National Guard arrives in Ferguson, Veterans Ask Them to Join Protesters

Your mirror cave in your head, T2A, is even more distorted than that of bigreb. You are crazy, he is simply a thug.
Do you see some guy saying "I did two tours in Afghanistan and one in Iraq. I gotta get me some free beer and hair extentions. "
You aren't a Patriot or Oathkeeper, so stop sullying their name. You're an anarchist. . so don't even compare yourself to a Patriot. No Patriot would take to burning down the property of INNOCENT people. So get yourself to Ferguson and raise your fist, burn down a couple businesses or something

The Government of Missouri are the anarchists. They released the verdict at 9:00 at night, prime time for rioting, instead of 9:00 in the morning, when most people would be at work and the sun would be up.

The Tyranny of Missouri are the anarchists because they've abandoned the Rule of Law, if the Public Servants are not subject to the Law, then why are the Masters (the People), subject to the law? The Servant cannot be above the Master.

Molon Labe Neocon pig.

The only thing the Government or should I should say THE GOVERNOR of Missouri is. Is a fucking IDIOT, but he's a Democrat so Hopefully they vote him out and NEVER vote in another one. So don't go lumping every city government into your ranting and insanity
This isn't from military veterans. Veterans of the August protests maybe.

Most of the businesses have indicated that they will not rebuild or reopen. Some, like the beauty shop have been looted more than once. Somehow I don't see military veterans supporting stealing shampoo and hair extentions. I can't picture a military veteran on the side of a thug who beat up a scrawny clerk to steal cigarillos.

De Nile is a river in Egypt.

Correct me if I'm wrong, kids, but...

With respect to Active Duty and currently enrolled Reserve and National Guard personnel who might have signed this...

Is not incitement to disobey the lawful orders of superior authority not a HUGE-ASS violation of the US Uniform Code of Military Justice?

Are not Active Duty and currently enrolled Reserve and National Guard personnel subject to the UCMJ?


Article 15, anybody?

General Court Martial, anybody?

Yikes !!!

Remember Nuremburg fellow Neocon.
You aren't a Patriot or Oathkeeper, so stop sullying their name. You're an anarchist. . so don't even compare yourself to a Patriot. No Patriot would take to burning down the property of INNOCENT people. So get yourself to Ferguson and raise your fist, burn down a couple businesses or something

The Government of Missouri are the anarchists. They released the verdict at 9:00 at night, prime time for rioting, instead of 9:00 in the morning, when most people would be at work and the sun would be up.

The Tyranny of Missouri are the anarchists because they've abandoned the Rule of Law, if the Public Servants are not subject to the Law, then why are the Masters (the People), subject to the law? The Servant cannot be above the Master.

Molon Labe Neocon pig.


$100 and my left nut says none of the people destroying shit and looting were even awake at 0900, let alone engage in anything called work.

Freelance pharmecuticals don't count either.
$100 and my left nut says none of the people destroying shit and looting were even awake at 0900, let alone engage in anything called work.

Freelance pharmecuticals don't count either.

Judging by your own signature, you're a liberal.

n order to be a liberal you either have to be a complete blithering idiot, or a criminally insane authoritarian sociopath

Molon Labe.
Open letter urges "The police in Ferguson are violating the Constitution

Military Veterans Send Urgent Letter To National Guard In Ferguson Telling Them To Stand Down

There is no Rule of Law. If the Public Servants do not need to follow the Law, then why should their Masters (The People) ???

Between Obama the Usurper absorbing Congress's powers, all the way down to uniformed thugs executing shoplifters, there doesn't seem to be ANY confidence in government, nor should their be, that's not a Government, that's a Tyranny, nationalized tyranny (federal, state and local).

To our brothers and sisters in the Missouri National Guard:

We are writing to you as active-duty U.S. service members and veterans, most of us having served in the Iraq war.

You have a choice you can make right now.

The whole world is watching the Ferguson police with disgust. They killed an unarmed, college-bound Black youth in broad daylight, and subsequently responded to peaceful, constitutionally-protected protests with extreme violence and repression.

