National Guard arrives in Ferguson, Veterans Ask Them to Join Protesters

Wow... it looks like a lot of folks... Left, Right and Center... don't much appreciate the OP... I'm starting to understand why.

Shock and Awe 2.0, both were done after sundown to maximize the fire works for the cameras to instill terror among the People of Iraq and now the People of Ferguson.

Oathbreakers, Traitors, Usurpers and Terrorists are in control of this nation.
Wow... it looks like a lot of folks... Left, Right and Center... don't much appreciate the OP... I'm starting to understand why.

Looks the a lot of folks on USMB have flip flopped on the their principles, revealing themselves to be partisan hacks and/or socks.

I mean seriously, look at PredFan , he just admitted that's perfectly ok for Whites to commit to an armed insurrection in Athens, Tennessee in 1946 to stop police brutality, but this doesn't apply to them uppity *******.
Uhhhhh... yeah... sure... it's not you... it's all the rest of us... yeah... yeah... that's the ticket!
Wow... it looks like a lot of folks... Left, Right and Center... don't much appreciate the OP... I'm starting to understand why.

Looks the a lot of folks on USMB have flip flopped on the their principles, revealing themselves to be partisan hacks and/or socks.

I mean seriously, look at PredFan , he just admitted that's perfectly ok for Whites to commit to an armed insurrection in Athens, Tennessee in 1946 to stop police brutality, but this doesn't apply to them uppity *******.


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Wow... it looks like a lot of folks... Left, Right and Center... don't much appreciate the OP... I'm starting to understand why.

Looks the a lot of folks on USMB have flip flopped on the their principles, revealing themselves to be partisan hacks and/or socks.

I mean seriously, look at PredFan , he just admitted that's perfectly ok for Whites to commit to an armed insurrection in Athens, Tennessee in 1946 to stop police brutality, but this doesn't apply to them uppity *******.
Uhhhhh... yeah... sure... it's not you... it's all the rest of us... yeah... yeah... that's the ticket!

Are you denying the flip flop?
Wow... it looks like a lot of folks... Left, Right and Center... don't much appreciate the OP... I'm starting to understand why.

Looks the a lot of folks on USMB have flip flopped on the their principles, revealing themselves to be partisan hacks and/or socks.

I mean seriously, look at PredFan , he just admitted that's perfectly ok for Whites to commit to an armed insurrection in Athens, Tennessee in 1946 to stop police brutality, but this doesn't apply to them uppity *******.
Uhhhhh... yeah... sure... it's not you... it's all the rest of us... yeah... yeah... that's the ticket!

Are you denying the flip flop?
Hell, I don't even understand what it is you're trying to get at, or who's side you're on... you seem to be all over the map... too much trouble to keep track of.
You aren't a Patriot or Oathkeeper, so stop sullying their name. You're an anarchist. . so don't even compare yourself to a Patriot. No Patriot would take to burning down the property of INNOCENT people. So get yourself to Ferguson and raise your fist, burn down a couple businesses or something

The Government of Missouri are the anarchists. They released the verdict at 9:00 at night, prime time for rioting, instead of 9:00 in the morning, when most people would be at work and the sun would be up.

The Tyranny of Missouri are the anarchists because they've abandoned the Rule of Law, if the Public Servants are not subject to the Law, then why are the Masters (the People), subject to the law? The Servant cannot be above the Master.

Molon Labe Neocon pig.
Dimwit governor. They did it for safety reasons because they knew thugs would riot no matter what the decision. I don't believe your so called letter is legitimate.

I'm talking about meeting with these Radicals and giving in to some of the Demands. I live in Missouri so I might know a thing or two what is going on here
I live in Missouri also:)

Didn't we talk about that before? We live fairly close to each other.
As for the op he's wigging out of his mind. :alcoholic:
No, never have to my knowledge.
Hell, I don't even understand what it is you're trying to get at, or who's side you're on... you seem to be all over the map... too much trouble to keep track of.

I'm not on any faction's side. Your trouble is that you cannot identify my allegiance (did someone not just mention I'm a left-wing sock, as if I've been on USMB for two years promoting strict observance of the US Constitution to feign I was a Libertarian/Constitutionalist/Conservative so I "embarrass" conservatives when the time came), which means you can't copy and paste a bunch of recycled talking points to counter my arguments.

Go find any post of mine in the past two years that is inconsistent with anything I have said in the last two days.

The Federal Government isn't going to fix itself so long as you "peacefully" beg them to stop abusing you. The Federal Government IS behind Ferguson, Obama and Holder are well known to be involved with all the shenanigans there.

First Amendment zones (and possibly some gun confiscations) are going to be the norm after Ferguson all around the United States, not just in trouble spots. Create a Crisis (or let one happen), Assume previously unheld Powers (restrict more rights), Be applauded and thanked by the serfs for "saving them."

Also, you seem to be under the illusion that Ferguson was under the Rule of Law prior to the riots. FACT CHECK:

As long as Obama is the King of United States, there is no Rule of Law anywhere.

