Native Americans were more noble than us, and other stupid white hippy myths


Gold Member
Aug 14, 2008
Native American tribes practiced slavery:
Slavery in America
Most Native American tribal groups practiced some form of slavery before the European introduction of African slavery into North America; but none exploited slave labor on a large scale. Indian groups frequently enslaved war captives whom they used for small-scale labor and in ritual sacrifice.

The situation of enslaved Indians varied among the tribes. In many cases, enslaved captives were adopted into the tribes to replace warriors killed during a raid. Enslaved warriors sometimes endured mutilation or torture that could end in death as part of a grief ritual for relatives slain in battle. Some Indians cut off one foot of their captives to keep them from running away; others allowed enslaved captives to marry the widows of slain husbands. The Creek, for example, treated the children born of slaves and tribal members as full members of the tribe rather than as enslaved offspring. Some tribes held captives as hostages for payment. Other tribes practiced debt slavery or imposed slavery on tribal members who had committed crimes; but this status was only temporary as the enslaved worked off their obligations to the tribal society.

Native American tribes tortured, skinned, and dismembered their enemies:
David Scheimann
Of all the North American Indian tribes, the seventeenth-century Iroquois are the most renowned for their cruelty towards other human beings. Scholars know that they ruthlessly tortured war prisoners and that they were cannibals; in the Algonquin tongue the word Mohawk actually means "flesh-eater." There is even a story that the Indians in neighboring Iroquois territory would flee their homes upon sight of just a small band of Mohawks. Ironically, the Iroquois were not alone in these practices. There is ample evidence that most, if not all, of the Indians of northeastern America engaged in cannibalism and torture—there is documentation of the Huron, Neutral, and Algonquin tribes each exhibiting the same behavior. This paper will examine these atrocities, search through several possible explanations, and ultimately reveal that the practices of cannibalism and torture in the Iroquois were actually related.

History News Network
Professor Barbara Graymont describes, in The Iroquois in the American Revolution, Iroquoian torture as “the most horribly excruciating death imaginable,” followed by cannibalism:

“Burning was a common element in torture. The victim was frequently made to walk barefoot over fires, as well as being slowly roasted in other ways. Hot knives and hatchets would be applied to his body till his skin was in shreds. His muscles would be pulled out and pierced. Hot irons or splinters would be thrust through his limbs. His fingernails would be wrenched out, his fingers crushed, his flesh cut, his scalp removed. The whole village – men, women, and children – would usually participate in torturing the prisoner . . . After the death of a particularly brave captive, the torturers sought his heart to eat and his blood to drink that they might also share his strength. A victim’s body was cut up after his death, cooked, and eaten in a ritual feast.”

Native American tribes were cannibalistic:
Tests Show Cannibalism Among Ancient Anasazis / But descendants of Southwest Indians dispute findings
Scientists have found evidence that during a period of severe drought some 850 years ago, an unknown raiding party swept through several Anasazi villages in southwest Colorado, killing the inhabitants, boiling their bones and eating their flesh. In one case, the archaeological team found ancient human feces that contained residues of human blood.

``We believe the entire community was extinguished in a single episode of violence and terroristic cannibalism during a period of social chaos brought on by the drought,'' says Brian R. Billman, an archaeologist at the University of North Carolina who has studied the Anasazi for many years.

[ame=] Man Corn: Cannibalism and Violence in the Prehistoric American Southwest: Christy G. Turner II, Jacqueline Turner: Books[/ame]
"The primal command," writes anthropologist Christy Turner, "is, do not eat people." Historically, cultures across the world have violated this prime directive, some regularly and without apparent afterthought, some only under harshest duress. Turner has uncovered what he considers to be incontrovertible evidence of human sacrifice and cannibalism in a part of the world once thought to have been free of such horrors: the American Southwest. There, Turner maintains, thousands of burned and broken human bones, sometimes buried en masse, have been uncovered, most in sites ranging from a thousand to a few hundred years old. In one such site, the Arizona village of Awatovi, dozens of suspected witches were massacred by their fellow Hopis; in another, the great mountaintop city of Mesa Verde, Colorado, several pits containing the remains of cannibalized murder victims have been excavated. Turner suggests that the great Anasazi city of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, may have been a center of violent ritual and cannibalism, which helps explain why modern Indian residents of the region shun it as a place of bad medicine.

History News Network
Thomas S. Abler of the University of Waterloo commented, in an article published in the journal Ethnohistory in 1980, upon “the contemporary Native political movement’s attempt to sanitize (remove all blemishes . . . ) from the aboriginal past.” He noted that numerous scholars had written of Iroquoian cannibalism in the past, and there is “no point in suppressing these facts . . . it is dishonest to consider Iroquoian torture and cannibalism without recognition of its cruelty.”
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sooooo... Who ever said that natives were the icons of what you define as civilized? Good grief.. your culture cant even let a boy child live a full week outside of the vagina before mutilating his ding dong so, really, who the hell are you to point fingers?
uh, they drink firewater now too. What were they not doing before white people showed up?
They (maybe not all tribes, but enough) circumcized them then, too. Only they did it when they were older.

And they made their own mind-altering substances.

They also raided enemies, stole their women, killed or kidnapped their children, and in general just wiped them out.

The drove whole herds of animals off cliffs, and left what they couldn't carry to rot.

They cut off the noses of women who cheated on their husbands...but at the same time, practiced serial monogamy and polygamy.

