National Enquirer backs off of "proof" of Obama affair


National Enquirer - Obama scandal - Vera Baker | Mediaite

The National Enquirer, which published a report this morning [yesterday] that “investigators are attempting to obtain a tape” that proved an illicit rendezvous between President Barack Obama and former US Senate campaign staffer Vera Baker, has updated their story this afternoon [yesterday afternoon] to retract the claim that there is video evidence of the affair with the alleged testimony of an anonymous chauffeur..

So now we're down to just the testimony of a limo driver.

This story is going nowhere fast.

I think the only thing they're retracting is that they may have video evidence and it's not an actual retraction. The article states that investigators are attempting to obtain the video but have been unable to at this time.

That still doesn't mean they have none...just that they aren't willing to release it.....which means Obama lawyers have possibly contacted them and threatened them.

The article states that the limo driver still stands by his original story or has not changed it to date.

This article disproves nothing.
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Bought off, that's a shock.

Maybe you ought to change your name to Soviet Girl, real Californian's and real Americans believe in innocent until proven guilty. Only RW authoritarians believe otherwise.

PS Another example of RW fools working together to forment insurrection - sedition is a RW traditional value.
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Bought off, that's a shock.

Maybe you ought to change your name to Soviet Girl, real Californian's and real Americans believe in innocent until proven guilty. Only RW authoritarians believe otherwise.

My, we are on a roll today. Firstly, I've already commented that the story is bullshit and, unless there is actual concrete proof, I disapprove of running these stupid gossipy stories.

Secondly, you're becoming a total jerk with your constant need to fall back on stupid phrases like 'hate', 'fear' and now 'real Americans'. Namely, because all those silly little phrases are pathetic, cowardly whines instead of decent arguments. You're a joke. If I were Gunny, I'd only allow you to post in the humor subforum, because that's where all your crap belongs. Stupid little man.
Bought off, that's a shock.

Maybe you ought to change your name to Soviet Girl, real Californian's and real Americans believe in innocent until proven guilty. Only RW authoritarians believe otherwise.

PS Another example of RW fools working together to forment insurrection - sedition is a RW traditional value.

Who would pay more for the story?

Obama supporters or the GOP wanting to bring him down?

Follow the money
notice the Obamabots coming out and saying this "just can't be true and how dare anyone even suggested it", comes out faster than flies on shit do.:lol:
Bought off, that's a shock.

Maybe you ought to change your name to Soviet Girl, real Californian's and real Americans believe in innocent until proven guilty. Only RW authoritarians believe otherwise.

PS Another example of RW fools working together to forment insurrection - sedition is a RW traditional value.

Bush was found guilty from rumors and gossup, Sarah Palin as well, so is Arizona.

Practice what you preach.

And wait just one God Damned minute!!!

What the fuck does exposing Obama's affair mean someone is trying to foment insurrection and sedition?

Isn't Obama doing that by supporting those who break our laws. Doesn't Obama's marxist chatter cause divisions? Isn't that skinny asshole causing sedition when he openly states that the laws of this country are wrong, when he encourages those who are breaking our laws to stand up against our government?
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notice the Obamabots coming out and saying this "just can't be true and how dare anyone even suggested it", comes out faster than flies on shit do.:lol:

Nope, your postings are the shit on the reactionary flies from fringe whinge of the loony far right, Steph.

You are an embarassment to all that is good about America.

Quit whining.
Bought off, that's a shock.

Maybe you ought to change your name to Soviet Girl, real Californian's and real Americans believe in innocent until proven guilty. Only RW authoritarians believe otherwise.

My, we are on a roll today. Firstly, I've already commented that the story is bullshit and, unless there is actual concrete proof, I disapprove of running these stupid gossipy stories.

Secondly, you're becoming a total jerk with your constant need to fall back on stupid phrases like 'hate', 'fear' and now 'real Americans'. Namely, because all those silly little phrases are pathetic, cowardly whines instead of decent arguments. You're a joke. If I were Gunny, I'd only allow you to post in the humor subforum, because that's where all your crap belongs. Stupid little man.

Gee, I thought you were gunny, in drag. Maybe, if you listened to yourself and others on the RW Fringe you might not dismiss "hate" and "Fear" rhetoric so quickly. "Your kind" or "real" Americans is simply my way of dissing (sic?) Sarah Palin - but I suppose that's too subtle for a closed mind.
notice the Obamabots coming out and saying this "just can't be true and how dare anyone even suggested it", comes out faster than flies on shit do.:lol:

Nope, your postings are the shit on the reactionary flies from fringe whinge of the loony far right, Steph.

