Natl Review against Trump

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
National Review Urges 'Say No' to Trump

Donald Trump is "a menace to conservatism" who should not be elected president of the United States, 22 conservative leaders argue in the new issue of National Review.

Insights from the conservative thinkers were to be posted online Thursday night and included in the conservative journal's Feb. 15 print edition, which goes to press Jan. 27.

The magazine also includes an editorial, titled "Against Trump," that concludes: "Donald Trump is a menace to American conservatism who would take the work of generations and trample it underfoot in behalf of a populism as heedless and crude as The Donald himself."

The leaders who contributed essays represent "various institutions, traditions, and positions on the conservative spectrum," said Rich Lowry, the magazine's editor.

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Gotta love it. They're eating their own.

National Review aims to take down Trump
National Review aims to take down Trump


The National Review issue features anti-Trump essays from more than 20 conservative thinkers, leaders and commentators spanning the GOP’s ideological spectrum from David Boaz, executive vice president of the libertarian-infused Cato Institute, to William Kristol, the hawkish editor of the Weekly Standard, to David McIntosh, president of the Club for Growth. All call for Republicans to nominate someone other than Trump.

“This is the time to mobilize,” said National Review editor Rich Lowry, who is also a weekly opinion columnist at POLITICO. “The establishment is AWOL, or even worse, so it’s up to people who really believe in these ideas and principles, for whom they’re not just talking points or positions of convenience, to set out the marker.”


The idea of choosing between Cruz and Trump, though, has soured many Republicans. “It’s like being shot or poisoned,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, who recently dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Bush, said on Capitol Hill Thursday. “What does it really matter?”

For movement conservatives, Lowry said, the choice is clear: Anybody but Trump.

“We’ve spent our lifetimes opposing poll-driven Republicans, and here’s a guy who’s the single most poll-obsessed politician in the history of the United States, judging by what he says,” Lowry said. “And we’re going to put him in the White House and expect him to stand by anything he’s said? It’s an insane gamble.”
'Donald Trump is "a menace to conservatism" who should not be elected president of the United States, 22 conservative leaders argue in the new issue of National Review.'

He's a menace to sound, responsible governance and public policy.
Trump is no conservative, no friend of the TP or far right values, as those smucks will find out if he becomes President.
Saw that. "Conservatives" are stupid fuckers. They really are. Liberals/Democrats got it right. Bring on the clown avatars. I need to start sporting one and supporting the cause
Check out the list at the link of those against Drumpf.

But hey, he's still got $arah, talking in tongues and bringing in those votes!

Trump is no conservative, no friend of the TP or far right values, as those smucks will find out if he becomes President.

He's no friend to middle class America - unless, of course, they look forward to the enormous tax hikes he has promised, as well as trashing the constitution.
Tank, little buddy, those libs and Dems are thrilled that Trump is doing well.

Going to make their job much easier, they think.
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Yeah... a lot of people read the National Review. It will be a huge impact on the primaries...
Trump is no conservative, no friend of the TP or far right values, as those smucks will find out if he becomes President.

They've been warned and if they want him as the Candidate for the Republican Party then let them suffer with the fact he might be a New York City Conservative but he will never be a true Conservative!

National Review aims to take down Trump
National Review aims to take down Trump


The National Review issue features anti-Trump essays from more than 20 conservative thinkers, leaders and commentators spanning the GOP’s ideological spectrum from David Boaz, executive vice president of the libertarian-infused Cato Institute, to William Kristol, the hawkish editor of the Weekly Standard, to David McIntosh, president of the Club for Growth. All call for Republicans to nominate someone other than Trump.

“This is the time to mobilize,” said National Review editor Rich Lowry, who is also a weekly opinion columnist at POLITICO. “The establishment is AWOL, or even worse, so it’s up to people who really believe in these ideas and principles, for whom they’re not just talking points or positions of convenience, to set out the marker.”


The idea of choosing between Cruz and Trump, though, has soured many Republicans. “It’s like being shot or poisoned,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, who recently dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Bush, said on Capitol Hill Thursday. “What does it really matter?”

For movement conservatives, Lowry said, the choice is clear: Anybody but Trump.

“We’ve spent our lifetimes opposing poll-driven Republicans, and here’s a guy who’s the single most poll-obsessed politician in the history of the United States, judging by what he says,” Lowry said. “And we’re going to put him in the White House and expect him to stand by anything he’s said? It’s an insane gamble.”

All this will accomplish is the folks that write the opeds will garner the wrath of the base, well the few that actually read it. The establishment folks still haven't figured out that they are responsible for Trumps popularity.

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