NATO wants to crush Kaliningrad

Staged vote, fraud and it couldn't be fair anyway. Who's going to risk getting executed if they say they want to remain in Ukraine?
Pro-Russian sentiments are strong in these regions. If there had been a recognized referendum there, the majority would have voted for union with Russia. Certainly - Crimea and Donbas. More likely - other regions of Eastern and Southern Ukraine.
Yanukovich was overthrown not impeached. And it was annti-constitutional.

Yes he was and no it wasn't.

Ukraine President Yanukovich impeached

Stratford on the floor again. Ukrainians always kick Kremlin propagandist's ass. Who's next Baron or The Hawk? :)

Wrong, they didn’t have the votes to impeach. They did not use the constitutional process with articles of impeachment.

Impeachment in Ukraine - Wikipedia

By the way, I could care less about either side. I simply look at this event with objectively and without any attachment or emotion. They overthrew the leader they didn’t like, it was a revolution. That’s fine, revolutions happen, and I can accept the newly formed Ukrainian government for what it is. However as I said before, forming a new government requires the consent of all parties. Eastern Ukraine and Crimea did not consent, so they are not a part of the new Ukraine.

I am a nationalist and believe all people and cultures have a right to have their own sovereign nation. 99% of the worlds geopolitical problems come from borders drawn up that don’t represent the people within them adequately. It’s quite clear that those areas in question in “Ukraine” are ethnic Russians and want no part of Ukraine. What is wrong with letting them choose to be independent or a part of Russia if they wish?

Even Yanukovich's own Party of Regions voted against him. There was no way he could have continued as president.

It's obvious you have bias to one side. It wasn't possible for voting to take place in Eastern Ukraine or Crimea, because the occupiers wouldn't allow it.

The problem this is an ethnic majority from another country which wants to break.away. A country which has more territory than any other. Do you support the independence of Kosovo? There are many ethnicities and nationalities who would like independence, how far could it go? It would mean Quebec, Basques, Catalonia, Kurdistan, Tibet and parts of Russia becoming independent amongst many others.

If a people are strong enough and have the numbers to form an army enough to hold their ground, then yes they should have their own nation.

For example, many people hate Jews and hate Israel, and call it an illegal “occupation” of Palestine. Yet they have an army able to hold it, and already have defended it against foreign attackers. Even if you hate Jews, what is wrong with allowing them to have their own nation? It would encourage Jews to move their and out of other nations. Same for Muslims. I hate Muslims, but still believe they are entitled to their own shit hole countries, and we should deport Muslims so they can return to their own shit holes instead of making Western countries into shit holes.

The new Ukraine isn’t strong enough to hold to the lands in what used to be Eastern Ukraine and Crimea. So stop crying about. Otherwise pick up a rifle and join the fight to take it back from the Russians. Until then you sound like a little bitch crying about losing a war.

No they shouldn't. Foreigners can't just decide to declare independence from the country they're living in.

That doesn't make it right. Israel can get away with whatever it want, because it's backed by the US. I'm not saying Jews shouldn't be allowed to have their own nation, but that doesn't give them the right to persecute other nations.

Don't take sides? LOL! Would you like it if someone invaded Russia and took part of it's territory? Of course you wouldn't, you hypocrite.
I've never seen any Russian soldier invading Ukrainian territory during all those 5 years, have you? Neither has Alexander Hug, who has been a head of OSCE mission in Ukraine. Occupation of Ukraine is real and it's been done by Ukrainian oligarchs, Soros and his puppets.

Alexander Hug told he had NOT seen any Russian troops in Donbas for more than 4 years he was monitoring the situation there. FP published that interview but then realized they had told the uncomfortable truth and quickly made a correction.

Foreign Policy:
Correction, October 25, 2018: Alexander Hug is the deputy head of the OSCE’s observer mission in Ukraine. An earlier version described him as the head. Clarification, October 25, 2018: In an earlier version, Hug stated that OSCE had not seen direct evidence of Russian involvement in eastern Ukraine. We have removed this remark, as it did not convey his intended view. He goes on to cite facts and observations that his monitors have recorded.

Translation: there is NO Russian involvement in Ukraine but we don’t want you to know about it.

Counting the Dead in Europe’s Forgotten War
Yanukovich was overthrown not impeached. And it was annti-constitutional.

Yes he was and no it wasn't.

Ukraine President Yanukovich impeached

Stratford on the floor again. Ukrainians always kick Kremlin propagandist's ass. Who's next Baron or The Hawk? :)

Wrong, they didn’t have the votes to impeach. They did not use the constitutional process with articles of impeachment.

Impeachment in Ukraine - Wikipedia

By the way, I could care less about either side. I simply look at this event with objectively and without any attachment or emotion. They overthrew the leader they didn’t like, it was a revolution. That’s fine, revolutions happen, and I can accept the newly formed Ukrainian government for what it is. However as I said before, forming a new government requires the consent of all parties. Eastern Ukraine and Crimea did not consent, so they are not a part of the new Ukraine.

