Native americans protest Keystone XL in Washington

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
We should listen to them. they knew how to be good stewards of the land as opposed to wringing every red cent out of it for short-term profit to the monied class (the already wealthy) just so the owners can sell/export it to the primary polluters of this great planet :up: The communist Chinese

On National Mall, Native Americans Protest Keystone XL Pipeline | WAMU 88.5 - American University Radio
"We're trying to save our grandchildren, their grandchildren. This land is not ours. We have borrowed it from future generations," Scott said. "So we need to leave it just as we found it, or as close as we could."

EVEN tinyd can't argue w/ that :mad:

Can't blame them for wanting to control their own land.

Or are private property rights limited to only those in the GOP who own property?
We should listen to them. they knew how to be good stewards of the land as opposed to wringing every red cent out of it for short-term profit to the monied class (the already wealthy) just so the owners can sell/export it to the primary polluters of this great planet :up: The communist Chinese

On National Mall, Native Americans Protest Keystone XL Pipeline | WAMU 88.5 - American University Radio
"We're trying to save our grandchildren, their grandchildren. This land is not ours. We have borrowed it from future generations," Scott said. "So we need to leave it just as we found it, or as close as we could."

EVEN tinyd can't argue w/ that :mad:



Well first off someone should check a map to see that the Keystone XL goes to the Gulf of Mexico.

And while you are checking a map of North America if they take a look at the big blue thing between North America and China they will see something called the Pacific Ocean.

Now do you really think the oil producers want to go south to sell to China or go west to ship on a direct route?

Come on now. Oh and we're selling to China no matter what. And we are still selling to the US no matter what.

And I still want to know where the hell everyone was when all these pipelines were being built?

Where were the protests? This is all political theater and it is all bullshit.

What gives one group of people the right to rip a trench across the middle of this country. Money? To whom? For What? They say it is for jobs? Fund national parks.
One of the reasons why early American settlers were able to take advantage of the natives was because the natives had no concept of real property ownership. To them, land was like air and water and game - it's there, it belongs to everyone. So when the settlers asked them to sign treaties that allocated the land, they did so, willingly and ignorantly. Famously, Manhattan Island was "purchased" for a quantity of beads and trinkets. The setters thought they were getting a great deal, and the natives thought they had pulled one over on the settlers, getting them to pay for something that was already there. Little did they know that they could now be excluded from this island because it was "owned" by the settlers.

So a couple of "Indian" leaders are fighting this pipeline. Who gives a shit? Like everyone else in life, they are looking for money and to place themselves in front of the news cameras.
What gives one group of people the right to rip a trench across the middle of this country. Money? To whom? For What? They say it is for jobs? Fund national parks.

For the same reasons the highway system was built,the same reasons the power grid was built,the same reasons the railroads were built.

Now ask the same question again.
We should listen to them. they knew how to be good stewards of the land as opposed to wringing every red cent out of it for short-term profit to the monied class (the already wealthy) just so the owners can sell/export it to the primary polluters of this great planet :up: The communist Chinese

On National Mall, Native Americans Protest Keystone XL Pipeline | WAMU 88.5 - American University Radio
"We're trying to save our grandchildren, their grandchildren. This land is not ours. We have borrowed it from future generations," Scott said. "So we need to leave it just as we found it, or as close as we could."

EVEN tinyd can't argue w/ that :mad:



Well first off someone should check a map to see that the Keystone XL goes to the Gulf of Mexico.

And while you are checking a map of North America if they take a look at the big blue thing between North America and China they will see something called the Pacific Ocean.

Now do you really think the oil producers want to go south to sell to China or go west to ship on a direct route?

Come on now. Oh and we're selling to China no matter what. And we are still selling to the US no matter what.

And I still want to know where the hell everyone was when all these pipelines were being built?

Where were the protests? This is all political theater and it is all bullshit.


One more line we don't need. Very fine argument you make all the same. :doubt:

Will the Crisis in the Ukraine Result in the Keystone Pipeline being Approved? | UNI Royalties, Ltd.
What gives one group of people the right to rip a trench across the middle of this country. Money? To whom? For What? They say it is for jobs? Fund national parks.

For the same reasons the highway system was built,the same reasons the power grid was built,the same reasons the railroads were built.

Now ask the same question again.

What gives one group of people the right to rip a trench across the middle of this country. Money? To whom? For What? They say it is for jobs? Fund national parks.
One more line we don't need. Very fine argument you make all the same.

We don't need it why? our old and decrepit pipeline system needs upgrading,many line are 30-40-60 years old.
What gives one group of people the right to rip a trench across the middle of this country. Money? To whom? For What? They say it is for jobs? Fund national parks.

For the same reasons the highway system was built,the same reasons the power grid was built,the same reasons the railroads were built.

Now ask the same question again.

What gives one group of people the right to rip a trench across the middle of this country. Money? To whom? For What? They say it is for jobs? Fund national parks.

