Nato Accuses China of issueing a Challenge.

China has remained neutral but apparently that's not enough for the US and Nato. This arrogance isn't going to help America to win the propaganda war against Russia.

Creepy Joe has to have a war. It's the only chance he has to save his presidency.
Only because Democracies in recent years moreso resemble Fascism.
Is there any other Russian propaganda you'd like to use to make excuses for the fascists that you clearly worship?

Nobody made you run interference for Russian fascists. You chose to do that of your own free will.
Son I'd choke you out with one hand. I've already fought. You seem to be very upset????
Shut up and go fight.
Lookie here everyone, we got us a genuine internet tough guy!

The point, that you ran from after bitch-screaming for a bit, was that Russia launched an unprovoked war ... and there's not a peep of criticism about that from you. Instead, you're crying your bitch-tears at the nations who dare fight back against the aggressor.

So, do you just pleasure yourself while dreaming of surrendering to tyrants, or is Russia paying you to play cheerleader for their war?
Lookie here everyone, we got us a genuine internet tough guy!

The point, that you ran from after bitch-screaming for a bit, was that Russia launched an unprovoked war ... and there's not a peep of criticism about that from you. Instead, you're crying your bitch-tears at the nations who dare fight back against the aggressor.

So, do you just pleasure yourself while dreaming of surrendering to tyrants, or is Russia paying you to play cheerleader for their war?

You couldn't make run from anything son. So you won't go fight, send your children over there to die, you deserve it. I would also invite you to quote me "cheerleading" for Pootie.....c' can do it..
With our blood and treasure.

Only around 1/3rd of all NATO countries have met their 2% GDP spending commitment.


Actually 2% is not enough. Not remotely. Every nation that borders Russia or was once part of the Warsaw Pact should be spending at least 5% on their own defense.
I love how you called out China on their carbon footprint
Academic Science Belongs in the Political Science Department

Their carbon footprint is what saved about five million lives there. The five thousand who died of the cronyvirus had a rare immune deficiency or were old and deteriorating.

China never had a Clean Air Act, so their lockdown wasn't lethal. How much more proof do you need that the dishonestly named "pollution" is what wipes out viruses?

It's also rare in the jungle nation Sierra Leone. For a different reason, obviously, since they are pre-industrial. If it weren't forbidden, common sense could figure that out. Fauci's Commie Science? Never. So we have to die because of authority-worship, which also dumbs down our PhDs.
Back atcha. Why aren't you fighting for Putin? Sucking him off constantly isn't enough. You need to put your body on the line.

So how much do they pay you to be a commie-asslicking surrender monkey? Or do you do it purely out of Stalinist devotion?

I do note your total lack of criticism for Russia for starting the war. Why is that? And do you even care about what a commie shitstain hypocrite that makes you look like?
Hunts Wolverines

We've got our own Ukrainian Globalist colony right here, run by Hunter Biden.
I think china is a threat to every other country on the planet

although countries that kowtow to china get better treatment than those who dont

china seems ready to invade Taiwan

but only if it is certain that the US will not lead a coalition of free nations in opposition
We'll Send Rickshaws to Taiwan

To quote Lyndon Johnson when he was running for President. "I will not send American boys to fight a war that Asian boys should fight themselves."

That lie is what got him elected in 1964.
So now NATO is threatening China? :rolleyes-41:

"It has been more than 30 years since the Cold War ended," said the Chinese.

"NATO, as a remnant of the Cold War, has not only failed to reflect on its role as such, but also continued to expand its geographical scope and range of operations, and is increasingly targeting China."

...and they are right.

China Fires Back at NATO Over Russia-Ukraine War Criticism​

You couldn't make run from anything son. So you won't go fight, send your children over there to die, you deserve it.
Since watching you piss yourself and run never gets old, I'll just repeat the point that you keep running from.

You haven't uttered even one peep of criticism against Russia, yet you claim to hate those who start wars. That makes you look like a liar, hypocrite, and RussoNazi asslicker.

I would also invite you to quote me "cheerleading" for Pootie.....c' can do it..
Constantly saying how awful the people fighting back are against your hero Putin certainly qualifies. Putin deliberately massacres civilians, and you're running cover for that by criticizing those defending the civilians. If this was 1933 Germany, you clearly would have been a very enthusiastic Nazi supporter.

So, any other genocides you'd like to run cover for today?
China's further alignment with Russia may mean that it buys the Russian Far East to buffer climate changes of the future and begins someow to tap emergent methane from the tundra:

2022 Ap 8 China Denounces UN's Decision to Suspend Russia
'....Zhang Jun urged the international community to "remain rational" rather than add fuel to the fire.'
Zelenskiy's advisor must be on cocaine as well. One day he's in Buch, the next in Kramatorsk. Has the dipshit stopped to realize that the serial number of the Tochka rocket was photographed at the latter and has been published on the net?

Ukraine is 'Winning' -- According to the Movie Crew
'....What the Ukraine has accomplished in their dis-incredible use of CIA photoshopping techniques is to upend the reality of (any [italics]) war.....Ukraine hasn't won -- the EU is disintegrating, the US is being propelled into Civil War, and globalization -- is DEAD.'
Shut up or go fight. Only people who have never fought want war you dumbass.
They don't seem to grasp that this one could shatter THEIR world as well. If the neo-cons keep pushing, Russia may pop one of those candles with the funny-shaped cloud, and then EVERYTHING CHANGES for EVERYONE.
NATO has no business to do in Asia!
Even though it's outright US aggression, it's still necessary business.
The two great competing alliances are forming and a preliminary battle is waging in the Ukraine. The stakes are high for Russia and America, but of very little importance for Ukrainians.

America has taken very detailed precautions to exclude the possibility of an allout world war. Those precautions depend on China and Russia abiding by the established rules.

Only ignorant people will continue to fail to understand the facts that make sense of what is happening.

We can be antiwar.
We can come around to supporting the war because in the larger scheme of things, it's worth it to challenge the other great alliance.

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