I am a nationalist and believe all people and cultures have a right to have their own sovereign nation. 99% of the worlds geopolitical problems come from borders drawn up that don’t represent the people within them adequately. It’s quite clear that those areas in question in “Ukraine” are ethnic Russians and want no part of Ukraine. What is wrong with letting them choose to be independent or a part of Russia if they wish?

Even Yanukovich's own Party of Regions voted against him. There was no way he could have continued as president.

It's obvious you have bias to one side. It wasn't possible for voting to take place in Eastern Ukraine or Crimea, because the occupiers wouldn't allow it.

The problem this is an ethnic majority from another country which wants to break.away. A country which has more territory than any other. Do you support the independence of Kosovo? There are many ethnicities and nationalities who would like independence, how far could it go? It would mean Quebec, Basques, Catalonia, Kurdistan, Tibet and parts of Russia becoming independent amongst many others.

If a people are strong enough and have the numbers to form an army enough to hold their ground, then yes they should have their own nation.

For example, many people hate Jews and hate Israel, and call it an illegal “occupation” of Palestine. Yet they have an army able to hold it, and already have defended it against foreign attackers. Even if you hate Jews, what is wrong with allowing them to have their own nation? It would encourage Jews to move their and out of other nations. Same for Muslims. I hate Muslims, but still believe they are entitled to their own shit hole countries, and we should deport Muslims so they can return to their own shit holes instead of making Western countries into shit holes.

The new Ukraine isn’t strong enough to hold to the lands in what used to be Eastern Ukraine and Crimea. So stop crying about. Otherwise pick up a rifle and join the fight to take it back from the Russians. Until then you sound like a little bitch crying about losing a war.

No they shouldn't. Foreigners can't just decide to declare independence from the country they're living in.

That doesn't make it right. Israel can get away with whatever it want, because it's backed by the US. I'm not saying Jews shouldn't be allowed to have their own nation, but that doesn't give them the right to persecute other nations.

Don't take sides? LOL! Would you like it if someone invaded Russia and took part of it's territory? Of course you wouldn't, you hypocrite.
Why the fuck would I care if that happened to Russia? If someone can actually hold back their army, then more power to them.
You shall notice Ukraine is not welcome by any western citizen.

Yes it is, thousands of Westerners visit Ukraine every year. Only brainwashed Kremlin disciples hate Ukraine, one of the least offensive countries in the World.

I visit cheap Russian brothels ( a whore $10 ) and drink cheap Russian alcohol in cheap hotels.

Now we know what you get up to when you go to Russia. :) People who visit Ukraine are far more cultured than that.
He also posts like a Russian learning English.

Ukraine was dissolved when the revolutionaries threw out their constitution in order to choose a new leader and government.
You don’t just get to throw out the rule book and then try to use the same rule book to claim what your borders are. When forming a new country, you only get to claim the land you hold with your army and who ever willingly participates in that new government.

Crimea clearly did not and they chose to side with Russia. Funny how you fascists don’t give a shit about democracy. It didn’t work for you when trying to remove the rightfully elected president, and you ignore the will of the people in Crimea.

Ukraine has been dissoved? Russia signed the Budapest memorandum in 1994 agreeing to respect Ukraine's territorial integrity in exchange for Ukraine giving up it's nuclear weapons. Russia broke the treaty, it is the aggressor, stop passing the blame.

The Crimea referendum was a fake referendum. What facists? The Ukrainian government aren't fascists, nor have they ever been. The fascists are in Russia, why do you think your president is known as Putler?

Yes, Ukraine was dissolved when they threw out their constitution since they couldn’t legally remove the President they didn’t like.

You don’t automatically get to keep the same borders and people, especially when there is a split. The ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine voted to be a part of the Russian Federation. You can cry about it not being “legitimate” because the vote didn’t go the way you wanted, but tough shit. Also, your new Ukrainian army was too weak to take it over. Thus you don’t own it.

Yes they could and they did.

"The ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine voted to be a part of the Russian Federation."
When did that vote happen?
Staged vote, fraud and it couldn't be fair anyway. Who's going to risk getting executed if they say they want to remain in Ukraine?

Yanukovich was overthrown not impeached. And it was annti-constitutional.

Yes he was and no it wasn't.

Ukraine President Yanukovich impeached

Stratford on the floor again. Ukrainians always kick Kremlin propagandist's ass. Who's next Baron or The Hawk. :)
This French documentary lifts the veil on the deception of the US/Europe/NATO elites and their ever faithful media bullhorns. It informs us of a planned coup, described by the head of Stratfor as the most blatant ever, of the butchering of innocent people in the Odessa Trades Hall at the behest of politicians and oligarchs, and the continuing presence of heavily armed neo-Nazi thugs controlling the streets and occupying politically powerful positions in government.
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Coup in Ukraine Illustrates America’s Addiction to Meddling and Regime Change - Coup in Ukraine Illustrates America’s Addiction to Meddling and Regime Change

Educate yourself so you'll at least learn what's going on in your own country.

