Native Americans were more noble than us, and other stupid white hippy myths

I am a hippie.

I am a beatnik

I am a bohemian

I am a libertarian.

I am, politically speaking, if anything, more like a 1950's REPUBLICAN than a 21st century liberal democrat.

The whole thing about labels is that while they are convenient ways of not having to think about things too deeply, they are extrmely misleading in that nobody can live up to (or down to, depending) the stereotypes that the words typically mean.

Hipdom is a philosophy, not a fashion statement.

Hipdom is NOT a set of beliefs so much as an APPROACH to how one arrives at one's beliefs.

Half the people in this world who are philosophically hippies don't even fucking KNOW that they're hippies.

A LOT of the self proclaiming LIBERTARIANS who support Austian school economics are FAR MORE HIP (in their own unique way) than they could possible imagine.

Why do I say that?

Because of the way they approach life.

They are NOT going to go along to get along, they are going to arrive at their own view of the world come hell or high water.

And THAT is the essance of the hippie, the beatnick, the bohemian, the anarchist, the cynic and all the other names that mankind had given to those ICONCLASTS that stand outside their society's current accepted belief systems throwing stones of derision at the currently accepted belief sets,

Hippies are NOT a unified political force because the HIP do NOT all agree about things.

The MOMENT somebody tells us that YOU MUST BELEIVE this or that, the hippie/beatnik,iconclasts backs away and says, The FUCK I DO.

Some many of you on this very board, whether you know it or not, are members of that tribe of HIPDOM.

You may be a conservative, or a liberal, or an anarchist or a lot of other things, but the process of thinking which you took to make you arrive OUTSIDE THE BOUNDRYS OF CURRENTLY ACCEPTED THINKING is what made you a member of the TRIBE of the HIP.

Welcome to the tribe.

Smoke 'em... if that's your thing.
Being "unorthodox" and "out there" is a view that itself is being increasingly orthodox, or so I've observed.

...None of that could ever lend itself to the conclusion that I'm anything other than unorthodox to the point of extremism, or course. ;)
Being "unorthodox" and "out there" is a view that itself is being increasingly orthodox, or so I've observed.

...None of that could ever lend itself to the conclusion that I'm anything other than unorthodox to the point of extremism, or course. ;)

i never knew unorthodox was a synonym for "predictably boring".

go figure.
sorry, i'm not hung up on bourgeois punctuation rules.

so much for unorthodoxy, better shine up your "question authority" button, short round.

Actually, no. That was itself a challenge of the authority of intellectualism, revealing that attempts at intellectualism are often so ignorant as to be farcical.
sorry, i'm not hung up on bourgeois punctuation rules.

so much for unorthodoxy, better shine up your "question authority" button, short round.

Actually, no. That was itself a challenge of the authority of intellectualism, revealing that attempts at intellectualism are often so ignorant as to be farcical.

Odd thread. I remember telling my future in-laws, if things got bad we could always live in a tent as money didn't matter to me. I thought they would faint!. We were all hippies then. Still today money doesn't matter but maybe because I have enough it doesn't' matter. My wife a minor American Indian student, agrees they weren't really noble but then tribal societies did what they did. Funny we are still in much of our thought tribal today.

And thoughts on hippies.

Richard Neville: Were the Hippies Right?
Bill Hatch: In Praise of Hippies and the Counter-Culture

"Nationalism is our form of incest, is our idolatry, is our insanity. 'Patriotism' is its cult." Eric Fromm


Hmmm...maybe not.
i said my refrigerator, silly, not yours.'re a stupidhead! :eek:

Though your stinging wit does push intellectual expression to its very boundaries, does it not? Considering that you've just offered the equivalent of "I know you are but what am I."

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