Nasty Beloni Unveils 95% Tax On Prescription Meds

Agreed. Willow's posts are on point, however, that with the tax, pharma may not make as many new drugs, and lifespans may decrease. Her willingness to trust a market that has failed, however, makes her solutions … failures.

I think the question is how can govt protect US consumers and still make sure Americans have access to new drugs. And had Trump not worried about the EU trade balance and addressed this issue, we'd be better off.
We subsidize the shit outta pharmacological research. The claim they lose money if they can't sell drugs at ridiculous prices is a lie.
That may be true. But I remember Obamacare promises.
Every time you guys deflect back to Obama or Clinton I know I've won.
I bet you pat yourself on the ass every time you think you've won.

Past failures do not excuse current failures nor is it a reason to do nothing.

First rule of policy making... do no harm. Obama care did harm. The system is worse now, than it was before Obama screwed it over.

Past failure ABSOLUTELY ARE A REASON to do nothing. Nothing is far better than making it worse.
Nancy Pelosi unveils 95% tax proposal on prescription medicines,
making sure the Dems don't get elected.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday released a much-anticipated plan detailing House Democrats’ ideas to change the way people get prescription drugs. At the heart of the plan is a retroactive 95% tax on up to 250 of the most common medicines. The only way out of paying this tax is if the drug becomes subject to strict government price controls and price caps. The House is expected to vote on the plan this fall.

This “Pelosi Medicine Tax” could apply to the 250 most popular prescription drugs in the country and must apply to at least 25 of them. The tax is not on profits from the sale of the drug, but on the gross receipts from the sale. For example, if a medicine is sold for $100, a tax of $95 is owed, regardless of the cost of selling the drug.

The tax would apply to anyone who needs a prescription drug, and that’s just about everyone — seniors, veterans, women, you name it. The Pelosi Medicine Tax is not limited to just Medicare; it would apply to all sales of an affected drug, everywhere in the healthcare system.

Needless to say, such a tax would cripple access to life-saving prescription medicines and would very quickly mean government rationing and waiting lists. A tax of this size is next of kin to a Venezuelan-style socialist takeover of the bulk of the prescription drug industry. By having to turn all their money over to the government, the pharmaceutical companies would become captive corporations of the government itself — a kind of post office that dispenses pills instead of parcels.

Awaiting the President of all American's tweet on this now. :21:

Nancy Pelosi unveils 95% tax proposal on prescription medicines

The other day heartland institute said warrens medicare for all...taxes for working families making 100 grand a year could see taxes as high as 20K per year ....extra . 20k you'll break most of the middle class throw on a green new deal and they're royally screwed

In reality for most it will probably be 5 to 10 grand range which is still twisting a knife in working folks guts.They'll be paying more and receiving even worse care ....while some inca aztec slinks over the border who needs a "free " operation
We subsidize the shit outta pharmacological research. The claim they lose money if they can't sell drugs at ridiculous prices is a lie.
That may be true. But I remember Obamacare promises.
Every time you guys deflect back to Obama or Clinton I know I've won.
I bet you pat yourself on the ass every time you think you've won.

Past failures do not excuse current failures nor is it a reason to do nothing.

First rule of policy making... do no harm. Obama care did harm. The system is worse now, than it was before Obama screwed it over.

Past failure ABSOLUTELY ARE A REASON to do nothing. Nothing is far better than making it worse.

Nothing is better than making something worse. Bringing our costs more in line with the rest of the world is not a bad thing except for "shareholders".

They can get jobs.
That may be true. But I remember Obamacare promises.
Every time you guys deflect back to Obama or Clinton I know I've won.
I bet you pat yourself on the ass every time you think you've won.

Past failures do not excuse current failures nor is it a reason to do nothing.

First rule of policy making... do no harm. Obama care did harm. The system is worse now, than it was before Obama screwed it over.

Past failure ABSOLUTELY ARE A REASON to do nothing. Nothing is far better than making it worse.

Nothing is better than making something worse. Bringing our costs more in line with the rest of the world is not a bad thing except for "shareholders".

They can get jobs.
So can welfare queens!
That may be true. But I remember Obamacare promises.
Every time you guys deflect back to Obama or Clinton I know I've won.
I bet you pat yourself on the ass every time you think you've won.

Past failures do not excuse current failures nor is it a reason to do nothing.

First rule of policy making... do no harm. Obama care did harm. The system is worse now, than it was before Obama screwed it over.

Past failure ABSOLUTELY ARE A REASON to do nothing. Nothing is far better than making it worse.

Nothing is better than making something worse. Bringing our costs more in line with the rest of the world is not a bad thing except for "shareholders".

They can get jobs.

That will not happen. Period. You need to let that go, because it will never happen.

The rest of the world has been living off the innovation of the US system, for 50 years. Our system, is the only reason Europe has a system. Canadians come to the US for care, constantly. People come to the US from all over the world, because their systems do not provide treatments that our system does... and the reason ours does, and theirs does not, is because of price. They are not willing to pay the price, so they simply are told to go home and die. Literally this is what people have been told.

There is only one way to reduce our costs to keep in line with the rest of the world, and that would be to drastically reduce the level of care Americans enjoy.

It won't happen. And if it does, everyone will regret it.
Every time you guys deflect back to Obama or Clinton I know I've won.
I bet you pat yourself on the ass every time you think you've won.

