Native americans protest Keystone XL in Washington

What gives one group of people the right to rip a trench across the middle of this country. Money? To whom? For What? They say it is for jobs? Fund national parks.

The second time didn't get you any farther did it?

So far the score is even. All you say is, "Let me pump toxic waste across the width of America." I say, "Hell no!" I think my argument wins but you are welcome to keep trying.

LOL ya ok run with that. Bet in the big picture what you think is very much irrelevant.

Your tapping away on a PC ,why is it that you can? Is your house warm,your food safe? did you sell your car,and now own a horse?
Poll: Most Americans Support Keystone XL Pipeline, Including Democrats
About 82 percent of Republicans, 65 percent of independents and 51 percent of Democrats back the pipeline project, a new poll found.

A large majority of Americans support the construction of the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline extension between Canada and the U.S.,*a Washington Post-ABC News poll*has found.*

About 82 percent of Republicans, 65 percent of independents and 51 percent of Democrats said they backed the project. As many as 85 percent said they believe the pipeline will create a significant number of jobs.

A State Department*report*released Jan. 31 found the pipeline will create about 2,000 construction jobs over two years, but only about 50 permanent jobs.*

[READ:*Experts: Rail a Feasible Alternative for Keystone XL]

The pipeline, which must be approved by President Barack Obama, has been the source of long, fierce debate between environmental advocates and industry groups.*

Opponents say the $5.4 billion pipeline, which would carry heavy crude oil 1,200 miles from the tar sands in Alberta, Canada, to refineries in the American Midwest and Gulf Coast, would contribute to greenhouse gas emissions by enabling mining of the tar-sands, and also make communities vulnerable to oil spills.*

In the poll, 47 percent of those surveyed said Keystone would pose a significant risk to the environment.

“To build a pipeline that will create a couple thousand jobs, and only for a short time, to take oil down to Texas so we can sell it to other places, is really shortsighted,” Ted Fairbanks, 47, a law student in Santa Cruz, Calif., told the Post. “I think we ought to start developing other renewable fuels, particularly biofuels.”

[ALSO:*Keystone XL Fight Turns to 'Petcoke']

Pipeline supporters, meanwhile, have lobbied heavily for the pipeline, arguing that it would help fuel the American economy and reduce the country’s dependence on oil imported from overseas.*

“I’m concerned about the environment, but we also use a lot of oil and we need to transport that oil,” said*Laura Dabose, 54, a retiree in Palm City, Fla.,*according to the Post. “There’s an inevitability in it. It’s just a matter of finding the right route, and getting people to go along with it.”

The State Department’s report from Jan. 31 is undergoing public and federal review. Members of the public had a 30-day period to comment, which ends 11:59 p.m. Friday; federal agencies had a 90-day period.

Poll: Most Americans Support Keystone XL Pipeline, Including Democrats - US News
Shipping by rail.


Well first off someone should check a map to see that the Keystone XL goes to the Gulf of Mexico.

And while you are checking a map of North America if they take a look at the big blue thing between North America and China they will see something called the Pacific Ocean.

Now do you really think the oil producers want to go south to sell to China or go west to ship on a direct route?

Come on now. Oh and we're selling to China no matter what. And we are still selling to the US no matter what.

And I still want to know where the hell everyone was when all these pipelines were being built?

Where were the protests? This is all political theater and it is all bullshit.


One more line we don't need. Very fine argument you make all the same. :doubt:

Will the Crisis in the Ukraine Result in the Keystone Pipeline being Approved? | UNI Royalties, Ltd.

The oil is coming whether you like it or not. It's coming by rail and truck.

If you want the world off oil and gas, tell you what. You first. Get off your keyboard. Go pump some water with a well pump. Knock yourself out and chop some wood and make some candles. Don't forget to feed your horse.


So natural destruction is coming anyway and there is nothing I can do about it. Tell me something I don't know. At least I'm not trying to speed it up. We will probably die choking in a cloud of acidic smog any day now. Can we at least do it without ripping a trench across America in the process? No? Money talks, sucks gasp their dying breath as they fall face first into a stream of toxic waste. Keeps you from getting your shoes dirty so who gives a shit. Right?

The oil is coming whether you like it or not. It's coming by rail and truck.

If you want the world off oil and gas, tell you what. You first. Get off your keyboard. Go pump some water with a well pump. Knock yourself out and chop some wood and make some candles. Don't forget to feed your horse.


So natural destruction is coming anyway and there is nothing I can do about it. Tell me something I don't know. At least I'm not trying to speed it up. We will probably die choking in a cloud of acidic smog any day now. Can we at least do it without ripping a trench across America in the process? No? Money talks, sucks gasp their dying breath as they fall face first into a stream of toxic waste. Keeps you from getting your shoes dirty so who gives a shit. Right?

Hysteria your middle name? yep any day now we are all DOOMED.

Pipelines are the most efficient and safe way to transport fuels,its that simple. If we let people like yourself run things we would still be chasing our food with a sharp stick.
Shipping by rail.


But the Keystone is not going to do anything about that. Only add to the problem. Thanks for demonstrating exactly what it is you want to pipe across the width of this country with not one once of security but what the U.S. government will provide. Even one hole gets blown in the pipe somewhere, probably half a stick of dynamic would take out twenty feet of pipe. How much oil would spill? Plus light the fuel as it is pouring out. It is a terrorists field day. I could blow at least half a dozen holes in that thing, light the outpouring oil, probably do it all with my garage door opener.
The oil is coming whether you like it or not. It's coming by rail and truck.

If you want the world off oil and gas, tell you what. You first. Get off your keyboard. Go pump some water with a well pump. Knock yourself out and chop some wood and make some candles. Don't forget to feed your horse.


