Nations governors consider forming a new country!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
This strikes me as a GREAT idea! :eusa_dance:

AMERICA (The Borowitz Report)ā€”In order to better coƶrdinate their efforts to combat the coronavirus, the nationā€™s governors are considering the extraordinary step of forming a country.​
The radical proposal is an unusual bipartisan effort, spearheaded by the Democratic governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer, and the Republican Governor of Ohio, Mike DeWine.​
ā€œMike and I were bidding against each other for masks and ventilators, and I was, like, ā€˜Mike this is crazy,ā€™ ā€ Whitmer said. ā€œ ā€˜It would be so much better if we just worked together and formed a country.ā€™ ā€​
DeWine said that Whitmerā€™s proposal of creating a country out of the fifty states ā€œmade a lot of sense.ā€​
ā€œIt was one of those moments where someone throws out a nutty idea and you think, ā€˜Hold on, letā€™s think on that for a second,ā€™ ā€ he said.​
While the idea of the fifty states coming together to form a country is still in the embryonic stage, DeWine said that the states would ideally create a ā€œfederal governmentā€ led by a ā€œPresident.ā€​
ā€œWeā€™re all in agreement that it would be amazing to have a President right now,ā€ DeWine said.​
A straw poll of the governors indicates that the front-runner for President of this yet-to-be-named country is one of their own: Governor Andrew Cuomo, of New York.​
ā€œAndrew keeps saying that he doesnā€™t want to be President,ā€ Whitmer said. ā€œAnd Iā€™m, like, ā€˜Dude, you already are.ā€™ ā€​

Yeah, go ahead. See how that works out for them. About as well as the Souths attempt to form a new country I would imagine.
Maybe not such a bad idea since NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo has removed over 80 criminal assault acts as no longer criminal.
I need a few days to study which state doesn't have a fuck nut Governor.
:eusa_doh:Gee, let's see. Take all 50 states and form a country! They can call it, "The United States of America", and create a government and elect a President!
Why didn't someone think of that before?:uhoh3:
Progressives these days.
Well, on the bright side,
at least Pocahontas won't be president, right ?

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