NATO is obliged to defeat the forces of the dictator Lukashenko


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
The dictator's terrorists threaten Poland's security, and invade Poland to carry out terrorist acts. The dictator relies solely on terrorists, as the people have turned away from him, and he will not be able to raise an army.

Lukashenkо's terrorists became famous for raping and killing children.

Therefore, Polish children and citizens are in danger.

Poland is a member of NATO. If NATO refuses to fulfill obligations, they are subject to dissolution.
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Lukashenkо's terrorists are not fully supported in Russia either. For example, lieutenant colonel of the federal troops of the 72nd brigade Venevitin told how he fought against terrorists, they stole federal property and mocked conscripts in Bakhmut.

The cemetery of the terrorists Prigozhin was destroyed in the Samara region, the wreaths in memory of the criminals were thrown into the trash, the cemetery was leveled with a bulldozer.

Several crimes of former terrorists who were demobilized are also known. In particular, one of them raped two schoolgirls, threatening them with a grenade.
Not sure why you include criminal activity with Article 5 of the NATO Treaty ... NATO is a MILITARY alliance ... they have no authority in civilian criminal matters ...

The text is a bit long, so spoiled for spamminess:

Article 5

“The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security.”
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Not sure why you include criminal activity with Article 5 of the NATO Treaty ... NATO is a MILITARY alliance ... they have no authority in civilian criminal matters ...

The text is a bit long, so spoiled for spamminess:

Article 5

“The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security.”
terrorists are also fighting. Hussein was a terrorist but led the army. It does not interfere.
In addition, terrorists use federal infrastructure and weapons.
Hey BumPole .
Is that the NATO that has no money and reserve ordnance? The same bunch fighting Russia that is taking a terrible beating ?
Has your mystic granny got any other bright ideas ?
Do you know that you only exist as an algorithm?
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Hey BumPole .
Is that the NATO that has no money and reserve ordnance? The same bunch fighting Russia that is taking a terrible beating ?
Has your mystic granny got any other bright ideas ?
Do you know that you only exist as an algorithm?
The American army is also a member of NATO. France also has a good army.
Even the army of Czechoslovakia will be enough to put an end to Lukashenkо's terrorists, if the Russian Federation tries to side with Lukashenkо, it will not be able to hold the front in Ukraine, it is crumbling anyway.

It will be enough to provide the Poles themselves and regiment Kalinovsky with good weapons, and the deed will be done.
... Hussein was a terrorist but led the army ...

Hussein bin Talal of Jordon isn't usually described as a terrorist ...

Saddam Hussein of Iraq was a trusted ally of the United States ...

I know you don't mean Barack Hussein Obama .. now do you? ...


Terrorism is a crime ... not war ... and NATO doesn't normally get involved with criminal prosecutions ... it was Saudi Royal Family money that brought down the WTC on 9/11/2001 ... not our man Saddam ...
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These terrorists should also be developed through Interpol, they are suspected of mass kidnapping of children.
Hussein bin Talal of Jordon isn't usually described as a terrorist ...

Saddam Hussein of Iraq was a trusted ally of the United States ...

I know you don't mean Barack Hussein Obama .. now do you? ...
Lies. He was the head of the Baath terrorists who participated in international terror, the 9/11 organization and the genocide of the Kurds.

They were not "friends" of the United States, the United States defeated them during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2 months, without the permission of the UN.
Is that the NATO that has no money and reserve ordnance?

Give the United States Congress a couple hours ...

Do you think $10 trillion is enough or should we go for $25 trillion just to make sure? ... AND we'll call up the National Guard ... a million men with a million M-16 all equiped to laser-guide B-52 bombs to pin point accuracy ...

... and WE Americans won't even break a sweat ...
Give the United States Congress a couple hours ...

Do you think $10 trillion is enough or should we go for $25 trillion just to make sure? ... AND we'll call up the National Guard ... a million men with a million M-16 all equiped to laser-guide B-52 bombs to pin point accuracy ...

