NATO wants to crush Kaliningrad

I bet he's a proud Ukrainian who now has to clean Polish toilets for living.

Meanwhile Crimea is now a proud part of Russia. Forever and ever. And Ukraine is now officially the poorest country in Europe.

IMF ranks Ukraine as Europe's poorest country Slava Ukraini, ha-ha.

I guess the guy is a proud Jew who hardly working on dividing Russian People in two parts, a Russian and an Ukrainian one.

I'm not a Jew. Ukrainians aren't Russians, do you know anything about history?
No. History for them is a Lzhe-nauka.

1. I've been to Russia (to several places) this summer and had a chance to compare Putin's Russia to Soros' Ukraine. Russia is by far a dream country, especially, comparing to corrupt and brainwashed Ukraine, sinking in misery. Many Americans I've met in Russia were saying: "If Russia keeps developing with the same pace and our Democrats keep destroying our country with the same pace, Russia will become #1 country in the world pretty soon."

2. "History of Ukraine" which poor Ukrainian kids have to study in Ukrainian schools has nothing to do with either history or the truth. Just a number of Russo-phobic myths to brainwash little children who don't have any ability to analyze or to think by themselves. It's just reformatting of the young generation to make them easy to control and to manipulate by the occupants of Ukraine: Soros&Co.

3. The people like you two and your twin brother Litwin have been not only stealing your own future (as well as the future of your kids if they exist) but also the future of those millions of Ukrainian residents who do nor support Soros' occupation of our lands. And it's millions vs hundreds of thousands who showed up to Maidan and helped Soros and his puppets to overthrow the dully elected president in 2014.

4. Soros' Ukraine does NOT have any future. It's sad but it's true.
Cool story, especially about many Americans you met.

I hope the aim of visiting Russia was gathering documents for resettling there?
Proud to be corrupt like Russia?
Well, frankly speaking, Ukraine isn't less corrupt. Unfortunately.
less. check out corruption index
Oh, come on. Such indexes have significant subjective influences.
Read about the export of wood, the purchasing of military equipment, construction scandals in Kiev, preferences for agriculture producers. It is the first things which came to the mind.
"Soros' Ukraine." Straight from the Russian propaganda handbook.

Russia a dream country! LOL! It's a corrupt dictatorship with no freedom of speech and where anybody who opposes Putler is exterminated.
Russia #1 country in the World? And you call me brainwashed! :auiqs.jpg:

History in Ukraine is true history, not the lies and propaganda which Katsapia tells about Ukraine. There's no brainwasing in Ukrainian schools, just the truth, somethng which the Mosksali don't know the meaning of.

Typical comments of a Putler troll, can't you come up with anything different? :)
Only in your sick mind destroyed by Soros propaganda.

The Blble has described the people like you 2000 years ago:
Matthew 13:14-38 So they show that what Isaiah said about them is true: ‘You people will listen and listen, but you will not understand. You will look and look, but you will not really see. Yes, the minds of these pe | Holy Bible: Easy-to-Read Version (ERV) | Download The Bible App Now

Sick mind? I don't listen to Soros, I've never heard him, I barely know who he is.

It's you who's guilty of listening to Russian propaganda and believing it, even though everyone knows it's lies.
Sick mind? I don't listen to Soros, I've never heard him, I barely know who he is.

It's you who's guilty of listening to Russian propaganda and believing it, even though everyone knows it's lies.
You listen to Soros every time you turn on or read Ukrainian news.
Sick mind? I don't listen to Soros, I've never heard him, I barely know who he is.

It's you who's guilty of listening to Russian propaganda and believing it, even though everyone knows it's lies.
You listen to Soros every time you turn on or read Ukrainian news.

Absolute nonsense from you as usual.

You can go back to watching the lies on your favourite propaganda news channel RT now. :)
I guess the guy is a proud Jew who hardly working on dividing Russian People in two parts, a Russian and an Ukrainian one.

I'm not a Jew. Ukrainians aren't Russians, do you know anything about history?
No. History for them is a Lzhe-nauka.

1. I've been to Russia (to several places) this summer and had a chance to compare Putin's Russia to Soros' Ukraine. Russia is by far a dream country, especially, comparing to corrupt and brainwashed Ukraine, sinking in misery. Many Americans I've met in Russia were saying: "If Russia keeps developing with the same pace and our Democrats keep destroying our country with the same pace, Russia will become #1 country in the world pretty soon."

2. "History of Ukraine" which poor Ukrainian kids have to study in Ukrainian schools has nothing to do with either history or the truth. Just a number of Russo-phobic myths to brainwash little children who don't have any ability to analyze or to think by themselves. It's just reformatting of the young generation to make them easy to control and to manipulate by the occupants of Ukraine: Soros&Co.

