NATO wants to crush Kaliningrad

No part of Ukraine belongs to Russia.
Crimea is Ukraine!

The entirely Ukraine is Russia

No it isn't. Imperialist Russia should stay out of Ukraine.

I said the president, which means the current president you dimwit.

Your 'president' is just a clown, a laughable puppet of Deep State.


Sorry that reply should have been to your Kremlin buddy "The Hawk".

Deep State. LOL!

Do you check for Jews under your bed? :)

Do you know a conspiracy against Russia without participation of Jews?
The sanctions are in place to punish Russia, they must remain until it withdraws from Crimea and Donbas..Russia can't be allowed it's aggressions without any consequences, otherwise they will carry on doing it and think they're untouchable.

I disagree with you, I already posted a link about the IT industry in Ukraine and education levels aren't low.

No a trash can like Ukraine decides about the western policy toward Russia.
Not only Crimea alone but also 90 % of Ukraine belong to Russia!


No part of Ukraine belongs to Russia.
Crimea is Ukraine!

Ukraine was dissolved when the revolutionaries threw out their constitution in order to choose a new leader and government.
You don’t just get to throw out the rule book and then try to use the same rule book to claim what your borders are. When forming a new country, you only get to claim the land you hold with your army and who ever willingly participates in that new government.

Crimea clearly did not and they chose to side with Russia. Funny how you fascists don’t give a shit about democracy. It didn’t work for you when trying to remove the rightfully elected president, and you ignore the will of the people in Crimea.
I admire your patience trying to educate those clowns, they seem to trade their brains for ghostly "European future" which is not gonna happen. There are a few thoughts consolidating your point.

Nov,30, American Conservative, Patrick J. Buchanan, a former adviser of several American presidents:

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?
Why is Ukraine’s Kerch Crisis Any of Our Business?
Was it U.S. complicity in the Kiev coup that ousted the elected pro-Russian regime that caused Putin to seize Crimea to hold onto Russia’s Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol?

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?
Trump Calls Off Cold War II
The poisoned former spy Sergei Skripal was initially reluctant to believe the Russian government had tried to kill him, according to a new book, and despite selling secrets to MI6 was an “unashamed Russian nationalist”.

Skripal, a former paratrooper, supported Putin’s 2014 annexation of Crimea and referred disparagingly to Ukrainians as “simply sheep who needed a good shepherd”. Skripal also refused to believe Russian troops had entered eastern Ukraine covertly, saying that if they had, they would have quickly reached the capital, Kiev.
Sergei Skripal initially did not believe Russia tried to kill him – book

(That's why British MI5 must have chosen them to poison and to put a blame on Putin, two birds in one shot).

Ukraine didn't break free from Russia in 1991, it broke free from the dissolved USSR, as did 14 other republics.

Ukrainians ousted corrupt Yanukovich, not the Yanks.

Skripal is an idiot and so are you if you believe MI5 poisoned him.

Ukraine was always a part of Russia

Ukraine didn't break free from Russia in 1991, it broke free from the dissolved USSR, as did 14 other republics.

Ukrainians ousted corrupt Yanukovich, not the Yanks.

Skripal is an idiot and so are you if you believe MI5 poisoned him.
Sounds like I just turned on Ukrainian "news". And that is exactly a reason why I stopped listening to them long time ago: they are very efficient in making any brain crooked. Just like yours.

P.S. Have you ever tried to think on your own? Something tells me the answer is : NO.

Everything I wrote is true.

So it's just a coincidence that 2 Russian spies were in Salisbury at the same time as Skripal was poisoned? Their claims they'd gone to Salisbury to see the "World famous" cathedral spire were laughable.

I do think for myself. It's well known that extreme right wingers like Buchanan admire Putin.

The entirely Skripal story is a lie
The "DPR" and "LPR" are illegal, so elections there are illegal

Yanukovich was impeached.
Yanukovich was overthrown not impeached. And it was annti-constitutional.

Yes he was and no it wasn't.

Ukraine President Yanukovich impeached

Stratford on the floor again. Ukrainians always kick Kremlin propagandist's ass. Who's next Baron or The Hawk. :)
This French documentary lifts the veil on the deception of the US/Europe/NATO elites and their ever faithful media bullhorns. It informs us of a planned coup, described by the head of Stratfor as the most blatant ever, of the butchering of innocent people in the Odessa Trades Hall at the behest of politicians and oligarchs, and the continuing presence of heavily armed neo-Nazi thugs controlling the streets and occupying politically powerful positions in government.
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Coup in Ukraine Illustrates America’s Addiction to Meddling and Regime Change - Coup in Ukraine Illustrates America’s Addiction to Meddling and Regime Change

Educate yourself so you'll at least learn what's going on in your own country.

