NATO wants to crush Kaliningrad

The population of Ukraine is 45 million, if you can't tell the truth about that, how can you expect anyone to believe anything you say?
Several millions from Eastern Ukraine have fled to Russia for good (including many of my own neighbors), a few millions from West fled to Poland. Graveyards have been growing catastrophically: people can't afford medicine, food, cloth.

The authorities have raised utilities payments so now monthly utilities payments are higher than monthly retirement payments. My friend asked to tell Americans her big “thank you” for bringing their “democracy” to our country. She says now we all have a democratic choice: to die from hunger or to die from freezing.

You don't need any war to decrease the population: they are dying from mystery and extremely high level of crimes.

Azarov, ex-Prime Minister of Ukraine made a report about human rights violation in Ukraine (Nov 2017). All opposition has been liquidated. At least 1500 political prisoners. The main right, the right for living, has been violated in Ukraine. According to State statistics Committee of Ukraine there were 14 million of retired citizens in Ukraine in 20013, now there are only 11.2 million. Where are 2.8 million? In the graves. This is the real genocide and Holodomor. Nobody in Ukraine can survive having $50 per month as a retirement payment.

Maxim Konovalets, immigrated from Ukraine to China: During Maidan I was on revolution and changes side. Now I’m strongly disappointed in it. Because now in Ukraine if you are against the current rulers you are “not a patriot!”, if you have a different point of view you are “not a patriot!”, if you hate all Russians then “ok, you are a patriot!”. It’s idolism!

Valeria Danchenko, immigrated from Ukraine to Britain: I love Ukraine, but it was difficult to always borrow money. I couldn’t afford to pay for the transportation and for utilities.

BTW, you don't sound like you live in Ukraine either.
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Why don't you read what I said? You're a neo nazi, because of your anti semitic, anti muslim and Ukrainophobic comments. No one could disagree with that, Adolf.

It's you who's making a fool of yourself.

If you're American why do you hate Ukraine so much? It doesn't make sense. It's like me saying I hate Peru, without having any logical reason to do so.
I can see you're obsessed with Soros.

I should have said "Trying to manipulate".
"Your country" Why not "my country"? You said you live in Ukraine.

The biggest joke is you.
Not much of a country anyway. Just a pawn in the dirty and bloody hands of Sorors and his Deep State buddies regardless if you like it or not. With over 30 million hostages residing in it.

Nonsensical Kremlin propaganda.
Lying about the population of Ukraine again? The population of Ukraine is 45 million, if you can't tell the truth about that, how can you expect anyone to believe anything you say?
Several millions from Eastern Ukraine have fled to Russia for good (including many of my own neighbors), a few millions from West fled to Poland. Graveyards have been growing catastrophically: people can't afford medicine, food, cloth.

The authorities have raised utilities payments so now monthly utilities payments are higher than monthly retirement payments. My friend asked to tell Americans her big “thank you” for bringing their “democracy” to our country. She says now we all have a democratic choice: to die from hunger or to die from freezing.

You don't need any war to decrease the population: they are dying from mystery and extremely high level of crimes.

Azarov, ex-Prime Minister of Ukraine made a report about human rights violation in Ukraine (Nov 2017). All opposition has been liquidated. At least 1500 political prisoners. The main right, the right for living, has been violated in Ukraine. According to State statistics Committee of Ukraine there were 14 million of retired citizens in Ukraine in 20013, now there are only 11.2 million. Where are 2.8 million? In the graves. This is the real genocide and Holodomor. Nobody in Ukraine can survive having $50 per month as a retirement payment.

Maxim Konovalets, immigrated from Ukraine to China: During Maidan I was on revolution and changes side. Now I’m strongly disappointed in it. Because now in Ukraine if you are against the current rulers you are “not a patriot!”, if you have a different point of view you are “not a patriot!”, if you hate all Russians then “ok, you are a patriot!”. It’s idolism!

Valeria Danchenko, immigrated from Ukraine to Britain: I love Ukraine, but it was difficult to always borrow money. I couldn’t afford to pay for the transportation and for utilities.

BTW, you don't sound like you live in Ukraine either.