That is the biggest pile of sh*t I ever seen. Odesa wasn't planned and it certainly wasn't orchestrated by the government.
What were Russians from Crimea doing in Odesa that day? They'd come to attack Ukrainians from Kharkiv and Odesa who had organised a peace march there. Everything which followed was as a result of that.

You are so gullible and I don't believe you live in Ukraine either.
Odessa was staged by the Russian intelligence services in cooperation with members of the Odessa police. They set up the snipers on the streets and also orchestrated what happened in that building that was on fire.

I've noticed his English isn't perfect.

Indeed, people forced to vote at gunpoint.

There was certainly something pre planned from the pro Russian side.

Here’s the problem with your argument: even *if* they were forced “by gunpoint” to vote for Russia, they still didn’t vote to join the new Ukraine. Just because their joining with Russia may be “illegitimate”, it doesn’t make your claim to them legitimate.
Last edited:
Staged vote, fraud and it couldn't be fair anyway. Who's going to risk getting executed if they say they want to remain in Ukraine?
Pro-Russian sentiments are strong in these regions. If there had been a recognized referendum there, the majority would have voted for union with Russia. Certainly - Crimea and Donbas. More likely - other regions of Eastern and Southern Ukraine.

Not all Russians living in Eastern and Southern Ukraine want unification with Russia, many want to stay in Ukraine.
Yes he was and no it wasn't.

Ukraine President Yanukovich impeached

Stratford on the floor again. Ukrainians always kick Kremlin propagandist's ass. Who's next Baron or The Hawk? :)

Wrong, they didn’t have the votes to impeach. They did not use the constitutional process with articles of impeachment.

Impeachment in Ukraine - Wikipedia

By the way, I could care less about either side. I simply look at this event with objectively and without any attachment or emotion. They overthrew the leader they didn’t like, it was a revolution. That’s fine, revolutions happen, and I can accept the newly formed Ukrainian government for what it is. However as I said before, forming a new government requires the consent of all parties. Eastern Ukraine and Crimea did not consent, so they are not a part of the new Ukraine.

I am a nationalist and believe all people and cultures have a right to have their own sovereign nation. 99% of the worlds geopolitical problems come from borders drawn up that don’t represent the people within them adequately. It’s quite clear that those areas in question in “Ukraine” are ethnic Russians and want no part of Ukraine. What is wrong with letting them choose to be independent or a part of Russia if they wish?

Even Yanukovich's own Party of Regions voted against him. There was no way he could have continued as president.

It's obvious you have bias to one side. It wasn't possible for voting to take place in Eastern Ukraine or Crimea, because the occupiers wouldn't allow it.

The problem this is an ethnic majority from another country which wants to break.away. A country which has more territory than any other. Do you support the independence of Kosovo? There are many ethnicities and nationalities who would like independence, how far could it go? It would mean Quebec, Basques, Catalonia, Kurdistan, Tibet and parts of Russia becoming independent amongst many others.

If a people are strong enough and have the numbers to form an army enough to hold their ground, then yes they should have their own nation.

For example, many people hate Jews and hate Israel, and call it an illegal “occupation” of Palestine. Yet they have an army able to hold it, and already have defended it against foreign attackers. Even if you hate Jews, what is wrong with allowing them to have their own nation? It would encourage Jews to move their and out of other nations. Same for Muslims. I hate Muslims, but still believe they are entitled to their own shit hole countries, and we should deport Muslims so they can return to their own shit holes instead of making Western countries into shit holes.

The new Ukraine isn’t strong enough to hold to the lands in what used to be Eastern Ukraine and Crimea. So stop crying about. Otherwise pick up a rifle and join the fight to take it back from the Russians. Until then you sound like a little bitch crying about losing a war.

No they shouldn't. Foreigners can't just decide to declare independence from the country they're living in.

That doesn't make it right. Israel can get away with whatever it want, because it's backed by the US. I'm not saying Jews shouldn't be allowed to have their own nation, but that doesn't give them the right to persecute other nations.

Don't take sides? LOL! Would you like it if someone invaded Russia and took part of it's territory? Of course you wouldn't, you hypocrite.
I've never seen any Russian soldier invading Ukrainian territory during all those 5 years, have you? Neither has Alexander Hug, who has been a head of OSCE mission in Ukraine. Occupation of Ukraine is real and it's been done by Ukrainian oligarchs, Soros and his puppets.

Alexander Hug told he had NOT seen any Russian troops in Donbas for more than 4 years he was monitoring the situation there. FP published that interview but then realized they had told the uncomfortable truth and quickly made a correction.

Foreign Policy:
Correction, October 25, 2018: Alexander Hug is the deputy head of the OSCE’s observer mission in Ukraine. An earlier version described him as the head. Clarification, October 25, 2018: In an earlier version, Hug stated that OSCE had not seen direct evidence of Russian involvement in eastern Ukraine. We have removed this remark, as it did not convey his intended view. He goes on to cite facts and observations that his monitors have recorded.

Translation: there is NO Russian involvement in Ukraine but we don’t want you to know about it.