That is the biggest pile of sh*t I ever seen. Odesa wasn't planned and it certainly wasn't orchestrated by the government.
What were Russians from Crimea doing in Odesa that day? They'd come to attack Ukrainians from Kharkiv and Odesa who had organised a peace march there. Everything which followed was as a result of that.

You are so gullible and I don't believe you live in Ukraine either.
Alas, the facts are against you and your little brainwashed mind, dear poor victim of Soros propaganda.

The guy can still not accept Ukraine will sometimes became a part of Russia
It looks like there could be another Maidan, because Zelensky's agreed to the Steinmeier Formula.
Personally I don't consider the Minsk agreements as a defeat of Ukraine. Moreover, at the time when they were signed it could be considered as a success, because they stopped a full scale war.

The question is how this agreements will be fulfilled. There are certain clauses there which Ukraine can turn to her advantage. The main problem is that Ukraine is only a subject. The big countries can make Ukraine to do what is suitable for them, not for her.

It's not yet known what will happen or whether the law will end. If Moscow is happy with the deal it is a defeat for Ukraine.

Not everything is known about it. No one knows everything which Zelensky has signed.
Read the Minsk agreements. They are easily googled. Everything is written there. So called formula only clarifies some stages of implementing them.

OK. I'll find them and read them.
No part of Ukraine belongs to Russia.
Crimea is Ukraine!

Ukraine was dissolved when the revolutionaries threw out their constitution in order to choose a new leader and government.
You don’t just get to throw out the rule book and then try to use the same rule book to claim what your borders are. When forming a new country, you only get to claim the land you hold with your army and who ever willingly participates in that new government.

Crimea clearly did not and they chose to side with Russia. Funny how you fascists don’t give a shit about democracy. It didn’t work for you when trying to remove the rightfully elected president, and you ignore the will of the people in Crimea.

Ukraine has been dissoved? Russia signed the Budapest memorandum in 1994 agreeing to respect Ukraine's territorial integrity in exchange for Ukraine giving up it's nuclear weapons. Russia broke the treaty, it is the aggressor, stop passing the blame.

The Crimea referendum was a fake referendum. What facists? The Ukrainian government aren't fascists, nor have they ever been. The fascists are in Russia, why do you think your president is known as Putler?

Yes, Ukraine was dissolved when they threw out their constitution since they couldn’t legally remove the President they didn’t like.

You don’t automatically get to keep the same borders and people, especially when there is a split. The ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine voted to be a part of the Russian Federation. You can cry about it not being “legitimate” because the vote didn’t go the way you wanted, but tough shit. Also, your new Ukrainian army was too weak to take it over. Thus you don’t own it.

Yes they could and they did.

"The ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine voted to be a part of the Russian Federation."
When did that vote happen?

Do you can't read newspapers?

Yes I can. What I wrote isn't wrong. The only vote to join the RF happened in Crimea, not Eastern Ukraine.
I know it will be very difficult to get Crimea back and there will be a difficult situation in Crimea when the war has ended there also. You seem to support no sanctions against Russia. Putin's aggressive actions against his neighbours can't go unpunished. I know about that vote. Sanctions must remain in place whatever.

The voters in that referendum were unhappy with the Dutch government, many gave a protest vote against the government, it wasn't because they're anti Ukrainian

Which I read.
It is not about what I support. It is all about reality. The current sanctions target mostly European companies. And it is understandable that many countries in Europe want to abolish them.
And that is normal. Everyone pursues own interests. Ukraine should take care of itself finally.

Is I am not mistaken, the same people got reelected in the Netherelends afterwards.

I understand what you're saying, but Russia can't be allowed to get away with it's actions.

It was something to do with them being unhappy with the EU and immigration. Only 32% voted in the referendum.
Well, Russia doesn't ask anyone's permission. She has been doing what she is considered needed to do. And Europe is too busy with economic issues and internal conflicts to get involved into a long conflict with Russia.

Yes, they were unhappy with immigration and feared that the Agreement would open borders for Ukrainians. The Dutch government even demanded to insert a clause that the Agreement doesn't mean a step to the EU membership.

I'm not expecting there to be a conflict between Europe and Russia and I don't want that to happen.

I don't know whether they did, Ukraine is still hoping to get full EU membership.

Probably in 200 years, EU has enough parasites.

You can come on here in 200 years and brag about how you were right. :)
Ukraine didn't break free from Russia in 1991, it broke free from the dissolved USSR, as did 14 other republics.

