Nation of Islam endorses Kamala Harris

Still think you , Turdy and IQ2 as a team could take over .

With the whole Universe laughing non stop at the Thick Three , we would not have time for any other daily nonsense .
You could all work together here in a new Thicko sub forum .
Syndicated you could rival the Simpsons but you must always round off a day by giving us your best impressions of natural land - fill sites .
I think Trump will still win though, he will definitely win nearly all the white votes, maybe for minorities votes it could make a difference if its Biden or Harris

What a sad situation, where people pick or are assumed to pick their leaders not by their ideology or qualifications, but simply by whatever shallow skin color they have and whether it matches their own. That does not say anything good about such a shallow society. While I might be a male of European decent, many times I've supported women and men of other ethnicities because I believed in what they stood for as individuals instead of just how they /looked/.
What a sad situation, where people pick or are assumed to pick their leaders not by their ideology or qualifications, but simply by whatever shallow skin color they have and whether it matches their own. That does not say anything good about such a shallow society. While I might be a male of European decent, many times I've supported women and men of other ethnicities because I believed in what they stood for as individuals instead of just how they /looked/.

I agree, and im not saying they should. But i think it is rather whites who would do that then blacks, because blacks usually pick a white man like Biden, because other then Obama there was never someone black in history, so blacks always picked a white man. That being said, many whites did say they wont vote for Obama because he is black, that was in the past rather the case then now though.
many whites did say they wont vote for Obama because he is black

Only because not only was he a radical extremist out to fundamentally change the country wanting to install a "private police force," but blacks are your biggest racists who view everything BY race. Just look at our own race forum--- crashed and burned because all it was used for was by blacks to do nothing but trash white people for doing nothing but being born white. Then they accuse police of targeting them, meanwhile, blacks are 500% more likely to aggressively confront police and commit crimes.

While most whites accept blacks now, most blacks absolutely hate whites. Data shows that most black countries have a dramatically lower IQ.

world iq.jpg


This is at the fundamental core of all racial conflict--- two generally fundamentally DIFFERENT people FORCED together by governmentally IMPOSED integration.
I think Trump will still win though, he will definitely win nearly all the white votes, maybe for minorities votes it could make a difference if its Biden or Harris

Not a chance. He lost in 2020 because of his record. That hasn't improved. He'll lose again by a landslide

Proud to stand with my friend, Vice President Kamala Harris, as she continues her unwavering fight for justice, equality, and progress. Her leadership, compassion, and dedication can UNIFY our country. Let’s support Kamala Harris for President, defeat Trump and Project 2025, and build a brighter future for EVERYONE!

Well, they'd support one party or the other, there are only two choices and Trump... well... Trump is a disaster for most people.
I agree, and im not saying they should. But i think it is rather whites who would do that then blacks, because blacks usually pick a white man like Biden

No, whites are much more likely to support black candidates. Blacks are MUCH more racially driven. I was a big proponent of Alan Keyes for instance, I loved that guy, smart as a whip, the only reason why blacks usually vote white is because THEY HAVE TO, there are so few black ones.

CASE IN POINT: But Blacks by and large did NOT support Alan Keyes, despite being black, because they saw him as an Oreo, a republican, but given lots of blacks AND whites to choose from each election cycle, you'd see blacks far more often picking (liberal) black people BECAUSE of their skin color (as an advocate of "black" causes (putting blacks first)) over white people who are much more likely to pick their candidate based on QUALIFICATION, ignoring or regardless of skin color.
I agree, and im not saying they should. But i think it is rather whites who would do that then blacks, because blacks usually pick a white man like Biden, because other then Obama there was never someone black in history, so blacks always picked a white man. That being said, many whites did say they wont vote for Obama because he is black, that was in the past rather the case then now though.
You have that backwards. White liberals will sacrifice the country to install a communist revolutionary especially if he/she is a minority

Proud to stand with my friend, Vice President Kamala Harris, as she continues her unwavering fight for justice, equality, and progress. Her leadership, compassion, and dedication can UNIFY our country. Let’s support Kamala Harris for President, defeat Trump and Project 2025, and build a brighter future for EVERYONE!

Yep. She's popular with terrorists, racists, and criminal gangs all over the world.
No, whites are much more likely to support black candidates. Blacks are MUCH more racially driven. I was a big proponent of Alan Keyes for instance, I loved that guy, smart as a whip, the only reason why blacks usually vote white is because THEY HAVE TO, there are so few black ones.

CASE IN POINT: But Blacks by and large did NOT support Alan Keyes, despite being black, because they saw him as an Oreo, a republican, but given lots of blacks AND whites to choose from each election cycle, you'd see blacks far more often picking (liberal) black people BECAUSE of their skin color (as an advocate of "black" causes (putting blacks first)) over white people who are much more likely to pick their candidate based on QUALIFICATION, ignoring or regardless of skin color.

Yes. Minorities are all much more racist than white people are. They are also much more criminally inclined and dumber, which is why commies and deviants target them with their propaganda campaigns.

Proud to stand with my friend, Vice President Kamala Harris, as she continues her unwavering fight for justice, equality, and progress. Her leadership, compassion, and dedication can UNIFY our country. Let’s support Kamala Harris for President, defeat Trump and Project 2025, and build a brighter future for EVERYONE!

A perfect fit, evil plus dumb.

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