National Enquirer backs off of "proof" of Obama affair

I guess everyone who doesn't fall at the feet of the Obama is considered "far right" now.:lol:

No, just anyone who doesn't agree with JokeDorkey. He's a 'real' Republican.... which is probably why the GOP is tanking. He wants to clear people like me out of 'his' party.... which is quite tricky.... since I'm not stupid enough to join his fucking party.
Bought off, that's a shock.

Sure. :cuckoo: It's just another example of National Enquirer doing what it does best: Pique the interest just enough to sell more mags at the checkout stand to people who rarely actually buy it.

As I recall, the tabloid stopped extending their 'rumors' a long time ago when Frank Sinatra sued the shit out of them. Since then, they haven't dared go further with a story until they have solid proof.

That said, it is indeed a rare man who can resist forever the come hither temptations of a woman on a mission. So an affair would be understandable. But a coverup wouldn't. It took a long time for me to get past Clinton's shenanigans and remember that in spite of it all, he was still a great president.
Quit whining, 'whistle, when a lliar gets called out. At least you don't lie. And, no, you are not mainstream, you are rather far, far to the whinge fringe. Get used to it and get ready to get clobbered again this fall.

Obama gets called out all of the time and his usual reaction is to get even or make counter-accusations.

And I think you should get ready...because people hate Obama [everyone here hates his guts] and they will show you fuckers in droves.

But the right has NO hate, none whatsoever, right? Everyone you know must be a closet lefty. ;)

Just FYI, I disagree with a lot of Obama's policies. But to hate a man's guts you don't even know over politcal differences says a helluva lot more about the haters than their target.
Oh well, and it's like the lefties LOVED George Bush and showed it every day he was in office.:lol:
They better watch their backs. I'm sure Homeland Security is already conducting surveillance on National Enquirer employees. You ever hear of the 'Disappeared?' These Enquirer employees better be careful. That being said,i wouldn't be too quick to dismiss the National Enquirer. The Liberal dominated MSM will ignore this story just like they do whenever a Democrat is involved in a scandal. That doesn't mean it's not true though. We saw this with the John Edwards scandal. The MSM tried their best to ignore that scandal and even defended Edwards afterward. This scandal could be the real-deal. I just worry about Enquirer employee safety at this point. This White House is capable of anything.

I've heard that starting viral rumors has become a booming business. You the CEO of one?
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Bought off, that's a shock.

Maybe you ought to change your name to Soviet Girl, real Californian's and real Americans believe in innocent until proven guilty. Only RW authoritarians believe otherwise.

PS Another example of RW fools working together to forment insurrection - sedition is a RW traditional value.

Who would pay more for the story?

Obama supporters or the GOP wanting to bring him down?

Follow the money

That's a toss up! They probly had a flippin auction!
national inquirer, do they ever report on anything factual?

Bout as often as the Obama media does.

It's bad when there is so much biased reporting that some stories never see the light of day unless they surface in a tabloid first.
notice the Obamabots coming out and saying this "just can't be true and how dare anyone even suggested it", comes out faster than flies on shit do.:lol:

Nope, your postings are the shit on the reactionary flies from fringe whinge of the loony far right, Steph.

You are an embarassment to all that is good about America.

Quit whining.

I'm noticing the usual reaction of the left to anything that makes their current favorite politician look bad.....that of insults and counter accusations.

You can't prove that this story is false so you start the name calling.

Try sticking to the issues at hand and maybe stay away from the insults.

Then maybe you might appear like you're not throwing a hissy-fit.

:lol: This coming from one of the most insulting assholes on the board.
Quit whining, 'whistle, when a lliar gets called out. At least you don't lie. And, no, you are not mainstream, you are rather far, far to the whinge fringe. Get used to it and get ready to get clobbered again this fall.

He doesn't lie? Well you coulda fooled me.

mudwhistle said:
Isn't Obama doing that by supporting those who break our laws. Doesn't Obama's marxist chatter cause divisions? Isn't that skinny asshole causing sedition when he openly states that the laws of this country are wrong, when he encourages those who are breaking our laws to stand up against our government?
Nope, your postings are the shit on the reactionary flies from fringe whinge of the loony far right, Steph.

You are an embarassment to all that is good about America.

Quit whining.

I'm noticing the usual reaction of the left to anything that makes their current favorite politician look bad.....that of insults and counter accusations.

You can't prove that this story is false so you start the name calling.

Try sticking to the issues at hand and maybe stay away from the insults.

Then maybe you might appear like you're not throwing a hissy-fit.

:lol: This coming from one of the most insulting assholes on the board.

Oh, come on! Muddie is nowhere near as insulting as I am. He's an amateur compared to me. And I'm an amateur in comparison to the rantings of the likes of Diaper Boy and his gay biker pal.
Quit whining, 'whistle, when a lliar gets called out. At least you don't lie. And, no, you are not mainstream, you are rather far, far to the whinge fringe. Get used to it and get ready to get clobbered again this fall.

Obama gets called out all of the time and his usual reaction is to get even or make counter-accusations.

And I think you should get ready...because people hate Obama [everyone here hates his guts] and they will show you fuckers in droves.

But of course everyone in Tennessee hates Obama. Is that supposed to surprise anyone?
Nope, your postings are the shit on the reactionary flies from fringe whinge of the loony far right, Steph.

You are an embarassment to all that is good about America.

Quit whining.

I'm noticing the usual reaction of the left to anything that makes their current favorite politician look bad.....that of insults and counter accusations.

You can't prove that this story is false so you start the name calling.

Try sticking to the issues at hand and maybe stay away from the insults.

Then maybe you might appear like you're not throwing a hissy-fit.

:lol: This coming from one of the most insulting assholes on the board. mean Dante?

Sorry...don't confuse me with him. I might just possibly take offense.
Quit whining, 'whistle, when a lliar gets called out. At least you don't lie. And, no, you are not mainstream, you are rather far, far to the whinge fringe. Get used to it and get ready to get clobbered again this fall.

Obama gets called out all of the time and his usual reaction is to get even or make counter-accusations.

And I think you should get ready...because people hate Obama [everyone here hates his guts] and they will show you fuckers in droves.

But of course everyone in Tennessee hates Obama. Is that supposed to surprise anyone?

What's that suppose to mean?
Quit whining, 'whistle, when a lliar gets called out. At least you don't lie. And, no, you are not mainstream, you are rather far, far to the whinge fringe. Get used to it and get ready to get clobbered again this fall.

Obama gets called out all of the time and his usual reaction is to get even or make counter-accusations.

And I think you should get ready...because people hate Obama [everyone here hates his guts] and they will show you fuckers in droves.

But the right has NO hate, none whatsoever, right? Everyone you know must be a closet lefty. ;)

Just FYI, I disagree with a lot of Obama's policies. But to hate a man's guts you don't even know over politcal differences says a helluva lot more about the haters than their target.

Probably 99% of it is revenge because Bush took so much heat. Yet most of the people on the right who post here will deny they ever supported Bush. Go figure.
Nearly half of TN voted for the asshole for one reason or another.

Many of them were college students and Democrats that have voted Dem all their lives.

They didn't care what color he was. They couldn't bring themselves to vote for McCain.

That's all changed now.

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