIS DOCTORED bull crap!
They have the bravery vicariously thru an ex-con thug sucker-punching a smaller woman then trying to "excuse" it by photo-shopping a bottle in her hand. That's the kind of "men" and "women" they are.
You can see the bottle in her hand and her go after the guy with the long blonde hair and maroon colored shirt with it....that's when Damigo comes in and socks her. I posted the video....and I believe you can watch it in even slower motion if you want. That's what happened.
That's what happens at fag pride parades...and you said if they want to have pride parades then they should be able to. The whole point of fag pride parades is to celebrate faggotry and to act like fags.
How many have you been to to make such an observation?
Already have answered this question for you like 10 times by now in various threads. Take some ginko biloba.
Don't live on your every, have you been to a gay pride parade ever? Have you seen the church groups that march? The sports clubs? The military? The Politicians? The businesses?
Actually attended one voluntarily? No. But was forced to witness them two years in a row while working at a job in the Capitol Hill section of Seattle....which is the gay neighborhood of Seattle.

You don't need to attend one to know what goes on at these events....there's plenty of video and photo evidence of it.
You mean photoshop like the "bottle"? What did you think of the church groups that marched? The Politicians? The groups like the Red Cross, United Way, etc? The boy scouts carrying the American flag? The military vets marching?
Idiot, you can see it in the video and hear it break when she drops it before getting hit...
ANOTHER NEW FINDING ON little Miss whore
View attachment 122301

The Antifa facist that is making the rounds saying she was just hit from out of nowhere , seems to forget about the Wine bottle she had in her hand that she was gonna clock the Trump supporter with. .

Please share this photo to end the Laim stream media narrative. . Self Defence 100% justified..

THERE IS NO BOTTLE in her gloved hand IN ALL OF THE VIDEOS....

HOW can YOU and the others agreeing with you, not know this? YET you encourage people to pass this FAKE photo around???

WHAT kind of human being does that make you and your friends?

SHAME ON YOU and your ilk!

We should at least be able to argue and debate this ob FACTS and NOT THIS DOCTORED bull crap!
They have the bravery vicariously thru an ex-con thug sucker-punching a smaller woman then trying to "excuse" it by photo-shopping a bottle in her hand. That's the kind of "men" and "women" they are.
You can see the bottle in her hand and her go after the guy with the long blonde hair and maroon colored shirt with it....that's when Damigo comes in and socks her. I posted the video....and I believe you can watch it in even slower motion if you want. That's what happened.
No bottle there...sorry....but feel free to live vicariously behind your safe sent that ex-con thug lots of money on his FundMe acct, I hope.
How many have you been to to make such an observation?
Already have answered this question for you like 10 times by now in various threads. Take some ginko biloba.
Don't live on your every, have you been to a gay pride parade ever? Have you seen the church groups that march? The sports clubs? The military? The Politicians? The businesses?
Actually attended one voluntarily? No. But was forced to witness them two years in a row while working at a job in the Capitol Hill section of Seattle....which is the gay neighborhood of Seattle.

You don't need to attend one to know what goes on at these events....there's plenty of video and photo evidence of it.
You mean photoshop like the "bottle"? What did you think of the church groups that marched? The Politicians? The groups like the Red Cross, United Way, etc? The boy scouts carrying the American flag? The military vets marching?
Idiot, you can see it in the video and hear it break when she drops it before getting hit...
No bottle in the video....what's it like to have no honor, no shame, and live such a frightened little life that you can only cheer on an ex-con thug as he sucker-punches small women? Does it....excite you?
One more time for the stupid and blind...

This is what happened BEFORE the punch to her forehead. He hit her the first time and she dropped the bottle...she backs up...he comes forward and then he punches her in the forehead.

Youre an idiot if you deny it..
Looking forward to seeing you and all your fellow Nazi fuckwads in the news.

So when do you plan on murdering all these people? Got a date? A place? A plan? Or are you too cowardly to say? Nazi fuckwads, cowards to the end. That's why they need to be shot first in the Zombie Apocalypse!

No negotiations, total annihilation of the enemy, scorched earth, the time for talking is over, victory or death. Come see us in the streets.
Awesome! Go for it. I'll be the guy you never see and the death of all fucking Nazis will be clean as I can make them.
Why are you such a fan of commies?

Hating fascists, which I do, is not an indication that I like Commies. In fact, the left occupies BOTH those positions at present. Like Josef Stalin, the democrats are fascist socialists - which is actually redundant, since fascism is a type of socialism.
Disagreed they are the same, albeit fascism certainly incorporporates some facets of socialism. What both certainly have in common is being authoritarian assholes.


...more simply


I'm with the Right Libertarians. :)

The concept that Thatcher and Hitler were similar makes the chart utterly stupid.

Drugs are not the motive factor in my life, liberty is.
He didn't randomly attack her, she was going to hit the long haired blonde guy with the bottle. That's when Damigo comes in and socks her the first time. The punch to her forehead follows.