3. The people like you two and your twin brother Litwin have been not only stealing your own future (as well as the future of your kids if they exist) but also the future of those millions of Ukrainian residents who do nor support Soros' occupation of our lands. And it's millions vs hundreds of thousands who showed up to Maidan and helped Soros and his puppets to overthrow the dully elected president in 2014.

4. Soros' Ukraine does NOT have any future. It's sad but it's true.
Cool story, especially about many Americans you met.

I hope the aim of visiting Russia was gathering documents for resettling there?
I wonder what do you find cool, visiting Russia? Yes, it's very cool and possible, especially, going from Ukraine, you can do it yourself. And I stayed in touch with a 40 people American group for several days, so had plenty of time to talk to them. The fact will remain a fact regardless if you like it or not.

"Isolated" (according to Obama) Russia is flooded by foreigners from all kinds of countries: one group in the street is followed by another and so on and on. Especially, in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Go figure, doubting Thomas, it might even help you to crawl out of your basement, to see the things as they are and eventually, to heal your unhealthy Ukrainian mind.
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I'm not a Jew. Ukrainians aren't Russians, do you know anything about history?
No. History for them is a Lzhe-nauka.

1. I've been to Russia (to several places) this summer and had a chance to compare Putin's Russia to Soros' Ukraine. Russia is by far a dream country, especially, comparing to corrupt and brainwashed Ukraine, sinking in misery. Many Americans I've met in Russia were saying: "If Russia keeps developing with the same pace and our Democrats keep destroying our country with the same pace, Russia will become #1 country in the world pretty soon."

2. "History of Ukraine" which poor Ukrainian kids have to study in Ukrainian schools has nothing to do with either history or the truth. Just a number of Russo-phobic myths to brainwash little children who don't have any ability to analyze or to think by themselves. It's just reformatting of the young generation to make them easy to control and to manipulate by the occupants of Ukraine: Soros&Co.

3. The people like you two and your twin brother Litwin have been not only stealing your own future (as well as the future of your kids if they exist) but also the future of those millions of Ukrainian residents who do nor support Soros' occupation of our lands. And it's millions vs hundreds of thousands who showed up to Maidan and helped Soros and his puppets to overthrow the dully elected president in 2014.

4. Soros' Ukraine does NOT have any future. It's sad but it's true.
Cool story, especially about many Americans you met.

I hope the aim of visiting Russia was gathering documents for resettling there?
I wonder what do you find cool, visiting Russia? Yes, it's very cool and possible, especially, going from Ukraine, you can do it yourself. And I stayed in touch with a 40 people American group for several days, so had plenty of time to talk to them. The fact will remain a fact regardless if you like it or not.

"Isolated" (according to Obama) Russia is flooded by foreigners from all kinds of countries: one group in the street is followed by another and so on and on. Especially, in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Go figure, doubting Thomas, it might even help you to crawl out of your basement, to see the things as they are and eventually, to heal your unhealthy Ukrainian mind.
Alas, as you were constantly posting here the Ukrainian junta had turned Ukraine into another Somalia. So I have to stay in my basement to keep myself safe from prowling Nazi gangs and eat canned apples to make ends meet.
Proud to be corrupt like Russia?
Well, frankly speaking, Ukraine isn't less corrupt. Unfortunately.
less. check out corruption index
Oh, come on. Such indexes have significant subjective influences.
Read about the export of wood, the purchasing of military equipment, construction scandals in Kiev, preferences for agriculture producers. It is the first things which came to the mind.

"construction scandals in Kiev, " it shows that bangs your brain as well. fact is that Ukraine is less corrupted than Muscovy and Muscovy goes down down , check out GDP grow last 3 years in U and M
fact is that Ukraine is less corrupted than Muscovy and Muscovy goes down down ,

I have just seen with my own eyes this summer how "down" Russia is going. And for Americans whom I contacted and who visited Russia at the beginning of 2000 was just a shock to see renewed modern beautiful and well doing Russia. In spite of all the lies their (and your) Media kept telling them about Russia.

It's Ukraine who's going down, down, down under the careful uncle Soros' control...
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construction scandals in Kiev, " it shows that bangs your brain as well.
It shows that you know close to nothing about Ukraine.
It is hilarious that a foreigner teaches me about my country.

Btw, do you know what GDP grows was say in Germany?
Btw, I wanted to insert a link, but the system forbade to do it (because it contained Russian letters). Does anybody know how I can use such links?
Btw, I wanted to insert a link, but the system forbade to do it (because it contained Russian letters). Does anybody know how I can use such links?
I keep having the same problems, I think we need to address this question to mods, because it's them who blocked Russian letters here.

