NATO is obliged to defeat the forces of the dictator Lukashenko

all what needs to do its give to Ukraine all what they are asking us, F16, rockets, tanks . Luka is a symptom of Moscow imperial plague
Ironic that Ukraine is being annihilated -- which I have told you every day -- at the same time that you also are .
What will be your next job?
Sad that you are posting with Bumpole who is just the product of a Chat type algorithm and is your replacement . But let's be honest -- you were lousy at your job .
Ironic that Ukraine is being annihilated
Not anymore. Don't be silly. Now only a cave dweller may not know about the successes of Ukraine.

And this is happening precisely because the Polish intervened there.
As soon as the pro-Polish resistance of the Kalinovsky regiment in Belarus arose, Ukraine began to actively attack and switched to the professional tactics of special groups.

There is no doubt that Zelensky has lost power and is now a puppet of Poland. As soon as the case is over, he will be executed for the genocide of Lesser Poles in Ukraine and cooperation with Moscow.
Now they just don't want to rock the boat.

In Poland, the people have not forgotten the atrocities of Bandera. There is a monument to the atrocities of the UPA, and it is written: "If I forget this, let heaven forget me"
And the Ukrainians themselves already know that there was a criminal conspiracy with the CIA, which at least allowed Moscow to unilaterally shoot the cities and villages of Ukraine, and Zelensky was well infirmed about it, because from very beginning they were not brought any weapons, which would allow firing at distant objects.
Not anymore. Don't be silly. Now only a cave dweller may not know about the successes of Ukraine.

And this is happening precisely because the Polish intervened there.

Failed Counter-Offensive: Is Ukraine Losing Because Foreign Fighters Are Walking Away?

It has been almost 3 months since the launch of Ukraine's long anticipated counter-offensive which many “experts” claimed would be the fatal blow that would remove Russian forces from the country altogether. The initial action gained little; around 90 square miles of territory in June and a handful of villages, and at great cost. There are no accurate casualty reports for Ukraine, which is by design, but estimates suggest that the nation's military has at least doubled its number of deadsince the counter offensive began.

ZH . Right Now . Exactly as I have reported daily for month after month .
Ukrainians and Russians have been completely disoriented since the coup. In fact, Yanukovych was the enemy of the Kremlin regime No. 1, and it was the Kremlin that removed him.
Yanukovych's party was an analogue of the most opposition party in the Russian Federation, which has been in opposition since 2005 - the republican party of Kasyanov. As a result of the coup, the pro-Kremlin Obama government came there. That is why Obama eliminated the missile defense program in Eastern Europe - he was an ally of Moscow.
Failed Counter-Offensive: Is Ukraine Losing Because Foreign Fighters Are Walking Away?
I don’t need to hear there this naive nonsense of the Kremlin propaganda, now they don’t believe this even in Moscow itself, which is attacked by drones every day.
I follow events very closely. Over the past three weeks, the Ukrainian army has destroyed more than in the entire previous year, and if they are not interfered with, they will take the entire southern front in September, even without the help of "partners"
The latest news from the southern front, published 19 minutes ago: the Armed Forces of Ukraine have reached Novoprokopyevka, they plan to block the transport hubs on Tokmak. At the very least, Tokmаk will be in an operational semi-environment.
From this place to Melitopol no more than 100 km. They need to go 100 km to block the entire southern front and the Crimean peninsula.
And here, too, a cardinal change in tactics can be seen. They don't go for head-on collisions, they make clever maneuvers, exploiting the enemy's weak spots. In other words, they began to fight, instead of just throwing people into a meat grinder.
August was an absolute record for the destruction of Russian artillery installations by the Ukrainian defense forces. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are already breaking through the second line of defense of the Russian invaders, and the Russians cannot hold the defense in the Liman-Kupyansk direction. Alexander Kovalenko, military-political observer of the Information Resistance group, stated this live on the FREEDOM TV channel. The expert stressed that Russia does not have the resources to strengthen its army in the war zone.
And the Kremlin officials, instead of covering their bare ass, declare that they are "preparing for war with NATO."

Yesterday they shouted that they had the largest nuclear arsenal, and now Lavrov said that the US is "violating" the nuclear weapons treaty
Russian propaganda seems to think that no one sees anything but the Kremlin's TV news. The last time they crap with the "news" that supposedly nothing was significantly damaged at the Pskov airfield, and after that, photos were published on social networks showing 2 completely destroyed aircraft and several damaged ones.
The ruble again fell to almost a hundred.
I bought dollars.
Do you want to know the real state of affairs in the Russian economy?

Here is the situation in one large plant. This is information from the supply department.

Most of the goods ordered in the spring are still not paid for and not delivered, including an emergency reserve.
They could not satisfy the urgent application for the amount of 10 thousand rubles. 10 thousand is about 100 dollars.
This happens in a large holding. This is not a joke
The ruble again fell to almost a hundred.
I bought dollars.
Do you want to know the real state of affairs in the Russian economy?

Here is the situation in one large plant. This is information from the supply department.

Most of the goods ordered in the spring are still not paid for and not delivered, including an emergency reserve.
They could not satisfy the urgent application for the amount of 10 thousand rubles. 10 thousand is about 100 dollars.
This happens in a large holding. This is not a joke
And nonetheless your great leader is trying to gather 'all Russian lands' as all great Russian leaders did in the past. Aren't you happy?
And nonetheless your great leader is trying to gather 'all Russian lands' as all great Russian leaders did in the past. Aren't you happy?
Firstly, I am against Imperialism, and secondly, I do not recognize any "Russia", "Russians" are Golyad, slaves and savages who were enslaved by the Germans, the population of Muscovy and Prussia, and the territory of RF inherits from the Great Golden Horde.

Putin has no way back. He will now do everything possible to save himself and his accomplices, he will not reckon with anything.

He built his whole policy on bluff and false propaganda, he succeeded. He managed to enslave America. It is possible that he will be able to do it this time. Not excluded.
great Russian leaders did in the past.
There have never been any great Russian leaders.

In Moskovia there was always an army of pishchalniks, a mass slave army of the Prussian model.

The hussars were of Polish origin. Cossacks and hussars are Khazars. They are not Russian. Bogatyrs are Baaturs of the golden horde. These are not Russians.
Chairman of the European Committee for NATO Development Gunther Fehlinger reacted to the growing violence in the north of Kosovo and called for "bombing Belgrade right now" as part of the alliance's new intervention. Scumbag wrote this on his social media page X.

Chairman of the European Committee for NATO Development Gunther Fehlinger reacted to the growing violence in the north of Kosovo and called for "bombing Belgrade right now" as part of the alliance's new intervention. Scumbag wrote this on his social media page X.
These words have some meaning. Serbian politics is like pangeranism and panrusism, they first have a lot of children, and then colonize spaces, declaring them the possessions of Serbia. This was the main reason for the Serbian terror under Milosevic.

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