Ukrainians ousted corrupt Yanukovich, not the Yanks.

Skripal is an idiot and so are you if you believe MI5 poisoned him.
Sounds like I just turned on Ukrainian "news". And that is exactly a reason why I stopped listening to them long time ago: they are very efficient in making any brain crooked. Just like yours.

P.S. Have you ever tried to think on your own? Something tells me the answer is : NO.

Everything I wrote is true.

So it's just a coincidence that 2 Russian spies were in Salisbury at the same time as Skripal was poisoned? Their claims they'd gone to Salisbury to see the "World famous" cathedral spire were laughable.

I do think for myself. It's well known that extreme right wingers like Buchanan admire Putin.

The entirely Skripal story is a lie

I wouldn't expect you to say anything else.
Yanukovich was overthrown not impeached. And it was annti-constitutional.

Yes he was and no it wasn't.

Ukraine President Yanukovich impeached

Stratford on the floor again. Ukrainians always kick Kremlin propagandist's ass. Who's next Baron or The Hawk. :)
This French documentary lifts the veil on the deception of the US/Europe/NATO elites and their ever faithful media bullhorns. It informs us of a planned coup, described by the head of Stratfor as the most blatant ever, of the butchering of innocent people in the Odessa Trades Hall at the behest of politicians and oligarchs, and the continuing presence of heavily armed neo-Nazi thugs controlling the streets and occupying politically powerful positions in government.
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Coup in Ukraine Illustrates America’s Addiction to Meddling and Regime Change - Coup in Ukraine Illustrates America’s Addiction to Meddling and Regime Change

Educate yourself so you'll at least learn what's going on in your own country.

That is the biggest pile of sh*t I ever seen. Odesa wasn't planned and it certainly wasn't orchestrated by the government.
What were Russians from Crimea doing in Odesa that day? They'd come to attack Ukrainians from Kharkiv and Odesa who had organised a peace march there. Everything which followed was as a result of that.

You are so gullible and I don't believe you live in Ukraine either.
Alas, the facts are against you and your little brainwashed mind, dear poor victim of Soros propaganda.

The guy can still not accept Ukraine will sometimes became a part of Russia

Maybe it will, but not voluntarily.

You're right for once. Russia is the root of all Ukrainian problems and tragedies.
Soros has just rejoiced. His dollars at work.

View attachment 282455

No one pays me and certainly not your friend Soros.
I did not mean he pays you. I meant he has deeply brainwashed too many people in Ukraine and in the West and now they are serving to him spreading fake info just like yourself.


^That's the goal.
The Soros myth

"Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York who is now Trump’s personal lawyer, has repeatedly touted the idea that the billionaire philanthropist was the financier and mastermind behind Democratic dirty dealings in Ukraine.
“George Soros was behind it, George Soros’ company was funding it,” Giuliani told ABC, referring to the related conspiracy theory that Ukraine colluded with Clinton.

Soros has been a favourite target of virulent rightwing conspiracy theories dating back to the early 1990s, many with antisemitic undertones.

The Soros-Ukraine narrative has been widely discredited. An investigation by the Daily Beast found it to be “flimsy” and based “almost entirely on innuendos”.
  • Thanks
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You're right for once. Russia is the root of all Ukrainian problems and tragedies.
Soros has just rejoiced. His dollars at work.

View attachment 282455

No one pays me and certainly not your friend Soros.
I did not mean he pays you. I meant he has deeply brainwashed too many people in Ukraine and in the West and now they are serving to him spreading fake info just like yourself.


^That's the goal.

Soros hasn't brainwashed me or any other Ukrainian. I know nothing about him. I get my news from lots of sources, not like you who gets your "news" from just one source, the Kremlin, the propaganda capital of the World.

That's bizarre, considering you are trying to deny Ukrainian identity
The entirely Ukraine is Russia

No it isn't. Imperialist Russia should stay out of Ukraine.

I said the president, which means the current president you dimwit.

Your 'president' is just a clown, a laughable puppet of Deep State.


Sorry that reply should have been to your Kremlin buddy "The Hawk".

Deep State. LOL!

Do you check for Jews under your bed? :)

Do you know a conspiracy against Russia without participation of Jews?

I don't know any conspiracies against Russia.
No a trash can like Ukraine decides about the western policy toward Russia.
Not only Crimea alone but also 90 % of Ukraine belong to Russia!


No part of Ukraine belongs to Russia.
Crimea is Ukraine!