Not you though, why not? That's not true about Western Ukraine, yes people go to work in Poland and other European countries, but most return home. If you're trying to suggest the population of Ukraine is 30 million, you're wrong and so are the Kremlin informants who told you that. I've never said things are perfect in Ukraine, I know it has many problems. You'll never see a Russian admit Russia has any faults

Your friend, not you? You think things would be any better if Putin was controlling Ukraine? Thise problems existed before Maidan and before the Orange Revolution.

The population has not dropped by 15 million in a short space of time. That is obvious Russian propaganda.

All opposition has been liquidated? How many parties contested the presidential and parliamentry election? Far more than in Russia that's for sure. There are far more political prisoners in Russia than there are in Ukraine. What do you think happens to old people? You can't prove they were starved. Genocide, really?

That's not true, many people who supported Poroshenko don't like Zelensky and those who didn't like Poroshenko like Zelensky. It's not a crime to criticise the president in Ukraine like it is in Russia.

People leave Russia for economic reasons also.

Maybe I don't.
I can see you're obsessed with Soros.

I should have said "Trying to manipulate".
"Your country" Why not "my country"? You said you live in Ukraine.

The biggest joke is you.
Not much of a country anyway. Just a pawn in the dirty and bloody hands of Sorors and his Deep State buddies regardless if you like it or not. With over 30 million hostages residing in it.

Nonsensical Kremlin propaganda.
Lying about the population of Ukraine again? The population of Ukraine is 45 million, if you can't tell the truth about that, how can you expect anyone to believe anything you say?
Several millions from Eastern Ukraine have fled to Russia for good (including many of my own neighbors), a few millions from West fled to Poland. Graveyards have been growing catastrophically: people can't afford medicine, food, cloth.

The authorities have raised utilities payments so now monthly utilities payments are higher than monthly retirement payments. My friend asked to tell Americans her big “thank you” for bringing their “democracy” to our country. She says now we all have a democratic choice: to die from hunger or to die from freezing.

You don't need any war to decrease the population: they are dying from mystery and extremely high level of crimes.

Azarov, ex-Prime Minister of Ukraine made a report about human rights violation in Ukraine (Nov 2017). All opposition has been liquidated. At least 1500 political prisoners. The main right, the right for living, has been violated in Ukraine. According to State statistics Committee of Ukraine there were 14 million of retired citizens in Ukraine in 20013, now there are only 11.2 million. Where are 2.8 million? In the graves. This is the real genocide and Holodomor. Nobody in Ukraine can survive having $50 per month as a retirement payment.

Maxim Konovalets, immigrated from Ukraine to China: During Maidan I was on revolution and changes side. Now I’m strongly disappointed in it. Because now in Ukraine if you are against the current rulers you are “not a patriot!”, if you have a different point of view you are “not a patriot!”, if you hate all Russians then “ok, you are a patriot!”. It’s idolism!

Valeria Danchenko, immigrated from Ukraine to Britain: I love Ukraine, but it was difficult to always borrow money. I couldn’t afford to pay for the transportation and for utilities.

BTW, you don't sound like you live in Ukraine either.

Not you though, why not? That's not true about Western Ukraine, yes people go to work in Poland and other European countries, but most return home. If you're trying to suggest the population of Ukraine is 30 million, you're wrong and so are the Kremlin informants who told you that. I've never said things are perfect in Ukraine, I know it has many problems. You'll never see a Russian admit Russia has any faults

Your friend, not you? You think things would be any better if Putin was controlling Ukraine? Thise problems existed before Maidan and before the Orange Revolution.

The population has not dropped by 15 million in a short space of time. That is obvious Russian propaganda.

All opposition has been liquidated? How many parties contested the presidential and parliamentry election? Far more than in Russia that's for sure. There are far more political prisoners in Russia than there are in Ukraine. What do you think happens to old people? You can't prove they were starved. Genocide, really?

That's not true, many people who supported Poroshenko don't like Zelensky and those who didn't like Poroshenko like Zelensky. It's not a crime to criticise the president in Ukraine like it is in Russia.

People leave Russia for economic reasons also.

Maybe I don't.
How many Russian citizens have come to Ukraine to work? Only a few crooks (some of them were wanted in Russia). Meanwhile millions of Ukrainians fled to Russia to work. And Poland is flooded with Ukrainians as well, I've been there recently and had a chance to get to know that.

