NATO wants to crush Kaliningrad

Staged vote, fraud and it couldn't be fair anyway. Who's going to risk getting executed if they say they want to remain in Ukraine?
Pro-Russian sentiments are strong in these regions. If there had been a recognized referendum there, the majority would have voted for union with Russia. Certainly - Crimea and Donbas. More likely - other regions of Eastern and Southern Ukraine.

Not all Russians living in Eastern and Southern Ukraine want unification with Russia, many want to stay in Ukraine.
I was talking about Ukrainians. Southern and Eastern regions are pro-Russian. That is a fact, and if you live in Ukraine and are interested in Ukrainian politics you should know this certainly.

I know those regions are pro Russian, but not all Ukrainians and Russians in those regions want unification with Russia, some have stated they would prefer to stay in Ukraine.
Of course not all of them. Some want this, some want that, some want something else. I am talking about the majority of people there. And I think that they would have voted for the union with Russia. The only way to find out that is to organize a nation wide referendum. And I am sure that if our rulers were sure in desirable outcome, this referendum would have been already held.
I've noticed his English isn't perfect.

Indeed, people forced to vote at gunpoint.

There was certainly something pre planned from the pro Russian side.

Here’s the problem with your argument: even *if* they were forced “by gunpoint” to vote for Russia, they still didn’t vote to join the new Ukraine. Just because their joining with Russia may be “illegitimate”, it doesn’t make your claim to them legitimate.

It means they didn't have a choice but to vote for Russia.
In the Crimea referendum there was no option to remain in Ukraine.

So when are you going to grab a gun and go free them?

Or are you just a pussy flapping your lips?

I don't support the war. Russian troops and mercanaries should get out of Donbas.
Sorry to disappoint you but to get out of Donbass Russian troops must get into Donbass to begin with.

New evidence emerges of Russian role in Ukraine conflict

Russian Disinformation Distorted Reality in Ukraine. Americans Should Take Note.
Staged vote, fraud and it couldn't be fair anyway. Who's going to risk getting executed if they say they want to remain in Ukraine?
Pro-Russian sentiments are strong in these regions. If there had been a recognized referendum there, the majority would have voted for union with Russia. Certainly - Crimea and Donbas. More likely - other regions of Eastern and Southern Ukraine.

Not all Russians living in Eastern and Southern Ukraine want unification with Russia, many want to stay in Ukraine.
I was talking about Ukrainians. Southern and Eastern regions are pro-Russian. That is a fact, and if you live in Ukraine and are interested in Ukrainian politics you should know this certainly.

I know those regions are pro Russian, but not all Ukrainians and Russians in those regions want unification with Russia, some have stated they would prefer to stay in Ukraine.
Of course not all of them. Some want this, some want that, some want something else. I am talking about the majority of people there. And I think that they would have voted for the union with Russia. The only way to find out that is to organize a nation wide referendum. And I am sure that if our rulers were sure in desirable outcome, this referendum would have been already held.

Why would they want to hold such a referendum? I don't see any reason for it. If the separatists won, Ukraine would lose all of it's coastline.
If a people are strong enough and have the numbers to form an army enough to hold their ground, then yes they should have their own nation.

For example, many people hate Jews and hate Israel, and call it an illegal “occupation” of Palestine. Yet they have an army able to hold it, and already have defended it against foreign attackers. Even if you hate Jews, what is wrong with allowing them to have their own nation? It would encourage Jews to move their and out of other nations. Same for Muslims. I hate Muslims, but still believe they are entitled to their own shit hole countries, and we should deport Muslims so they can return to their own shit holes instead of making Western countries into shit holes.

The new Ukraine isn’t strong enough to hold to the lands in what used to be Eastern Ukraine and Crimea. So stop crying about. Otherwise pick up a rifle and join the fight to take it back from the Russians. Until then you sound like a little bitch crying about losing a war.

No they shouldn't. Foreigners can't just decide to declare independence from the country they're living in.

That doesn't make it right. Israel can get away with whatever it want, because it's backed by the US. I'm not saying Jews shouldn't be allowed to have their own nation, but that doesn't give them the right to persecute other nations.

