National debt surpasses $31 trillion

Republiklans haven't cared about the debt for 4yrs and now here they are whining about the debt. What a joke.
When we lost control of the Fiat Currency decades ago, the handwriting was on the wall. Politicians went on all the social programs, and they cost a lot. No one wants to admit it. On top of it there is massive corruption and we enact new programs and crazy agendas.
Republiklans haven't cared about the debt for 4yrs and now here they are whining about the debt. What a joke.
Demokkkrats screamed for 4 years about the debt and now they are silent. Not all Republicans stayed silent for 4 years during Trump. He spent like a Democrat because those are host roots.
Demokkkrats screamed for 4 years about the debt and now they are silent. Not all Republicans stayed silent for 4 years during Trump. He spent like a Democrat because those are host roots.
Bullshit, Republicans were quiet as hell when Trump was running up the deficit. Now you are back on your soapbox crying about the debt.
Bullshit, Republicans were quiet as hell when Trump was running up the deficit. Now you are back on your soapbox crying about the debt.
Democrats screamed about Trump’s spending and debt. I didn’t argue with them. Once they took over, did they change course? Fuck no. They stuffed their legislation with things like $10M line items for gender studies in Pakistan.
The only time either party cares about the debt is when they are not the ones doing the spending. The left was and is fine with the spending done by Obama and now Biden the right was fine with it under Trump.
I said it before the 2016 and I concur with Rand Paul that such levels of debt pose a National Security threat. Most of the West is in this position and it is going to be a major issue.

Will responsible governments ever make the difficult choices required?

The U.S. national debt has passed $31 trillion for the first time in history.

Treasury Department data released on today showed the total national debt was $31.123 trillion as of Monday.

The new milestone was reached even as the federal government's insatiable spending has slowed considerably as the COVID pandemic has waned. In the months following the outbreak, the national debt rose by $1 trillion in just a month’s time – not just once, but twice in 2020.

As a result, the federal government spent $3.1 trillion more than it received in 2020, and it spent $2.8 trillion more than it received the following year.

In 2022, the budget deficit is expected to be about $1 trillion. Some experts believe $1 trillion per year in new debt is the floor given growth in entitlement spending as well as new spending priorities set by Congress this year. Those priorities include the health and environmental policy bill known as the Inflation Reduction Act and assisting Ukraine in its war with Russia.
OK, so the total federal debt right now (from here) is $31,123,887,781,401.34, but remember this includes about $7T that the government owes itself. The total amount our federal government has borrowed for others is more like $24T.

At the same time you might want to consider that money owed by the gov't is a T-bill or savings bond in someone else's hands.

How about we also keep in mind that America's private owes almost $70T. To itself.
Gagging on a Glorified Gaia

If the decadent and unproductive HeirHead ruling classes weren't threatened by prosperity in the other classes, a deficit would wind up being an investment. To those Affluenzist scum sitting pretty on Daddy's Money, Nature is a pretty sight. That reverence is nothing but a primitive and anti-intelligence superstition.

To real Americans, this false god Nature is raw material for high-paying jobs, inexpensive products, and new wealth, created and not inherited like the fragile and sterile wealth we have now.

Left unused, Nature is a crime against humanity. Whatever good nature does, Man can do better. In order to have wide-spread prosperity, we need to remove the class that blocks our way and always will. They survive only because they control our minds and our will.
It was only 9 trillion until The Communist Left's Green New Deal World Order installed their first puppet Barrack Hussein Obumma.
I think the die is cast, the corrupt DC minions know it and we are currently watching one final extraction before the collapse. That will be the trigger they use to set the "Reset" into motion. Once that begins there will be no stopping it. I live a quiet semi-rural life and know how to protect my home and family so we won't suffer as much as millions will but I have no doubt that eventually private home/land ownership will be so highly taxed that only the 1% will still actually own land.

It's going to be a wild ride and I hope to watch it from a distance because it will be chaotic and very bloody when the Feds acknowledge the collapse of the dollar. Inner cities will be something out of an apocalypse movie. When all the resources there are gone, the residents who survive - those willing to kill - will fan out over the land like a plague of locusts. Fortunately, by that time those in the rural areas will be set and waiting on them to arrive.
When all the resources there are gone, the residents who survive - those willing to kill
Those willing to kill will be the only survivors.

Fortunately, by that time those in the rural areas will be set and waiting on them to arrive.
What you describe sounds oddly similar to the scenario that Charles Manson said was coming. Was he off by just a few decades?
I think the die is cast, the corrupt DC minions know it and we are currently watching one final extraction before the collapse. That will be the trigger they use to set the "Reset" into motion. Once that begins there will be no stopping it. I live a quiet semi-rural life and know how to protect my home and family so we won't suffer as much as millions will but I have no doubt that eventually private home/land ownership will be so highly taxed that only the 1% will still actually own land.

It's going to be a wild ride and I hope to watch it from a distance because it will be chaotic and very bloody when the Feds acknowledge the collapse of the dollar. Inner cities will be something out of an apocalypse movie. When all the resources there are gone, the residents who survive - those willing to kill - will fan out over the land like a plague of locusts. Fortunately, by that time those in the rural areas will be set and waiting on them to arrive.

I'm a goner on avg. In 10 years.
I live in an urban area.
My home is protected by the 2nd amendment like yours.
I hope to only remain a witness. But if forced to participate, just remember to die on your feet as opposed to your knees.
Republiklans haven't cared about the debt for 4yrs and now here they are whining about the debt. What a joke.
Apparently YOU never cared about it before and still dont now. In fact, it angers you that they are trying to stop borrowing money. Hypocrite.
At this point...
Screw it.

Enjoy the ride until the whole house of cards crashes down on us.
Apparently YOU never cared about it before and still dont now. In fact, it angers you that they are trying to stop borrowing money. Hypocrite.

Only because he is in it for reparations.
In fact, he prays for it daily because he's failed to generate the self-means.
In Big-Gov't he trusts for hand outs!!
Apparently YOU never cared about it before and still dont now. In fact, it angers you that they are trying to stop borrowing money. Hypocrite.
That's funny, when Pres. Obama was in office that is all Hannity, Limpbaugh and right wingers whined about how your children, grandchildren and great grand children were going to have to pay down the debt. When the Orange fool came into office none of you clowns gave a damn about the debt when Trump was running it up.
That's funny, when Pres. Obama was in office that is all Hannity, Limpbaugh and right wingers whined about how your children, grandchildren and great grand children were going to have to pay down the debt. When the Orange fool came into office none of you clowns gave a damn about the debt when Trump was running it up.
NO ONE cared about the debt when COVID hit. EVERYONE wanted COVID Relief funds, and seeing how they forced us to not work, we deserved those emergency funds. When republicans increase the debt, its for real emergencies. We didnt pack a single one of those bills with conservative wish list bullshit.

Dont even try to compare our spending to yours. We arent even remotely the same when it comes to the debt.

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