National Enquirer Owner Paid Trump Doorman $30,000 to Kill "Rumor" Before Election

Okay, this story just got considerably more serious.

Firstly, I didn't know that the same guy who broke the Weinstein case is breaking this one.

The National Enquirer, a Trump Rumor, and Another Secret Payment to Buy Silence | The New Yorker

Although many of the A.M.I. sources I spoke with expressed skepticism about Sajudin’s claims, all six agreed that A.M.I. made a concerted effort to shut down the story. Several said that they believed the coverup, rather than the story itself, was of public importance. One told me that, after the polygraph came back positive, “the decision was made at a high level to pay this source those funds and to put this thing to rest without an investigation taking place.” A.M.I.’s decision was unusual even in the context of the company’s other efforts to purchase stories in order to bury them, a practice known as “catch and kill.” Another source, who believed that A.M.I. suppressed the story to help Trump, said of Sajudin, “It’s unheard of to give a guy who calls A.M.I.’s tip line big bucks for information he is passing on secondhand. We didn’t pay thousands of dollars for non-stories, let alone tens of thousands. It was a highly curious and questionable situation.”

A.M.I. later attempted to prevent other outlets from reporting on the story or the company’s payout. In the summer of 2017, the Associated Press began investigating A.M.I.’s suppression of the story. At one point, reporters were hours away from posting a piece, but A.M.I. assembled a legal team to lobby against publication. The team included Lanny Davis, a crisis manager and longtime confidant of Bill and Hillary Clinton who did similar work on behalf of Harvey Weinstein. Davis and Howard met with a reporter, an editor, and a lawyer from the Associated Press. Citing attorney-client privilege, Davis said that he could not reveal the legal advice he gave Howard, but he described some of what happened in the meeting. Davis told me that Howard presented the A.P. with claims that cast doubt on Sajudin’s character, including the allegations on the anonymous Web site. “When Dylan told me he had these documents and he hoped he would kill the story, my opening statement was, ‘I am not here to kill any story. That’s not what I do for a living,’ ” Davis told me. “I encouraged my client, Mr. Howard, to reveal what he had about the source of the story.” Davis said he told the A.P., “It’s up to you to decide whether to write the story as a ‘he says, he says’ or not.” At the time, the A.P. did not run the story.



Yesterday, he was going "can neither confirm nor deny" unless money changes hands. Like - it's not worth the hassle and for what? So now ... and in the eighties. That I think would have been during the Marla marriage? No? Ivana. I think. I cannot keep up any more. How old is Tiffany?
Fox News isn't a credible source for Liberals but the owner of the National Enquirer is ?

They're good enough for Trump! He's good friends with the owner. Did you not know that?

Further, they broke the John Edwards story. Grudging respect on that one. And I'm sure you were happy to see them break it. But lemme guess. "THIS IS DIFFERENT!"

If you take seriously a "news" organisation who's bread and butter is batboy and Elvis sightings you've got issues.
I'm betting the majority of people didn't take the Edwards thing seriously either until it was verified by the real news. I was shocked that Liberals disowned the man though usually the douchebag Democrats are venerated by the party.
Fox News isn't a credible source for Liberals but the owner of the National Enquirer is ?

They're good enough for Trump! He's good friends with the owner. Did you not know that?

Further, they broke the John Edwards story. Grudging respect on that one. And I'm sure you were happy to see them break it. But lemme guess. "THIS IS DIFFERENT!"

If you take seriously a "news" organisation who's bread and butter is batboy and Elvis sightings you've got issues.
I'm betting the majority of people didn't take the Edwards thing seriously either until it was verified by the real news. I was shocked that Liberals disowned the man though usually the douchebag Democrats are venerated by the party.

The New Yorker is covering the story. They broke the story. Ronan Farrow. Same guy that broke the Harvey Weinstein story.
I can just imagine how many women Creepy Donnie forced to have abortions and then paid to shut them up
What a waste of money. Don't they know that none of Trump's followers give a shit what he's done, what he's doing, who he's doing - none of it.

National Enquirer Owner Paid Trump Doorman $30,000 to Kill "Rumor" Before Election

The Associated Press confirmed the details of the Enquirer's payment through a review of a confidential contract and interviews with dozens of current and former employees of the Enquirer and its parent company, American Media Inc. Sajudin got $30,000 in exchange for signing over the rights, "in perpetuity," to a rumor he'd heard about Trump's sex life — that the president had fathered an illegitimate child with an employee at Trump World Tower, a skyscraper he owns near the United Nations. The contract subjected Sajudin to a $1 million penalty if he disclosed either the rumor or the terms of the deal to anyone.

Cohen, the longtime Trump attorney, acknowledged to the AP that he had discussed Sajudin's story with the magazine when the tabloid was working on it. He said he was acting as a Trump spokesman when he did so and denied knowing anything beforehand about the Enquirer payment to the ex-doorman.

The parallel between the ex-Playmate's and the ex-doorman's dealings with the Enquirer raises new questions about the roles that the Enquirer and Cohen may have played in protecting Trump's image during a hard-fought presidential election. Prosecutors are probing whether Cohen broke banking or campaign laws in connection with AMI's payment to McDougal and a $130,000 payment to porn star Stormy Daniels that Cohen said he paid out of his own pocket.