Obama nullified the last election and absorbed Congress's powers. Now with his "civilian army equipped to meet modern challenges" he commands it all, federal, state and local (even if he's a shill puppet, he still holds the official power).

If Obama, the ultimate Public Servant is not accountable to the Law nor the Constitution, than neither are the People, his Master.

Lawlessness among the Government breeds Lawlessness among the Governed. And if the Servant is not to be punished for its Lawlessness, than neither can its Master, as no Servant is above the Master.
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The Government of Missouri are the anarchists. They released the verdict at 9:00 at night, prime time for rioting, instead of 9:00 in the morning, when most people would be at work and the sun would be up.

The Tyranny of Missouri are the anarchists because they've abandoned the Rule of Law, if the Public Servants are not subject to the Law, then why are the Masters (the People), subject to the law? The Servant cannot be above the Master.

Molon Labe Neocon pig.
Dimwit governor. They did it for safety reasons because they knew thugs would riot no matter what the decision. I don't believe your so called letter is legitimate.

I'm talking about meeting with these Radicals and giving in to some of the Demands. I live in Missouri so I might know a thing or two what is going on here
I live in Missouri also:)

Didn't we talk about that before? We live fairly close to each other.
As for the op he's wigging out of his mind. :alcoholic:
No, never have to my knowledge.

then there is another person on the board who live here too. Anyway howdy neighbor
Now I think all us who lives here should send the Agitators a list of PAYMENTS they owe us for all the Damage and money they cost us. And don't get me started on Jay Nixion. lol
Yep 9AM folks would be at work and shopping at the stores that ended up burned and looted. Putting more innocents in the line of fire.

9AM folks are commuting etc... Putting more innocents on the road and in the path of these thugs

9AM would not have mattered to most of those doing the destruction those animals could care less a job and would have looted and burned in broad daylight or simply waited till dark

All your idea would do is put innocents in the path of destruction. My god think man

Fellow Progressive Eugenicist, please put your Democrat KKK hood back on, wear it with pride.
Hell it is obvious right off the bat your confused now. From what I can find your letter has 162 signatures, hell I could get that many folks to sign anything in about two hours.

For those that are interested where the OP drags up this progressive/socialist garbage I will give you a little back ground

It comes from this organization "March Forward" here is a link to it on their website
Veterans appeal to National Guard Stand with Ferguson protesters not the police

Who is March Forward?
March Forward! is an affiliate of the ANSWER Coalition
About - March Forward

Hmmmm an affiliate of the Answer Coalition, lets dig deeper

Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER), also known as International A.N.S.W.E.R. and the ANSWER Coalition, is a United States-based protest umbrella group consisting of many antiwar and civil rights organizations.
NSWER characterizes itself as anti-imperialist, and its steering committee consists of socialists, civil rights advocates, and left-wing or progressive organizations from the Muslim, Arab, Palestinian, Filipino, Haitian, and Latin American communities. Many of ANSWER's lead organizers had ties to the International Action Center, and Workers World Party at the time of ANSWER's founding
A.N.S.W.E.R. - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So the group this so called 2A proponent is supporting is actually a group consisting of socialist a nd left wing progressives getting funding from the Workers World Party

Hmmmm even more interesting the group the OP supports gets their funding in part from the WWP

Workers World Party (WWP) is a Marxist-Leninist communist party in the United States, founded in 1959 by a group led by Sam Marcy of the Socialist Workers Party
Workers World Party - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Dude you have the nerve to accuse me of being a progressive, Democrat or KKK I suggest you stick your socialist opinion up your ass. You claim to be a libertarian, Hell that's a laugh. You claim to support 2A I call bullshit on that as well. It is quite obvious now your leaning are more along the socialist slant
Yep 9AM folks would be at work and shopping at the stores that ended up burned and looted. Putting more innocents in the line of fire.

9AM folks are commuting etc... Putting more innocents on the road and in the path of these thugs

9AM would not have mattered to most of those doing the destruction those animals could care less a job and would have looted and burned in broad daylight or simply waited till dark

All your idea would do is put innocents in the path of destruction. My god think man

Fellow Progressive Eugenicist, please put your Democrat KKK hood back on, wear it with pride.
Hell it is obvious right off the bat your confused now. From what I can find your letter has 162 signatures, hell I could get that many folks to sign anything in about two hours.

For those that are interested where the OP drags up this progressive/socialist garbage I will give you a little back ground

It comes from this organization "March Forward" here is a link to it on their website
Veterans appeal to National Guard Stand with Ferguson protesters not the police

Who is March Forward?
March Forward! is an affiliate of the ANSWER Coalition
About - March Forward

Hmmmm an affiliate of the Answer Coalition, lets dig deeper

Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER), also known as International A.N.S.W.E.R. and the ANSWER Coalition, is a United States-based protest umbrella group consisting of many antiwar and civil rights organizations.
NSWER characterizes itself as anti-imperialist, and its steering committee consists of socialists, civil rights advocates, and left-wing or progressive organizations from the Muslim, Arab, Palestinian, Filipino, Haitian, and Latin American communities. Many of ANSWER's lead organizers had ties to the International Action Center, and Workers World Party at the time of ANSWER's founding
A.N.S.W.E.R. - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So the group this so called 2A proponent is supporting is actually a group consisting of socialist a nd left wing progressives getting funding from the Workers World Party

