Nation's largest health insurer about to exit obamacare???!!!

And there's something called "compromise" that goes into the formulation of every law. The problem in recent years has been Tea Party politicians convincing themselves (and their constituents) that compromise means "We do things my way or I shut the government down."
Democrats are the ones that wouldn't compromise. When you want to pass major legislation like obamacare it's important to have support from both parties. But obozo refused to even listen to the GOP , and thus no repub voted for his bill and now he has to take all the blame. What a moron obama is.
I am more than happy to read your explanation that - "for-proift" insurers created an imbalance in the healthcare market. I could use a good laugh. Have at it.

Judging from your sarcasm, I'm guessing you don't even know that the "Blues" began as nonprofits.

Judging from your response, I'm guessing you cannot support your original statement.
And there's something called "compromise" that goes into the formulation of every law. The problem in recent years has been Tea Party politicians convincing themselves (and their constituents) that compromise means "We do things my way or I shut the government down."
Democrats are the ones that wouldn't compromise. When you want to pass major legislation like obamacare it's important to have support from both parties.

When one party's definition of "compromise" is "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" that doesn't leave much room for negotiation.

Word of advice: Make up your mind who the POTUS is. You do yourself no service by flippety-floppeting on name changes in the same frigging post.
I am more than happy to read your explanation that - "for-proift" insurers created an imbalance in the healthcare market. I could use a good laugh. Have at it.

Judging from your sarcasm, I'm guessing you don't even know that the "Blues" began as nonprofits.

Judging from your response, I'm guessing you cannot support your original statement.

Not if you can't even acknowledge that you understand what I'm talking about.

Now, dance around it a little more.

There are small groups of Americans all across this country who are fed up with the attacks upon the foundations of this nation and their freedoms.

As distinct from the GOP, no, there is no Tea Party. Just a subset of Republicans who ran on the premise "Put me in government and I'll shut down government," and tools like you who voted for them because they didn't see the disconnect.

Get back to me when you've figured out that there's no "Democrat party."

As distinct from the GOP, no, there is no Tea Party. Just a subset of Republicans who ran on the premise "Put me in government and I'll shut down government," and tools like you who voted for them because they didn't see the disconnect.

And who are you to say that all members of Tea Party groups are Republican?

From my research, they don't identify with either party and are either Independents or simply unafiliated.

There are small groups of Americans all across this country who are fed up with the attacks upon the foundations of this nation and their freedoms.

As distinct from the GOP, no, there is no Tea Party. Just a subset of Republicans who ran on the premise "Put me in government and I'll shut down government," and tools like you who voted for them because they didn't see the disconnect.

Get back to me when you've figured out that there's no "Democrat party."

As distinct from the GOP, no, there is no Tea Party. Just a subset of Republicans who ran on the premise "Put me in government and I'll shut down government," and tools like you who voted for them because they didn't see the disconnect.

And who are you to say that all members of Tea Party groups are Republican?

From my research, they don't identify with either party and are either Independents or simply unafiliated.

Yet they always vote republican. Sounds like a distinction without a difference.

There are small groups of Americans all across this country who are fed up with the attacks upon the foundations of this nation and their freedoms.

As distinct from the GOP, no, there is no Tea Party. Just a subset of Republicans who ran on the premise "Put me in government and I'll shut down government," and tools like you who voted for them because they didn't see the disconnect.

Get back to me when you've figured out that there's no "Democrat party."

As distinct from the GOP, no, there is no Tea Party. Just a subset of Republicans who ran on the premise "Put me in government and I'll shut down government," and tools like you who voted for them because they didn't see the disconnect.

And who are you to say that all members of Tea Party groups are Republican?

From my research, they don't identify with either party and are either Independents or simply unafiliated.

Yet they always vote republican. Sounds like a distinction without a difference.

What choice do they - and I - have?

A vote for anything other than the Big Two is a total waste. Better to chose None of the Above.

The Big Two have tied up the nomination and election process at the lowest level so it is almost to get viable and electable candidates on the ballots
What choice do they - and I - have?

If they even knew how to spell "compromise," they could join forces with disaffected members of both major parties as well as unaffiliated voters and form a genuine third party. It's not as if that hasn't happened before.