Counting the Dead in Europe’s Forgotten War

You're both believers in Putin's "little green men". :)
They're not dressed in Russian uniform, Putin wants people to think they're not there, but there's plenty of evidence they are, including from inside Russia. Do you seriously believe farmers, miners and factory workers could have held out against the Ukrainian military for this long without Russian troops and weapons helping them?
Yes he was and no it wasn't.

Ukraine President Yanukovich impeached

Stratford on the floor again. Ukrainians always kick Kremlin propagandist's ass. Who's next Baron or The Hawk? :)

Wrong, they didn’t have the votes to impeach. They did not use the constitutional process with articles of impeachment.

Impeachment in Ukraine - Wikipedia

By the way, I could care less about either side. I simply look at this event with objectively and without any attachment or emotion. They overthrew the leader they didn’t like, it was a revolution. That’s fine, revolutions happen, and I can accept the newly formed Ukrainian government for what it is. However as I said before, forming a new government requires the consent of all parties. Eastern Ukraine and Crimea did not consent, so they are not a part of the new Ukraine.

I am a nationalist and believe all people and cultures have a right to have their own sovereign nation. 99% of the worlds geopolitical problems come from borders drawn up that don’t represent the people within them adequately. It’s quite clear that those areas in question in “Ukraine” are ethnic Russians and want no part of Ukraine. What is wrong with letting them choose to be independent or a part of Russia if they wish?

Even Yanukovich's own Party of Regions voted against him. There was no way he could have continued as president.

It's obvious you have bias to one side. It wasn't possible for voting to take place in Eastern Ukraine or Crimea, because the occupiers wouldn't allow it.

The problem this is an ethnic majority from another country which wants to break.away. A country which has more territory than any other. Do you support the independence of Kosovo? There are many ethnicities and nationalities who would like independence, how far could it go? It would mean Quebec, Basques, Catalonia, Kurdistan, Tibet and parts of Russia becoming independent amongst many others.

If a people are strong enough and have the numbers to form an army enough to hold their ground, then yes they should have their own nation.

For example, many people hate Jews and hate Israel, and call it an illegal “occupation” of Palestine. Yet they have an army able to hold it, and already have defended it against foreign attackers. Even if you hate Jews, what is wrong with allowing them to have their own nation? It would encourage Jews to move their and out of other nations. Same for Muslims. I hate Muslims, but still believe they are entitled to their own shit hole countries, and we should deport Muslims so they can return to their own shit holes instead of making Western countries into shit holes.

The new Ukraine isn’t strong enough to hold to the lands in what used to be Eastern Ukraine and Crimea. So stop crying about. Otherwise pick up a rifle and join the fight to take it back from the Russians. Until then you sound like a little bitch crying about losing a war.

No they shouldn't. Foreigners can't just decide to declare independence from the country they're living in.

That doesn't make it right. Israel can get away with whatever it want, because it's backed by the US. I'm not saying Jews shouldn't be allowed to have their own nation, but that doesn't give them the right to persecute other nations.

Don't take sides? LOL! Would you like it if someone invaded Russia and took part of it's territory? Of course you wouldn't, you hypocrite.
Why the fuck would I care if that happened to Russia? If someone can actually hold back their army, then more power to them.

It's the country you're working for, so I thought you would care.
Yes it is, thousands of Westerners visit Ukraine every year. Only brainwashed Kremlin disciples hate Ukraine, one of the least offensive countries in the World.

I visit cheap Russian brothels ( a whore $10 ) and drink cheap Russian alcohol in cheap hotels.

Now we know what you get up to when you go to Russia. :) People who visit Ukraine are far more cultured than that.
He also posts like a Russian learning English.

Ukraine has been dissoved? Russia signed the Budapest memorandum in 1994 agreeing to respect Ukraine's territorial integrity in exchange for Ukraine giving up it's nuclear weapons. Russia broke the treaty, it is the aggressor, stop passing the blame.

The Crimea referendum was a fake referendum. What facists? The Ukrainian government aren't fascists, nor have they ever been. The fascists are in Russia, why do you think your president is known as Putler?

Yes, Ukraine was dissolved when they threw out their constitution since they couldn’t legally remove the President they didn’t like.

You don’t automatically get to keep the same borders and people, especially when there is a split. The ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine voted to be a part of the Russian Federation. You can cry about it not being “legitimate” because the vote didn’t go the way you wanted, but tough shit. Also, your new Ukrainian army was too weak to take it over. Thus you don’t own it.

Yes they could and they did.

"The ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine voted to be a part of the Russian Federation."
When did that vote happen?
Staged vote, fraud and it couldn't be fair anyway. Who's going to risk getting executed if they say they want to remain in Ukraine?

Yes he was and no it wasn't.

Ukraine President Yanukovich impeached

Stratford on the floor again. Ukrainians always kick Kremlin propagandist's ass. Who's next Baron or The Hawk. :)
This French documentary lifts the veil on the deception of the US/Europe/NATO elites and their ever faithful media bullhorns. It informs us of a planned coup, described by the head of Stratfor as the most blatant ever, of the butchering of innocent people in the Odessa Trades Hall at the behest of politicians and oligarchs, and the continuing presence of heavily armed neo-Nazi thugs controlling the streets and occupying politically powerful positions in government.
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Coup in Ukraine Illustrates America’s Addiction to Meddling and Regime Change - Coup in Ukraine Illustrates America’s Addiction to Meddling and Regime Change

Educate yourself so you'll at least learn what's going on in your own country.