Do you even live in Ukraine? Sounds like NOT. You don't even know the situation there (or pretend not to).
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Pro-Russian sentiments are strong in these regions. If there had been a recognized referendum there, the majority would have voted for union with Russia. Certainly - Crimea and Donbas. More likely - other regions of Eastern and Southern Ukraine.

Not all Russians living in Eastern and Southern Ukraine want unification with Russia, many want to stay in Ukraine.
I was talking about Ukrainians. Southern and Eastern regions are pro-Russian. That is a fact, and if you live in Ukraine and are interested in Ukrainian politics you should know this certainly.

I know those regions are pro Russian, but not all Ukrainians and Russians in those regions want unification with Russia, some have stated they would prefer to stay in Ukraine.
Of course not all of them. Some want this, some want that, some want something else. I am talking about the majority of people there. And I think that they would have voted for the union with Russia. The only way to find out that is to organize a nation wide referendum. And I am sure that if our rulers were sure in desirable outcome, this referendum would have been already held.

Why would they want to hold such a referendum? I don't see any reason for it. If the separatists won, Ukraine would lose all of it's coastline.
Because a referendum is a perfect chanse to find out the desires of people? No?

You don't see any reason of it? Apparently, the people that live there didn't see any reason to abide by the rules of government they didn't choose.
I can see you're obsessed with Soros.

I should have said "Trying to manipulate".
"Your country" Why not "my country"? You said you live in Ukraine.

The biggest joke is you.
Not much of a country anyway. Just a pawn in the dirty and bloody hands of Sorors and his Deep State buddies regardless if you like it or not. With over 30 million hostages residing in it.

Nonsensical Kremlin propaganda.
Lying about the population of Ukraine again? The population of Ukraine is 45 million, if you can't tell the truth about that, how can you expect anyone to believe anything you say?
Several millions from Eastern Ukraine have fled to Russia for good (including many of my own neighbors), a few millions from West fled to Poland. Graveyards have been growing catastrophically: people can't afford medicine, food, cloth.

The authorities have raised utilities payments so now monthly utilities payments are higher than monthly retirement payments. My friend asked to tell Americans her big “thank you” for bringing their “democracy” to our country. She says now we all have a democratic choice: to die from hunger or to die from freezing.

You don't need any war to decrease the population: they are dying from mystery and extremely high level of crimes.

Azarov, ex-Prime Minister of Ukraine made a report about human rights violation in Ukraine (Nov 2017). All opposition has been liquidated. At least 1500 political prisoners. The main right, the right for living, has been violated in Ukraine. According to State statistics Committee of Ukraine there were 14 million of retired citizens in Ukraine in 20013, now there are only 11.2 million. Where are 2.8 million? In the graves. This is the real genocide and Holodomor. Nobody in Ukraine can survive having $50 per month as a retirement payment.

Maxim Konovalets, immigrated from Ukraine to China: During Maidan I was on revolution and changes side. Now I’m strongly disappointed in it. Because now in Ukraine if you are against the current rulers you are “not a patriot!”, if you have a different point of view you are “not a patriot!”, if you hate all Russians then “ok, you are a patriot!”. It’s idolism!

Valeria Danchenko, immigrated from Ukraine to Britain: I love Ukraine, but it was difficult to always borrow money. I couldn’t afford to pay for the transportation and for utilities.

BTW, you don't sound like you live in Ukraine either.

Not you though, why not? That's not true about Western Ukraine, yes people go to work in Poland and other European countries, but most return home. If you're trying to suggest the population of Ukraine is 30 million, you're wrong and so are the Kremlin informants who told you that. I've never said things are perfect in Ukraine, I know it has many problems. You'll never see a Russian admit Russia has any faults

Your friend, not you? You think things would be any better if Putin was controlling Ukraine? Thise problems existed before Maidan and before the Orange Revolution.

The population has not dropped by 15 million in a short space of time. That is obvious Russian propaganda.

All opposition has been liquidated? How many parties contested the presidential and parliamentry election? Far more than in Russia that's for sure. There are far more political prisoners in Russia than there are in Ukraine. What do you think happens to old people? You can't prove they were starved. Genocide, really?

