NATO Chief Warns US 19-Year 'Hasty Retreat' From Afghanistan Could Leave Void ISIS Could Exploit

There were no lies, but the reality is; you are against wars when a Republican is in office, not so much when a Democrat is.

I was in the Army for 11 years. I have no problem with war when it is needed.

I have a HUGE problem with wars fought over lies because Bush felt that Saddam made his daddy look bad.

Saddam didn't have WMD's.
He wasn't cooperating with Al Qaeda.
He was actually containing Iran for us.

We made things a LOT worse by invading Iraq.

Good thing Obama ended all that!
LOL another grammar Nazi.

Another person who retained nothing that they learned in school! Why aren't you a liberal?

I'm a fiscal conservative. I was typing to fast as I'm at work. Sorry. I'll do better. LOL

Why are you posting when you should be working? Are you sure you are not a liberal?

Hell no. I'm no liberal. I'm a long way from one.

I post because my job lets me. I can walk and chew gum at the same time, LOL

I'm in a little office all by myself. I answer the radio. Open doors and do two or three things at the same time.

I work for the Brevard County Sheriffs Department here in Florida. If I wasn't good at my job, which I've been doing for 16 years, I would have been gone long ago.
LOL another grammar Nazi.

Another person who retained nothing that they learned in school! Why aren't you a liberal?

I'm a fiscal conservative. I was typing to fast as I'm at work. Sorry. I'll do better. LOL

Why are you posting when you should be working? Are you sure you are not a liberal?

Hell no. I'm no liberal. I'm a long way from one.

I post because my job lets me. I can walk and chew gum at the same time, LOL

I'm in a little office all by myself. I answer the radio. Open doors and do two or three things at the same time.

I work for the Brevard County Sheriffs Department here in Florida. If I wasn't good at my job, which I've been doing for 16 years, I would have been gone long ago.

I'll bet they don't have you do anything involving writing, or they are apparently as ignorant as you are regarding the proper use of or language.
There were no lies, but the reality is; you are against wars when a Republican is in office, not so much when a Democrat is.

I was in the Army for 11 years. I have no problem with war when it is needed.

I have a HUGE problem with wars fought over lies because Bush felt that Saddam made his daddy look bad.

Saddam didn't have WMD's.
He wasn't cooperating with Al Qaeda.
He was actually containing Iran for us.

We made things a LOT worse by invading Iraq.
Well, the fact that you continue to try and sell the lie meme is proof you're not a serious intellect.
LOL another grammar Nazi.

Another person who retained nothing that they learned in school! Why aren't you a liberal?

I'm a fiscal conservative. I was typing to fast as I'm at work. Sorry. I'll do better. LOL

Why are you posting when you should be working? Are you sure you are not a liberal?

Hell no. I'm no liberal. I'm a long way from one.

I post because my job lets me. I can walk and chew gum at the same time, LOL

I'm in a little office all by myself. I answer the radio. Open doors and do two or three things at the same time.

I work for the Brevard County Sheriffs Department here in Florida. If I wasn't good at my job, which I've been doing for 16 years, I would have been gone long ago.

I'll bet they don't have you do anything involving writing, or they are apparently as ignorant as you are regarding the proper use of or language.

Oh I'm not ignorant. Just was in a hurry. The only writing I do is on the logs. Everything else is via computer.

Oh and get off your grammar Nazi bullshit. Jeeze.
"If the US EVER pulls troops out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and other locations around the world it could leave voids terrorists / ISIS could fill......"

The justification for never ending wars in the Middle East to hand down from generation to generation when kids ask why the US is STILL fighting these wars decades from now....

It's fun to watch Security Conservatives all turn into a bunch of hippies in defense of their Orange Judas.

Kind of like watching Christian Conservatives defend him fucking a porn star while his third wife is at home having his fifth child. Party of Family Values, everyone. Or Fiscal Conservatives defend 4 Trillion in Keynesian Spending.

Funny thing is, he might even have a point here, that it's kind of pointless to still be there 19 years after 9/11. Especially with Putin putting bounties on the heads of our troops, not that he's doing anything about that.

But we didn't have a debate about it, and the possible consequences, Trump just needs to pull troops out so he can say he did it, even though everyone knows the Taliban will be back in charge of the country in a year. Well, that's the next guy's problem.
He owes you so much more. So much more. You are owed vengeance for a long time. No matter what Trump does, it will be the opposite of what you support. I would just rather see a few cities vaporized so we can end all of this.
"If the US EVER pulls troops out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and other locations around the world it could leave voids terrorists / ISIS could fill......"

The justification for never ending wars in the Middle East to hand down from generation to generation when kids ask why the US is STILL fighting these wars decades from now....

He is wrong...

Bring all of the troops home now....all of them....

In Iraq and Afghanistan......

This "if you cut and run, ISIS or Al Qeda will blah blah" has been used for the past 10 yrs and it is getting tired...
"If the US EVER pulls troops out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and other locations around the world it could leave voids terrorists / ISIS could fill......"

The justification for never ending wars in the Middle East to hand down from generation to generation when kids ask why the US is STILL fighting these wars decades from now....

Then let NATO spend It's treasure and blood in an unending war.
Good thing Obama ended all that!