The second time didn't get you any farther did it?
Oh this is beyond stupid. They have a casino on the res. But they are worried about sexual assaults increasing because of construction workers?

Oh and I wonder what the carbon footprint is of a slot machine. :lol: Oh and all the hotels and motels they've erected "on mother who cannot be tainted earth".

One of the reasons why early American settlers were able to take advantage of the natives was because the natives had no concept of real property ownership. To them, land was like air and water and game - it's there, it belongs to everyone. So when the settlers asked them to sign treaties that allocated the land, they did so, willingly and ignorantly. Famously, Manhattan Island was "purchased" for a quantity of beads and trinkets. The setters thought they were getting a great deal, and the natives thought they had pulled one over on the settlers, getting them to pay for something that was already there. Little did they know that they could now be excluded from this island because it was "owned" by the settlers.

So a couple of "Indian" leaders are fighting this pipeline. Who gives a shit? Like everyone else in life, they are looking for money and to place themselves in front of the news cameras.

Wait. Didn't you just make the argument against the pipeline. You say people who did not understand real property ownership were taken advantage of. That people who were unaware of what they were giving up were robbed by the promise of a few beads and trinkets. Who will later be forced to moved because of 'right of way'? Why are Indian leaders fighting this? Because they have seen it all before. The names change but the players are always the same. How's Scott Brown's campaign going this season by the way?
One more line we don't need. Very fine argument you make all the same.

We don't need it why? our old and decrepit pipeline system needs upgrading,many line are 30-40-60 years old.

? Are you so out of lame excuses that counts as one now? Face it. Money is the only argument you will ever need. Until America takes back America.
Oh and the tribal leaders have not one issue with a giant casino that was developed on "mother who cannot be tainted earth".

Ooooh I'm going to have to play "follow the money" today. Someone had to loan them the money to build their wind farm.

I wonder how many raptors it kills daily.

Economy and services

The RST owns and operates Rosebud Casino, located on U.S. Route 83 just north of the Nebraska border. Nearby is a fuel plaza, featuring truck parking and a convenience store.

Power for the casino is furnished in part by one of the nation's first tribally owned electricity-generating wind turbines.

The tribe allows alcohol sales on the reservation, which enables it to keep the sales taxes and other revenues generated, as well as to police and regulate its use. A new residential community, Sicangu Village, was recently built along Highway 83 near the casino and the state line.

Rosebud Indian Reservation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Where were the weeping, sobbing Native Americans in 2009 when Obama approved the Alberta Clipper pipeline?


Seven reservations and four communities.

Did the Feds give a shit? Apparently not, as they bragged and crowed about the necessity of a pipeline that is very similar to the XL...

The Department found that the addition of crude oil pipeline capacity between Canada and the United States will advance a number of strategic interests of the United States. These included increasing the diversity of available supplies among the United States’ worldwide crude oil sources in a time of considerable political tension in other major oil producing countries and regions; shortening the transportation pathway for crude oil supplies; and increasing crude oil supplies from a major non-Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries producer. Canada is a stable and reliable ally and trading partner of the United States, with which we have free trade agreements which augment the security of this energy supply.

Permit for Alberta Clipper Pipeline Issued

You pathetic Bleeding Hearts are once again pissing up a tree.
For the same reasons the highway system was built,the same reasons the power grid was built,the same reasons the railroads were built.

Now ask the same question again.

What gives one group of people the right to rip a trench across the middle of this country. Money? To whom? For What? They say it is for jobs? Fund national parks.

The second time didn't get you any farther did it?

So far the score is even. All you say is, "Let me pump toxic waste across the width of America." I say, "Hell no!" I think my argument wins but you are welcome to keep trying.
We should listen to them. they knew how to be good stewards of the land as opposed to wringing every red cent out of it for short-term profit to the monied class (the already wealthy) just so the owners can sell/export it to the primary polluters of this great planet :up: The communist Chinese

On National Mall, Native Americans Protest Keystone XL Pipeline | WAMU 88.5 - American University Radio

EVEN tinyd can't argue w/ that :mad:



Well first off someone should check a map to see that the Keystone XL goes to the Gulf of Mexico.

And while you are checking a map of North America if they take a look at the big blue thing between North America and China they will see something called the Pacific Ocean.

Now do you really think the oil producers want to go south to sell to China or go west to ship on a direct route?

Come on now. Oh and we're selling to China no matter what. And we are still selling to the US no matter what.

And I still want to know where the hell everyone was when all these pipelines were being built?

Where were the protests? This is all political theater and it is all bullshit.


One more line we don't need. Very fine argument you make all the same. :doubt:

Will the Crisis in the Ukraine Result in the Keystone Pipeline being Approved? | UNI Royalties, Ltd.

The oil is coming whether you like it or not. It's coming by rail and truck.

If you want the world off oil and gas, tell you what. You first. Get off your keyboard. Go pump some water with a well pump. Knock yourself out and chop some wood and make some candles. Don't forget to feed your horse.


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