NATO Chief Warns US 19-Year 'Hasty Retreat' From Afghanistan Could Leave Void ISIS Could Exploit


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Are we supposed to invade anywhere there is a “potential” for ISIS or any other radical Islamic fascists pop up?

Anywhere there are Muslims, there are going to be Islamic terrorists. So it’s either wipe them all out, or let them be in their own countries and let them kill each other.

It has been President Trump’s policy to isolate Islamic shit holes, and let them kill each other off.
It’s worked brilliantly. ISIS has been wiped off the map and terror attacks in the West have become very rare.
"If the US EVER pulls troops out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and other locations around the world it could leave voids terrorists / ISIS could fill......"

The justification for never ending wars in the Middle East to hand down from generation to generation when kids ask why the US is STILL fighting these wars decades from now....

How can we protect other countries from terrorist while we have them walking in our streets attacking conservatives.
Pres. Trump need to bring all of them back to start patrolling our own borders and streets.

"If the US EVER pulls troops out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and other locations around the world it could leave voids terrorists / ISIS could fill......"

The justification for never ending wars in the Middle East to hand down from generation to generation when kids ask why the US is STILL fighting these wars decades from now....

How can we protect other countries from terrorist while we have them walking in our streets attacking conservatives.
Pres. Trump need to bring all of them back to start patrolling our own borders and streets. the time he has left, which Biden will reverse as soon as he gets in....
"If the US EVER pulls troops out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and other locations around the world it could leave voids terrorists / ISIS could fill......"

The justification for never ending wars in the Middle East to hand down from generation to generation when kids ask why the US is STILL fighting these wars decades from now....

How can we protect other countries from terrorist while we have them walking in our streets attacking conservatives.
Pres. Trump need to bring all of them back to start patrolling our own borders and streets. the time he has left, which Biden will reverse as soon as he gets in....

Quit joking around! We all know that Biden isn't going to be President. He is just having one of those delusional episodes that he frequently have when he come out of the basement.

Actual video of Biden's basement.

"If the US EVER pulls troops out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and other locations around the world it could leave voids terrorists / ISIS could fill......"

The justification for never ending wars in the Middle East to hand down from generation to generation when kids ask why the US is STILL fighting these wars decades from now....

It's fun to watch Security Conservatives all turn into a bunch of hippies in defense of their Orange Judas.

Kind of like watching Christian Conservatives defend him fucking a porn star while his third wife is at home having his fifth child. Party of Family Values, everyone. Or Fiscal Conservatives defend 4 Trillion in Keynesian Spending.

Funny thing is, he might even have a point here, that it's kind of pointless to still be there 19 years after 9/11. Especially with Putin putting bounties on the heads of our troops, not that he's doing anything about that.

But we didn't have a debate about it, and the possible consequences, Trump just needs to pull troops out so he can say he did it, even though everyone knows the Taliban will be back in charge of the country in a year. Well, that's the next guy's problem.
Does anyone remember when the Progressives used to be against war?

I remember being against wars based on lies... which is what Bush did.

As far as Afghanistan, Bush was wrong in taking his eye off the ball to go after Saddam, giving the Taliban a chance to regroup, and Obama was wrong to escalate the thing to look tough, after it was clear that Karzai had no intention of actually abiding by the results of an election he clearly lost. So, yeah, a lot of people mishandled this before Trump got to it.

This doesn't excuse Trump essentially selling out our allies and creating a problem for the next president to make himself look good.
Are we supposed to invade anywhere there is a “potential” for ISIS or any other radical Islamic fascists pop up?

Anywhere there are Muslims, there are going to be Islamic terrorists. So it’s either wipe them all out, or let them be in their own countries and let them kill each other.

It has been President Trump’s policy to isolate Islamic shit holes, and let them kill each other off.
It’s worked brilliantly. ISIS has been wiped off the map and terror attacks in the West have become very rare.

Wow. Here's what happened to ISIS.

They got taken out by the Iranians because we let Iran run roughshod over Iraq and Syria. Now the Iranians can set up missiles right on the border with Israel if they really want to.

And Trump sold out the Kurds and our Afghan Allies, good luck getting anyone to sign up with us next time.

Again, maybe you should change your name to "TheDove", as you are now turning into a hippy defending your Orange Judas.
Does anyone remember when the Progressives used to be against war?

I remember being against wars based on lies... which is what Bush did.

As far as Afghanistan, Bush was wrong in taking his eye off the ball to go after Saddam, giving the Taliban a chance to regroup, and Obama was wrong to escalate the thing to look tough, after it was clear that Karzai had no intention of actually abiding by the results of an election he clearly lost. So, yeah, a lot of people mishandled this before Trump got to it.

This doesn't excuse Trump essentially selling out our allies and creating a problem for the next president to make himself look good.
There were no lies, but the reality is; you are against wars when a Republican is in office, not so much when a Democrat is.
NATO can send in the Danes or the Swedish. We Americans have done more than our fair share of fighting and dying and it's time we PULL OUT.

Uh, when the Taliban and ISIS and Al Qaeda take over Afghanistan and turn it back into Terrorist Disneyland, they aren't going to go after the Danes and the Swedes. (By the way, the Swedes aren't part of NATO, Cleetus. Maybe you should do some research before shooting off your mouth.)

They are going to go after Americans.

It's like we've learned nothing from our mistakes.
There were no lies, but the reality is; you are against wars when a Republican is in office, not so much when a Democrat is.

I was in the Army for 11 years. I have no problem with war when it is needed.

I have a HUGE problem with wars fought over lies because Bush felt that Saddam made his daddy look bad.

Saddam didn't have WMD's.
He wasn't cooperating with Al Qaeda.
He was actually containing Iran for us.

We made things a LOT worse by invading Iraq.
"If the US EVER pulls troops out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and other locations around the world it could leave voids terrorists / ISIS could fill......"

The justification for never ending wars in the Middle East to hand down from generation to generation when kids ask why the US is STILL fighting these wars decades from now....

If they are worried about it let them send NATO troops to fight, sans the US of course.

I doubt they will give a shit after they loose a few of their troops.
"If the US EVER pulls troops out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and other locations around the world it could leave voids terrorists / ISIS could fill......"

The justification for never ending wars in the Middle East to hand down from generation to generation when kids ask why the US is STILL fighting these wars decades from now....

If they are worried about it let them send NATO troops to fight, sans the US of course.

I doubt they will give a shit after they loose a few of their troops.

The word is "lose" people! Why do you all post like third graders?

If something is "loose" you tighten it up.

If you don't win, you "lose".

Even if you can't remember, spell check works! Please excuse my rant. I hate stupid!
NATO: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States
There are 12 NATO nations.
Americans should only be paying 8-9% of the costs.
We have paid a lot more than our fair share.
The Europeans are freeloaders.
If they want to stay there, let them.
"If the US EVER pulls troops out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and other locations around the world it could leave voids terrorists / ISIS could fill......"

The justification for never ending wars in the Middle East to hand down from generation to generation when kids ask why the US is STILL fighting these wars decades from now....

The biggest threat is right here at home

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