Don't take sides? LOL! Would you like it if someone invaded Russia and took part of it's territory? Of course you wouldn't, you hypocrite.
Why the fuck would I care if that happened to Russia? If someone can actually hold back their army, then more power to them.

It's the country you're working for, so I thought you would care.

I work for President Trump. In case you haven’t been keeping up, he’s no longer a Russian stooge, but a Ukrainian one. At least according to Fake News.

Yes he is, so was Obama. If it was up to him he would have given his blessing for Putin to invade the whole of Ukraine.

So why didn’t Russia invade the whole of Ukraine?
No they shouldn't. Foreigners can't just decide to declare independence from the country they're living in.

That doesn't make it right. Israel can get away with whatever it want, because it's backed by the US. I'm not saying Jews shouldn't be allowed to have their own nation, but that doesn't give them the right to persecute other nations.

Don't take sides? LOL! Would you like it if someone invaded Russia and took part of it's territory? Of course you wouldn't, you hypocrite.
Why the fuck would I care if that happened to Russia? If someone can actually hold back their army, then more power to them.

It's the country you're working for, so I thought you would care.

I work for President Trump. In case you haven’t been keeping up, he’s no longer a Russian stooge, but a Ukrainian one. At least according to Fake News.

Yes he is, so was Obama. If it was up to him he would have given his blessing for Putin to invade the whole of Ukraine.

So why didn’t Russia invade the whole of Ukraine?

The senate. The US isn't a dictatorship like Russia, Trump can't do whatever he wants.
Why the fuck would I care if that happened to Russia? If someone can actually hold back their army, then more power to them.

It's the country you're working for, so I thought you would care.

I work for President Trump. In case you haven’t been keeping up, he’s no longer a Russian stooge, but a Ukrainian one. At least according to Fake News.

Yes he is, so was Obama. If it was up to him he would have given his blessing for Putin to invade the whole of Ukraine.

So why didn’t Russia invade the whole of Ukraine?

The senate. The US isn't a dictatorship like Russia, Trump can't do whatever he wants.

WTF does President Trump have to do with it? The Russia “invasion” of Crimea and Donbas was in 2014. You on drugs?
It's the country you're working for, so I thought you would care.

I work for President Trump. In case you haven’t been keeping up, he’s no longer a Russian stooge, but a Ukrainian one. At least according to Fake News.

Yes he is, so was Obama. If it was up to him he would have given his blessing for Putin to invade the whole of Ukraine.

So why didn’t Russia invade the whole of Ukraine?

The senate. The US isn't a dictatorship like Russia, Trump can't do whatever he wants.

WTF does President Trump have to do with it? The Russia “invasion” of Crimea and Donbas was in 2014. You on drugs?

No. It's fear of NATO getting involved. Ukraine isn't Georgia.
I work for President Trump. In case you haven’t been keeping up, he’s no longer a Russian stooge, but a Ukrainian one. At least according to Fake News.

Yes he is, so was Obama. If it was up to him he would have given his blessing for Putin to invade the whole of Ukraine.

So why didn’t Russia invade the whole of Ukraine?

The senate. The US isn't a dictatorship like Russia, Trump can't do whatever he wants.

WTF does President Trump have to do with it? The Russia “invasion” of Crimea and Donbas was in 2014. You on drugs?

No. It's fear of NATO getting involved. Ukraine isn't Georgia.

Ukraine isn’t in NATO. You can’t even answer the question because you know you are full of shit. Russia didn’t invade all of Ukraine because it had no intention to. It only invaded the areas with ethnic Russians who feared they were going to be slaughtered by the Nazi gangsters that took over Kiev. The rightfully elected President at the time ASKED for Russia’s help since he knew what was happening. The facts do not line up with your narrative. You should just give up your stupid storyline.
Yes he is, so was Obama. If it was up to him he would have given his blessing for Putin to invade the whole of Ukraine.

So why didn’t Russia invade the whole of Ukraine?

