National terrorist aggression and nuclear war-How do you like your mail-in president now?

You’re boring and a stalker.
Look folks! konradv doesn't like my political views, so this is how he/she/it approaches me.

I might be boring. I don't watch TV or movies or hang out in bars, drinking alcohol or doing drugs. I don't go to protests where women whine about losing their right to kill their babies.

I told konradv to report me if he/she/it thinks I'm a stalker. I'll wait here for a little while for the cops to show up to arrest me for stalking konradv

Otherwise, what should I do? Anybody got any suggestions?
So call the cops.

Better do it in a hurry. I've got plans for the rest of the day.
Oh, konradv, the police are not breaking down my door yet. I'll bet they're laughing at you.

I'll put on a pot of coffee and when the sheriff's deputy gets here, I'll give her a cup and let her read your drivel. I'll probably keep her laughing for a whole shift.

Oh konradv, still no cops. Where's all the big talk about how the mean old widow woman is stalking you on a message board?
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Trump's deal with Putin - "I'll let you bully the Ukraine as long as no one gets to see the Pee Hooker tape". Some deal.

Trump let Putin run amok for 4 years in Syria and the former Soviet Republics when Obama and Bush tried to hem him in.

Now Putin is getting his ass kicked because Joe pulled the alliance together and stood up to him. That's leadership, dummy.

Ray in 1938

"Chamberlain just wanted to make deals, but Churchill has brought us to the brink of disaster!"
If there was a tape it would be out there. Perpetuating lies and projection which is all you really do does not mean shit is nowhere near the reality most, almost all, people see and feel in their wallets.
If there was a tape it would be out there. Perpetuating lies and projection which is all you really do does not mean shit is nowhere near the reality most, almost all, people see and feel in their wallets.
Just like if there was an actual picture of Ivana Trump out there with her right breast hanging out, it would be all over the internet and BULLDOG would not have had to creatively edit another photo to make it look that way.

Sick fucks.
Trump's deal with Putin - "I'll let you bully the Ukraine as long as no one gets to see the Pee Hooker tape". Some deal.

Trump let Putin run amok for 4 years in Syria and the former Soviet Republics when Obama and Bush tried to hem him in.

Now Putin is getting his ass kicked because Joe pulled the alliance together and stood up to him. That's leadership, dummy.

Ray in 1938

"Chamberlain just wanted to make deals, but Churchill has brought us to the brink of disaster!"
Can anyone who isn't a bed wetting leftist piece of shit imagine being as stupid as this assfuck?

Imagine walking around in public with that much shit between your ears. I wish stupidity was as painful for the bearer as it is for the people who have to tolerate the existence of this sort of oxygen thief. Natural selection really has some catching up to do so that genetic garbage like this can be scrapped off the pavement.

^ Deranged cultist hungering for nuclear annihilation.

Welcome to the end of the world, brought to us by the demented rapist/child molester/career criminal Joe Biden.

Thanks Democrats!
Hardly. Merely unwilling to $hit my pants like you snowflakes whenever Vlad-the-Impaler shakes his fist.
Just like if there was an actual picture of Ivana Trump out there with her right breast hanging out, it would be all over the internet and BULLDOG would not have had to creatively edit another photo to make it look that way.

Sick fucks.
Oh you of little faith, Try this link. but there are plenty of others. To be legal, I think I've gotta warn you it's the actual picture of her titty. Don't click on it if you don't want to see.
Oh you of little faith, Try this link. but there are plenty of others. To be legal, I think I've gotta warn you it's the actual picture of her titty. Don't click on it if you don't want to see.

Nice try. There is no link. Don't bother me with any more fake links. Just own your stupidity, admit that you despise Ivanka and anything connected to President Trump, and shut up. Your middle school attempts at looking cool are a bore.
If all you know, is you hate Donald Trump While you watched Washington preside over the theft of an election in 2020 do you feel vindicated as your foolishness has resulted in a terrorist act against a nuclear armed nation? Will you go to your graves stupid, or will you see the light at the eleventh hour? There is no cure for people like you. How do you like your mail-in president? Trump wanted to make deals, Biden and his administration are courting nuclear disaster. These morons have given Putin justification to launch. What does it take for you to see reality? You are sick, very sick. There is no cure. America is done and you are to blame.



Another shit-show post and thread?

Why would Putin attack us with nuclear weapons over a pipeline that was not even being used?

You do realize that Putin just cannot push a button to launch an attack on the US. Just like us, it takes a group effort to end the world as we know it!
Nice try. There is no link. Don't bother me with any more fake links. Just own your stupidity, admit that you despise Ivanka and anything connected to President Trump, and shut up. Your middle school attempts at looking cool are a bore.
There are none so blind as he who will not see.
There are none so blind as he who will not see.
Okay. You win.

(or not)

I got a nasty thing on my computer last time I clicked one of your links, and it wasn't Ivanka's tit. Cost a lot to get it fixed.


Trump's deal with Putin - "I'll let you bully the Ukraine as long as no one gets to see the Pee Hooker tape". Some deal.

Trump let Putin run amok for 4 years in Syria and the former Soviet Republics when Obama and Bush tried to hem him in.

Now Putin is getting his ass kicked because Joe pulled the alliance together and stood up to him. That's leadership, dummy.

Ray in 1938

"Chamberlain just wanted to make deals, but Churchill has brought us to the brink of disaster!"
My God, you are confused between Trump and Ohbummer!

Who was president when Russia invaded Crimea and Georgia?

Who was president when we killed 300 Russian mercenaries in Syria?
Putin using a nuke or two in Ukraine is accepted. A NATO city or two of course with the GLOBALISTS in charge. A Britian controlled city comes after that. A Canadian city or two for further warnings.

Are you that ignorant or are you just making shit up to see how others react?

BTW, what the fuck is Britian?
Biden is gone and he has been gone for a long time so it is probably not fair to blame him completely for his dimentia. But you can blame people for being so stupid that they put him in the White House. It is pretty hard for a mentally deficient leader to top telling a man in a wheelchair to stand up but telling a dead person to stand up at a public event does the trick.

Biden is apparently is so deranged that he thinks he can heal the crippled and raise the dead. And this guy has his hand on the red button!
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