Ukraine was dissolved when the revolutionaries threw out their constitution in order to choose a new leader and government.
You don’t just get to throw out the rule book and then try to use the same rule book to claim what your borders are. When forming a new country, you only get to claim the land you hold with your army and who ever willingly participates in that new government.

Crimea clearly did not and they chose to side with Russia. Funny how you fascists don’t give a shit about democracy. It didn’t work for you when trying to remove the rightfully elected president, and you ignore the will of the people in Crimea.
I admire your patience trying to educate those clowns, they seem to trade their brains for ghostly "European future" which is not gonna happen. There are a few thoughts consolidating your point.

Nov,30, American Conservative, Patrick J. Buchanan, a former adviser of several American presidents:

If Ukraine had a right to break free of Russia in 1991, why do not Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk have the right to break free of Kiev?
Why is Ukraine’s Kerch Crisis Any of Our Business?
Was it U.S. complicity in the Kiev coup that ousted the elected pro-Russian regime that caused Putin to seize Crimea to hold onto Russia’s Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol?

Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.

Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?

How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?
Trump Calls Off Cold War II
The poisoned former spy Sergei Skripal was initially reluctant to believe the Russian government had tried to kill him, according to a new book, and despite selling secrets to MI6 was an “unashamed Russian nationalist”.

Skripal, a former paratrooper, supported Putin’s 2014 annexation of Crimea and referred disparagingly to Ukrainians as “simply sheep who needed a good shepherd”. Skripal also refused to believe Russian troops had entered eastern Ukraine covertly, saying that if they had, they would have quickly reached the capital, Kiev.
Sergei Skripal initially did not believe Russia tried to kill him – book

(That's why British MI5 must have chosen them to poison and to put a blame on Putin, two birds in one shot).

Ukraine didn't break free from Russia in 1991, it broke free from the dissolved USSR, as did 14 other republics.

Ukrainians ousted corrupt Yanukovich, not the Yanks.

Skripal is an idiot and so are you if you believe MI5 poisoned him.

Ukraine was always a part of Russia


No it wasn't.
The Soros myth

"Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York who is now Trump’s personal lawyer, has repeatedly touted the idea that the billionaire philanthropist was the financier and mastermind behind Democratic dirty dealings in Ukraine.
“George Soros was behind it, George Soros’ company was funding it,” Giuliani told ABC, referring to the related conspiracy theory that Ukraine colluded with Clinton.

Soros has been a favourite target of virulent rightwing conspiracy theories dating back to the early 1990s, many with antisemitic undertones.

The Soros-Ukraine narrative has been widely discredited. An investigation by the Daily Beast found it to be “flimsy” and based “almost entirely on innuendos”.

Soros was funding it. He openly did interviews begging for support for his Ukrainian friends, and demanding the EU “take action” against Russia. Now why would a billionaire spend so much of his time lobbying for the Ukrainian revolution? Because he had a stake in it of course.

You're right for once. Russia is the root of all Ukrainian problems and tragedies.
Soros has just rejoiced. His dollars at work.

View attachment 282455

No one pays me and certainly not your friend Soros.
I did not mean he pays you. I meant he has deeply brainwashed too many people in Ukraine and in the West and now they are serving to him spreading fake info just like yourself.


^That's the goal.

Soros hasn't brainwashed me or any other Ukrainian. I know nothing about him. I get my news from lots of sources, not like you who gets your "news" from just one source, the Kremlin, the propaganda capital of the World.

That's bizarre, considering you are trying to deny Ukrainian identity

The entire Globalist media get their talking points from Marxist “leaders” like Soros.

Soros has $1 billion invested in Ukraine:

George Soros's secret 2016 access to State exposes 'big money' hypocrisy of Democrats

You're right for once. Russia is the root of all Ukrainian problems and tragedies.
Soros has just rejoiced. His dollars at work.

View attachment 282455

No one pays me and certainly not your friend Soros.
I did not mean he pays you. I meant he has deeply brainwashed too many people in Ukraine and in the West and now they are serving to him spreading fake info just like yourself.


^That's the goal.

Soros hasn't brainwashed me or any other Ukrainian. I know nothing about him. I get my news from lots of sources, not like you who gets your "news" from just one source, the Kremlin, the propaganda capital of the World.

That's bizarre, considering you are trying to deny Ukrainian identity

The entire Globalist media get their talking points from Marxist “leaders” like Soros.

Soros has $1 billion invested in Ukraine:

George Soros's secret 2016 access to State exposes 'big money' hypocrisy of Democrats
5 billion, at least that's what Victoria Nuland has admitted. And I'm sure it was a lot more.

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