Countless constitutional and human rights violations by these police have been documented over the course of the Ferguson protests; from attacking and threatening journalists, to using tear gas against peaceful protesters, including children.

Now, Governor Nixon has again activated the National Guard to “support law enforcement.” But you don’t have to follow their orders—you can stand with the protesters instead.

Our true duty

When we signed up, we swore an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States.

The police in Ferguson are violating that Constitution.

The First Amendment guarantees the right to free speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of the press.

These laws are, as we are taught our entire lives, our most cherished Constitutional rights—the whole basis for the “freedom” we are told makes us the greatest country on Earth.

It is undeniable that the Ferguson police has used extreme violence against peaceful protesters, suppressing the right of the people to free speech and the freedom to assemble. They have attacked crowds, with children in them, with rubber bullets, sound cannons and tear gas. People have been mass arrested for simply being at the protest. Image credit:

Freedom of the press has also been severely infringed upon by Ferguson police. Journalists have been arrested; photo evidence shows riot police firing tear gas directly at reporters and tearing down their camera equipment; Ferguson police have been caught on video threatening journalists with violence if they don’t leave, and declaring that they are not allowed in the protest area.

Mod edit to comply with copyright rules - please post a small to medium size portion of the article, not the entire thing.
Too bad that letter is full of lies.
Give me one fully armed Apache Helicopter, and I will end the protests.

Posse Comitatus...

However rubber bullets and water cannons would work wonders.

Again, judging by your signature, you're a liberal.

n order to be a liberal you either have to be a complete blithering idiot, or a criminally insane authoritarian sociopath

You should change your title to: "Bringer of Marxism."
$100 and my left nut says none of the people destroying shit and looting were even awake at 0900, let alone engage in anything called work.

Freelance pharmecuticals don't count either.

Judging by your own signature, you're a liberal.

n order to be a liberal you either have to be a complete blithering idiot, or a criminally insane authoritarian sociopath

Molon Labe.

Uh huh... Sure...

Remember Nuremburg fellow Neocon.
Mind your manners in labeling somebody a Neocon... I am no such thing.


What the hell is that supposed to mean in this context... 'remember Nuremburg'?

I think I know where you're going with this, but I want to be sure, so it's best to have you spell it out, rather than me guessing.

Tag... you're "it".
Give me one fully armed Apache Helicopter, and I will end the protests.

Posse Comitatus...

However rubber bullets and water cannons would work wonders.

Again, judging by your signature, you're a liberal.

n order to be a liberal you either have to be a complete blithering idiot, or a criminally insane authoritarian sociopath

You should change your title to: "Bringer of Marxism."

You know, your steadfast dedication to the 2nd Amendment notwithstanding, between this stupid thread and your belief 9/11 was an inside job I need not defend myself. I've seen Hazelnut post more rational shit than this.
Remember Nuremburg fellow Neocon.
Mind your manners in labeling somebody a Neocon... I am no such thing.


What the hell is that supposed to mean in this context... 'remember Nuremburg'?

I think I know where you're going with this, but I want to be sure, so it's best to have you spell it out, rather than me guessing.

Tag... you're "it".

Funny that you wouldn't include the message in which I replied to, as if I initiated this line of discourse. Did I toss too big a monkey wrench into your original plan with that post?
Remember Nuremburg fellow Neocon.
Mind your manners in labeling somebody a Neocon... I am no such thing.


What the hell is that supposed to mean in this context... 'remember Nuremburg'?

I think I know where you're going with this, but I want to be sure, so it's best to have you spell it out, rather than me guessing.

Tag... you're "it".

Funny that you wouldn't include the message in which I replied to, as if I initiated this line of discourse. Did I toss too big a monkey wrench into your original plan with that post?
Oh, stop pissing and moaning... I stripped-out the original, after first posting it still embedded, because the system would not highlight YOUR post... the one that I was responding to... and one need look no further than your own post... on the same damned page... to see the context again, if needed. Nothing sinister intended.

Now... if you're quite through, nitpicking, how about answering the question?

What do you mean, by 'remember Nuremburg', in the context of the Active Duty (and Reserve and Guard?) troops who signed that letter, encouraging their comrades to disobey lawful superior authority?

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