So natural destruction is coming anyway and there is nothing I can do about it. Tell me something I don't know. At least I'm not trying to speed it up. We will probably die choking in a cloud of acidic smog any day now. Can we at least do it without ripping a trench across America in the process? No? Money talks, sucks gasp their dying breath as they fall face first into a stream of toxic waste. Keeps you from getting your shoes dirty so who gives a shit. Right?

Hysteria your middle name? yep any day now we are all DOOMED.

Pipelines are the most efficient and safe way to transport fuels,its that simple. If we let people like yourself run things we would still be chasing our food with a sharp stick.

Throughout history there have been those with foresight and there have been those who risk the survival of the society for short term gains. Which group are you in?
Perhaps some of the Natives are afraid they will get fewer freebies from the government due to jobs being more plentiful and their being expected to get a job.

I'm part Cherokee by the way.
So natural destruction is coming anyway and there is nothing I can do about it. Tell me something I don't know. At least I'm not trying to speed it up. We will probably die choking in a cloud of acidic smog any day now. Can we at least do it without ripping a trench across America in the process? No? Money talks, sucks gasp their dying breath as they fall face first into a stream of toxic waste. Keeps you from getting your shoes dirty so who gives a shit. Right?

Hysteria your middle name? yep any day now we are all DOOMED.

Pipelines are the most efficient and safe way to transport fuels,its that simple. If we let people like yourself run things we would still be chasing our food with a sharp stick.

Throughout history there have been those with foresight and there have been those who risk the survival of the society for short term gains. Which group are you in?

I am in the reality group,that can't be said for you.

Do you own a car? do you heat your home? do you cook your food? or do you live in a cave,walk every place you go,use no electricity,or and no way shape or form of any hydrocarbon? If you can say no I use non of those,then you would get my respect,but if you like your PC and your car,then your just another typical NOT IN MY BACK YARD clowns.

which group do you fall into?
Hysteria your middle name? yep any day now we are all DOOMED.

Pipelines are the most efficient and safe way to transport fuels,its that simple. If we let people like yourself run things we would still be chasing our food with a sharp stick.

Throughout history there have been those with foresight and there have been those who risk the survival of the society for short term gains. Which group are you in?

I am in the reality group,that can't be said for you.

Do you own a car? do you heat your home? do you cook your food? or do you live in a cave,walk every place you go,use no electricity,or and no way shape or form of any hydrocarbon? If you can say no I use non of those,then you would get my respect,but if you like your PC and your car,then your just another typical NOT IN MY BACK YARD clowns.

which group do you fall into?

I turn on the lights at night. I also go out and burn tires every morning while I sip my coffee. :cuckoo:
Throughout history there have been those with foresight and there have been those who risk the survival of the society for short term gains. Which group are you in?

I am in the reality group,that can't be said for you.

Do you own a car? do you heat your home? do you cook your food? or do you live in a cave,walk every place you go,use no electricity,or and no way shape or form of any hydrocarbon? If you can say no I use non of those,then you would get my respect,but if you like your PC and your car,then your just another typical NOT IN MY BACK YARD clowns.

which group do you fall into?

I turn on the lights at night. I also go out and burn tires every morning while I sip my coffee. :cuckoo:

So you are one of I want but not in my back yard,got it,toss in a big measure of hypocrisy and you got this clown.

No school today,or did you get to stay home cause you don't feel well?
We should listen to them. they knew how to be good stewards of the land as opposed to wringing every red cent out of it for short-term profit to the monied class (the already wealthy) just so the owners can sell/export it to the primary polluters of this great planet :up: The communist Chinese

On National Mall, Native Americans Protest Keystone XL Pipeline | WAMU 88.5 - American University Radio
"We're trying to save our grandchildren, their grandchildren. This land is not ours. We have borrowed it from future generations," Scott said. "So we need to leave it just as we found it, or as close as we could."

EVEN tinyd can't argue w/ that :mad:



Well first off someone should check a map to see that the Keystone XL goes to the Gulf of Mexico.

And while you are checking a map of North America if they take a look at the big blue thing between North America and China they will see something called the Pacific Ocean.

Now do you really think the oil producers want to go south to sell to China or go west to ship on a direct route?

Come on now. Oh and we're selling to China no matter what. And we are still selling to the US no matter what.

And I still want to know where the hell everyone was when all these pipelines were being built?

Where were the protests? This is all political theater and it is all bullshit.


we already went over this tinyd. They can't go the Western route because the native Americans in Canada don't want that tar sand oozing through their pristine wilderness either what w/ all the ecologic hazards associated w/ it.

Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline: Some B.C. First Nations say there will be no compromise - British Columbia - CBC News
Haisla, Nak'azdli, Carrier Sekani among nations saying pipeline project threatens their way of life
As to the other pipelines, I would wager that most of the ones in the US are NOT tarsands.
"Leave the land just as we found it or as close as we could"????? Are you freaking crazy or just a low information left winger spouting cliches and educated by propaganda.
Oh and where were the tribal leaders just a few years ago? Who's paying them to protest?


thats an excellent jpg. It shows one of the main aquifers in the midwest/west. If that aquifier gets compromised/polluted, its game over ESPECIALLY for farmers AND ranchers like bundy :eusa_whistle:
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Stopping the pipeline is not going to stop the oil.
It will just be shipped by rail and trucks, which is more costly.

Dot Com - After opposition for laying the pipeline in the area, TransCanada agreed to change the route and skip the Sand Hills and aquifer.
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has it ever occurred to you that the Canadians will decide to scrap the tarsands extraction :eusa_think: It costs more to refine because its sand content & it costs more to ship because of its location. Let the Chinese get their oil from somewhere else.
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