That's not true, many people who supported Poroshenko don't like Zelensky and those who didn't like Poroshenko like Zelensky. It's not a crime to criticise the president in Ukraine like it is in Russia.

People leave Russia for economic reasons also.

Maybe I don't.
How many Russian citizens have come to Ukraine to work? Only a few crooks (some of them were wanted in Russia). Meanwhile millions of Ukrainians fled to Russia to work. And Poland is flooded with Ukrainians as well, I've been there recently and had a chance to get to know that.

Do you even live in Ukraine? Sounds like NOT. You don't even know the situation there (or pretend not to).

I said myself Ukrainians work in Poland and I know about Ukrainians going to work in Russia. Most of them don't live there though.

I live in Ukraine and another country. I know the situation there and it's not like you describe. I've never heard anyone talk about Soros, but I do hear a lot of people talking about the influence of the Russian mafia in Ukraine and Russian control of Ukrainian media.
Not all Russians living in Eastern and Southern Ukraine want unification with Russia, many want to stay in Ukraine.
I was talking about Ukrainians. Southern and Eastern regions are pro-Russian. That is a fact, and if you live in Ukraine and are interested in Ukrainian politics you should know this certainly.

I know those regions are pro Russian, but not all Ukrainians and Russians in those regions want unification with Russia, some have stated they would prefer to stay in Ukraine.
Of course not all of them. Some want this, some want that, some want something else. I am talking about the majority of people there. And I think that they would have voted for the union with Russia. The only way to find out that is to organize a nation wide referendum. And I am sure that if our rulers were sure in desirable outcome, this referendum would have been already held.

Why would they want to hold such a referendum? I don't see any reason for it. If the separatists won, Ukraine would lose all of it's coastline.
Because a referendum is a perfect chanse to find out the desires of people? No?

You don't see any reason of it? Apparently, the people that live there didn't see any reason to abide by the rules of government they didn't choose.

Do you think they should have referendums in all parts of Ukraine? I haven't heard of any desire for a refendum in Southern Ukraine and only a minority want it in Eastern Ukraine.

They did choose the government, they voted in elections. All regions of Ukraine voted for Zelensky, apart from Lvivska oblast.

Why do you want to break Ukraine up? Are you working for Putin also?
I was talking about Ukrainians. Southern and Eastern regions are pro-Russian. That is a fact, and if you live in Ukraine and are interested in Ukrainian politics you should know this certainly.

I know those regions are pro Russian, but not all Ukrainians and Russians in those regions want unification with Russia, some have stated they would prefer to stay in Ukraine.
Of course not all of them. Some want this, some want that, some want something else. I am talking about the majority of people there. And I think that they would have voted for the union with Russia. The only way to find out that is to organize a nation wide referendum. And I am sure that if our rulers were sure in desirable outcome, this referendum would have been already held.

Why would they want to hold such a referendum? I don't see any reason for it. If the separatists won, Ukraine would lose all of it's coastline.
Because a referendum is a perfect chanse to find out the desires of people? No?

You don't see any reason of it? Apparently, the people that live there didn't see any reason to abide by the rules of government they didn't choose.

Do you think they should have referendums in all parts of Ukraine? I haven't heard of any desire for a refendum in Southern Ukraine and only a minority want it in Eastern Ukraine.

They did choose the government, they voted in elections. All regions of Ukraine voted for Zelensky, apart from Lvivska oblast.

Why do you want to break Ukraine up? Are you working for Putin also?
I don't want a break up of Ukraine. I want Ukraine to be a prosperous country. But, unfortunately we have now what we have. Your stance is illogical. If one group of people is allowed to seize state buildings and beat police and install their government, it is strange to blame others for doing the same.
Not all regions, the part of Donbas didn't vote altogether.

I agree with the main part what theHawk have written here. So, I don't want to repeat this again.

Btw, you wrote that you live also in another country. What this country is? Do you live there constantly?
I know those regions are pro Russian, but not all Ukrainians and Russians in those regions want unification with Russia, some have stated they would prefer to stay in Ukraine.
Of course not all of them. Some want this, some want that, some want something else. I am talking about the majority of people there. And I think that they would have voted for the union with Russia. The only way to find out that is to organize a nation wide referendum. And I am sure that if our rulers were sure in desirable outcome, this referendum would have been already held.