Past failures do not excuse current failures nor is it a reason to do nothing.

First rule of policy making... do no harm. Obama care did harm. The system is worse now, than it was before Obama screwed it over.

Past failure ABSOLUTELY ARE A REASON to do nothing. Nothing is far better than making it worse.

Nothing is better than making something worse. Bringing our costs more in line with the rest of the world is not a bad thing except for "shareholders".

They can get jobs.
So can welfare queens!

Seems a fair solution to me.
Every time you guys deflect back to Obama or Clinton I know I've won.
I bet you pat yourself on the ass every time you think you've won.

Past failures do not excuse current failures nor is it a reason to do nothing.

First rule of policy making... do no harm. Obama care did harm. The system is worse now, than it was before Obama screwed it over.

Past failure ABSOLUTELY ARE A REASON to do nothing. Nothing is far better than making it worse.

Nothing is better than making something worse. Bringing our costs more in line with the rest of the world is not a bad thing except for "shareholders".

They can get jobs.

That will not happen. Period. You need to let that go, because it will never happen.

The rest of the world has been living off the innovation of the US system, for 50 years. Our system, is the only reason Europe has a system. Canadians come to the US for care, constantly. People come to the US from all over the world, because their systems do not provide treatments that our system does... and the reason ours does, and theirs does not, is because of price. They are not willing to pay the price, so they simply are told to go home and die. Literally this is what people have been told.

There is only one way to reduce our costs to keep in line with the rest of the world, and that would be to drastically reduce the level of care Americans enjoy.

It won't happen. And if it does, everyone will regret it.

Total B.S. Germany has long had a innovative pharmaceutical industry.

List of Pharmaceutical Companies in Germany -

Italy has become a big player.

Italy has overtaken Germany for pharmaceutical production - Pharma World
I bet you pat yourself on the ass every time you think you've won.

Past failures do not excuse current failures nor is it a reason to do nothing.

First rule of policy making... do no harm. Obama care did harm. The system is worse now, than it was before Obama screwed it over.

Past failure ABSOLUTELY ARE A REASON to do nothing. Nothing is far better than making it worse.

Nothing is better than making something worse. Bringing our costs more in line with the rest of the world is not a bad thing except for "shareholders".

They can get jobs.

That will not happen. Period. You need to let that go, because it will never happen.

The rest of the world has been living off the innovation of the US system, for 50 years. Our system, is the only reason Europe has a system. Canadians come to the US for care, constantly. People come to the US from all over the world, because their systems do not provide treatments that our system does... and the reason ours does, and theirs does not, is because of price. They are not willing to pay the price, so they simply are told to go home and die. Literally this is what people have been told.

There is only one way to reduce our costs to keep in line with the rest of the world, and that would be to drastically reduce the level of care Americans enjoy.

It won't happen. And if it does, everyone will regret it.

Total B.S. Germany has long had a innovative pharmaceutical industry.

List of Pharmaceutical Companies in Germany -

Italy has become a big player.

Italy has overtaken Germany for pharmaceutical production - Pharma World

Germany is one of the most expensive, and most privatized systems out there.

The vast majority of Germans have private insurance on top of the massive taxes they pay for their public system.
Common claims is that those private insurance only cover things that the public system doesn't.
That's a false argument for two reasons.
A: Private hospitals, that charge for services, include services the public system has, but the private hospitals deliver those services faster and better than the public system.
B: It's amazing what the public system doesn't cover, even though it is far more expensive than the private system.

Further, Germans live in what we would consider a poor standard of living, relative to Americans. Left-wingers often claim that Germans ride bicycles because they are more Eco-friendly. The reality is, they are poor. They can't afford to drive their cars all the time, because the cost of gasoline (due to taxes) is too high for the average person to drive to work, or enjoy a car trip.

I have a friend who lived in Germany, grew up in Germany, moved to America, and says she would never go back. Her husband has a heart condition, and so she is working more than he is. We would consider her lower middle class at best.

She says in her own words, she lives a life here in the US, that she could only dream of in Germany.

I would submit to you that, this is because of their expensive socialized system, that forces people to ride bikes to work, because they can't afford to drive.

Additionally, as it relates specifically to your link about pill production..... The production is not the expensive part of the process. In fact, production is the least expensive part of the process.

A Tough Road: Cost To Develop One New Drug Is $2.6 Billion; Approval Rate for Drugs Entering Clinical Development is Less Than 12%

This is the expensive part of the process. It's the BILLIONS spent to create the pill to begin with.

The Most Innovative Countries In Biology And Medicine

Screen Shot 2019-09-26 at 9.19.45 AM.png

All of the innovation, medical advances, and research design, and production of new treatments and medications, are happening here. Here in the USA.

Not Italy, not Germany, not France..... and not by a massive margin.

This is what I meant by the USA makes the European health care system possible. We are providing the advances that the Europeans rely on. If not for our health care system, their health care system would still be giving people aspirin for a heart attack, like they did before WW2.
I quit reading at a "poor standard of living compared to the US".

Sorry, is Germany where they are threatening to round the homeless up and place them in camps?
I quit reading at a "poor standard of living compared to the US".

Sorry, is Germany where they are threatening to round the homeless up and place them in camps?

No German’s specialty is not rounding up homeless and putting them in camps! Definitely not the homeless.

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