National Police Officers Association of Sudan rejects Al Bashir call for deadly force


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
National police officers confirmed that the police record is still clean, clear, and honourable with the honourable testimony of the people of Sudan. “Any slide into blind violence and shedding blood as the killer Al Bashir wants will undermine the credit of this great profession and will shame and the lives of martyrs”.

The statement added: “So let Al Bashir, his brothers, and the fat cats go out to face the people whom you humiliated, impoverished and despised, rather than you who whose salaries are not enough for one week.”

The national police officers also condemned in their statement that the director of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS), Salah Gosh, in his last meeting with media in which he took over the police and held them responsible for the lives lost during the past few days.
National Police Officers Association of Sudan rejects Al Bashir call for deadly force against peaceful demonstrators

Al-Bashir is going to lose this one.

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