That is the biggest pile of sh*t I ever seen. Odesa wasn't planned and it certainly wasn't orchestrated by the government.
What were Russians from Crimea doing in Odesa that day? They'd come to attack Ukrainians from Kharkiv and Odesa who had organised a peace march there. Everything which followed was as a result of that.

You are so gullible and I don't believe you live in Ukraine either.
Odessa was staged by the Russian intelligence services in cooperation with members of the Odessa police. They set up the snipers on the streets and also orchestrated what happened in that building that was on fire.

I've noticed his English isn't perfect.

Indeed, people forced to vote at gunpoint.

There was certainly something pre planned from the pro Russian side.

Here’s the problem with your argument: even *if* they were forced “by gunpoint” to vote for Russia, they still didn’t vote to join the new Ukraine. Just because their joining with Russia may be “illegitimate”, it doesn’t make your claim to them legitimate.

It means they didn't have a choice but to vote for Russia.
In the Crimea referendum there was no option to remain in Ukraine.
I visit cheap Russian brothels ( a whore $10 ) and drink cheap Russian alcohol in cheap hotels.

Now we know what you get up to when you go to Russia. :) People who visit Ukraine are far more cultured than that.
He also posts like a Russian learning English.

Yes, Ukraine was dissolved when they threw out their constitution since they couldn’t legally remove the President they didn’t like.

You don’t automatically get to keep the same borders and people, especially when there is a split. The ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine voted to be a part of the Russian Federation. You can cry about it not being “legitimate” because the vote didn’t go the way you wanted, but tough shit. Also, your new Ukrainian army was too weak to take it over. Thus you don’t own it.

Yes they could and they did.

"The ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine voted to be a part of the Russian Federation."
When did that vote happen?
Staged vote, fraud and it couldn't be fair anyway. Who's going to risk getting executed if they say they want to remain in Ukraine?

This French documentary lifts the veil on the deception of the US/Europe/NATO elites and their ever faithful media bullhorns. It informs us of a planned coup, described by the head of Stratfor as the most blatant ever, of the butchering of innocent people in the Odessa Trades Hall at the behest of politicians and oligarchs, and the continuing presence of heavily armed neo-Nazi thugs controlling the streets and occupying politically powerful positions in government.
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Coup in Ukraine Illustrates America’s Addiction to Meddling and Regime Change - Coup in Ukraine Illustrates America’s Addiction to Meddling and Regime Change

Educate yourself so you'll at least learn what's going on in your own country.

That is the biggest pile of sh*t I ever seen. Odesa wasn't planned and it certainly wasn't orchestrated by the government.
What were Russians from Crimea doing in Odesa that day? They'd come to attack Ukrainians from Kharkiv and Odesa who had organised a peace march there. Everything which followed was as a result of that.

You are so gullible and I don't believe you live in Ukraine either.
Odessa was staged by the Russian intelligence services in cooperation with members of the Odessa police. They set up the snipers on the streets and also orchestrated what happened in that building that was on fire.

I've noticed his English isn't perfect.

Indeed, people forced to vote at gunpoint.

There was certainly something pre planned from the pro Russian side.

Here’s the problem with your argument: even *if* they were forced “by gunpoint” to vote for Russia, they still didn’t vote to join the new Ukraine. Just because their joining with Russia may be “illegitimate”, it doesn’t make your claim to them legitimate.

It means they didn't have a choice but to vote for Russia.
In the Crimea referendum there was no option to remain in Ukraine.

So when are you going to grab a gun and go free them?

Or are you just a pussy flapping your lips?
Wrong, they didn’t have the votes to impeach. They did not use the constitutional process with articles of impeachment.

Impeachment in Ukraine - Wikipedia

By the way, I could care less about either side. I simply look at this event with objectively and without any attachment or emotion. They overthrew the leader they didn’t like, it was a revolution. That’s fine, revolutions happen, and I can accept the newly formed Ukrainian government for what it is. However as I said before, forming a new government requires the consent of all parties. Eastern Ukraine and Crimea did not consent, so they are not a part of the new Ukraine.

I am a nationalist and believe all people and cultures have a right to have their own sovereign nation. 99% of the worlds geopolitical problems come from borders drawn up that don’t represent the people within them adequately. It’s quite clear that those areas in question in “Ukraine” are ethnic Russians and want no part of Ukraine. What is wrong with letting them choose to be independent or a part of Russia if they wish?

Even Yanukovich's own Party of Regions voted against him. There was no way he could have continued as president.

It's obvious you have bias to one side. It wasn't possible for voting to take place in Eastern Ukraine or Crimea, because the occupiers wouldn't allow it.

The problem this is an ethnic majority from another country which wants to break.away. A country which has more territory than any other. Do you support the independence of Kosovo? There are many ethnicities and nationalities who would like independence, how far could it go? It would mean Quebec, Basques, Catalonia, Kurdistan, Tibet and parts of Russia becoming independent amongst many others.