... and WE Americans won't even break a sweat ...
This is true. The American Army is incredibly strong, it has been funded for about 40 years like all the rest of the world's armies combined, and they took all the technology from their primary sources - US engineering schools.

Even one outdated f16 terrifies terrorists.

High-precision hymers are able to beat terrorists in their own homes from 500 km away and not hurt their neighbors.

One American Aircraft Carrier is worth more than all of Russia's fleets.

And the American army is completely professional.

No army in the world is comparable in scale to the US army.
Lies. He was the head of the Baath terrorists who participated in international terror, the 9/11 organization and the genocide of the Kurds.

They were not "friends" of the United States, the United States defeated them during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2 months, without the permission of the UN.

I'm sorry to tell you this ... but this is the Reagan Administration that set that all up ... and yeah, to commit crimes in the Soviet Union and Iran ... terrorism American style ... Afghanistan still hasn't recovered from American Intervention back in the early 1980's ... better than 40 years now without any stable form of government ... "I was there with a couple M-60 holding point just mowing down them damn Sandy-Nasties" ... yeah, that's the ticket, mowing them down ...

Al Qaeda is Reagan's baby ... we have the receipts on file ...
I'm sorry to tell you this ... but this is the Reagan
This is slander. I know for sure that Reagan supported only the liberation movements, and even the US Army did not interfere there.
Reagan The greatest follower of the Monroe Doctrine and the greatest US president of the 20th century.

Al Qaeda is Reagan's baby ... we have the receipts on file
This is slander. Reagan supported the enemies of the Taliban and al-Qaeda - the rebels of the Northern Alliance, led by Shah Massoud. Everything is the opposite.
Afghanistan still hasn't recovered from American Intervention back in the early 1980's
There was no intervention in the 80s. Reagan was simply supplying weapons to the freedom fighters against the Pashtun occupiers and the KGB.
And they won at that moment. They created an independent state.
There, US cruise missiles played a key role.

It is the treacherous Bidenists and Trumpists who made the deal with Afghan terrorism.

Don't you dare spread slander against Reagan.
Under the Monroe Doctrine, the United States is obligated to support the fighters for Freedom and Independence throughout the world.
Reagan did everything legally and correctly.

Reagan is the greatest president and freedom fighter. Reagan is a saint, Reagan is God, Reagan made America Greatest.
Do not dare to spread fucking Kremlin slander!
Reagan is on a par with the Fathers!
The dictator's terrorists threaten Poland's security, and invade Poland to carry out terrorist acts. The dictator relies solely on terrorists, as the people have turned away from him, and he will not be able to raise an army.

Lukashenkо's terrorists became famous for raping and killing children.

Therefore, Polish children and citizens are in danger.

Poland is a member of NATO. If NATO refuses to fulfill obligations, they are subject to dissolution.
all what needs to do its give to Ukraine all what they are asking us, F16, rockets, tanks . Luka is a symptom of Moscow imperial plague

all what needs to do its give to Ukraine all what they are asking us, F16, rockets, tanks . Luka is a symptom of Moscow imperial plague

However, it is preferable to give it directly to the Poles.
Ukraine's position is ambiguous. Bandera Ukraine is essentially the same appendage of Moscow as the Belarusian dictate of Lukashenkо. Both regimes are essentially occupiers of Polish lands.

Zelensky was in collusion with the Kremlin, he fought without the right to retaliate missile strikes, and was silent about it. He destroyed the Ukrainian Lesser Poland people.
Putin said that if the Polish spring comes to Ukraine, he will join Zelensky against Poles.
Give the United States Congress a couple hours ...

Do you think $10 trillion is enough or should we go for $25 trillion just to make sure? ... AND we'll call up the National Guard ... a million men with a million M-16 all equiped to laser-guide B-52 bombs to pin point accuracy ...

... and WE Americans won't even break a sweat ...
Because BumPole is an algorithm it could not identify the humour and so took you literally .

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