National Enquirer backs off of "proof" of Obama affair

Obama gets called out all of the time and his usual reaction is to get even or make counter-accusations.

And I think you should get ready...because people hate Obama [everyone here hates his guts] and they will show you fuckers in droves.

But the right has NO hate, none whatsoever, right? Everyone you know must be a closet lefty. ;)

Just FYI, I disagree with a lot of Obama's policies. But to hate a man's guts you don't even know over politcal differences says a helluva lot more about the haters than their target.

Probably 99% of it is revenge because Bush took so much heat. Yet most of the people on the right who post here will deny they ever supported Bush. Go figure.

Bullshit. I supported Bush and still do.

I didn't agree with everything he did...but considering the lame folks the Dems ran against him I figure he was a better option.
I'm noticing the usual reaction of the left to anything that makes their current favorite politician look bad.....that of insults and counter accusations.

You can't prove that this story is false so you start the name calling.

Try sticking to the issues at hand and maybe stay away from the insults.

Then maybe you might appear like you're not throwing a hissy-fit.

:lol: This coming from one of the most insulting assholes on the board.

Oh, come on! Muddie is nowhere near as insulting as I am. He's an amateur compared to me. And I'm an amateur in comparison to the rantings of the likes of Diaper Boy and his gay biker pal.

I said one of the... Mud has zero talent for actually debating an issue. He much prefers to make blanket comments full of insults that everyone is just supposed to say "Oh, okay, that must be it cuz you say so..."
I'm noticing the usual reaction of the left to anything that makes their current favorite politician look bad.....that of insults and counter accusations.

You can't prove that this story is false so you start the name calling.

Try sticking to the issues at hand and maybe stay away from the insults.

Then maybe you might appear like you're not throwing a hissy-fit.

:lol: This coming from one of the most insulting assholes on the board. mean Dante?

Sorry...don't confuse me with him. I might just possibly take offense.

Again, I said "one of the" most insulting. I don't get to read much of Dante because he posts at a different time, but I know his reputation. I'm not defending him, but the pure hypocrisy you continue to present is laughable. Yes, you ARE just as bad.
National Enquirer - Obama scandal - Vera Baker | Mediaite

The National Enquirer, which published a report this morning [yesterday] that “investigators are attempting to obtain a tape” that proved an illicit rendezvous between President Barack Obama and former US Senate campaign staffer Vera Baker, has updated their story this afternoon [yesterday afternoon] to retract the claim that there is video evidence of the affair with the alleged testimony of an anonymous chauffeur..

So now we're down to just the testimony of a limo driver.

This story is going nowhere fast.
Obama gets called out all of the time and his usual reaction is to get even or make counter-accusations.

And I think you should get ready...because people hate Obama [everyone here hates his guts] and they will show you fuckers in droves.

But of course everyone in Tennessee hates Obama. Is that supposed to surprise anyone?

What's that suppose to mean?

These are toughies.

My Two Cents Worth: Just how "Red" is Tennessee?
In the past presidential election, the state voted for McCain by a margin of 57% to 42%. Obama only took 5 of the 95 counties, including Davidson (Nashville) and Shelby (Memphis).
:lol: This coming from one of the most insulting assholes on the board. mean Dante?

Sorry...don't confuse me with him. I might just possibly take offense.

Again, I said "one of the" most insulting. I don't get to read much of Dante because he posts at a different time, but I know his reputation. I'm not defending him, but the pure hypocrisy you continue to present is laughable. Yes, you ARE just as bad.

There's nothing about me that can be viewed as hypocrisy.

I've always stated that when one of ours does something wrong he needs to leave.

You on the other hand contend that only your opponents deserve scrutiny. What flies with your guy dies in your memory but when the same is discovered with a GOPer...he's stained for life.

Bubba fucked around and should have been punished...but you probably claim it's a personal matter.

Bush couldn't find WMDs so you claim he lied I that makes him dishonest.

Obama lies every time he opens his mouth. His lies are obvious.....yet you support him at nearly every turn....yet Bush is a target for you. How do you describe someone who believes in such double-standards?

I would call them a hypocrite.

And because I believe this you call me one.

It's hilarious.
Nearly half of TN voted for the asshole for one reason or another.

Many of them were college students and Democrats that have voted Dem all their lives.

They didn't care what color he was. They couldn't bring themselves to vote for McCain.

That's all changed now.

The vote was 57% for McCain, and 42% for Obama. But thanks for answering your own question.
But of course everyone in Tennessee hates Obama. Is that supposed to surprise anyone?

What's that suppose to mean?

These are toughies.

My Two Cents Worth: Just how "Red" is Tennessee?
In the past presidential election, the state voted for McCain by a margin of 57% to 42%. Obama only took 5 of the 95 counties, including Davidson (Nashville) and Shelby (Memphis).

Obama still got 42%. 42% is alot for a state that hates that means you lied when you said everyone in TN hated him.
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national inquirer, do they ever report on anything factual?

Bout as often as the Obama media does.

It's bad when there is so much biased reporting that some stories never see the light of day unless they surface in a tabloid first.