I was able to post links with Russian letters adding a space somewhere inside the link with mentioning that for those who may be interested.
fact is that Ukraine is less corrupted than Muscovy and Muscovy goes down down ,

I have just seen with my own eyes this summer how "down" Russia is going. And for Americans whom I contacted and who visited Russia at the beginning of 2000 was just a shock to see renewed modern beautiful and well doing Russia. In spite of all the lies their (and your) Media kept telling them about Russia.

It's Ukraine who's going down, down, down under the careful uncle Soros' control...

Don't make any comments about the state of Ukraine unless you've been there to see it for yourself and stop with the Soros nonsense, it makes you sound like a Russian shill.
Unlike Russia, no visa is required to visit Ukraine for EU, US and Canadian citizens.
Btw, I wanted to insert a link, but the system forbade to do it (because it contained Russian letters). Does anybody know how I can use such links?

Not possible, this site doesn't accept Cyrillic characters.
fact is that Ukraine is less corrupted than Muscovy and Muscovy goes down down ,

I have just seen with my own eyes this summer how "down" Russia is going. And for Americans whom I contacted and who visited Russia at the beginning of 2000 was just a shock to see renewed modern beautiful and well doing Russia. In spite of all the lies their (and your) Media kept telling them about Russia.

It's Ukraine who's going down, down, down under the careful uncle Soros' control...

Don't make any comments about the state of Ukraine unless you've been there to see it for yourself and stop with the Soros nonsense, it makes you sound like a Russian shill.
Unlike Russia, no visa is required to visit Ukraine for EU, US and Canadian citizens.
1. I've been to Ukraine just because I have a misfortune to live there.
2. I don't sound Russian, I am Russian as well as millions of Ukrainian citizens whom your "democratic" state is trying to turn into Ukrainians and forbids to write, to speak and to be educated in their first language (for example, 11 million has Belgium 3 official languages while over 30 million Ukraine has suppressed all the other languages but Ukrainian. BTW, in 3 million Crimea there are also 3 official languages after its return back to Russia).
3. Stop stopping me and the others, stop yourself and you'll do a favor to all the sane world.
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fact is that Ukraine is less corrupted than Muscovy and Muscovy goes down down ,

I have just seen with my own eyes this summer how "down" Russia is going. And for Americans whom I contacted and who visited Russia at the beginning of 2000 was just a shock to see renewed modern beautiful and well doing Russia. In spite of all the lies their (and your) Media kept telling them about Russia.

It's Ukraine who's going down, down, down under the careful uncle Soros' control...

Don't make any comments about the state of Ukraine unless you've been there to see it for yourself and stop with the Soros nonsense, it makes you sound like a Russian shill.
Unlike Russia, no visa is required to visit Ukraine for EU, US and Canadian citizens.
1. I've been to Ukraine just because I have a misfortune to live there.
2. I don't sound Russian, I am Russian as well as millions of Ukrainian citizens whom your "democratic" state is trying to turn into Ukrainians and forbids to write, to speak and to be educated in their first language (for example, 11 million has Belgium 3 official languages while over 30 million Ukraine has suppressed all the other languages but Ukrainian. BTW, in 3 million Crimea there are also 3 official languages after its return back to Russia).
3. Stop stopping me and the others, stop yourself and you'll do a favor to all the sane world.

You live in Ukraine? Why haven't you moved to Russia if it's so much better there and you feel so oppressed in Ukraine?

That explains a lot.
There's nothing wrong or unusual with a nation educating it's pupils in it's state language. You're not forbidden to write or speak in Russian, that's not true, it's the language on the street in many parts of Ukraine. You presumably watch Ukrainian TV, you'll have noted a majority of programmes are in Russian. The overwhelming majority of newspapers and magazines are in Russian. You will find Russian language books in Ukrainian book stores. Esay is from Chernivtsi, which is in Western Ukraine, yet it appears he/she speaks Russian, how is that? When I'm in Lviv I sometimes hear people speaking Russian, no one threatens or attacks them. Belgium isn't a good comparison, there is no Belgian language and the people there are divided. The population of Ukraine is 45 million, not 30 million, you can't even tell the truth about that.
Ukranian schools have been closed in Crimea and any Ukrainians living there feel threatened as do Tatars, that is an oppressive place to live for non Russians. I was fortunate to visit Crimea in 2011, before the illegal Russian annexation, I wouldn't want to visit it now.