Why would they want to hold such a referendum? I don't see any reason for it. If the separatists won, Ukraine would lose all of it's coastline.
Because a referendum is a perfect chanse to find out the desires of people? No?

You don't see any reason of it? Apparently, the people that live there didn't see any reason to abide by the rules of government they didn't choose.

Do you think they should have referendums in all parts of Ukraine? I haven't heard of any desire for a refendum in Southern Ukraine and only a minority want it in Eastern Ukraine.

They did choose the government, they voted in elections. All regions of Ukraine voted for Zelensky, apart from Lvivska oblast.

Why do you want to break Ukraine up? Are you working for Putin also?
I don't want a break up of Ukraine. I want Ukraine to be a prosperous country. But, unfortunately we have now what we have. Your stance is illogical. If one group of people is allowed to seize state buildings and beat police and install their government, it is strange to blame others for doing the same.
Not all regions, the part of Donbas didn't vote altogether.

I agree with the main part what theHawk have written here. So, I don't want to repeat this again.

Btw, you wrote that you live also in another country. What this country is? Do you live there constantly?

It seems you do. Why would you want Ukraine to lose all of it's coastline and be surrounded by Russia on 3 sides? The police attacked and killed protestors.
I know Donbas didn't vote. I was talking about parts of Eastern Ukraine and Southern Ukraine, which you claim want independence. They all voted in the elections.

You agree with The Hawk?!! What do you agree with?

A European country. No I don't live there constantly and I'm hoping to live in Ukraine permanently. If you're wondering, yes I am from Western Ukraine.
Are you working for Putin also?
Well, ESay , would you ever think somebody could blame you for working for Putin? Welcome to the club, Putin doesn't have any idea we both have been "working for him" (according to stupid Trizub ).


You're both helping his cause.
I'm here to bring a ray of the truth to the forum(I joined the forum after Poroshenko attacked civilians in Donbass who did not want to stay in Nazi Ukraine with full support of lying Western Media). And so far the truth is with Putin and Russia regardless if you like it or not.

St Alexander Nevsky, “God is not in might but in Truth”.
Last edited:
Of course not all of them. Some want this, some want that, some want something else. I am talking about the majority of people there. And I think that they would have voted for the union with Russia. The only way to find out that is to organize a nation wide referendum. And I am sure that if our rulers were sure in desirable outcome, this referendum would have been already held.

Why would they want to hold such a referendum? I don't see any reason for it. If the separatists won, Ukraine would lose all of it's coastline.
Because a referendum is a perfect chanse to find out the desires of people? No?

You don't see any reason of it? Apparently, the people that live there didn't see any reason to abide by the rules of government they didn't choose.

Do you think they should have referendums in all parts of Ukraine? I haven't heard of any desire for a refendum in Southern Ukraine and only a minority want it in Eastern Ukraine.

They did choose the government, they voted in elections. All regions of Ukraine voted for Zelensky, apart from Lvivska oblast.

Why do you want to break Ukraine up? Are you working for Putin also?
I don't want a break up of Ukraine. I want Ukraine to be a prosperous country. But, unfortunately we have now what we have. Your stance is illogical. If one group of people is allowed to seize state buildings and beat police and install their government, it is strange to blame others for doing the same.
Not all regions, the part of Donbas didn't vote altogether.

I agree with the main part what theHawk have written here. So, I don't want to repeat this again.

Btw, you wrote that you live also in another country. What this country is? Do you live there constantly?

It seems you do. Why would you want Ukraine to lose all of it's coastline and be surrounded by Russia on 3 sides? The police attacked and killed protestors.
I know Donbas didn't vote. I was talking about parts of Eastern Ukraine and Southern Ukraine, which you claim want independence. They all voted in the elections.

You agree with The Hawk?!! What do you agree with?

A European country. No I don't live there constantly and I'm hoping to live in Ukraine permanently. If you're wondering, yes I am from Western Ukraine.
I said they wanted union with Russia. Or more precisely, they wanted Ukraine to be in union with Russia.