If a people are strong enough and have the numbers to form an army enough to hold their ground, then yes they should have their own nation.

For example, many people hate Jews and hate Israel, and call it an illegal “occupation” of Palestine. Yet they have an army able to hold it, and already have defended it against foreign attackers. Even if you hate Jews, what is wrong with allowing them to have their own nation? It would encourage Jews to move their and out of other nations. Same for Muslims. I hate Muslims, but still believe they are entitled to their own shit hole countries, and we should deport Muslims so they can return to their own shit holes instead of making Western countries into shit holes.

The new Ukraine isn’t strong enough to hold to the lands in what used to be Eastern Ukraine and Crimea. So stop crying about. Otherwise pick up a rifle and join the fight to take it back from the Russians. Until then you sound like a little bitch crying about losing a war.

No they shouldn't. Foreigners can't just decide to declare independence from the country they're living in.

That doesn't make it right. Israel can get away with whatever it want, because it's backed by the US. I'm not saying Jews shouldn't be allowed to have their own nation, but that doesn't give them the right to persecute other nations.

Don't take sides? LOL! Would you like it if someone invaded Russia and took part of it's territory? Of course you wouldn't, you hypocrite.
Why the fuck would I care if that happened to Russia? If someone can actually hold back their army, then more power to them.

It's the country you're working for, so I thought you would care.

Any person calling for a better relationship between the US and Russia nowadays risks being branded an agent of the Kremlin, Katrina vanden Heuvel, the editor and publisher of The Nation magazine said.

Those in US who call for detente with Russia are branded Putin’s puppets – The Nation’s chief-editor

For our brainwashed Ukrainian buddies: she is a US citizen.
Staged vote, fraud and it couldn't be fair anyway. Who's going to risk getting executed if they say they want to remain in Ukraine?
Pro-Russian sentiments are strong in these regions. If there had been a recognized referendum there, the majority would have voted for union with Russia. Certainly - Crimea and Donbas. More likely - other regions of Eastern and Southern Ukraine.

Not all Russians living in Eastern and Southern Ukraine want unification with Russia, many want to stay in Ukraine.
I was talking about Ukrainians. Southern and Eastern regions are pro-Russian. That is a fact, and if you live in Ukraine and are interested in Ukrainian politics you should know this certainly.
Wrong, they didn’t have the votes to impeach. They did not use the constitutional process with articles of impeachment.

Impeachment in Ukraine - Wikipedia

By the way, I could care less about either side. I simply look at this event with objectively and without any attachment or emotion. They overthrew the leader they didn’t like, it was a revolution. That’s fine, revolutions happen, and I can accept the newly formed Ukrainian government for what it is. However as I said before, forming a new government requires the consent of all parties. Eastern Ukraine and Crimea did not consent, so they are not a part of the new Ukraine.

I am a nationalist and believe all people and cultures have a right to have their own sovereign nation. 99% of the worlds geopolitical problems come from borders drawn up that don’t represent the people within them adequately. It’s quite clear that those areas in question in “Ukraine” are ethnic Russians and want no part of Ukraine. What is wrong with letting them choose to be independent or a part of Russia if they wish?

Even Yanukovich's own Party of Regions voted against him. There was no way he could have continued as president.

It's obvious you have bias to one side. It wasn't possible for voting to take place in Eastern Ukraine or Crimea, because the occupiers wouldn't allow it.

The problem this is an ethnic majority from another country which wants to break.away. A country which has more territory than any other. Do you support the independence of Kosovo? There are many ethnicities and nationalities who would like independence, how far could it go? It would mean Quebec, Basques, Catalonia, Kurdistan, Tibet and parts of Russia becoming independent amongst many others.

If a people are strong enough and have the numbers to form an army enough to hold their ground, then yes they should have their own nation.

For example, many people hate Jews and hate Israel, and call it an illegal “occupation” of Palestine. Yet they have an army able to hold it, and already have defended it against foreign attackers. Even if you hate Jews, what is wrong with allowing them to have their own nation? It would encourage Jews to move their and out of other nations. Same for Muslims. I hate Muslims, but still believe they are entitled to their own shit hole countries, and we should deport Muslims so they can return to their own shit holes instead of making Western countries into shit holes.

The new Ukraine isn’t strong enough to hold to the lands in what used to be Eastern Ukraine and Crimea. So stop crying about. Otherwise pick up a rifle and join the fight to take it back from the Russians. Until then you sound like a little bitch crying about losing a war.

No they shouldn't. Foreigners can't just decide to declare independence from the country they're living in.

That doesn't make it right. Israel can get away with whatever it want, because it's backed by the US. I'm not saying Jews shouldn't be allowed to have their own nation, but that doesn't give them the right to persecute other nations.

Don't take sides? LOL! Would you like it if someone invaded Russia and took part of it's territory? Of course you wouldn't, you hypocrite.
Why the fuck would I care if that happened to Russia? If someone can actually hold back their army, then more power to them.