The senate. The US isn't a dictatorship like Russia, Trump can't do whatever he wants.

WTF does President Trump have to do with it? The Russia “invasion” of Crimea and Donbas was in 2014. You on drugs?

No. It's fear of NATO getting involved. Ukraine isn't Georgia.

Ukraine isn’t in NATO. You can’t even answer the question because you know you are full of shit. Russia didn’t invade all of Ukraine because it had no intention to. It only invaded the areas with ethnic Russians who feared they were going to be slaughtered by the Nazi gangsters that took over Kiev. The rightfully elected President at the time ASKED for Russia’s help since he knew what was happening. The facts do not line up with your narrative. You should just give up your stupid storyline.

Why did they fear that?, because of Putin's propaganda, it was a fairy tale, Ukrainians weren't going to slaughter them. Remember how reluctant both sides were to fire on each other when the war first started? "Nazi gangsters", straight from the Kremlin propaganda handbook. Putin used propaganda as an excuse to take control of Donbas and Crimea, something which Medvedev had threatened to do a few years earlier. Ask yourself this, why weren't the Russians who are living in unoccupied parts of Ukraine not slaughtered? You are a gullible fool.

Russia and the truth is an oxymoron.
Ukraine isn't Georgia.
But both are Soros' pawns against Russia.

You're obsessed with Soros. He's insignificant to me. You should stop listening to Kremlin propaganda.
Only brainwashed fools like you do not see that Soros has been controlling "independent" Ukraine for quite a while, especially, after the coup. Even American journalists have noticed how "independent" Ukraine is.

The Hill:
US Embassy pressed Ukraine to drop probe of George Soros group during 2016 election

However this ^ is just a small tip of a huge iceberg.
So why didn’t Russia invade the whole of Ukraine?

The senate. The US isn't a dictatorship like Russia, Trump can't do whatever he wants.

WTF does President Trump have to do with it? The Russia “invasion” of Crimea and Donbas was in 2014. You on drugs?

No. It's fear of NATO getting involved. Ukraine isn't Georgia.

Ukraine isn’t in NATO. You can’t even answer the question because you know you are full of shit. Russia didn’t invade all of Ukraine because it had no intention to. It only invaded the areas with ethnic Russians who feared they were going to be slaughtered by the Nazi gangsters that took over Kiev. The rightfully elected President at the time ASKED for Russia’s help since he knew what was happening. The facts do not line up with your narrative. You should just give up your stupid storyline.

Why did they fear that?, because of Putin's propaganda, it was a fairy tale, Ukrainians weren't going to slaughter them. Remember how reluctant both sides were to fire on each other when the war first started? "Nazi gangsters", straight from the Kremlin propaganda handbook. Putin used propaganda as an excuse to take control of Donbas and Crimea, something which Medvedev had threatened to do a few years earlier. Ask yourself this, why weren't the Russians who are living in unoccupied parts of Ukraine not slaughtered? You are a gullible fool.

Russia and the truth is an oxymoron.

Okay so nobody died in Donbas?

The separatists there wanted nothing to do with Kiev’s new government, and they were killed for it. Unless you are going to claim Russia killed them all?

Whether or not the separatists wanted to leave because of “Russia propaganda” is irrelevant, it was still their choice to join Ukraine or not. Sounds like you are using the excuse of “propaganda” to justify violent and forceful takeover of Donbas and Crimea by Kiev.

You really do make a good fascist.
Ukraine isn't Georgia.
But both are Soros' pawns against Russia.

You're obsessed with Soros. He's insignificant to me. You should stop listening to Kremlin propaganda.
Only brainwashed fools like you do not see that Soros has been controlling "independent" Ukraine for quite a while, especially, after the coup. Even American journalists have noticed how "independent" Ukraine is.

The Hill:
US Embassy pressed Ukraine to drop probe of George Soros group during 2016 election

However this ^ is just a small tip of a huge iceberg.

Where does that show Soros has been controlling Ukraine? If Ukraine wanted to prosecute Soros how could he have been controlling it?

What have you got to say about Trump manipulating Zelensky regarding Biden?