The part of Donbas didn't vote and said goodbye to this government. You can't demand anything from them now.

I agree with him on many parts. I don't want to repeat everything. In a nutshell, I already said this above - if one group of people is allowed to seize power, you can't blame others for doing the same.

Why didn't you name the country? Are you afraid?
Are you working for Putin also?
Well, ESay , would you ever think somebody could blame you for working for Putin? Welcome to the club, Putin doesn't have any idea we both have been "working for him" (according to stupid Trizub ).


You're both helping his cause.
I'm here to bring a ray of the truth to the forum(I joined the forum after Poroshenko attacked civilians in Donbass who did not want to stay in Nazi Ukraine with full support of lying Western Media). And so far the truth is with Putin and Russia regardless if you like it or not.

St Alexander Nevsky, “God is not in might but in Truth”.

No civilians have been deliberately targeted. The Russian side have killed civilians also incidentally. Why didn't you feel the same anger when Putin was bombing civilians in Chechnya?

Putin, Russia, Stratford57, the truth. :auiqs.jpg:
Are you working for Putin also?
Well, ESay , would you ever think somebody could blame you for working for Putin? Welcome to the club, Putin doesn't have any idea we both have been "working for him" (according to stupid Trizub ).


You're both helping his cause.
I'm here to bring a ray of the truth to the forum(I joined the forum after Poroshenko attacked civilians in Donbass who did not want to stay in Nazi Ukraine with full support of lying Western Media). And so far the truth is with Putin and Russia regardless if you like it or not.

St Alexander Nevsky, “God is not in might but in Truth”.

No civilians have been deliberately targeted. The Russian side have killed civilians also incidentally. Why didn't you feel the same anger when Putin was bombing civilians in Chechnya?

Putin, Russia, Stratford57, the truth. :auiqs.jpg:
Putin was the one who stopped the war in Chechnya (inspirited, sponsored and supplied with weapons from abroad during Yeltsin's times) and now Chechnians keep showing the highest numbers of votes for him in the whole country: over 70 or even 80%. Go figure.
Why would they want to hold such a referendum? I don't see any reason for it. If the separatists won, Ukraine would lose all of it's coastline.
Because a referendum is a perfect chanse to find out the desires of people? No?

You don't see any reason of it? Apparently, the people that live there didn't see any reason to abide by the rules of government they didn't choose.

Do you think they should have referendums in all parts of Ukraine? I haven't heard of any desire for a refendum in Southern Ukraine and only a minority want it in Eastern Ukraine.

They did choose the government, they voted in elections. All regions of Ukraine voted for Zelensky, apart from Lvivska oblast.

Why do you want to break Ukraine up? Are you working for Putin also?
I don't want a break up of Ukraine. I want Ukraine to be a prosperous country. But, unfortunately we have now what we have. Your stance is illogical. If one group of people is allowed to seize state buildings and beat police and install their government, it is strange to blame others for doing the same.
Not all regions, the part of Donbas didn't vote altogether.

I agree with the main part what theHawk have written here. So, I don't want to repeat this again.

Btw, you wrote that you live also in another country. What this country is? Do you live there constantly?

It seems you do. Why would you want Ukraine to lose all of it's coastline and be surrounded by Russia on 3 sides? The police attacked and killed protestors.
I know Donbas didn't vote. I was talking about parts of Eastern Ukraine and Southern Ukraine, which you claim want independence. They all voted in the elections.

You agree with The Hawk?!! What do you agree with?

A European country. No I don't live there constantly and I'm hoping to live in Ukraine permanently. If you're wondering, yes I am from Western Ukraine.
I said they wanted union with Russia. Or more precisely, they wanted Ukraine to be in union with Russia.

The part of Donbas didn't vote and said goodbye to this government. You can't demand anything from them now.

I agree with him on many parts. I don't want to repeat everything. In a nutshell, I already said this above - if one group of people is allowed to seize power, you can't blame others for doing the same.

Why didn't you name the country? Are you afraid?

Why should Ukraine want to join with Russia, because a minority want it?

I wasn't talking about Donbas. I was talking about other parts of Ukraine which you claimed want unification with Russia.

I thought you were on Ukraine's side, you seem to be on Russia's side.