They raided homesteads and wagon trains, tortured the men and killed the women and children.

I don't care when people say they got a bad deal, because in many of the treaties they really did, and they were treated like shit and almost annihilated in more ways than I really care to go into. But it gets old to eternally hear the mantra "The noble wonderful Indians, they enjoyed a perfect society; they were perfectly in tune with nature; they were always wonderful to each other and their children; they were all perfect and peace loving until evil Europeans (and btw, the French were the most savage) came and messed them all up."

They had their own issues. We should have honored the treaties and not killed their kids, or separated their kids from them and sent them to boarding schools. I don't think we'll ever do things like that again.

It's over now, they're recovering and as I said, they don't need or want our pity.
again, who the fuck is busy parading native americans as the epitome of culture?
Actually, you did when you compared our culture unfavorably to them. But Sky Dancer originally did.
quote me.

I look forward to taking a gander at your evidence..
Good grief.. your culture cant even let a boy child live a full week outside of the vagina before mutilating his ding dong so, really, who the hell are you to point fingers?

And here's the one where you take us to task for daring to speak honestly about Indian culture.

They practiced circumcision as well. As well as other interesting mutilation, tattooing, scarring, etc.
They (maybe not all tribes, but enough) circumcized them then, too. Only they did it when they were older.
I don't have the full info on this. Provide a RELIABLE reference please.

And they made their own mind-altering substances.
They didn't make them, they just knew which plants did what. Oh yeah....they didn't know addiction, as they DIDN'T MAKE THEM, THEY WERE ALL NATURAL. And, think back to your Christian Bible, because God told Adam and Eve, as well as Moses "if it grows out of the ground, you may have it", which means plants ain't drugs.

They also raided enemies, stole their women, killed or kidnapped their children, and in general just wiped them out.
Yes, they did raid enemy encampments, but it was because of a territorial thing, kind of like animals have their territory. If something from another territory comes in (following the buffalo), they attack to defend their hunting grounds. And, they generally left the women and children alone, as battle was for the men who were seen as adults in they eyes of the tribe. Oh yeah......ever hear of a coup stick? It's a thing that they ride into battle with, tap their enemy on the shoulder, and ride away. Arrows and real weapons were only used about half the time, as they wanted to save them for hunting buffalo.

The drove whole herds of animals off cliffs, and left what they couldn't carry to rot.
Yes, they did drive herds off of cliffs, but they didn't drive all of them. The cliffs they drove them off of were called "pishkins", and no, they didn't leave them to rot, they used almost everything they killed. Where do you think jerky comes from?

They cut off the noses of women who cheated on their husbands...but at the same time, practiced serial monogamy and polygamy.
In order to have that punishment, they had to do more than just have sex. Also generally included some crime that had a large negative impact on the whole tribe.

They raided homesteads and wagon trains, tortured the men and killed the women and children.
See above about defending your territory. What if someone came over to your yard, set up a tent and started living there?

I don't care when people say they got a bad deal, because in many of the treaties they really did, and they were treated like shit and almost annihilated in more ways than I really care to go into. But it gets old to eternally hear the mantra "The noble wonderful Indians, they enjoyed a perfect society; they were perfectly in tune with nature; they were always wonderful to each other and their children; they were all perfect and peace loving until evil Europeans (and btw, the French were the most savage) came and messed them all up."

They had their own issues. We should have honored the treaties and not killed their kids, or separated their kids from them and sent them to boarding schools. I don't think we'll ever do things like that again.

It's over now, they're recovering and as I said, they don't need or want our pity.

Always A Bitch, I grew up in Montana, which has a high population of Native Americans. Additionally, I spent quite a bit of time reading REAL history about REAL indians doing REAL things, not the Hollywood bullshit that you apparently have absorbed.

Is it hard to breathe with your head so far up your ass?
Good grief.. your culture cant even let a boy child live a full week outside of the vagina before mutilating his ding dong so, really, who the hell are you to point fingers?

And here's the one where you take us to task for daring to speak honestly about Indian culture.

They practiced circumcision as well. As well as other interesting mutilation, tattooing, scarring, etc.

I make no statement about the superiority of native culture at all. If anything, I neutered your self righteous ethnocentrism. "Daring to speak honestly" :lol: yea, BRAVE WORDS from someone whose own culture is hardly the epitome of socialization.

and I'm afriad you are going to have to offer evidence of Native American's using circumcision BEFORE european influence. We'll start there.
I make no statement about the superiority of native culture at all. If anything, I neutered your self righteous ethnocentrism. "Daring to speak honestly" :lol: yea, BRAVE WORDS from someone whose own culture is hardly the epitome of socialization.

This thread is really dedicated to the resident neo-native hippy buddhist dumbass. (Not you, for the record).
I make no statement about the superiority of native culture at all. If anything, I neutered your self righteous ethnocentrism. "Daring to speak honestly" :lol: yea, BRAVE WORDS from someone whose own culture is hardly the epitome of socialization.

This thread is really dedicated to the resident neo-native hippy buddhist dumbass. (Not you, for the record).

Who's that?
This thread is a fiction of Ms Kitty. I never said that Native Americans were more 'noble' than any other human being. Kits has lost it today. Catz you're stuck on the I hate Sky channel. Poor dear.
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There were man notable honourable and noble Indians during the period in question but a distinct lack of likewise white men.

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