He tried his best, didn't he. He got the troops out, you guys whined like stuck pigs, and then he had to send some back in when Bush's buddy Maliki screwed the pooch and let ISIS form.

He owes you so much more. So much more. You are owed vengeance for a long time. No matter what Trump does, it will be the opposite of what you support. I would just rather see a few cities vaporized so we can end all of this.

Again, does your doctor know you are off your medication?
Good thing Obama ended all that!

He tried his best, didn't he. He got the troops out, you guys whined like stuck pigs, and then he had to send some back in when Bush's buddy Maliki screwed the pooch and let ISIS form.

He owes you so much more. So much more. You are owed vengeance for a long time. No matter what Trump does, it will be the opposite of what you support. I would just rather see a few cities vaporized so we can end all of this.

Again, does your doctor know you are off your medication?
He surrendered all the real estate from Aleppo to Baghdad to his brothers in Jihad, while starting 8 new wars.
He surrendered all the real estate from Aleppo to Baghdad to his brothers in Jihad, while starting 8 new wars.

Really, when did he do that.

The reason why ISIS Rose.

Because Bush and Petreaus paid the Sunni Militias to play nice until we could pull out.

Then Maliki did two really stupid things, he refused to agree to a Status of Forces Agreement that would have kept some Americans in the country. And he stopped sharing oil revenues with the Sunnis, and shut them out of power sharing. So no big surprise, they ran straight into the hands of DAESH.
Are we supposed to invade anywhere there is a “potential” for ISIS or any other radical Islamic fascists pop up?

Anywhere there are Muslims, there are going to be Islamic terrorists. So it’s either wipe them all out, or let them be in their own countries and let them kill each other.

It has been President Trump’s policy to isolate Islamic shit holes, and let them kill each other off.
It’s worked brilliantly. ISIS has been wiped off the map and terror attacks in the West have become very rare.
If only the Islamists would stay in their own hellholes. Islamists will never stop trying to conquer the planet through every means possible, especially through violence.
"If the US EVER pulls troops out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and other locations around the world it could leave voids terrorists / ISIS could fill......"

The justification for never ending wars in the Middle East to hand down from generation to generation when kids ask why the US is STILL fighting these wars decades from now....

Yea the USA should stay in Afghanistan for at least another 19 years

LOL another grammar Nazi.

Another person who retained nothing that they learned in school! Why aren't you a liberal?

I'm a fiscal conservative. I was typing to fast as I'm at work. Sorry. I'll do better. LOL

Why are you posting when you should be working? Are you sure you are not a liberal?

Hell no. I'm no liberal. I'm a long way from one.

I post because my job lets me. I can walk and chew gum at the same time, LOL

I'm in a little office all by myself. I answer the radio. Open doors and do two or three things at the same time.

I work for the Brevard County Sheriffs Department here in Florida. If I wasn't good at my job, which I've been doing for 16 years, I would have been gone long ago.

I'll bet they don't have you do anything involving writing, or they are apparently as ignorant as you are regarding the proper use of or language.

Either way, mind your own fucking business. You sure you aren't sucking Biden's wrinkled cock? Soy Boy, perhaps? :04:
LOL another grammar Nazi.

Another person who retained nothing that they learned in school! Why aren't you a liberal?

I'm a fiscal conservative. I was typing to fast as I'm at work. Sorry. I'll do better. LOL

Why are you posting when you should be working? Are you sure you are not a liberal?

Hell no. I'm no liberal. I'm a long way from one.

I post because my job lets me. I can walk and chew gum at the same time, LOL

I'm in a little office all by myself. I answer the radio. Open doors and do two or three things at the same time.

I work for the Brevard County Sheriffs Department here in Florida. If I wasn't good at my job, which I've been doing for 16 years, I would have been gone long ago.

I'll bet they don't have you do anything involving writing, or they are apparently as ignorant as you are regarding the proper use of or language.

Either way, mind your own fucking business. You sure you aren't sucking Biden's wrinkled cock? Soy Boy, perhaps? :04:

I will leave that you mental midgets like you whose English language skills would not qualify you for the fry cooker at McDonald's.
LOL another grammar Nazi.

Another person who retained nothing that they learned in school! Why aren't you a liberal?

I'm a fiscal conservative. I was typing to fast as I'm at work. Sorry. I'll do better. LOL

Why are you posting when you should be working? Are you sure you are not a liberal?

Hell no. I'm no liberal. I'm a long way from one.

I post because my job lets me. I can walk and chew gum at the same time, LOL

I'm in a little office all by myself. I answer the radio. Open doors and do two or three things at the same time.

I work for the Brevard County Sheriffs Department here in Florida. If I wasn't good at my job, which I've been doing for 16 years, I would have been gone long ago.

I'll bet they don't have you do anything involving writing, or they are apparently as ignorant as you are regarding the proper use of or language.

Either way, mind your own fucking business. You sure you aren't sucking Biden's wrinkled cock? Soy Boy, perhaps? :04:

I will leave that you mental midgets like you whose English language skills would not qualify you for the fry cooker at McDonald's.

Yea the USA should stay in Afghanistan for at least another 19 years

Should have been in and out in three to six months.
Never should have set foot there........................ No need
If Trump is not be sworn in again then he should everything he can to disrupt what the calls the swamp Nothing to lose And then they have to make excuses for repeating the things people voted against for years and the also were against supposedly.

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