It's the country you're working for, so I thought you would care.

I work for President Trump. In case you haven’t been keeping up, he’s no longer a Russian stooge, but a Ukrainian one. At least according to Fake News.
I work for President Trump.
My respects to you and your fearless boss, a true American patriot. A lot of Russians, American citizens, voted for him and even cleaned their kitchens with champagne after he had won. I know them personally.


I believe that ^ is TRUE.
Even Yanukovich's own Party of Regions voted against him. There was no way he could have continued as president.

It's obvious you have bias to one side. It wasn't possible for voting to take place in Eastern Ukraine or Crimea, because the occupiers wouldn't allow it.

The problem this is an ethnic majority from another country which wants to break.away. A country which has more territory than any other. Do you support the independence of Kosovo? There are many ethnicities and nationalities who would like independence, how far could it go? It would mean Quebec, Basques, Catalonia, Kurdistan, Tibet and parts of Russia becoming independent amongst many others.

If a people are strong enough and have the numbers to form an army enough to hold their ground, then yes they should have their own nation.

For example, many people hate Jews and hate Israel, and call it an illegal “occupation” of Palestine. Yet they have an army able to hold it, and already have defended it against foreign attackers. Even if you hate Jews, what is wrong with allowing them to have their own nation? It would encourage Jews to move their and out of other nations. Same for Muslims. I hate Muslims, but still believe they are entitled to their own shit hole countries, and we should deport Muslims so they can return to their own shit holes instead of making Western countries into shit holes.

The new Ukraine isn’t strong enough to hold to the lands in what used to be Eastern Ukraine and Crimea. So stop crying about. Otherwise pick up a rifle and join the fight to take it back from the Russians. Until then you sound like a little bitch crying about losing a war.

No they shouldn't. Foreigners can't just decide to declare independence from the country they're living in.

That doesn't make it right. Israel can get away with whatever it want, because it's backed by the US. I'm not saying Jews shouldn't be allowed to have their own nation, but that doesn't give them the right to persecute other nations.

Don't take sides? LOL! Would you like it if someone invaded Russia and took part of it's territory? Of course you wouldn't, you hypocrite.
Why the fuck would I care if that happened to Russia? If someone can actually hold back their army, then more power to them.

It's the country you're working for, so I thought you would care.

I work for President Trump. In case you haven’t been keeping up, he’s no longer a Russian stooge, but a Ukrainian one. At least according to Fake News.
So you're a Russian agent in the White House?
Now we know what you get up to when you go to Russia. :) People who visit Ukraine are far more cultured than that.
He also posts like a Russian learning English.

Yes they could and they did.

"The ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine voted to be a part of the Russian Federation."
When did that vote happen?
Staged vote, fraud and it couldn't be fair anyway. Who's going to risk getting executed if they say they want to remain in Ukraine?

That is the biggest pile of sh*t I ever seen. Odesa wasn't planned and it certainly wasn't orchestrated by the government.
What were Russians from Crimea doing in Odesa that day? They'd come to attack Ukrainians from Kharkiv and Odesa who had organised a peace march there. Everything which followed was as a result of that.

You are so gullible and I don't believe you live in Ukraine either.
Odessa was staged by the Russian intelligence services in cooperation with members of the Odessa police. They set up the snipers on the streets and also orchestrated what happened in that building that was on fire.

I've noticed his English isn't perfect.

Indeed, people forced to vote at gunpoint.

There was certainly something pre planned from the pro Russian side.

Here’s the problem with your argument: even *if* they were forced “by gunpoint” to vote for Russia, they still didn’t vote to join the new Ukraine. Just because their joining with Russia may be “illegitimate”, it doesn’t make your claim to them legitimate.

It means they didn't have a choice but to vote for Russia.
In the Crimea referendum there was no option to remain in Ukraine.

So when are you going to grab a gun and go free them?

Or are you just a pussy flapping your lips?

I don't support the war. Russian troops and mercanaries should get out of Donbas.
Staged vote, fraud and it couldn't be fair anyway. Who's going to risk getting executed if they say they want to remain in Ukraine?
Pro-Russian sentiments are strong in these regions. If there had been a recognized referendum there, the majority would have voted for union with Russia. Certainly - Crimea and Donbas. More likely - other regions of Eastern and Southern Ukraine.

Not all Russians living in Eastern and Southern Ukraine want unification with Russia, many want to stay in Ukraine.
I was talking about Ukrainians. Southern and Eastern regions are pro-Russian. That is a fact, and if you live in Ukraine and are interested in Ukrainian politics you should know this certainly.

I know those regions are pro Russian, but not all Ukrainians and Russians in those regions want unification with Russia, some have stated they would prefer to stay in Ukraine.
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Even Yanukovich's own Party of Regions voted against him. There was no way he could have continued as president.

It's obvious you have bias to one side. It wasn't possible for voting to take place in Eastern Ukraine or Crimea, because the occupiers wouldn't allow it.

The problem this is an ethnic majority from another country which wants to break.away. A country which has more territory than any other. Do you support the independence of Kosovo? There are many ethnicities and nationalities who would like independence, how far could it go? It would mean Quebec, Basques, Catalonia, Kurdistan, Tibet and parts of Russia becoming independent amongst many others.