Further, it's a rumor. Who pays to quash a rumor. That's not even a bad rumor, really. Kind of a compliment about the potency of his elderly seed or some such oh god I'm going to be sick.


There may be more Trump heirs than we're aware of. Interesting...
Mueller can't keep up his witch hunt forever. There comes a tipping point when the majority of American start questioning what the fuck he is really up to.
That tipping point is very fast approaching.
Mueller better shit or get off the pot.
When not if Mueller has to tell the world the whole Trump-hate farce is just that he'll have to climb under a rock for a few years before he can quitely appear on a MSNBC midnight Brian Williams show.
Does the phukchild know his daddy's a pu$$y?
Tis funny how you slip up and show your hateful bigotry so very frequently - you do it with all the people you leftards pretend to challenge - and now you refer to an innocent kid (the subject of an unsubstantiated story too) a ‘phuckchikd’.
Well now you sound like a creepy pervert too.
Well done and thanks!
What a waste of money. Don't they know that none of Trump's followers give a shit what he's done, what he's doing, who he's doing - none of it.

National Enquirer Owner Paid Trump Doorman $30,000 to Kill "Rumor" Before Election

The Associated Press confirmed the details of the Enquirer's payment through a review of a confidential contract and interviews with dozens of current and former employees of the Enquirer and its parent company, American Media Inc. Sajudin got $30,000 in exchange for signing over the rights, "in perpetuity," to a rumor he'd heard about Trump's sex life — that the president had fathered an illegitimate child with an employee at Trump World Tower, a skyscraper he owns near the United Nations. The contract subjected Sajudin to a $1 million penalty if he disclosed either the rumor or the terms of the deal to anyone.

Cohen, the longtime Trump attorney, acknowledged to the AP that he had discussed Sajudin's story with the magazine when the tabloid was working on it. He said he was acting as a Trump spokesman when he did so and denied knowing anything beforehand about the Enquirer payment to the ex-doorman.

The parallel between the ex-Playmate's and the ex-doorman's dealings with the Enquirer raises new questions about the roles that the Enquirer and Cohen may have played in protecting Trump's image during a hard-fought presidential election. Prosecutors are probing whether Cohen broke banking or campaign laws in connection with AMI's payment to McDougal and a $130,000 payment to porn star Stormy Daniels that Cohen said he paid out of his own pocket.

Further, it's a rumor. Who pays to quash a rumor. That's not even a bad rumor, really. Kind of a compliment about the potency of his elderly seed or some such oh god I'm going to be sick.


Still miffed about National Enquirer exposing John Edwards' love child scandal?

You sure showed them, didn't you? :laughing0301:

I am still miffed that he would lower himself to that level. That woman is NOT attractive in any way!
The former Trump building doorman who claimed he heard the President has a love child is “a pathological liar,” his ex-wife told the Daily News.

“He’s infamous for making up stories,” Nikki Benfatto said of her former husband Dino Sajudin.

“He’s seen the chupacabra. He’s seen bigfoot. One of our friends who passed away, he saw him too, walking down the street.”

Benfatto said Sajudin never mentioned anything to her about a possible Trump love child. She’s certain he never met Trump himself.

“He always had something to say about people,” Benfatto said.

“I never recall him mentioning anything like that.”

Benfatto said she stopped communicating with her ex in 2014 after he threatened her and spread false rumors about her online.

“The behavior is so extreme and so bizarre,” she said.

“I’m not surprised by what I’m hearing now but do I believe it? No way. He’s money hungry.”

“He’ll sell you the Brooklyn Bridge, promise you 50 grand and then pull the rug out from underneath you,” Benfatto added.

Trump building doorman's ex-wife says love child claim is a lie
The former Trump building doorman who claimed he heard the President has a love child is “a pathological liar,” his ex-wife told the Daily News.

“He’s infamous for making up stories,” Nikki Benfatto said of her former husband Dino Sajudin.

“He’s seen the chupacabra. He’s seen bigfoot. One of our friends who passed away, he saw him too, walking down the street.”

Benfatto said Sajudin never mentioned anything to her about a possible Trump love child. She’s certain he never met Trump himself.

“He always had something to say about people,” Benfatto said.

“I never recall him mentioning anything like that.”

Benfatto said she stopped communicating with her ex in 2014 after he threatened her and spread false rumors about her online.

“The behavior is so extreme and so bizarre,” she said.

“I’m not surprised by what I’m hearing now but do I believe it? No way. He’s money hungry.”

“He’ll sell you the Brooklyn Bridge, promise you 50 grand and then pull the rug out from underneath you,” Benfatto added.

Trump building doorman's ex-wife says love child claim is a lie

Oh, and I'm sure she doesn't hold a grudge.

How did he pass a lie detector test?

Did anybody read the New Yorker story, which actually supplies information and facts as opposed to "he said, she said" crap?
National Enquirer is one paper Trump does not call fake news
So, Trump knocked up his housekeeper. Was it consensual - or did he rape her? Did he pay her off? How much? Did Cohen facilitate the payoff? Did the other Trump kids know about this?

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