Let me guess, nothing.
The senate. The US isn't a dictatorship like Russia, Trump can't do whatever he wants.

WTF does President Trump have to do with it? The Russia “invasion” of Crimea and Donbas was in 2014. You on drugs?

No. It's fear of NATO getting involved. Ukraine isn't Georgia.

Ukraine isn’t in NATO. You can’t even answer the question because you know you are full of shit. Russia didn’t invade all of Ukraine because it had no intention to. It only invaded the areas with ethnic Russians who feared they were going to be slaughtered by the Nazi gangsters that took over Kiev. The rightfully elected President at the time ASKED for Russia’s help since he knew what was happening. The facts do not line up with your narrative. You should just give up your stupid storyline.

Why did they fear that?, because of Putin's propaganda, it was a fairy tale, Ukrainians weren't going to slaughter them. Remember how reluctant both sides were to fire on each other when the war first started? "Nazi gangsters", straight from the Kremlin propaganda handbook. Putin used propaganda as an excuse to take control of Donbas and Crimea, something which Medvedev had threatened to do a few years earlier. Ask yourself this, why weren't the Russians who are living in unoccupied parts of Ukraine not slaughtered? You are a gullible fool.

Russia and the truth is an oxymoron.

Okay so nobody died in Donbas?

The separatists there wanted nothing to do with Kiev’s new government, and they were killed for it. Unless you are going to claim Russia killed them all?

Whether or not the separatists wanted to leave because of “Russia propaganda” is irrelevant, it was still their choice to join Ukraine or not. Sounds like you are using the excuse of “propaganda” to justify violent and forceful takeover of Donbas and Crimea by Kiev.

You really do make a good fascist.

I didn't say that. I was taking about Russians living in unoccupied parts of Ukraine and why didn't the whole of Eastern Ukraine break away if Putin's propaganda was true? That's because he targeted Donbas and Crimea, the places Medvedev had previously threatened to invade.

Where did I say that? I already said in a previous message I don't want war. The war in Donbas is the responsibility of Putin and Russian mercanaries. Russian citizen Strelkov admitted he was responsible for flaming anti Ukrainian sentiment in Eastern Ukraine.

You're calling me a fascist? Check your own anti semitic, anti muslim and Ukrainophobe comments before you call me that.
You and Baron are both neo nazis.
Your hero Putin is a nazi, he said he admires Goebbels and he funds extreme right wing parties throughout Europe. Why do you think he's known as "Putler" throughout Eastern Europe?
Ukraine isn't Georgia.
But both are Soros' pawns against Russia.

You're obsessed with Soros. He's insignificant to me. You should stop listening to Kremlin propaganda.
Only brainwashed fools like you do not see that Soros has been controlling "independent" Ukraine for quite a while, especially, after the coup. Even American journalists have noticed how "independent" Ukraine is.

The Hill:
US Embassy pressed Ukraine to drop probe of George Soros group during 2016 election

However this ^ is just a small tip of a huge iceberg.

Where does that show Soros has been controlling Ukraine? If Ukraine wanted to prosecute Soros how could he have been controlling it?

What have you got to say about Trump manipulating Zelensky regarding Biden?

Let me guess, nothing.
Apparently, you can't see beyond your nose, a perfect Ukrainian for Soros.

1. Trump was not manipulating Zelensky.
2. If Trump was manipulating Zelensky your country is NOT independent.

Ukrainian "independence" has been a joke anyway.
Last edited:
Ukraine isn't Georgia.
But both are Soros' pawns against Russia.

You're obsessed with Soros. He's insignificant to me. You should stop listening to Kremlin propaganda.
Only brainwashed fools like you do not see that Soros has been controlling "independent" Ukraine for quite a while, especially, after the coup. Even American journalists have noticed how "independent" Ukraine is.

The Hill:
US Embassy pressed Ukraine to drop probe of George Soros group during 2016 election

However this ^ is just a small tip of a huge iceberg.

Where does that show Soros has been controlling Ukraine? If Ukraine wanted to prosecute Soros how could he have been controlling it?