If a people are strong enough and have the numbers to form an army enough to hold their ground, then yes they should have their own nation.

For example, many people hate Jews and hate Israel, and call it an illegal “occupation” of Palestine. Yet they have an army able to hold it, and already have defended it against foreign attackers. Even if you hate Jews, what is wrong with allowing them to have their own nation? It would encourage Jews to move their and out of other nations. Same for Muslims. I hate Muslims, but still believe they are entitled to their own shit hole countries, and we should deport Muslims so they can return to their own shit holes instead of making Western countries into shit holes.

The new Ukraine isn’t strong enough to hold to the lands in what used to be Eastern Ukraine and Crimea. So stop crying about. Otherwise pick up a rifle and join the fight to take it back from the Russians. Until then you sound like a little bitch crying about losing a war.

No they shouldn't. Foreigners can't just decide to declare independence from the country they're living in.

That doesn't make it right. Israel can get away with whatever it want, because it's backed by the US. I'm not saying Jews shouldn't be allowed to have their own nation, but that doesn't give them the right to persecute other nations.

Don't take sides? LOL! Would you like it if someone invaded Russia and took part of it's territory? Of course you wouldn't, you hypocrite.
Why the fuck would I care if that happened to Russia? If someone can actually hold back their army, then more power to them.

It's the country you're working for, so I thought you would care.

I work for President Trump. In case you haven’t been keeping up, he’s no longer a Russian stooge, but a Ukrainian one. At least according to Fake News.

Yes he is, so was Obama. If it was up to him he would have given his blessing for Putin to invade the whole of Ukraine.
Even Yanukovich's own Party of Regions voted against him. There was no way he could have continued as president.

It's obvious you have bias to one side. It wasn't possible for voting to take place in Eastern Ukraine or Crimea, because the occupiers wouldn't allow it.

The problem this is an ethnic majority from another country which wants to break.away. A country which has more territory than any other. Do you support the independence of Kosovo? There are many ethnicities and nationalities who would like independence, how far could it go? It would mean Quebec, Basques, Catalonia, Kurdistan, Tibet and parts of Russia becoming independent amongst many others.

If a people are strong enough and have the numbers to form an army enough to hold their ground, then yes they should have their own nation.

For example, many people hate Jews and hate Israel, and call it an illegal “occupation” of Palestine. Yet they have an army able to hold it, and already have defended it against foreign attackers. Even if you hate Jews, what is wrong with allowing them to have their own nation? It would encourage Jews to move their and out of other nations. Same for Muslims. I hate Muslims, but still believe they are entitled to their own shit hole countries, and we should deport Muslims so they can return to their own shit holes instead of making Western countries into shit holes.

The new Ukraine isn’t strong enough to hold to the lands in what used to be Eastern Ukraine and Crimea. So stop crying about. Otherwise pick up a rifle and join the fight to take it back from the Russians. Until then you sound like a little bitch crying about losing a war.

No they shouldn't. Foreigners can't just decide to declare independence from the country they're living in.

That doesn't make it right. Israel can get away with whatever it want, because it's backed by the US. I'm not saying Jews shouldn't be allowed to have their own nation, but that doesn't give them the right to persecute other nations.

Don't take sides? LOL! Would you like it if someone invaded Russia and took part of it's territory? Of course you wouldn't, you hypocrite.
Why the fuck would I care if that happened to Russia? If someone can actually hold back their army, then more power to them.

It's the country you're working for, so I thought you would care.

Any person calling for a better relationship between the US and Russia nowadays risks being branded an agent of the Kremlin, Katrina vanden Heuvel, the editor and publisher of The Nation magazine said.

Those in US who call for detente with Russia are branded Putin’s puppets – The Nation’s chief-editor

For our brainwashed Ukrainian buddies: she is a US citizen.

There's a big difference between wanting better relations with Russia and spreading Russian propaganda and trashing it's enemies. They're the Russian stooges.
He also posts like a Russian learning English.

Staged vote, fraud and it couldn't be fair anyway. Who's going to risk getting executed if they say they want to remain in Ukraine?

Odessa was staged by the Russian intelligence services in cooperation with members of the Odessa police. They set up the snipers on the streets and also orchestrated what happened in that building that was on fire.

I've noticed his English isn't perfect.

Indeed, people forced to vote at gunpoint.

There was certainly something pre planned from the pro Russian side.

Here’s the problem with your argument: even *if* they were forced “by gunpoint” to vote for Russia, they still didn’t vote to join the new Ukraine. Just because their joining with Russia may be “illegitimate”, it doesn’t make your claim to them legitimate.

It means they didn't have a choice but to vote for Russia.
In the Crimea referendum there was no option to remain in Ukraine.

So when are you going to grab a gun and go free them?

Or are you just a pussy flapping your lips?

I don't support the war. Russian troops and mercanaries should get out of Donbas.
Sorry to disappoint you but to get out of Donbass Russian troops must get into Donbass to begin with.

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