You are an embarassment to all that is good about America.

Quit whining.

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notice the Obamabots coming out and saying this "just can't be true and how dare anyone even suggested it", comes out faster than flies on shit do.:lol:

Nope, your postings are the shit on the reactionary flies from fringe whinge of the loony far right, Steph.

You are an embarassment to all that is good about America.

Quit whining.

I'm noticing the usual reaction of the left to anything that makes their current favorite politician look bad.....that of insults and counter accusations.

You can't prove that this story is false so you start the name calling.

Try sticking to the issues at hand and maybe stay away from the insults.

Then maybe you might appear like you're not throwing a hissy-fit.
Quit whining, 'whistle, when a lliar gets called out. At least you don't lie. And, no, you are not mainstream, you are rather far, far to the whinge fringe. Get used to it and get ready to get clobbered again this fall.
Bought off, that's a shock.

Maybe you ought to change your name to Soviet Girl, real Californian's and real Americans believe in innocent until proven guilty. Only RW authoritarians believe otherwise.

My, we are on a roll today. Firstly, I've already commented that the story is bullshit and, unless there is actual concrete proof, I disapprove of running these stupid gossipy stories.

Secondly, you're becoming a total jerk with your constant need to fall back on stupid phrases like 'hate', 'fear' and now 'real Americans'. Namely, because all those silly little phrases are pathetic, cowardly whines instead of decent arguments. You're a joke. If I were Gunny, I'd only allow you to post in the humor subforum, because that's where all your crap belongs. Stupid little man.

Yes....real Americans would never think this story was true....[sarcasm intended]

I just think it's highly possible.

Egomaniacs like Obama tend to dabble in such activity.

Doesn't mean it's a true story though.

Then may be true.

The National Enquirer broke the story about Rev. Wright and John Edwards....I think this is pretty much the same.
Quit whining, 'whistle, when a lliar gets called out. At least you don't lie. And, no, you are not mainstream, you are rather far, far to the whinge fringe. Get used to it and get ready to get clobbered again this fall.

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Quit whining, 'whistle, when a lliar gets called out. At least you don't lie. And, no, you are not mainstream, you are rather far, far to the whinge fringe. Get used to it and get ready to get clobbered again this fall.

Obama gets called out all of the time and his usual reaction is to get even or make counter-accusations.

And I think you should get ready...because people hate Obama [everyone here hates his guts] and they will show you fuckers in droves.
I guess everyone who doesn't fall at the feet of the Obama is considered "far right" now.:lol:
Maybe you ought to change your name to Soviet Girl, real Californian's and real Americans believe in innocent until proven guilty. Only RW authoritarians believe otherwise.

My, we are on a roll today. Firstly, I've already commented that the story is bullshit and, unless there is actual concrete proof, I disapprove of running these stupid gossipy stories.

Secondly, you're becoming a total jerk with your constant need to fall back on stupid phrases like 'hate', 'fear' and now 'real Americans'. Namely, because all those silly little phrases are pathetic, cowardly whines instead of decent arguments. You're a joke. If I were Gunny, I'd only allow you to post in the humor subforum, because that's where all your crap belongs. Stupid little man.

Gee, I thought you were gunny, in drag. Maybe, if you listened to yourself and others on the RW Fringe you might not dismiss "hate" and "Fear" rhetoric so quickly. "Your kind" or "real" Americans is simply my way of dissing (sic?) Sarah Palin - but I suppose that's too subtle for a closed mind.



"real Americans"

"Your kind"

All pathetic attempts to marginalize anyone you disagree with. I use only one word for you.... 'pathetic'.... because it fits. You know fuck all about me, Yet you'll happily brand me with these silly words because you disagree with me.
Quit whining, 'whistle, when a lliar gets called out. At least you don't lie. And, no, you are not mainstream, you are rather far, far to the whinge fringe. Get used to it and get ready to get clobbered again this fall.

Obama gets called out all of the time and his usual reaction is to get even or make counter-accusations.

And I think you should get ready...because people hate Obama [everyone here hates his guts] and they will show you fuckers in droves.

That's why his popularity polls go up and the comparison of GOP popularity to him goes down for the Republicans.


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