How many have you been to to make such an observation?

We know you've been to zero. Thought you would stand proud with the Anarchist Fascists attacking America, you can't waddle that far....
Been to NYC, San Francisco, LA, Long Beach, Rochester, and San Diego several times. But thank you for the personal attack. Pretty much covers your competency.

Perhaps, but not at the ANTIFA riots that you are cheering on.
Nope....nice try. You or one of your poor scared white "supremists" photoshopped it. Badly too.

You have no honor/no shame. What a surprise.

Photoshopped a film clip?

Check out @BakedNorwegian's Tweet: Viva Europa on Twitter


Two different videos, two different punches. Who kept following whom?

Why didnt she drop the bottle and run?
She was in the mix willingly and intended to hit someone with that bottle.....she's fair game.
She didn't even have a bottle, watch the video of his sucker punching her and point out any bottle.

Does being a dyke cause mental issues?

Other way around.

I'm just sayin.....

She is a professional agitator, so it is hard to feel sorry for her. However, she wasn't in the fight and it take very limp dick cowards like Stevie and Mindwars to cheer on a woman getting knock out by a man.

If she had a bottle as a weapon, a big guy like that could have taken it away from her, or moved away from her. He was moving toward her to get that punch in, looks like to me anyway.
Two different videos, two different punches. Who kept following whom?

Why didnt she drop the bottle and run?
She was in the mix willingly and intended to hit someone with that bottle.....she's fair game.
She didn't even have a bottle, watch the video of his sucker punching her and point out any bottle.
She had a bottle seconds before.
no she didn't, and that pic is photo shopped.

How do you photoshop a video?

VERY carefully..... :eusa_whistle:

How many have you been to to make such an observation?

We know you've been to zero. Thought you would stand proud with the Anarchist Fascists attacking America, you can't waddle that far....
Been to NYC, San Francisco, LA, Long Beach, Rochester, and San Diego several times. But thank you for the personal attack. Pretty much covers your competency.

Perhaps, but not at the ANTIFA riots that you are cheering on.
Ah...I the frightened RussianWr comrades such as yourself, NOT supporting an ex-con thug sucker-punching small women is THE...SAME...THING as supporting riots. How interesting. Be sure to send the ex-con thug all your money....after all "a fool and his money....."

She is a professional agitator, so it is hard to feel sorry for her. However, she wasn't in the fight and it take very limp dick cowards like Stevie and Mindwars to cheer on a woman getting knock out by a man.

If she had a bottle as a weapon, a big guy like that could have taken it away from her, or moved away from her. He was moving toward her to get that punch in, looks like to me anyway.
You see....they realize now that this ex-con thug is in legal trouble, so someone had to photoshop a "threat" for him to be "self-defensing" against.

She is a professional agitator, so it is hard to feel sorry for her. However, she wasn't in the fight and it take very limp dick cowards like Stevie and Mindwars to cheer on a woman getting knock out by a man.

If she had a bottle as a weapon, a big guy like that could have taken it away from her, or moved away from her. He was moving toward her to get that punch in, looks like to me anyway.
This is the full video:

You are only seeing the very end. He actually punched her before that because she swung the bottle at the guy in the maroon shirt and long blonde hair....that's why you don't see the bottle in the gif.

You do understand how adrenaline works by the way, right?

In melees like that, you don't calculate the way you seem to think people do.

It is an all out brawl.


She is a professional agitator, so it is hard to feel sorry for her. However, she wasn't in the fight and it take very limp dick cowards like Stevie and Mindwars to cheer on a woman getting knock out by a man.

If she had a bottle as a weapon, a big guy like that could have taken it away from her, or moved away from her. He was moving toward her to get that punch in, looks like to me anyway.
You see....they realize now that this ex-con thug is in legal trouble, so someone had to photoshop a "threat" for him to be "self-defensing" against.
I don't care if he gets in trouble. I'm just giving the facts. And you are are lying for her because she may do time for attempting to assault that guy with the long blonde hair with a bottle.

How many have you been to to make such an observation?

We know you've been to zero. Thought you would stand proud with the Anarchist Fascists attacking America, you can't waddle that far....
Been to NYC, San Francisco, LA, Long Beach, Rochester, and San Diego several times. But thank you for the personal attack. Pretty much covers your competency.

Perhaps, but not at the ANTIFA riots that you are cheering on.
Ah...I the frightened RussianWr comrades such as yourself, NOT supporting an ex-con thug sucker-punching small women is THE...SAME...THING as supporting riots. How interesting. Be sure to send the ex-con thug all your money....after all "a fool and his money....."

What is it I'm frightened of. shortbus? You violent fascists? :lmao:

You brownshirts don't do real well when you push too far.

Tell me Shortbus, this was in the fascist dictatorship of California, yet the man who punched the rioting chick was not charged with any crime. Why is that? Yes, she is begging her fellow ANTIFA fascists to give her money, but that means that even a civil suit is out, why is that?

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