The UK. Stratford57. I've been in London and there are thousands of Russians living and working there. They even have their own newspapers.
Are you working for Putin also?
Well, ESay , would you ever think somebody could blame you for working for Putin? Welcome to the club, Putin doesn't have any idea we both have been "working for him" (according to stupid Trizub ).


You're both helping his cause.
I'm here to bring a ray of the truth to the forum(I joined the forum after Poroshenko attacked civilians in Donbass who did not want to stay in Nazi Ukraine with full support of lying Western Media). And so far the truth is with Putin and Russia regardless if you like it or not.

St Alexander Nevsky, “God is not in might but in Truth”.

No civilians have been deliberately targeted. The Russian side have killed civilians also incidentally. Why didn't you feel the same anger when Putin was bombing civilians in Chechnya?

Putin, Russia, Stratford57, the truth. :auiqs.jpg:
Putin was the one who stopped the war in Chechnya (inspirited, sponsored and supplied with weapons from abroad during Yeltsin's times) and now Chechnians keep showing the highest numbers of votes for him in the whole country: over 70 or even 80%. Go figure.

9 years after he became president.
That's because they know what he'll do to them if they don't support him.
Well, ESay , would you ever think somebody could blame you for working for Putin? Welcome to the club, Putin doesn't have any idea we both have been "working for him" (according to stupid Trizub ).


You're both helping his cause.
I'm here to bring a ray of the truth to the forum(I joined the forum after Poroshenko attacked civilians in Donbass who did not want to stay in Nazi Ukraine with full support of lying Western Media). And so far the truth is with Putin and Russia regardless if you like it or not.

St Alexander Nevsky, “God is not in might but in Truth”.

No civilians have been deliberately targeted. The Russian side have killed civilians also incidentally. Why didn't you feel the same anger when Putin was bombing civilians in Chechnya?

Putin, Russia, Stratford57, the truth. :auiqs.jpg:
Putin was the one who stopped the war in Chechnya (inspirited, sponsored and supplied with weapons from abroad during Yeltsin's times) and now Chechnians keep showing the highest numbers of votes for him in the whole country: over 70 or even 80%. Go figure.

9 years after he became president.
That's because they know what he'll do to them if they don't support him.
You need to see a doctor about severe brain damage.
You're both helping his cause.
I'm here to bring a ray of the truth to the forum(I joined the forum after Poroshenko attacked civilians in Donbass who did not want to stay in Nazi Ukraine with full support of lying Western Media). And so far the truth is with Putin and Russia regardless if you like it or not.

St Alexander Nevsky, “God is not in might but in Truth”.

No civilians have been deliberately targeted. The Russian side have killed civilians also incidentally. Why didn't you feel the same anger when Putin was bombing civilians in Chechnya?

Putin, Russia, Stratford57, the truth. :auiqs.jpg:
Putin was the one who stopped the war in Chechnya (inspirited, sponsored and supplied with weapons from abroad during Yeltsin's times) and now Chechnians keep showing the highest numbers of votes for him in the whole country: over 70 or even 80%. Go figure.

9 years after he became president.
That's because they know what he'll do to them if they don't support him.
You need to see a doctor about severe brain damage.

Why, because I'm not in the Putin fan club?
I'm here to bring a ray of the truth to the forum(I joined the forum after Poroshenko attacked civilians in Donbass who did not want to stay in Nazi Ukraine with full support of lying Western Media). And so far the truth is with Putin and Russia regardless if you like it or not.

St Alexander Nevsky, “God is not in might but in Truth”.

No civilians have been deliberately targeted. The Russian side have killed civilians also incidentally. Why didn't you feel the same anger when Putin was bombing civilians in Chechnya?

Putin, Russia, Stratford57, the truth. :auiqs.jpg:
Putin was the one who stopped the war in Chechnya (inspirited, sponsored and supplied with weapons from abroad during Yeltsin's times) and now Chechnians keep showing the highest numbers of votes for him in the whole country: over 70 or even 80%. Go figure.

9 years after he became president.
That's because they know what he'll do to them if they don't support him.
You need to see a doctor about severe brain damage.

Why, because I'm not in the Putin fan club?
No. Just because you seem to have a brain damage.

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