National Enquirer Owner Paid Trump Doorman $30,000 to Kill "Rumor" Before Election

What a waste of money. Don't they know that none of Trump's followers give a shit what he's done, what he's doing, who he's doing - none of it.

National Enquirer Owner Paid Trump Doorman $30,000 to Kill "Rumor" Before Election

The Associated Press confirmed the details of the Enquirer's payment through a review of a confidential contract and interviews with dozens of current and former employees of the Enquirer and its parent company, American Media Inc. Sajudin got $30,000 in exchange for signing over the rights, "in perpetuity," to a rumor he'd heard about Trump's sex life — that the president had fathered an illegitimate child with an employee at Trump World Tower, a skyscraper he owns near the United Nations. The contract subjected Sajudin to a $1 million penalty if he disclosed either the rumor or the terms of the deal to anyone.

Cohen, the longtime Trump attorney, acknowledged to the AP that he had discussed Sajudin's story with the magazine when the tabloid was working on it. He said he was acting as a Trump spokesman when he did so and denied knowing anything beforehand about the Enquirer payment to the ex-doorman.

The parallel between the ex-Playmate's and the ex-doorman's dealings with the Enquirer raises new questions about the roles that the Enquirer and Cohen may have played in protecting Trump's image during a hard-fought presidential election. Prosecutors are probing whether Cohen broke banking or campaign laws in connection with AMI's payment to McDougal and a $130,000 payment to porn star Stormy Daniels that Cohen said he paid out of his own pocket.

Further, it's a rumor. Who pays to quash a rumor. That's not even a bad rumor, really. Kind of a compliment about the potency of his elderly seed or some such oh god I'm going to be sick.

I've often wondered why we hadn't heard about bastard children before this. With all the extramarital activities, I'd be surprised if there weren't a baseball team worth of them.
What a waste of money. Don't they know that none of Trump's followers give a shit what he's done, what he's doing, who he's doing - none of it.

National Enquirer Owner Paid Trump Doorman $30,000 to Kill "Rumor" Before Election

The Associated Press confirmed the details of the Enquirer's payment through a review of a confidential contract and interviews with dozens of current and former employees of the Enquirer and its parent company, American Media Inc. Sajudin got $30,000 in exchange for signing over the rights, "in perpetuity," to a rumor he'd heard about Trump's sex life — that the president had fathered an illegitimate child with an employee at Trump World Tower, a skyscraper he owns near the United Nations. The contract subjected Sajudin to a $1 million penalty if he disclosed either the rumor or the terms of the deal to anyone.

Cohen, the longtime Trump attorney, acknowledged to the AP that he had discussed Sajudin's story with the magazine when the tabloid was working on it. He said he was acting as a Trump spokesman when he did so and denied knowing anything beforehand about the Enquirer payment to the ex-doorman.

The parallel between the ex-Playmate's and the ex-doorman's dealings with the Enquirer raises new questions about the roles that the Enquirer and Cohen may have played in protecting Trump's image during a hard-fought presidential election. Prosecutors are probing whether Cohen broke banking or campaign laws in connection with AMI's payment to McDougal and a $130,000 payment to porn star Stormy Daniels that Cohen said he paid out of his own pocket.

Further, it's a rumor. Who pays to quash a rumor. That's not even a bad rumor, really. Kind of a compliment about the potency of his elderly seed or some such oh god I'm going to be sick.

I've often wondered why we hadn't heard about bastard children before this. With all the extramarital activities, I'd be surprised if there weren't a baseball team worth of them.
Imagine what Vlad Putin knows about Trump that we do not know ....Knowledge is Power....
What a waste of money. Don't they know that none of Trump's followers give a shit what he's done, what he's doing, who he's doing - none of it.

National Enquirer Owner Paid Trump Doorman $30,000 to Kill "Rumor" Before Election

The Associated Press confirmed the details of the Enquirer's payment through a review of a confidential contract and interviews with dozens of current and former employees of the Enquirer and its parent company, American Media Inc. Sajudin got $30,000 in exchange for signing over the rights, "in perpetuity," to a rumor he'd heard about Trump's sex life — that the president had fathered an illegitimate child with an employee at Trump World Tower, a skyscraper he owns near the United Nations. The contract subjected Sajudin to a $1 million penalty if he disclosed either the rumor or the terms of the deal to anyone.

Cohen, the longtime Trump attorney, acknowledged to the AP that he had discussed Sajudin's story with the magazine when the tabloid was working on it. He said he was acting as a Trump spokesman when he did so and denied knowing anything beforehand about the Enquirer payment to the ex-doorman.

The parallel between the ex-Playmate's and the ex-doorman's dealings with the Enquirer raises new questions about the roles that the Enquirer and Cohen may have played in protecting Trump's image during a hard-fought presidential election. Prosecutors are probing whether Cohen broke banking or campaign laws in connection with AMI's payment to McDougal and a $130,000 payment to porn star Stormy Daniels that Cohen said he paid out of his own pocket.

Further, it's a rumor. Who pays to quash a rumor. That's not even a bad rumor, really. Kind of a compliment about the potency of his elderly seed or some such oh god I'm going to be sick.

I've often wondered why we hadn't heard about bastard children before this. With all the extramarital activities, I'd be surprised if there weren't a baseball team worth of them.
Imagine what Vlad Putin knows about Trump that we do not know ....Knowledge is Power....
The thing is, it is only blackmail worthy knowledge if it is SECRET. Trump's secrets are being shouted to the four winds. So if Putin said "I'm gonna tell..." Trump would say "So what? They already know...."
The only thing Putin might still have on Trump is money laundering and etc. But Mueller is fast catching up.
So it seems to me that Putin's pile of cards is dwindling every scandal that is leaked.
I don't care if he lies/steals/cheats/etc ...just as long as he MAGA
we know sic semper Gimps
Fox News isn't a credible source for Liberals but the owner of the National Enquirer is ?

They're good enough for Trump! He's good friends with the owner. Did you not know that?

Further, they broke the John Edwards story. Grudging respect on that one. And I'm sure you were happy to see them break it. But lemme guess. "THIS IS DIFFERENT!"
You’re admitting Trump has a friend?!
Time: “Much as the Paula Jones’ harassment case against Bill Clinton helped drive his impeachment and the seizure of Anthony Weiner’s laptop led the FBI to reopen its probe of Hillary Clinton, Trump’s personal history now may threaten his presidency.”
All politicians are scum.
I vote platform, not personality.
If Charlie Manson had the Right platform eh
Only Liberals are mentally disturbed enough to believe that Facebook could change someone’s vote.
No they get billions in advertising revenues because they are one hundred percent ineffective ...
In the most recently reported year, Facebook generated 39.94 billion U.S. dollars in ad revenues

Hello Hello ? anybody home ? LOL

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