NATURAL APOCALYPSE... FROZEN ON THEIR FEET. Scary footage from Kazakhstan.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Winter in Eurasia and North America was unusually snowy and harsh. Closer to January 20, a cold snap spread to Kazakhstan, where the thermometer fell below minus 50 degrees Celsius. And now the clips are coming from the steppes, more reminiscent not of a report from the scene, but of some horror movie. Just remember lies about coming global warming.
Not warming, but cooling coming to us, and very very soon.

Winter in Eurasia and North America was unusually snowy and harsh. Closer to January 20, a cold snap spread to Kazakhstan, where the thermometer fell below minus 50 degrees Celsius. And now the clips are coming from the steppes, more reminiscent not of a report from the scene, but of some horror movie. Just remember lies about coming global warming.
Not warming, but cooling coming to us, and very very soon.

You cant teach a prog slave anything about the way the environment works, because they have since Kindergarten been taught that man is the evil that causes the Earth(Earf to inner city folks) to warm up. This very cold event, is just a cause of all that warm air going up into the arctic area, warming up the air there so the cold air, then comes down to lower latitudes. See how fucked in the head the prog slaves have been taught. And yes they are that stupid...
I'm calling bullshit on this one. I'm sure the animals froze but I'm betting they found them lying on the ground and stood them up for the video.
So you think that they just died in a position that would make them stand up? Usually if you die, all 4 legs are close together not making it easy without breaking the legs to stand up the frozen corpse.
I'm calling bullshit on this one. I'm sure the animals froze but I'm betting they found them lying on the ground and stood them up for the video.
So you think that they just died in a position that would make them stand up? Usually if you die, all 4 legs are close together not making it easy without breaking the legs to stand up the frozen corpse.

There's no way that it happened so fast that they died standing up and froze there. The temperature drop would have to have been like a thirty degree drop in a matter of seconds for something like this to happen. Also, given how cold fronts develop and move, I imagine it was quite windy. That being the case, the carcasses would have blown over anyway.

Nope, not buying it.
I thought one collapsed, lost balance control, as their body shut down before freezing.
Whatever happened, its disgusting and sad to see two dogs frozen. Or killed, then propped in position for OH LOOK sicko depraved need for attention by the one filming it.
I'm calling bullshit on this one. I'm sure the animals froze but I'm betting they found them lying on the ground and stood them up for the video.
How did they get their legs straight and flat enough on the bottom to balance them...

If you notice the part with the two dogs, the dog on the right actually had one hind leg off the ground as if he was in mid-stride. To begin with, it's unlikely the wind wouldn't have blown him over, what with standing on three legs. Secondly, look at the ground at his feet; it appears he was stepping over a fallen tree branch or something. I think they used the tree branch to help balance him when they stood him up.

I could be wrong but I doubt that the temperature drop was so drastic and fast that the animals died AND froze solid at the same time.
Whatever happened, its disgusting and sad to see two dogs frozen. Or killed, then propped in position for OH LOOK sicko depraved need for attention by the one filming it.

I don't think they were killed. I have no doubt these animals froze to death, I just don't think they froze standing up. I think they were propped up for the video.

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