Instead, they choose to drag the GOP ever further to the edge of their flat Earth until they either all fall off or moderate Republicans come to their senses and stop the splinter groups from destroying what was once a credible organization.

So you'll be voting for a Democratic candidate in order to break up the big banks? Assuming you can find your way to the correct forum, that is.

You do know your party bailed them out, refused to prosecute them and is now bailing out the health insurance co's

It's funny how you mention unaffiliated voters in one post and immediately default to "if you're not a Republican you must be a Democrat" in the next.

It's not "my" party. It never has been. I'm an unaffiliated voter and always will be. If the GOP ever returned to the values that produced the Eisenhower era y'all love to cite until you realize it involved an upper tax rate of 90%, I might vote for one of its candidates. Instead, it gives us the Clown Car. Pass.

So you'll be voting for a Democratic candidate in order to break up the big banks? Assuming you can find your way to the correct forum, that is.

You do know your party bailed them out, refused to prosecute them and is now bailing out the health insurance co's

It's funny how you mention unaffiliated voters in one post and immediately default to "if you're not a Republican you must be a Democrat" in the next.

It's not "my" party. It never has been. I'm an unaffiliated voter and always will be. If the GOP ever returned to the values that produced the Eisenhower era y'all love to cite until you realize it involved an upper tax rate of 90%, I might vote for one of its candidates. Instead, it gives us the Clown Car. Pass.

Nice excuse to vote dem while claiming not to be one LMMAAOOOOO

So you'll be voting for a Democratic candidate in order to break up the big banks? Assuming you can find your way to the correct forum, that is.

You do know your party bailed them out, refused to prosecute them and is now bailing out the health insurance co's

It's funny how you mention unaffiliated voters in one post and immediately default to "if you're not a Republican you must be a Democrat" in the next.

It's not "my" party. It never has been. I'm an unaffiliated voter and always will be. If the GOP ever returned to the values that produced the Eisenhower era y'all love to cite until you realize it involved an upper tax rate of 90%, I might vote for one of its candidates. Instead, it gives us the Clown Car. Pass.

Nice excuse to vote dem while claiming not to be one LMMAAOOOOO

Lame distraction is lame. But now that we've exposed your hypocrisy, and since you clearly have nothing to say about the PPACA but plenty to say about the bank bailout, tell me why you wouldn't support breaking up the big banks. Has any member of the Clown Car promised to do that? If so, I might be interested. Impress me.
Distraction.........your team does nothing......and yes its your team as you defend them at every turn.....and then you ask me why we havent.........who controls Justice Dept right dont need an act of Congress to do what you want....btw my Congress critter voted against bailouts
And this is ENTIRELY obozo's fault. Not a a single repub voted for this nightmare when it passed in 2010. We need to go back to what we had before obamacare.

Nation's largest insurer may exit Obamacare due to losses

nov 19 2015 UnitedHealth Group, the largest insurance company in the U.S., on Thursday slashed its earnings outlook, citing new problems related to Obamacare, and told investors it may exit the program's exchanges.

"In recent weeks, growth expectations for individual exchange participation have tempered industrywide, co-operatives have failed, and market data has signaled higher risks and more difficulties while our own claims experience has deteriorated," Stephen J. Hemsley, chief executive officer of UnitedHealth Group, explained in a press release.

The release added that, "UnitedHealthcare has pulled back on its marketing efforts for individual exchange products in 2016. The company is evaluating the viability of the insurance exchange product segment and will determine during the first half of 2016 to what extent it can continue to serve the public exchange markets in 2017."

United Health Care isn't about health care, it's about profits. F 'em, there are dozens more out there who will offer a product likely better than UHC, their business plan puts profit first and patient care a distance back - after all those co-pays, limits and denials of service for specious reasons.
Distraction.........your team does nothing......and yes its your team as you defend them at every turn.....and then you ask me why we havent.........who controls Justice Dept right dont need an act of Congress to do what you want....btw my Congress critter voted against bailouts

So you really don't want to talk about the PPACA or insurers or...and you don't want to start a thread about bank bailouts. Ramble on, then.

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