Your Soros nonsense may work with the gullible, but it won't work with me, it appears you've also used the laughable "junta" line in the past too, a classic troll comment.
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fact is that Ukraine is less corrupted than Muscovy and Muscovy goes down down ,

I have just seen with my own eyes this summer how "down" Russia is going. And for Americans whom I contacted and who visited Russia at the beginning of 2000 was just a shock to see renewed modern beautiful and well doing Russia. In spite of all the lies their (and your) Media kept telling them about Russia.

It's Ukraine who's going down, down, down under the careful uncle Soros' control...

Don't make any comments about the state of Ukraine unless you've been there to see it for yourself and stop with the Soros nonsense, it makes you sound like a Russian shill.
Unlike Russia, no visa is required to visit Ukraine for EU, US and Canadian citizens.
1. I've been to Ukraine just because I have a misfortune to live there.
2. I don't sound Russian, I am Russian as well as millions of Ukrainian citizens whom your "democratic" state is trying to turn into Ukrainians and forbids to write, to speak and to be educated in their first language (for example, 11 million has Belgium 3 official languages while over 30 million Ukraine has suppressed all the other languages but Ukrainian. BTW, in 3 million Crimea there are also 3 official languages after its return back to Russia).
3. Stop stopping me and the others, stop yourself and you'll do a favor to all the sane world.

You live in Ukraine? Why haven't you moved to Russia if it's so much better there and you feel so oppressed in Ukraine?

That explains a lot.
There's nothing wrong or unusual with a nation educating it's pupils in it's state language. You're not forbidden to write or speak in Russian, that's not true, it's the language on the street in many parts of Ukraine. You presumably watch Ukrainian TV, you'll have noted a majority of programmes are in Russian. The overwhelming majority of newspapers and magazines are in Russian. You will find Russian language books in Ukrainian book stores. Esay is from Chernivtsi, which is in Western Ukraine, yet it appears he/she speaks Russian, how is that? When I'm in Lviv I sometimes hear people speaking Russian, no one threatens or attacks them. Belgium isn't a good comparison, there is no Belgian language and the people there are divided. The population of Ukraine is 45 million, not 30 million, you can't even tell the truth about that.
Ukranian schools have been closed in Crimea and any Ukrainians living there feel threatened as do Tatars, that is an oppressive place to live for non Russians. I was fortunate to visit Crimea in 2011, before the illegal Russian annexation, I wouldn't want to visit it now.

Your Soros nonsense may work with the gullible, but it won't work with me, it appears you've also used the laughable "junta" line in the past too, a classic troll comment.
Well. another example of Ukrainian "democracy" today:
112 Ukraine TV Channel deprived of their digital broadcasting license

It’s useless to talk to you because you keep repeating what Ukrainian Media tells you which doesn’t make any sense but feels normal to you. Army of Soros’ psychologists have been working since the 2014 coup (and heck knows how many years before that) to frame your mind in that way. In your case they succeeded.

It’s NOT normal to have one official language (Ukrainian) when half a country has Russian as the first language. Also there is a large Hungarian community who wants to be able to use their language for official purposes and education and so on. In Soviet times there were a lot of Ukrainian schools and classes for volunteers even in our Eastern parts of Ukraine where almost everybody spoke Russian. Now it’s very difficult to get into a Russian classes because there are lots of volunteers and very very very few classes. I can see why Ukrainian schools had to be closed in Crimea: over 90% has Russian as a first language there. If the things were normal and Ukrainian authorities cared about the people (not just how to please Deep State occupants of our lands) a lot of Ukrainian schools would be closed in Eastern parts too just because the people DO NOT want Ukrainian language.

Russia takes a very good care of Crimea: they built a beautiful airport in Simpheropol, a new bridge, the largest in Europe, and so on and on. Were Ukrainian officials happy with such a care about the residents of Crimea which they call “hostages of Russia and occupied lands”? Not even close. Their reaction was: “We need to blow up that bridge!” You think it’s normal? I think it’s criminal and crazy. And if you remember Ukro Nazis who burned the people alive in Odessa (just because they did not support the coup) were openly yelling about “sinking Crimea in blood”. So, my dear brainwashed friend, Putin did not annex Crimea, he saved the lands and the people from massive massacre (as happened in Donbass later) without even one shot. It was just genius. Too bad he left our Eastern lands (historically Russian) to be destroyed by “democratic” Ukraine.

The Crimean Tatar language is recognized in the 2014 Constitution as a State language of the Republic of Crimea alongside Russian and Ukrainian.

Crimea referendum reflected people’s will – French delegation head

Thierry Mariani: Better to be Crimean Tatar than Russian in Baltics

P.S. Thanks for telling us where ESay lives, he tried to keep it as a secret for a long long time.
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