Yes, he had an affair with a unicorn, and Michelle was caught in bed with Aliens. that's the type of shit the Inquirer publishes, and you want to claim its a legit source we should take seriously?]

BTW, I could care less if someone is having an affair, its really insignificant to being president, and in fact some of the great presidents of the past were well known to have affairs.

But small, petty people who just want to make partisan rants and attacks will turn it into a big deal. You should be more concerned with real issues that you have with Obama, and not this small, petty nonsense which makes up most of the conservative criticism of Obama on this board. It's people like you that political mudslinging targets during campaigns to deflect from any real issues at hand
Oh well, and it's like the lefties LOVED George Bush and showed it every day he was in office.:lol:

I rest my case! :lol:

Projection.....we admired Bush for what was.

You love Obama for what he claims to be.

But do you really know what Obama is really like.


Obama hasn't stood the test of time yet. Bush didn't start dropping in popularity until he invaded Iraq, two years in. I actually believed 43 when he said he was a "compassionate conservative" until he started proving otherwise. Also, as I've said many times before, I actually campaigned for his father against Reagan. So there ya go. I'm not one of those who is ready to stomp all over a new president until he's truly proven his muster (or not). I would have supported ANY Democrat for President this time around, not just Obama, by the way. mean Dante?

Sorry...don't confuse me with him. I might just possibly take offense.

Again, I said "one of the" most insulting. I don't get to read much of Dante because he posts at a different time, but I know his reputation. I'm not defending him, but the pure hypocrisy you continue to present is laughable. Yes, you ARE just as bad.

There's nothing about me that can be viewed as hypocrisy.

I've always stated that when one of ours does something wrong he needs to leave.

You on the other hand contend that only your opponents deserve scrutiny. What flies with your guy dies in your memory but when the same is discovered with a GOPer...he's stained for life.

Bubba fucked around and should have been punished...but you probably claim it's a personal matter.

Bush couldn't find WMDs so you claim he lied I that makes him dishonest.

Obama lies every time he opens his mouth. His lies are obvious.....yet you support him at nearly every turn....yet Bush is a target for you. How do you describe someone who believes in such double-standards?

I would call them a hypocrite.

And because I believe this you call me one.

It's hilarious.

You're presuming to know an awful lot about me. Another one of your failures.
What's that suppose to mean?

These are toughies.

My Two Cents Worth: Just how "Red" is Tennessee?
In the past presidential election, the state voted for McCain by a margin of 57% to 42%. Obama only took 5 of the 95 counties, including Davidson (Nashville) and Shelby (Memphis).

Obama still got 42%. 42% is alot for a state that hates that means you lied when you said everyone in TN hated him.

:lol: So now you're going to get picky on verbiage, like using "everyone" rather than, er, "most people"?? Okay, then how about you stop saying shit like "every time" Obama opens his mouth he lies? Okay? Okay.
These are toughies.

My Two Cents Worth: Just how "Red" is Tennessee?
In the past presidential election, the state voted for McCain by a margin of 57% to 42%. Obama only took 5 of the 95 counties, including Davidson (Nashville) and Shelby (Memphis).

Obama still got 42%. 42% is alot for a state that hates that means you lied when you said everyone in TN hated him.

:lol: So now you're going to get picky on verbiage, like using "everyone" rather than, er, "most people"?? Okay, then how about you stop saying shit like "every time" Obama opens his mouth he lies? Okay? Okay.

I'm not getting picky at all. You have to learn to defend your own statements. Everyone means every single one...every person in TN hates him. That is what you said. If you meant otherwise you should have said so.

I defend my position that every time Obama gives a speech he lies. I know what the facts are and every time he gives a speech he can't stop himself from lying. The only time he's not lying is when he says what's on his mind like this latest statement..."I do think there comes a time when you've made enough money" or something to that effect.

He meant that.....and everyone claims we aren't supposed to draw any conclusions from that statement.
Again, I said "one of the" most insulting. I don't get to read much of Dante because he posts at a different time, but I know his reputation. I'm not defending him, but the pure hypocrisy you continue to present is laughable. Yes, you ARE just as bad.

There's nothing about me that can be viewed as hypocrisy.

I've always stated that when one of ours does something wrong he needs to leave.

You on the other hand contend that only your opponents deserve scrutiny. What flies with your guy dies in your memory but when the same is discovered with a GOPer...he's stained for life.

Bubba fucked around and should have been punished...but you probably claim it's a personal matter.

Bush couldn't find WMDs so you claim he lied I that makes him dishonest.

Obama lies every time he opens his mouth. His lies are obvious.....yet you support him at nearly every turn....yet Bush is a target for you. How do you describe someone who believes in such double-standards?

I would call them a hypocrite.

And because I believe this you call me one.

It's hilarious.

You're presuming to know an awful lot about me. Another one of your failures.

I'm not presuming anything. That's why I use some words and phrases like "I guess".

You should try them. Try to be less accusatory and more objective.

I make an assumption based on your response and it's up to you to show me that I'm incorrect or being unfair.

You called me insulting but that's all you seem to want to do to me.

That's what being a hypocrite is.

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