Hmmmm even more interesting the group the OP supports gets their funding in part from the WWP

Workers World Party (WWP) is a Marxist-Leninist communist party in the United States, founded in 1959 by a group led by Sam Marcy of the Socialist Workers Party
Workers World Party - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Dude you have the nerve to accuse me of being a progressive, Democrat or KKK I suggest you stick your socialist opinion up your ass. You claim to be a libertarian, Hell that's a laugh. You claim to support 2A I call bullshit on that as well. It is quite obvious now your leaning are more along the socialist slant

Pretty much what I figured. No vet with Honor would send something like that letter. but that is how snaky the Communist/Democrat party is. I hope the people wake the hell up in this country. They are trying to stir up a Civil War on us. people need to be Prepared.
The op should be ashamed to be using OUR VETS in something so UGLY
Pretty much what I figured. No vet with Honor would send something like that letter. but that is how snaky the Communist/Democrat party is. I hope the people wake the hell up in this country. They are trying to stir up a Civil War on us. people need to be Prepared.
The op should be ashamed to be using OUR VETS in something so UGLY

Actually this came from Infowars (Alex Jones):

National Guard Arrives In Ferguson Veterans Ask Them To JOIN Protesters Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Is Alex Jones now a shadow socialist?
Pretty much what I figured. No vet with Honor would send something like that letter. but that is how snaky the Communist/Democrat party is. I hope the people wake the hell up in this country. They are trying to stir up a Civil War on us. people need to be Prepared.
The op should be ashamed to be using OUR VETS in something so UGLY

Actually this came from Infowars (Alex Jones):

National Guard Arrives In Ferguson Veterans Ask Them To JOIN Protesters Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Is Alex Jones now a shadow socialist?

man you are all over the frikken place. breath into a paper bag or something
Pretty much what I figured. No vet with Honor would send something like that letter. but that is how snaky the Communist/Democrat party is. I hope the people wake the hell up in this country. They are trying to stir up a Civil War on us. people need to be Prepared.
The op should be ashamed to be using OUR VETS in something so UGLY

Actually this came from Infowars (Alex Jones):

National Guard Arrives In Ferguson Veterans Ask Them To JOIN Protesters Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Is Alex Jones now a shadow socialist?

Bull shit actually it originated just as I outlined above, Alex Jones only ran the story. It originated with your socialist group 2A supporter my ass.
Yep 9AM folks would be at work and shopping at the stores that ended up burned and looted. Putting more innocents in the line of fire.

9AM folks are commuting etc... Putting more innocents on the road and in the path of these thugs

9AM would not have mattered to most of those doing the destruction those animals could care less a job and would have looted and burned in broad daylight or simply waited till dark

All your idea would do is put innocents in the path of destruction. My god think man

Fellow Progressive Eugenicist, please put your Democrat KKK hood back on, wear it with pride.
Hell it is obvious right off the bat your confused now. From what I can find your letter has 162 signatures, hell I could get that many folks to sign anything in about two hours.

For those that are interested where the OP drags up this progressive/socialist garbage I will give you a little back ground

It comes from this organization "March Forward" here is a link to it on their website
Veterans appeal to National Guard Stand with Ferguson protesters not the police

Who is March Forward?
March Forward! is an affiliate of the ANSWER Coalition
About - March Forward

Hmmmm an affiliate of the Answer Coalition, lets dig deeper

Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER), also known as International A.N.S.W.E.R. and the ANSWER Coalition, is a United States-based protest umbrella group consisting of many antiwar and civil rights organizations.
NSWER characterizes itself as anti-imperialist, and its steering committee consists of socialists, civil rights advocates, and left-wing or progressive organizations from the Muslim, Arab, Palestinian, Filipino, Haitian, and Latin American communities. Many of ANSWER's lead organizers had ties to the International Action Center, and Workers World Party at the time of ANSWER's founding
A.N.S.W.E.R. - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So the group this so called 2A proponent is supporting is actually a group consisting of socialist a nd left wing progressives getting funding from the Workers World Party

Hmmmm even more interesting the group the OP supports gets their funding in part from the WWP

Workers World Party (WWP) is a Marxist-Leninist communist party in the United States, founded in 1959 by a group led by Sam Marcy of the Socialist Workers Party
Workers World Party - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Dude you have the nerve to accuse me of being a progressive, Democrat or KKK I suggest you stick your socialist opinion up your ass. You claim to be a libertarian, Hell that's a laugh. You claim to support 2A I call bullshit on that as well. It is quite obvious now your leaning are more along the socialist slant

Pretty much what I figured. No vet with Honor would send something like that letter. but that is how snaky the Communist/Democrat party is. I hope the people wake the hell up in this country. They are trying to stir up a Civil War on us. people need to be Prepared.
The op should be ashamed to be using OUR VETS in something so UGLY

yep the OP just outed himself for the Socialist scum he is

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