What have you got to say about Trump manipulating Zelensky regarding Biden?

Let me guess, nothing.
Apparently, you can't see beyond your nose, a perfect Ukrainian for Soros.

1. Trump was not manipulating Zelensky.
2. If Trump was manipulating Zelensky your country is NOT independent.

Ukrainian "independence" has been a joke anyway.

I can see you're obsessed with Soros.

I should have said "Trying to manipulate".
"Your country" Why not "my country"? You said you live in Ukraine.

The biggest joke is you.
I can see you're obsessed with Soros.

I should have said "Trying to manipulate".
"Your country" Why not "my country"? You said you live in Ukraine.

The biggest joke is you.
Not much of a country anyway. Just a pawn in the dirty and bloody hands of Sorors and his Deep State buddies regardless if you like it or not. With over 30 million hostages residing in it.
Last edited:
I can see you're obsessed with Soros.

I should have said "Trying to manipulate".
"Your country" Why not "my country"? You said you live in Ukraine.

The biggest joke is you.
Not much of a country anyway. Just a pawn in the dirty and bloody hands of Sorors and his Deep State buddies regardless if you like it or not. With over 30 million hostages residing in it.

Nonsensical Kremlin propaganda.
Lying about the population of Ukraine again? The population of Ukraine is 45 million, if you can't tell the truth about that, how can you expect anyone to believe anything you say?
WTF does President Trump have to do with it? The Russia “invasion” of Crimea and Donbas was in 2014. You on drugs?

No. It's fear of NATO getting involved. Ukraine isn't Georgia.

Ukraine isn’t in NATO. You can’t even answer the question because you know you are full of shit. Russia didn’t invade all of Ukraine because it had no intention to. It only invaded the areas with ethnic Russians who feared they were going to be slaughtered by the Nazi gangsters that took over Kiev. The rightfully elected President at the time ASKED for Russia’s help since he knew what was happening. The facts do not line up with your narrative. You should just give up your stupid storyline.

Why did they fear that?, because of Putin's propaganda, it was a fairy tale, Ukrainians weren't going to slaughter them. Remember how reluctant both sides were to fire on each other when the war first started? "Nazi gangsters", straight from the Kremlin propaganda handbook. Putin used propaganda as an excuse to take control of Donbas and Crimea, something which Medvedev had threatened to do a few years earlier. Ask yourself this, why weren't the Russians who are living in unoccupied parts of Ukraine not slaughtered? You are a gullible fool.

Russia and the truth is an oxymoron.

Okay so nobody died in Donbas?

The separatists there wanted nothing to do with Kiev’s new government, and they were killed for it. Unless you are going to claim Russia killed them all?

Whether or not the separatists wanted to leave because of “Russia propaganda” is irrelevant, it was still their choice to join Ukraine or not. Sounds like you are using the excuse of “propaganda” to justify violent and forceful takeover of Donbas and Crimea by Kiev.

You really do make a good fascist.

I didn't say that. I was taking about Russians living in unoccupied parts of Ukraine and why didn't the whole of Eastern Ukraine break away if Putin's propaganda was true? That's because he targeted Donbas and Crimea, the places Medvedev had previously threatened to invade.

Where did I say that? I already said in a previous message I don't want war. The war in Donbas is the responsibility of Putin and Russian mercanaries. Russian citizen Strelkov admitted he was responsible for flaming anti Ukrainian sentiment in Eastern Ukraine.

You're calling me a fascist? Check your own anti semitic, anti muslim and Ukrainophobe comments before you call me that.
You and Baron are both neo nazis.
Your hero Putin is a nazi, he said he admires Goebbels and he funds extreme right wing parties throughout Europe. Why do you think he's known as "Putler" throughout Eastern Europe?

You keep ranting about Putin, as if I give two fucks about him or his corrupt government. You’re obviously letting emotions get the better of you. I’m a “neo Nazi” because I believe newly formed governments cannot just annex land they don’t control and people that didn’t vote to be with them.

The more you post, the more you embarrass yourself.

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